Newspaper Page Text
WATCH FOR THE GREAT BEAUTY CONTEST BEGINNING 1 1 II Pays to Advertise in the Rising Son VOLUME XI. Golf and Fish Story. Some time ago a northern golfer drove a bull a fine, low, Fklmmlng shot across a river. Just as the ball was nearly over a salmon leaped at the ball and caught It In its mouth. Such was the pace of the ball that it carried the salmon on to the river's bank, where it was Immediately se cured, with the ball tightly wedged In Its teeth. Golf Illustrated. Environment. The secret Is to be found not In the criminal type of man, nor yet alto gether In heredity, but In environ ment. The place to make the en vironment, which is to protect the young man from many temptations and help him to reslHt those that he may not escape, is in the home. Rev. "W. II. Locke. Methodist, Mansfield. O. Indifferentlsm. What Is most striking In the pres ent aspect of the controversy over human Immortality Is the average man's absolute want of Interest In the ! question. People shrug their shoul- j ders and turn to their newspaper or their business at the mention or ! thought of an after-life. Dr. Mo Co nib In the Quarterly Review. Japanese Small Trees. Our Indebtedness to Japan Is aug mented by the remarkable chestnut that halls from there. It is more dwarf than our native species, and bears abundantly when only a few years old. Aside from its usefulness as a nut tree. It Is quite ornamental, and should be mote generally planted. Home Magazine. Out for the News. "I'm going down to get my hair washed to-morrow," said the demure loo'. Inc woman on the car. "it doesn't reali '.eed it, but honestly, I haven't heard any news for a week. I Just made up my mind to-day that I'd go down and hear what's going on unions people." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Too Busy to Love. In England people are too busy to love. A man jaded to death by 40 letters and 15 telegrams a day can not In the evening indulge In the ex citement of either a heart-shaking tragedy or the passion of an all-absorbing love. So he flirts. Dr. Reich, la London Tattler. Waa the Best Man. In Eldorado a bridegroom cave his i best man an envelope containing a! twenty-dollar bill to be given to the clergyman after the ceremony. Thfl best man is found to have given the! preacher an envelope containing a one-dollar bill. Kansus City Star. Paragon-Making Golf. Oolf cannot be played really well unless the temper Is schooled to such a degree that misfortune, accident and a general run of defective play never lead to passion overflowing the, limits of decorous und retained equa-' nlmlty. Field. Burning His Savings. The Hook keeper The boss seems pleased with himself this morning.' The Office Hoy He's been saving all his burnt matches for a year, and this morning he had enough for me to start the fire with. I'tiea Observer. Discolored Brass. j Where brasses are much discolored an application of a solution of salt and vinegar Is advisable before using the customary brass polish, as the work of polishing is much more quick ly performed. One Legged Racers. A comical foot race was recently witnessed in Paris. Nineteen men, each with a wooden leg, were the con testants. The winner ran a mile la 12 minutes. Quite So. Sweet nothings, In the bands of a competent lawyer, may be trans formed Into very bitter and substan tial somethings. Louisville Courier-Journal. Shakespeare Insipid. Pepy's IHary. It'.fi9-lfiti9, comment ing on Shakespeare's plays, says of "Midsummer Night's Dream:" "It is the most Insipid, ridiculous play I ever saw In my life;" and upon reading "Othello, the Moor of Venice, which I have hitherto esteemed a mighty good play; but having lately read the 'Adventures of Five Hours,' it seems a mean thing." The Hot Water Cure. The virtues of the hot water appli cation are recognized to such an ex tent that hot-water bugs are made in a great variety of shapes and sizes. The latest