Officers of Lodges M. W. GRAND LODGE, A. F. & A. M. Colorado Jurisdiction meets In Lead vllle the second Monday In August, 1906, at ten a. m. K. T BRUCE. W. M„ Denver, Colo. WM. SPRAGUE, G. Sec'y, Denver, Colo., P. O. Box, 1515. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. i. A. F. & A. M. Meets the first and third Monday nights In the month at 1712 Curtis St. G S. CONTEE, W. M. WM. SPRAGUE, Secretary, r P. O. Box 1545. CENTENNIAL LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Meets the second and fourth Monday nights in the month at 1712 Curtis Street. All Masons in good standing are invited to attend. R. 0. JOHNSON, W. M. W. T. FIELDS, Secretary, 1223 19th Street. PYTHAGORAS LODGE. Pythagoras Tajdge, A. F. & A. M.. Leadvllle, meets the first and third Tuesdays In each month. Hall 111 W. 6th street, J. H. Sheppard, VV. M. J. H. Shackelford, Sec’y St. Luke’s Hospital. Cold Camp Lodge. A. F. & A. M„ Cripple Creek, Colo., meets the first and third Wednesdays id the month, L. F, McCullough, W. M. Geo. W. Cotwell, Secretary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 13, Albuquerque, N. M„ meets sflrat and third Tuesdays in the month. All Ma sons in good standing invited. T, 0. Mason Sec. SAM WATSON, W. M. SIMPSON REST LODGE. Simpson Heat Lodge, No, 10, A. F, k A. M„ Trinidad, meets the first and thlid Tuesday nights in tla month. Members In good standlrg are wet N F. STEELE. W. M, R. J. SMITH, Secy, j THE STATESMAN, DENVER, COLORADO. FRATERNITIES KEYSTONE LODGE. Keystone Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Han la. Wyo., meets the first and third Tuesdays In the month. All members* n good standing are Invited. OUS RAIMEY, W. M. CHAS. HARRIS, Secretary. RED CROSS COMMANDERY NO. 'll A. F. & A. M. Knights Templar meets the fourth Wednesday In each month at 1712 Curtis Street, S. A. LANGSTON, E.C. WM. SPRAGUE, Recorder. P. 0. Box 1545 FAR WEST CHAPTER NO. 6, R. A M„ Meets the second Wednesday. W. H. FINLEY, H. P. WM. SPRAGUE, Secretary, P. 0. Box 1645 LONE STAR CHAPTER NO. 15, 0. E. S. Meets the first and third Friday afternoons at 2 o'clock at Two Points Hall. MRS, SUSIE CLINGMAN, R. M HATTIE BANKS, Secretary, 2759 Lincoln Ave. QUEEN ELIZABETH COURT NO. 5. Meets at 1822 Arapahoe street sec ond and fourth Friday at 3p. m All members In good standing are request ed to attend. RACHEL 1* BUTLER, M. A. M. MARTHA E. RILEY, Sec. KOCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 2320, G. U. 0. OF 0, F. Meets every Thursday in the month at 1712 Curtis Street. CEO. 8. CONTEE, P. 8 , 2612 Welton Street. Nights of Meeting | ARAPAHOE LODGE NO. 29 36, G. U. 0. OF 0. F. Meets the first and third Monday , nights In the month at Odd Fellows Hall, 1832 Arapahoe Street GEO, D. HALL, P. S. P. 0, box 895. DENVER PATRIARCHY, NO. 67. nonth at Odd Fellows Hall, 183a Arap hoe street C. A. BDRTON. W P. R„ 1623 IJn~oln are HOUSEHOLD OF RUTH, NO. 376. G. U O. OF 0. F. Meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, 1832 Arapahoe street. Mrs Olarenee Holmes 2139 Curtiss St Worthy Recorder. PAST GRAND MASTERS' COUNCIL NO. 118, G. U. 0. OF 0. F, Meets the second Friday in each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, 1833 Arap ihoe street. WALTER SCOTT. 0 8. •- —-• ~,i WESTERN STAR LODGE VU. 128, U. B. F. Metis (he second and fourth Tues days in each month at Odd Fellows' hall, 1832 Arapahoe street. AL. WILLIAMS, W, M. A. J. FITZPATRICK, Sec. CAPTOLIA TEMPLE NO. 183, 8. M. T. Meets the second and fourth Wed neadaya In each mouth at 1832 Arapa hoc Street. Members in good standing are invited to attend. lizzie bi,assin(iame, w. p. MARY O' STEAM, Secretary, H 32 27th Street, QUEEN OF THE WEST NO. 1. Meets first and third Thursdays In each month, 1831 Arapahoe Street. MRS. LOUISA COOPER, V. P, MRS, Btliril HAVES, Secretary, 620 Josephine, Harman GOLDEN' GATE LODGE, NO. 1, S. M. T. and U. B. F. Meets the second and fourth Satur day afternoon at 2:30, at 1832 Arapa hoe St. All members in good stand ing are iuritdd to attend, O. L LAWSON, Y. M. ESPANOLA GWYN, Set, PHYTHIAS LODGE NO. 11. Meets the first and third Wednes day nights, 1832 Arapahoe Street. It. J, LEWIS. C. C. J. M. MOUTENIA, K. of R. & S. Montclair. DAMON LODGE NO. 5. K. of P. meets at 1712 Curtis street the first and third Friday of each month. G. A. LOGAN, C. C. J. W. TAYLOR, K. of R and 8.. 2222 Lincoln Avenue. AETNA CAMP NO. —, U. R K. OF P. Meets at 1712 Curtis street the second and fourth Friday nights In the month. A Cooley, Captain. B. F. Harris, Recorder, • COLUMBINE COURT NO. 279, I. 0. 0. C Meets the second and fourth Tues day evenings at 1712 Curtis Street. All visiting members are Invited to attend. JESSIE A. TAYLOR, W C. TULIP HANKS, II D, 3525 make Street EUREKA COMPANY NO. 4, Meets the first and fourth Tuesdays C. C. VAN HOOK. Captain. F L VOOREE, Recorder 1223 19th Street. LILY CADET COMPANY, U. R. K. of P. Meets 1712 Curtis Street every Mon day evening. JOHN CLIFTON, Capt, HARRY SMITH, Secretary, 24C5 Curtis Street CALANTHE DRILL CORPS COM PANY NO. 1 Meets Thursday nights at 1712 Cur tis Street. MRS. I, M. MeOUIRF., Capt. MRS. LULU COURTNEY, Recorder, 1517 Emerson Street. Hire Ixidge No. 39, I D. P. 0. E. ol 0., meets the first and third Wednes day sights In eoeh month at Castle hall, 1712 Curtis street. All visiting Elks are corually Invfllled. W. A. Rite, exalted ruler; J, W. Latvell, secre tary, Sixteenth and Stout streets. TRUE REFORMERS True Reformers No. I*2l Colorado Enterprise Fountain, meet first and bird Mondays at 1832 Arapahoe It C. M. Hughes, Master. Mrs. M. E. Riley, Secretary, Cooper building Tabernacle No. f)29 meets every 2nd and Ith Monday at Five Points Hall at 2:30 p. m. LAURA CARSON, H. P. NANNIE \\ EL LS Recorder.