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ALBUQUERQUE NEWS Green Watson, the jailor, fractured his ankle last Friday by a fall from a wagon loaded with lumber. While the wound is quite painful, yet it is not considered serious. Mr. Watson will be laid up for several days. A. B. Brinkley, the head mixologist for the Harvey system, is in the city for several days from the Grand Canon, making his annual tour inspection of the Santa Fe system. William Odell of Topeka, Kansas, chef of Superintendent Ripley's pi rate car, is in the city for a short stay. Vance Green, the train porter who wag seriously hurt some time ago in a bad wreck, is on his run again. Ed. Blcken, a recent arrival from tile Needles, is very sick with tuberculos s Mr. and Mrs. William Gottis have turned from California, where they have been for some time for the benetß of their health. Robert Burton is a new arrival from Socoro, New Mexico. San Pclipe day was duly observed Sunday by the native citizens of oh! town. A large number of people al ways congregate to watch their man euvers and to be entertained by the programme that is arranged for the occasion. The sights are very Interest ing for those *ho have never been among the natives on San Pellpo day The excursion from Santa Fe brought in several hundred people, who spent the day in merriment and pleasure Many them visited friends in the city Among those who came down were Mr and Mrs William Par sons. Mr and Mrs. Kerr and family. Miss M. Hardin. James Gmgin. John Grass. Algie Ernest and Elsie Slaugh ter and George Parsons There will no doubt be an excursion from this city to Santa Ft- in the near future, when Albuquerqueans will return the visit Bees are partial to sweet things but that la poor consolation to the girl who happens to be stung by one. A woman may be aide to do her own housework, but she seldom does It to the satisfaction of her servants. Occasionally you hear of a man who waa struck dumb with astonish ment but nothing like that ever hap pent to a woman. Ward?" Tka oldaat Auction home Id Color ado, Idlm Koadija, Wedoeedaya **d Batardaja. W 1721-31 AftpalH, tl THE STATESMAN, DENVER, COLORADO. A Matter of Taste. "No wonder the dortors prosper,” growled the old bachelor to a friend he met about noon at the soda foun tain, "Just look at that line of young Idiots. Ice cream soda at this time of day!” "They seem to stand It pretty well.” returned the other, looking at the bunch of schoolgirls Indicated, every one of whom was bright of eye and rosy of cheek. "Walt and see,” said his companion. "The men aren't much better, either. ’ So they watched two men order. One took beef tea and the other egg ihosphate. "Well, what's the matter with that?” queried the cheerful one. "Humph!” grunted the other. ' What will you have?" "Llihla water; and you'd better come to lunch with me." "Lunch? I haven’t eaten lunch for three years. Here, boy, give me bro mo seltzer with ammonia In it.” And he couldn't understand why the cheerful young man laughed. Irrepressible. "Do you think there Is any further revenue to bo drawn from impolite personal Journalism?" “We needn’t be Impolite," replied the editor of Town Whoppers. "There Isn't any law to prevent us from com pllmcnting people, Is there?" “No." "Well, I imagine most any proml n3UI pi: on v , bo willing to pay to keep from being complimented In my publication now."—Wash'ngton But /TSf t PENT iS all rr will cost you M av ■ to write ( r big I'Ktll HICK I.F. catalogue m m H Vhll I "'<• mn.| complete line of high grade % -M ■ MVYCtKS. TIKK* and HI XDKIW at I*KICKS Mk ■ BKLOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. /fjl ADO NOT BUY A BK2TCLE ! ;r Ml ' | HNi,U or on amr ktnJ r/ irrmt until vou have received our complete free ( sta ll I . ■KB loguea illustrating and describing r\er\ kind ~f high grade and 1 w grade W 1 bicvclea. old pattern* and latest im-leU and ham of our r«markable I.OW I 'fHllLfl , ' K,< a: wonderful new otters : >:• ]- \m i .;:.g I ■ dim t to nderNrith no middlemen s profits I-%9bBPE\I m,F °" APmovAL j emt drf . 'xt. Pay the Freight and ■ f lluw IO * w Trial and make other hUr.d t.rm» which no ■ i j " mi ** in the world will do You will learn everything and get much i-lu M t*\mw ■||M able information by aimply writing us a postal. ’ ■ / | " r need a ffMtf 4fM •# in every town and enn offer an opportunity W i \ m to make money to suitable young men who apply at once.