designs are made to fit around the Joints such as the knee, ankle and elbow. They are very ef fective In the treament of myalgia, arthritis, rheumatism and similar af fections. Palace to House Club. The Tudor palace at Knfleld, Kng land, which was a gift from Kdward VI. to Princess, afterward Queen Eliz abeth, Is to become a Conservative club. I'ntil recently It was used as a post olflce. The Tudor rose, the royal monogram and the ancient coat-of-arms are still conspicuous lu the mural decorations. A Terrible Remedy. I can only think of one method by which nurses can guard against imi tations of their professional costume. It is that they should adopt one that Is ugly or at least dowdy and that remedy would, I expect, be regarded by most of the nurses as worse than the evil It was designed to cure. Truth. "Idiot." The alteration in the meaning of the word "Idiot" Is peculiar. Original ly this word meant only a man in private life as distinguished from one who was concerned in public affairs. In time the word degenerated, until It came to mean one who was defec tive in mental powers. Sunday Muga zloo. Believe In Wandering Jew. The belief In the Wandering Jew la still held In France among the peasantry of Itrittany and Picardy. When a violent windstorm comes on they make the sign of the cross as they say "The Wandering Jew is pass ing by!" ("C'est le Juif errant qui passe!") Rewards of Virtue. Kvery virtue gives its equal degree of felicity In some kind; honesty gives a good report; justice, estimation; prudence, respect; courtesy and liber ality, affection; temperance gives health; fortltu le a quiet mind, not to be moved by any adversity. WuUing lium. Potato Drove Bull Mad. A potato lodged In the throat of a bull at Datehworth, near Hitcliin, Kugland, recently, and drove It mail. Four men who tried to secure It were tossed. One of them bad two ribs broken, and the head of another was badly injured. Jerusalem's Via Dolorosa. It is only too years since the name of Via Itolorosa was given to the nar row lane down which Christ passed from the judgment hall of Pilate to Calvary. At this time also the sacred stations first were marked out for pilgrims. Marital Fallings-Out. The wife who praises all her clever husband doc-i, soon becomes his worst enemy. The husband who loses that amount of appreciation of his wife's ability that touches high-water murk, loses all discrimination, says the Pil grim. Continual harmony makes life monotonous. The woman who always reiterates, "I don't know, dear," and the man who constantly answers, "Just as you say, dirllng," are the most luuddcnluK of mortala. Aspiration and Possession. Aspiration sees only one side of every question; possession many. UwlL . frmirt ' ainn.ii c ' '--m1 , for it Reaches More Homes of Colored People than any othci Paper KANSAS CITY. MO.. SATI Visions of Life. Kweet Is the hour of nst Pleasant the woods' low sigh When ponce dwells in my breast Then sleep comes ta my eyes. My dreams are of scenes above' Of angels robed in white, Of Jesus and his love; Then my heart is tided with delight. Hut when I awake fro;n my sleep. When sorrow comes to me nguln. Then! Oh my thoughts run devp, If I could but cease from sin. Hut here we must win the race; And there we shall get our pay On that Celestial morn The great Judgment day. L. A. ALLEN. Ringling Bros'. Show Will Be Here July 22, 1907. Ringling Pros'. Circtis is one of the greatest shows that ever appeared in Kansas City, and will appear here July 22. They have brought many new feajuros with them ami are es tablishing new records along the show line. It will be largely attended as this is about the first show that has been in Kansas City tills year. Some shows only carry the satin tiling from year to year, but from the advance bills Ibis show has changed its pro gram. It will appear at th. old show grounds. The great Heauty Contest stints In next week's paper. All