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(1H THE METROPOLIS AMERICANS VERT BLOW TO v TAKE VP BALLOONING. SOME .PROBABU REASONS. How lien Trace Their Ancestry Of Soothing to the Impecunious Our Attitude Towards Maxim Gorky. EV YORK. LONG have the daring French aeronauts wondered . i the Blowncss of the American million aire to take up ballooning. Has the expected rev olution come, or Is the sport in the a 1 r "queered?" The Americans are sporty enough. Did not tlic Fairs dash themselves to death In their automobile quite in the approved fashion? Did not a group of Americans make Fome of the most daring tours In Switzerland, where the big machine ha 1 to be stopped and backed with cramped wheel at every sharp turn? Did not a Nickel Date sport run down a baby in Italy? Was not Mr. Tiould and his party assailed by peasants for scorching? Ballooning is no more dangerous. But there are other considerations. The death of Paul Nocquet was not one of them. In this matter danger scarcely counts. It all depends upon whether the "right people" take it up. It happened that the first successful ascent by amateurs this spring was made by a doctor and his wife, who, though most estimable people, are not numbered among the 400. After that several aspirants who were hovering about the edge of the storm center of the new excitement rather drew aloof, and said: "Oh, if we try It we shall very likely do so In France; It is correct over there." Another trouble Is the newspapers. Young Theodore Roospvelt, In Harv ard, withdrew from certain field day sports because so many newspaper cameras were waiting to "snap" him running his rather slow best. Balloon ing Is impossible without camera ac companiment. A balloon Is a big thing to hide and seeresy Is Impossible. Not all people are so afraid of the newspaper man's camera, however. When John 1). Rockefeller was last In New York he cheerfully posed for the c.mera men of the dally papers. He was holding his umbrella In the rain over his daughter, Mrs. Prentice, yet lie waited before stepping Into his cab until they took a shot at him. Pos sibly If Mr. Rockefeller were going up in a balloon be would be more fussy. The Fads of the Rich. m w would not 1 I stop the rich from if I J ballooning, though I J It takes much V " mnnev. Therfi is August Belmont, who has Just paid $125,000 for the British stallion, Rock Face. His father, the elder August and tire American founder of the family, paid $100,000 for St. Blaise and the price at that time was fully equivalent to $2(10,000 now, as prices for luxuries and many necessities run. Rock Face goes to Kentucky to join old St. Blaise in the blue-grass paddocks. Tlio cutting tip of the old Jerome park into building lots and the opening of Belmont park on Long Island- signal izes the primacy of a new family In horse racing, of a new region in social primacy and of a new standard of luxury in racing. The famous courses in England, the Derby which you must be very particular to call "Darby" the St. Leger and the rest have few conveniences for visitors owing mainly to the British respect for precedent. The Blue Ribbon of the turf for 75 years has been con tinuously the derby, and sacrilegious would be the hand that should be laid upon it to alter track or buildings more than is necessary. How many millions have the Bel nion Interests in races and racing rep resented from the first? The track Is not clear outgo. It is owned by a Jockey club In which Mr. Belmont Is chief owner. The sport Is protected by the state, and each Jockey club pays a percentage of its Income to the "purely agricultural hoss-trots" of the county fairs. It has Just emerged victoriously from an encounter with the Ministers' association at the state capital by creating a diversion with the claim that the poolrooms would profit by the hampering of track gamb ling. It would puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer to tell how. The price paid for Ormonde remains the record for a stallion. It was sup posed to be $ir0,0iMi, but It cost nearer $2011,0110 to bring the useless creature to his new home, where he failed to "make good." Tire Race for Genealogies. HITISH society has hardly ceased laughing over William Waldorf Astor's labored attempt to prove that John Jacob Astor, the humble pack peddler, fur merchant and pa triot, was a lineal descendant of Count do Astoga. John .lncoh would pot have careil. Now Mrs. George Gould who was Edith Klngdon, of a w good Brooklyn family and an actress in Augusttn Daly's company, has had laborious research made to prove that her son. Klncitnn rinnlrl thu la1 uhn fired