* V/M.50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ° N v w« win Soil >*'o itcKs mimjMMAMBtMM /IT -*«« x™ WKBBLIdJFt (C*»M WITH OR DC R *4 So) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. • j Result of 15 year* experience in tire milking. No danger from THORNS, CAC- 118 TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. II *?“*' the thick mi.Wrtre.,i Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can jN a „u -u," , ’al«o rim’trip- ir be vulcanized like any other tire. il 1., I>rr,rut rini , nitin K . This Two Hundred Thousand pain now In actual uso. Oner *'"t " l il 1 ?" u 1 t lowntr AtfO Thousand pain sold lost yoor. ■ EtSTSSmi^ oaompnoKt Made in all si.-r*. It is lively and easy rid in 1; verv durable and lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never became* porous and which cl< mi up small punctures without allowing the air to escape We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers slating that t licit tirr« have only been pumped up since or twice in a whole seas, n They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities twing given by several layer* of thin, specially prepared fabric on the trend That Molding Hack" sensation conimonlv felt w hen tiding on asphalt ot soft roads is overcome by the patent ' Ha Act Weave tread which’ prevents all air from l*eing squeezed out l set ween the tire and the road thus overcoming all auction The regular price of these lire* i» f- y per pair. but for advertising purpose* we are making n special factory price t-> the rider of only $4 per |»air. All orders shipped same day letter is received \Ye ship C.O.D on approval. You do not nay a cent dntil you have examined ami found them strictly as represented. We will allow a eaih discount of 5 t>er cent (thereby making the pn, e H4.AA ter pan 1 if vou send Ft’l.L CASH WITH OKIH.It and enclose- this advertisement. We will ..Iso send one nickel plated brass hand Pump ami two Sampv>n metal puncture closer* on full paid orders . these- metal puncture closers to V used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to l*c returned at Ot'H expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. UV are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is n« safe ns in a hank. Ask vour Postmaster Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle vou will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire < f!cr. gfg IJCTTD DO A built-up-wheels, aaddlr*. pedals, parts and repairs, and everything in the bicycle line ,?rr sold bv us at halt the usual prices charged by dealriw and rrjuur nun \\ rite for our big s| N l>|(Y catalogue. ng% MOT U/JIT h,lt wrile 118 n today. IH> NOT THINK OF KI'YINO a mM%M WW f wWMMt bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offer* wc arc making It only coats a postal to lenrii everything. Write it NOW. lUD CYCLE COMPANY, BDipt. 8 Dipt. “JL” CHICAGO,"ILL Denver Professionals The Statesmen takes pleasure !n Introducing the following colored professionals and recommends them as competent in their lines. Show yourself a race lover by patronizing them. Be a booster. Phone Main 6349. B. F. HARRIS, EXPRESS NO. 444. Stand 19 & Champa Tel. Main 3475 T. LOWE EXPRESS Everybody's business desired. You will be treated right. Stand I t and Court Place l7lO Lafi\etle St. Phone BluelSU JOS. H. STUART Lawyer, Practises in All Courts. Office 329 Kittredge Bldg. Cor. 16th and Glenarm. Res. 2227 Lincoln Are. Phone Olive 294. Examining abstracts of title, and drawing up legal docu ments given careful attention Dr. E. L. FAULKNER. PHVGICIAN AND SURGEON. ! I to 10 ft. m, 1 to 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p. _ . {lotoll a. m. Sonrt.j, | 7 to , p . m . Diseases of Women and Children. A Specialty. PHONE OFFICE MAIN 463. 1021 19th Street and 1863 Arapahn St. Oinvtr (I to 11 a. m., Hour? : j S to S and ( 7 to 8 p. m. DR. W. A. JONES, 9JJ 2Jst Street. Near Champa PHONES: During Oftice Hours. 64> Rpd. Out of office Hours. Ifi64 Main OFFICE (9 TO II am. 49-60 GOOD • IK. HOUR! A I TO 4 P.M. Tf l. main sees ( 7 TO 0 p.m. DR. P. E. SPRATLIN. Residence: 2226 Clarkson street. Telephone York 123 DRS. WESTBROOK AND HARPER. 915 Twenty-First Street. DR. J. H. P. WESTBROOK, Physician and Surfcon. DR. J. a.:harper. [Dintist, Phone Main 1144.