women niv invited to take part. This will he a new fmturo In the newspaper, as it will !, different from any run by any colored paper. There will be two entries, man led women a ml single women's contest, as there are many beautiful colored women of nil varitios. This will be a good way l.i show up all the pretty women in tie' city. Please begin to send in the names this week for those who will enter the contest. Every woman is cordially invited to take part. the coupon slips will ni'Pear Hi net week's paper. Everybody should send in the name of some prett ywnni.m W ,tch the next Issue of the paper for full details. Unappreciated Blessings. Stranger tin small town l I saw by the papers that u hoy was born here with no legs r.ud no arms. I nni a dime museum manager, and I should like to find him. Citizen No use hunting him up His parents won't exhibit liini. "They won t? Well, it beats nil what blessings fall to folks as can't appreciate 'em." N. Y. Weekly. The Clever Tramp. "Yen," said the tramp who was ex plaining his met hnil, "I always t -1 1 the lady of the house that I was in Jured In the field." "What field?" asked the Inexperi enced beginner. "Well, If It's a young lady I say football field, mid if it's an old lady I say bnttloliold." SHE HOPES NOT. "Yes, you look Rtyllsh, daughter very; but you'll never look the way I used to." Chicago Journal. His Motive. "So you are going to lecture?" "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, "not that I care for the money, hut it Is a pleasure to got away from your stony-faced colleagues In con gress and face an audience that rea'li wants to hour you talk." Washington Star. UI-AY, .11 IA L'o. lJioT. REV. J. M. BOOKER'S Successful Administration AS PASTOR OF THE PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH. WILL DEDICATE NEW FOUNDATION IN A FEW WEEKS. AND LATER TO COMPLETE NEW CHURCH WORTH $25,000, REV. J. M. BOOKER. "The Pleasant Creen Haptist Church of this city Is an organization about :;n years old. The first pastor of tills church was Rev. John Morgan. of Kcuiucy. He xvas an able dcloud er of tie' Cuspid and of sluing .imral character. He succeeded In buying the properyi in I . ar ..I It I"'tl.'i and Tracy axenues. and building the. frame house where the Church is at i 1, resent. Alter Rev. Morgan's ipath Hie next preacher who became th. - pastor of the I'liurcii xvas lb v A I lord, m Kansas. Alter a stay id about two years Rev. Alton! was sni-ceeib d by Rev. E. M. Wilson, of Kentucky, who was the .most intellectual pastor lliej church has ever had. He was an able deleiuler of the church and a I in 1 1 i I orator. These two preacliei Rev. All'ord and Hex. Wilson, wei both overcome bv the same weakness Rex. C. W. Iliuileti was the next pastor who resigned of his oxxu ac cord. Next to come to lake the . aib'i b i ;l -if the church is die It' .1 M PooUer, of .Memphis, Telin . w ao was the pastor of S. ib-lli P.aptisl chilli h. the second largest llaptisl church in Memphis, lb' desired to change his field of labor, so lie resigned to cone in Kansas City. Rev. P.ookfi xvas horn in Viiginin in I si'.::, and in IM'.'.t bis tat hoi tool, liini lo Mississippi, whore he teceixod i i'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'II school education Mi In coining a young man years old he xxas cunxeiti'd In lune. I ssi!. at Melllp.lis. Two ears later lie xvas lieeu::e to preach. anil on Sept. 1.:t dained. alter xxlii I V.i I. be w a. oi he past I sue i cssl ull v for ."i yeni s th ist Church in Meniplii-i bin Itip lb I look IT Udell lb illelit of Hollo '111 Ill: I i: olngical lie lor ib p; ib., ip 1 1 lb- buili Ho- Mount ion :a: ii-i i'liurcii dniing his H ue in M, n;ibis As a financier and chinch buibb" j 'ii - abilil i can not be doubted. When 'ie calm- lu lake diai.'o oi i,ie i n-i-. lit C i ecu ( loi 1 1 a . mi' year a . it :is in a critical comlii :mi Inning ibis one year he has laiseil neailv f keen paid all Indebtedness oi 'In- church, and built the lounileioii 'or tile now church on the east sid" of Tracy uieiiue. near Indepemleiii e avenue. The pleasant Creen ('lurch is in splendid condition now i mxns xio good pieces of properly, and val ues all of Its holdings at flu.ooi) Rev. Hooker will build a handsome vndi'iirlinu on the new foundation in lie next five years, worth fioni tin o hi to $ 1 'i.iini, t ii us making the new church worth yb.iul $.'