a revolver to awe the Columbia students who set out to haze him as a freshman. Is descended through het from the Kyngdons of Trehunsey Que. thloc, Cornwall, lords of the manor, but not men of title. j It Is said that attempts have been made to prove that Mr. Rockefeller ls descended from a French feudal fam ily whose name Is faintly similar, but the astute old financier laughs at the heralds. His name Is as undeniably German as Astor's. As a rule, however, the ascriptions of family to American women with ' the genealogy bug are fairly accurate. And why not. Mrs. Gould s researches go back to 150(1. In a period so long she has of necessity had 1022 ahees tors, and It Is hard luck If some one In so great a number was not of sub stantial "county family." American schoolboys would be dif ferent from what they are If Master Klngdon is not "Joshed" for his blue blood. He Is In his last year at col lege, a member of an exclusive secret society and not especially unpopular, the pistol episode being fairly well forgotten. There was indeed excuse enough for him In that case. He was very young, of slight stature, and while not physically timid, had been from his earliest youth carefully trained to resent any attempt at per sonal aggression, the Idea belns of course to prevent kidnaping, the con stant terror of the rich who are so fortunate as to have children. The Embarassment of Riches. HE phrase must suggest but irony to a lot of us. but onco In awhile een "we" ar able to get under standing that too much may be as uncomfortable as too little. A certain New York banker has found It so, been bored to extinction by the burdens Imposed on a man with "establishments" and horses and autos, and things. Charlotte Perkins Stetson, Isn't It, talks refreshingly about the slavery of Things always with a large capital T. Well, one day, not so very long ago the New York banker, Mr. J. Kennedy Tod, by name, traveled In luxury from the city to a point in the beautiful southern shore of Connecticut, to Sound Beach, near which Is situate Mr. Ken nedy's splendid villa. On alighting from the train our banker continued to travel In luxury, was sped with all swiftness and smoothness to his villa, Innes Arden. On arrival a tall foot man sprang to assist his master, an other one nided in the heavy labor of removing top coat and hat, a valet had the evening clothes at hand and tub warm. At dinner. It Is presumable, there was attendance In harmony with the suggested character of Mr. Ken nedy's "little place in the country." Dinner and wine and talk, and then bed, downy couch, silken coverlets. etc. But uneasy rests the head of him u hn tisw ton much Snmethlnir's ' wrong. A cure Is tried rareweu motor ami footman und valet and butler and cook and even rooftree. In the words; of the present day advertisement back to nature. Behold the banker laboriously pedalling the reinstated bicycle, pedalling with vigor and vim. and past the splendid villa to Join Ids good wife In a rude camp down there .in anmlu Vau- cvrtMil ,ltiroct(in i wait on appetite, sweet sleep by night Blessed be little. "Careful" Americans. CERTAIN class of young gentle men of this land who reside abroad for awhile, not In frequently return to their native country rather ashamed of their 1 n ,1 a native lands prudish ness. They usually get over it, lose their supposedly continen tal attitude and settle down Into av erage good American. Such as these doubtless had their say about the atti tude of Now York toward Maxim Gorky and Ms companion, Mile. Au dreiva. We seem to see the cynical smiles, the superior airs, because Americans still keep to the prejudice of preferring a man take his lawful wife on his travels, rather than the most talented and devoted and I lit- truiutlr. rt f nnmniiiilniiti I Iun!li' irna It not a Joke on the newspaper men j that Mile. Andrelva should have been honored as Mme. Gorky nnd the first paragraphs about the Russian visitors been devoted to fulsome praise of "Mme. Gorky's" wifely devotion and many accomplishments; an ideal mate for a revolutionary and great author, pictured with a fervor worthy the noblest cause? And really wasn't It something of a Joke that Mark Twain was called upon to explain and that Mr. Howells begged to bo kept out of It? It really was funny to everybody save perhaps Mme. Gorky, over In Russla. I New York roc ived Maxim Gorky with open arms, the ready hospitality for which we are often crltlcis'd; th'.1 en'-'cr homage we yield when we ad mire. But scarcely are the first warm greetings given than something else characteristic Is Instanced American disapproval. And then the next thii-ft we liear of, th.i author ami the lady are denied certain hotels, Maxim Gorky evicted twice in one day, put out at the Belleclalre and the La-fayette-Brevoort. What If Mr. Gorky should write us i! OP AID TO HOSTESS SUGGESTIONS FOR SOME SEA- S0NABLE ENTERTAINMENTS. Decorations and Menu fo on April Luncheon Old May-Day Customs Prettily Revived Keep the Eolidays. An April Luncheon. 