OCR Interpretation

The statesman. [volume] (Denver, Colo.) 1889-1906, March 09, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by History Colorado

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025516/1906-03-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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The* revival meeting* at Shorter
church dosed Sunday evening with S"
sic cessions and conversions These*
meetings were conducted by Rev
Ooong of Baltimore and his services
were appreciated by £he people to the
extent of giving him in nddition to
his salary, a donation of S7O. The
spiritual condition has been raised to
the* highest pitch by the revival work
and in no less degree by ih • week of
prayer preceding It and to the work of
the various Christian Rndeuvorers and
the different missionary societies or
ganir.ed for that purpose. Even
though the pastor Is now sick, he Is
planning a big anniversary of the
church to Ih» held the first week in
April The membership of the church
has been divided into clubs with cap
tains who will try to wrest the palm
of victory. The members were faith
ful during these weeks of spiritual up
lift and have expressed themselves as
thoroughly refreshed thereby
Invitations are out far the* annual
reception of our good friend. Chas
Stewart, formerly of Maryland. It
will take place Snnda) from 2 to i».
March 18.
Dick Frazier is spending a few
days in Uueblo on business and pleas
* ure.
Mrs. J. GUI, 1770 Race, entertained
Thursday night at cards. Whist was
the popular game, after which dainty
refreshments were served. The mer
ry party of fifteen reluctantly left a*
a reasonable hour.
A V. Harris can l»e found now at
834 South Fifteenth street.
Mrs Minnie Robin.*,on. sister of
Mrs. Goo. Andrews, has returned front
Albuquerque. N M
Mr and Mrs J S. Owens enter
tained at supper Wednesda> evening
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William
Edwards of Tellurlde. Colo.
The Citizens Investment Company
will hold a public meeting in Scott's
M E church, Clarkson and Twenty
sixth avenue. Monday night. A large
attendance Is expected. Refresh
ments will be served.
A LeuUu Tea will be given by tbe
laities of the Church of the Redeem
or Thursday evening March 15, at the
residence of Mrs. Laura Gunnell, for
the purpose of oriuging together so
dally all members and friends of tbe
congregation. Admission 10 cents.
One of the coming events is tbe pro
duetion cf the Kermess, for Monday
cveuiog April 16, by tbe Guild Ladies
assisted by many society ladies aud
Robert Russ is now a police, bavi ng
been appointed by the Fire aud Po
lice Board.
Bishop Abraham Grant, D. O, will
preach at Shorter church Similar at
11 30, and will occupy the pulpit at
Campbell church at the evening scr
vice On the next day he will leave
for Colorado Springs, where he will
hold services in the church there
Among the sick are Rev. Dyett. Juu
A. Buford, Mrs. J. W. Finley, Cath
rine Doram and Thos. J. Boyce.
Born to Mr. aud Mrs Thomas An
derson of Harman, a girl.
Mrs. Lula. Courtney will leave the
hospital this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin are non
living at 2745 Weltou.
The coming of this great captain of
the host in this western country will
mean much to the A M K. connection
at this time Splendid crowds always
greet hint and the church will certain
ly l»e crowded Sunday.
Crowbars come under the head of
straight goods
A model husband Isn't always a sat
isfactory model.
Wings of riches are used mostly for
outward flights.
No man should attempt to command
until he has learned to obey.
NO. 38

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