.". The people of this city who admire a clean. Christian gentleman, a man if principle and integrili, should give Rev. Hooter Uieir support and In In him to do a vn-at work for Coil and humanity. Ho is one man who WITH NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE will not condole immoral eriiu.-, or shield dirty nun who aio pi.a.-aii.u t.l'1 gospel, lie dosellOig o! t..e aid and eolitiiieure of tin- people Dear Editor: Sir. will on kiimli allow Hie sullieietit space in your lion i olllhle paper to Insert tile foil, wing: i THE ONLY REMEDY FOR JIM I CROWISM AND LYNCH LAWS. Having noticed in the K. C. Times of June 11 inst. of (lie address of Rev. I'.isl up (Irani along tne lino of the St. Louis Jim Crow car laws. I would to Cod an 1 also pray that Hisliop l!rant and all nt'iers con cern, d continually beg and urge and iiy in peisuaue iiic iuoiiioe- hi uieir various congregations in use the fol ! lowing words In their piaxers that i Cod may remember the oppressed and t ie law -niaiM-i s of oppressions upon the strangers that dwclioth among t'leiu and tint may diive those laws limn our land and country. Please noie the following sot iptllles on the same: Cod said one law i-'.iall he to him that is homo horn and mil i I ie stranger that sojourn.'! a anioni: xou -Exodus 2 I'.'. T,i m shall neither cx a stranger no op press him, for ye were strangers In jthe laud ef Egypt. Ye shall not nf- tile: aiix wblow or fatherless child. II thou afflict them In any wise and : they cry at all nut" me I will surely j hear I M ir cry ami my wrath s. al' j wax le t and I xvill kill you with the ; sword and your wives shall be w id ; ows and oiir children fatherless- i Noxv what more is n h',1 than civ hie, unto him. Exodus '-'-: -I to I'I lfv,nr-TP (xirF Nr F Mn NOTES. Tin- 'I' I Hi' Itolot loot s bad (pi, I.- an ible siTllloll lb liveleil In .lu lu Sun l'la by It. v l.eeol K.m-j ! Th.- Main u and Sec-iai ' em university xi.-ited our day Call again. ('in. Am . of West cii Sun Mi II K. Collie entertained Mr of Nelu : K.i xx lio ha - been t in of Mrs. Waggoner gm-si ll who did not a, I. ml the singing o' Mis Scbiiffer and oi'.ici .. w ere m . r The picnic given by Lilts la -I I'ri day was well aHeiideil liecail-e l w , ill under an a- -ntued nam-' Von i 1 1 1 1 1 I bale allellded t'le inn by Plot Macky. of So, I. til. i last week. M, Miss X It . it x on inieiid in tea l hi ii I here anothei leal ion should gel a husband o xoin own Mrs Cninia Saulsbei rx and dancli lei- to Kansas I'lti alio isding lu our city. (Julie a number oi I' I! c i i atieiided I n lii. ei i.e. Summit la-i Saiuidai of our It l.l e Mi I., i a Hie l.el Wo, I. ' I 1 ' XI I ' ' W 1 1 1 ' ' III.- l:om b T in- ill' ma I p'l I Ut Mi m N' w'.l ( Ipi-n your ears ling s..i n mi N (here will I. a w.-d DRUGGIST WINS THE RIG. Winners of Prizes at St. Joseph Home Picnic Announced. The (Irpatis' Aid Society x Ph L'.'.o giiesl. met at the St. Joseph di-plums' home. Thirty lust and I'. iin streets, yesterday at'icinnon and lis I, ned to an interesting cntertainim lit given by the children. Ii was also the occasion for awarding the prizes di aw n at the picnic given for ti.e hi nefii f H.e orphans July I The first prize, a horse and biiggv. w, ir won by Theodore Smith, a drug gist. i:;..T East Eight, street Ticke, !iYa was the luck tium mm Tiie second prize, a silver tea set of vi: piece-! was won bv Miss l.ena Cody. TP! Ninth Sixth St.. Kansas City, in the State. M M1IKI! K) Km T.ic number as .".of Many minor i i i wive axxaiibd to the !u. kx winners by Hie cuntmlt.'