'April tliowcrs bring May flowers," for the centerpiece have a smail- SO . .. 1 . I -. -"I"'"' imiirenu, or a uui. s P' underneath put a low mound of sm"'"S blossoms, such as crocus, trailing arbutus ot tulips. Tiny ul brellas, opened at each place, tnay have the name written on a card tied to the handle. If the house has electric lights, open a gooil-sl.ed Japanese umbrella and tie It to the gas or light fixture that Is over the table: then to each rib 1 fasten a very small electric light: when the room Is darkened and the lights turned on the effect ts most pleasing. Serve either a fruit salplcon of or anges, pineapple and bananas, in glasses, or clam bouillon; a good brand of the canned bouillon will be found satisfactory. Sweetbreads or chicken with peas and potatoes in some form come next, then a lettuce and tomato salad with cheese waters and a frozen dessert. If coffee has not been served with the repast, It U a pretty English custom to serve it in the drawing room, the tray being brought in and the hostess pouring. Small cups are used. This luncheon could precede a card party or an afternoon musicale. May Day Doings. The old custom of keeping the first day of May Is being revived, especially by people who live in the country, who make a practice of sending baskets filled with wild flowers to their friends who are so unfortunate as to be de barred from gathering them personal ly. The city people observe the uay by sending baskets of fruit and flow ers to the sick, or to their friends who may be in sorrow, and the children have revived the English mot hod of hanging ".May" baskets on the door knobs of their friends and then run ning away before the ring is answered These baskets may be made at home or may be of on Inexpensive kind pur chased for a trifle. They should con tain preferably wild flowers, fruit, a simple gift: nnd one young hostess de llvered her Invitations iu this novel way, hanging the baskets to the door by a loop of ribbon. For a center piece at a May party havo a pole some IW inches high, sup ported on a firm, flat baso about IS Inches across. Fasten Inch-wide rib bon of the delicate pastel shades at the top of the polo. Give these a few twists and then carry them to each place, where they are tied to the nan die of miniature baskets bearing the name of the guest, also holding the salted mils. To choose partners for any enter tainment scheme the hostess may have in mind, or for cards, make a "tulip bed." Fill a shallow wooden box w ith sawdust or sand, covered with green crepe paper unci jnnce u on a taooiirei or stand. Then realistic tulips can be made from crepe tissue paper, it real ones cannot be procured. On the end of each stem wire a half of some, well known quotation, or the title of a book; the other half of the quotation and the name of the author of the book must be wired to other tulips. Each guest pulls a Mower and proceeds to hunt his partner. The end of one of the tulips will have a drawing of crown on It; the person gathering that one must bo "crowned'' with a garland of flowers, either real or artificial, and have some one read Tennyson's "I Am to be Queen of the May, Mother." Intimate friends nnd sweethearts often exchange gifts on May day, the little tokens being concealed In a box or basket of flowers. In this busy workaday world. It Is a good thing to .. . ... remember (ill these special days that will vary the monotony of the com monplace; sentiment Is In danger of being crowded out imd the revival of these old world festivals is one of the ost hopeful signs of the time". Ma Cime Merri trusts that every mother ml home-maker will take Hie trouble 1 look up the history and romance Is connected with nil the "special' days that are mentioned from lime to time In the department. Children enler heartily into the spirit of Mich oc casions, and whatsoever serves to make thorn happy also serves to make 1,1 P"'"' Popular Colcrs hi Hats. Spring green, ma'ive, violet, ash gray, red, corintli and burnt straw are the colors most In demand. Few hats are one-coli V)d, the tendency being to harmonize teveral colors. Almost any colors can bo combined, if artistically managed. One Paris mode combine.: must beautifully shades of deep red, pink, violet ami blue. The CjrEelet Skirl. A great many corselet skirls are seen tit present. This mode lends it self to fabrics which Jiang grace- fully and with elegante, such as th ever i. pillar faced doth. A hnri corselet skirt rarely looks well, one ol Its essentials being the long, graceful, sweeping lines. Elbow Sleves. The town dress Is made almost uni versally with the elbow sleeve. Tills stems like a piece of reekle.-'s extrav agance for we all know that the el bow sleeve will to out of date soon. )n tne otn,,r llan(Ii lt )H fashionable eew aud it is. exceedingly pretty. A SEASON OF LACE. Such Charm in a- Little Jackets Ara Offered To-Day The Various Styles ar.d Laces. As this Is n reason of lace, the lace department Is of particular interest Among the many charming novelties shown ai 3 thn little lace Jackets which promise to form an Important feature of the season's toilets. These are shown In real French and Irish lace, combined with batiste and hand em broidery, with graceful little quarto sleeves. Others are in baby Irish und heavy crochet, with hair sleeves and slashed up the back. The same stylo or Jacket Is shown In their batiste and "Val" combinations. Collars nnd chemisettes, with cuffs and half sleeves to match. In all the fashionable laces, are another feature or this deiartment, nnd there are some beaut iTul speci mens of the new Point d'Ativergne. One may select from a large variety of beautirul white waists here and practically all waists are white this season. One at tractive model was of accordion plaited chiffon, witn handmade German "Val" Insertion, three large German medallions form ing the yope. The short sleeves and a girdle were of white satin. Another model was fo nil-over net, with Imi tation Irish insertion and perpendicu lar tucks, forming a pointed yoke. The short sleeves were finished with a ruflli of net and the high neck with a niching of German "Val." A charm ing china si'lv waist had tucks nnd German "Val." Insertion simulating a bolero Jacket. The sleeves were trimmed with hands of perpendicular Insertion, with a en if of Insertion, and small rallies of china silk. The summer suits nnd dress fabrics show n striking predominance of gray bride's gray, princess gray and small black nnd white stripes, checks and figures, giving the gray effect. In the foulards and figured India silks, which they make n specialty of here, this color seems to be particularly at tractive. Gray also appear In hosiery, but white Is the predominating color in this department, as elsewhere. Lnco hosiery Is a leader again, but the em broidered hosiery that was in such demand last season Is seen no more, except In n few special designs. Ill the same way, the highly colore! stripes and laids that were consid ered correct in men's hosiery last sea son have disappeared, being; replaced by the plain colors and black. HANDSOME FERN STAND. The Upper Part May Be Used for n. Plant, the Lower for Mag azines or Books. The note of "living green" that adds so decidedly to the attractiveness of sitting-room, library or other apart ment Is Introduce 1 oftentimes In tho most sailsfac'ory way by a icrnery. In a room where the coloring Is very I'lU-.TTV Kl'llNl.-illlNU l-'oi: A SITTl.NcJ l(t it .M. bright or ornate, an ornamental s and for t)ii soft green plants Is a ilesirablt) addition. And it may be as handsome as tas'e and purse wlil perml1. An example of sui h n stand is here Hint I rated, llie lower shelf serving as an excellent resting place for I oiks or magazines. Hnts and Coiffures. Paris milliners deserve to bo com plimented cm the success of their ef forts this season, for the new shapes are not. only prettier but promise to be more generally becoming than those of last season. Hut the hat Is still identified with the coiffure, and t tin latter must absolutely uniform to tho hat If the lout ensemble is to be suc cess! ul. Harmless Fiackle Remedy. So inahv of the freckle removers are very himiiouk they lire I'-ally danger ous to use. For your little cdii thu solution o lemon and sugar wool I be very good. I'se juice of a IciikiII in which tier" Is us much sugar dissolved as the Juiie will hold 111 soiiritni. It hould b" applied with a camel-hair brash si vei-al tine's daily. R(iiicliif; Waist Minsurc. Beiiilin : ev n l.