.-. Neither Mr. Siuiih nor Miss c-U-were prosin;. but weic iionti.,1 !.. telephone A great many who had taken an actixe pail in getting up the details of the picnic xxoio present xesleni.iv and tne Were thanked h Hie sisteis for i '.let i efforts. Miss Ki a Washington, of !i::s New Jersey aieliiii', Kansas City, Kansas, was xery seriously and dangerously wounded in an accident, which hap pened in Mitchell's ll.v Cooils Slnie. lnil'.i II Mai lislreet hist Til sday week July IV She boarded Hex vlevntor at the fifth floor lo go do II t.l the fourth and as the boy opened ttio door sin- started out when a larg.i flat heavy lum fell from tln top of Hie elevator door, striking b.-r xiolenlly on the back of the head She icjiiaineil in the store a while think illg she would get boiler bill glow worse all Hie while and bad to l taken honu' in a carriage at her own expense. She also fa,ilted nil the way and was uucoiiscl' hh (- nlte a while. She is now under tin' c'lrm of Ur. II. S. Thompson, of Kansas City. Kansas Shi Is a customer mm patron of that house. It would liaxe been n small thing for Mitchell illy (binds Co. til liaxe s.-llt Miss Washington limine in a can iago, with medical allenliou hut tliev paid her no allenliou wluiteter att.-r such an accident in the house II. r ca.-e wlil bo looked alter by legal am In.i iii.-s pi'.l Hast Phelps Axe Springfield. Mn . .tune :'S. p.'.;. Editor Kb ing Sou and Mi l . Kansas Ciix . Mo Hear Slis: " oiii ...ile.eript i. .n lio 'iee is be'oie me. and il w ill be t .rib coining jii'-l a soon a - I can get to it. II 1 1 x in,- lo add. In i . ui ma i ion wiMi tin a'.oie. the l..llowiug Iboiiga's- tbat. bale i nip! os.e. III.' lell 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 In t'l" lit I or :. weeks Haling soiled a-- pa-dor lu Kansus I 'it ' . Mo . lor M'ars of Ashui i M E. church, now known llhoiigh consoli dated wliii Hum's M E. church i as (Villi tininl M K. chinch, and know nil : l of th.i leading men . -i. , I am Hi.-ietore lu'oie-l.d In the doings ..f K C We have read anil considered e.n.' fllllx Hie III,, colli nil el sy llilollgll the columns ol ioiii woii iy paper '"I 'e Ifb i i ii- Son " In this pa 1 1 Icular ca e. I the I ! . x Mr llur-. . Mi c i'i, us. , ! ,ii only know about ndaliio ti belli side-, ll reii-h uhai we hale r.-ad in lour pa pi i lillt as one lutelis.l v r.llli'.'l ll."l about cieiv one haxing a "s,uai'' deal." and ci cry man haxing a man's chance. ;i lo y.ui and all nHier Ihus colic, -i in d. to stand bx the IriPb, I ho.!:- b I be -I II s scl IT t I. .'Ill -v I OH f: olll I heir sockl I s find full Sim e II Is an nssuied fact, (hough 1 flit I may be bruised and mangled p cannot be .. st i ,.y . .1. a- I ruth re ts in fallible ui-on ibis iuumiii. 'Cod is I 'i'i Uli" You I.- i 1 1 e. i I v and uuhias-p., W'M II WIIKKI.EH I Pa no- pittv M ; cm. j PAUL LAWRENCE DUNBAR. I HE WAS THE WORLDS CHEAT jEST NEGRO POET. THE FACT thAT HE HAD NO WHITE BLOOD IN HIS VEINS MAKES HIS ACHIEVEMENT IN THE LITERARY ; WORLD THE MORE ASTOUNDING. IA FINE ENGRAVING MADE IN THREE COLORS HAS JUST BEEN 'ISSUED WHICH SELLS FOR ONLY !ONE DOLLAR ($1,001. SEND FOR j ONE TO DAY. ADDRESS THE COL ' ORED AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., j P. 0. DRAWER 2318, WASHINGTON, I D. C. AGENTS WANTED. PHILLIS WHEATLEY POETESS. THIS REMARKABLE WOMAN LIVED IN THE TIMES OF GEN ERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON AND THOMAS JEFFERSON, AND WAS THE FIRST OF HER RACE IN THIS COUNTRY TO WRITE POETRY. A MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING HAS JUST BEEN ISSUED WHICH SELLS FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS ($.50i. AD DRESS THE COLORED AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., P. O. DRAWER 2318. WASHINGTON, D. C. AGENTS 1 WANTED.