-es are cm client for reducing the waist and the .sje ol the hips and abdomen. They should be practiced every morning and at night before retiring. I'lactice until you begin to leel tired. The movements, should be moderately slow. Cider for Wncs. At a meeting In Somerset, P.ngland. It was Hated that, although illegal, the custom still prevails, of giving cidsr iU llftl Of W4g-', "MTff-w. THE CHRISTIAN 'WORLD BARRIERS BURNED AWAY. Eldsr Towne Sets an Inspiring Ex ample nnd Draws a MovrI Tbnt Moves His Flock to Action. "It wiiz the best meetln' we hev hed this winter," remarked Aunt Susan, '"and ! e attended all o' the union meeiir.'s to the Corners schoolhoustt sen":; the fust of September. Klder Tow. in c-onie over from Gallop's Mills, In the nrt'noon, to talk to us, but ho hed VI hardly got started to poundin' the di sk when a J'lnt o' I he stovepipe Jarre 1 onto the floor. Klder Bean, bo Juni)t d up .mil pot a stepladder, tnt on his mlts, and was Jest a-fetchln' the two ends o' the lpe together ag in, when down come the hull thing, 'bout 20 feet on't, with an awful crash. Smoke und flames begun to jntur out o' the and all hands Jumped up, the women folks screainln', of cnurse. Fi ller Towne come right down off'n the platl'oim then u-llyln', ami he handled hot stovepipe s lively its I he lvst ' the lucn folks, I can tell you; but it took nil of half nn hour to gel the thlti! J'lnti-d and wired up ag'in and the loom cleared o' smoke. Then Klder Towne, with one baud wrapped up In n wet han'ke'chlef, got up on the jiiat forni nnd says, says he: 'Brethren and sisters, the hour Is closln' and It Is time to dismiss this meet in', but we will not go home without thankin' God for an opportunity to work together, nil denominations on us, for .to minutes in his sarvlee. Instid of prayin' the sam? len'th o' time for grace to tlo It. May 1,11 our future sarvlee for him be as hearty and cooperntln'! Let us pray." 1 reckon we all saw the p'lnt! Ami fense then, I kin tell you, there's bc'n mine mighty lively banditti' of other hot things besides hot stovepipes In this ere town, without regard to tle- nomleational barriers either." Chris tian i t Work. CHURCH UNION IN CANADA Methodist, ConiTiegatinnnl nnd Pres byterii.n Churches Agree on Bnsis of Organic Union. Th' movement for the organic union of ihc M-thoillst. Congregational and Presbj tei Ian t hurt lies of Canada lias come to a new stage of negotiation with the most auspicious outlook, re ports the Interior. The phase of the matte.- Just passed through was un doubtedly the most crltl.'iil of all, and the fact that no forbidding obstacle lias so far developed, encourages the liveliest, hojie of the consummation of the union the most radical and re markable coalition of churches that has been proposed since the reforma tion brought In the era of denomina tional divisions. One year ago the joint committees of the three churches met end determined that the first iiec.ssnry step was a systemat e search for a lasls of doctrine and policy ac ceptable to nil three parties. Flvesub coinniltices were named which spent n full year of study on various phases of tb's problem. The main commit lees assembled again at Toronto at the holiday season, nnd heard reports from these conferees. Thereupon the follow ing mot ion w as unanimously adopted: "This Joint commit lee re to find the substantial unity ex isting nmoim the negotiating churches, ami It els encouraged In continuing fur ther negotiations for union." ho union was thus for the first time offi cially pronounced feasible. In the "Neglertet' Peninsula." The "Neglected Peninsular" Is be- rg besieged III four points bv the 'Scotch Presbyterian and the American Reformed missionaries. In Muscat, where Rev. .lames Cantine mid his wife are the only American Chi Istlans, several new methods have been Intro- I (1 iK i'.J (o bring (lie Ignorant and blunted Moslems into the kingdom. A school has been opened for Muscat boys, a sewing school Is now attract ing little Moslem gltls, a dispensary Is In operation and a guest house for Arab visitors Is a unique feature of the work. The visiting In the homes of Mohammedan women Is proving most effective In breaking down oppo sition, and Mrs. Cantine has been cordially received everywhere from the palace of the sultan to the small est peasant hut. A Call t.) Awake. Hubert .1. Iltirdelle sounds the call for the awakening of our spirit ual per ceptions, when he says: "Sleep rniibed I'eler, .lames ami John of the bright est glories of the t ra us li g u ra t ion si cue. I'.ternlty alone will reveal what glorious v!t;ws nineteenth century Chi Istlansare utsAing in slumber. Wake up and he boid Ibelory on every hand." Suez Too Narrow. TT Is urged by the Liverpool I'nder wrlters' association that the Sue i aaal jit iloiibied in lac, i. nil to- else that an entirely in w canal be builu Happir.ess In Duty Done. Kvi ry evil and wasteful habit draws upon hi i- strength nieJ r. -sources with out making any proper return. On the til' . hand, every '.ask faithfully done, c v - iv responsibility manfully borne in In- path of duty, steadies us, like well bestowed ballast. There lira loads that help as well as loads that lilntie. The first we should cheerfully take up, and the latter resolutely cast off. You ran railvc a wo'r4 but the hurt Is there. Exchaugt. LITTLE BIRD PETS NGL1SH NATURALIST TELLS 01 ANTICS OF GREAT TITS. Enticed l-y Nuts and Cheese They Be come Regular Visitants, and nl Lnst Cuhsei.t to ilave Pic tuies Taken. One of my ta-l es e pei iel ce ' of great Ills was In this wise. It was a spai Kli.ig spritm h.ornmi;, a ) I w i ro.imlng about an od-fi-ln n h.. -oi'.e garden, luetiin: I no ho es a d crevices In search uf live s. I p this long ami. rustic sli ps nad net a i-ai t hair en. bracing a tie 's hu:e bile and Lading l.i nn arlour which the : t. bad invited by dividing amr 1.' fei t from the ground Into three stroll: no spread lipwur, I curving In am ..cs Here the household had been wont li gather -Itl years ago. before recent l planted trees had Joined hands ovi i newly made paths to give sheitei from tlio summer sun. Long disused, the crumbling steps gave- but ibnibt fill foothold, as I carefully mounted to explore the inouldeliiu platform and seats above. As inv head cam" i level with the topmost step I tin I ticed a cleft ill the tree jusl below tin j fork. A llkt y place lor a nest. I i thought, and large enough for me to i insert my hand. The aclion unit klv followed the thought; but my hand was more' quickly withdrawn, for my lingers were sharply struck within the hole by I knew not what, and theri was a hissing as though I bad roused an angry snake. Peering m. I could Just discern two gleannn.; specks und two small patches of white below thein. and then there was another hiss und a quick stroke of a wing. I found a great tit sitting Upon her eggs. Respecting hoi bravely, I did not disturb her more Though there were several patr. of these birds ill the garden. It was long before they learned to visit iny ulndow larder. They would watch the cole lits carrying off bits of nut and clecse, tar in excess of their present needs, nnd hiding them up and down the close cut yew hedge, often enough tiny discovered mil tilled these li stores of their lit tle cousins. The treat tits much ap preciated the cheese, and this finally brought them to the w imlow pel e!i above the hedge, w here lhe could I see big lumps temptingly displayed, i and where robins, cinilihi lies, blue Ills, ami cole tits wile leciilarly le galing t heniselves. I leiaimber well the lirsl visit of nn ovoyo to my win dow. He alighted on the perch with such a thud that Its Insecure fasten- nn; tii:vi AMi MAM. TITS. r.i.t u. lug gave way, and as the branch sank beneath him he Ibw oil iu alarm. I immediately secured the perch firmly, and replenish tlm supply of cheese ami nuts. In u lew lultiulcs the same bird returned, alighted, looked round suspiciously, ami after a Mute like double call In his male in a neighboring tree, invit ing her to the feast, he plunged his beak into the cheese. Two months later, when the bird was tanu r and not so easily alaruied, I look a pnoto gtaph, hiding behind a screen inside the room near the open larder win dow, and peering nut of small eve holes at the fiimlngs and goings of the birds. The nxeye has a bad character given hlni by writers on birds, ow ing lo his pugnat dousiiess and for midable licet iim pout is. but I have never seen bun do much harm In another bird nt the window, lie will liuhi and peck Ihiccly at any bird that will not give linn place at lie-cle-ese coriu r, and when there In- re si nts other birds vi -muring to share his tieal on equal t'-rius. A cock bird i veil tries to prevent its ham lug on mid pi ckinr fre-n In-low. The In n great lits, though lie v show light evi u ai-'aln:-t hiinii n inliud r at the liesl, are pcnt'i lul i iioiu-Ii at lb" window. I l ave t-i i n one (lightened away by a l.ed: s,an m , the quiet i:t and inc.: I e ac lov inr o window fi"i'a nti is. The ci ' at til was standini: upon u hi:; lump o ch'-e:-o, and the liedce ,...'i rro vv standiiiL' on tlio perch at one side, in tr.vlng for a imu. 'I of cheese, peeked one of the great tit's front iocs that were spread out and bent dow n over lln- t due of the che,se cube. This was nlivioiislv an accident, but a very ugly one it might, have proved for Sbulllewitig bad the bird on the cheese been Mr. (Ixeye instead of his spouse. As It. was, the hen great lit, ularlnod, flew f without showing any sign of wish ing to retaliate. ' ' I Mi