«©war® juunosa* boarding-school, At Wilmington, Delaware, conducted bp W ili-i am Suerkh, with the assistance of accom plished female Teachers. TUB course of instruction pursued at this Sem inary comprises all the useful, and most of the orna mental, branches of female education. The daily exercises are Orthography, Reading, Writing, Arith tmetic, English Grammar, Rhetoric, Geography, anil History, ancient and modern, with constant refer ence to the best maps and charts; Construction ol Maps; Use of the Globes;Natural History; Natural Philosophy, including Astronomy and Chemistry; Elements of Mors! Science. * Weekly Exercises _ Biblical Recitations;Kvi deuces of Christianity; L etter Writing, ami other species of Composition; Recapitulations. TERMS.—Board, and Tuition in any oftlie fore- l going branches, 832 50 per quarter; or if paid in advance, S$30. Music including the use of a Piano, ■ £12. French, bv one of the best masters, gfi per quarter. Moderate extra charges for Drawing and other ornamental branches. The discipline of the School is mild, parental and Ghristian. Particular attention is paid not only to the manners of the young ladies but to their moral and religions instruction. They are regularly coti ducted to such places of worshipand .Sunday Schools, as their parents or guardians approve. Exercise and recreation being essential to the preservation of health and of mental energy, occupy the intervals of time not devoted to study. The institution, in all its departments, is conducted in a manner which, it is hoped, will meet th# entire approbation of its patrons. References. —Wilmington—Rev. E. W. Gilbert ; Hon. Willard Hall; lion. Louis M'Lane: Philadel phia—Rev. Dr. Wilson; Rev. Dr. Juneway; Mr. William Janvier. Merchant; James G. Thompson, Esq. Professor of Languages, University of Penn sylvania. March G ltf THE Board of Directors of the Ihiaveart Eire Insurance Company, have this day declared u divi dend, of four per cent, for the last" 6 months, which will be payable at the Bank of Wilmington mid Bran dywine, to tlie Stockholders, or their legal repre sentatives, on or after the 11th inst. By Order of the Board ; May 5th, 1827. DANIEL BYRNES, Sec'y. 6— It JYotice. The Stockholders in th«» Delaware Fire In surance Company, are hereby notified, that an In stalment of Five Dollars, on each and every share of Stock by them held, is required to lid paid the 2d day of July next, at the Bank of Wilmington and B. Wine, between the hours of 'J and 3 o'clock, P. M. to their Secretary. By order of the Board, Wilmington, April, 24, 18.7. on DAN'L. BYRNES, Set ■8i Three Women to work in a Paper Mill, to whom constant employment and liberal wages will he giv Inquire of Kennel-Square Mill, April 27. ) en. BISHOP p,RATTEN. 2 - 1 ! ITiiomas A. &tcrrett HAS REMOVED TO —Iio. Id, High-Street,— Where may he had—Fine Plus, Pigtail, Virginia Twist, and stveet scented Cavendish TOBACCO ; Spanish, Ilalf-Spneish and American SUGARS ; Scotch, Rappee, and Maconha SNUFFS. The Subscriber often the abort articles, at his AVs Store, (fo which he lias just removed) No. lit, High. Street, -1 doors from Mr. Hi ilium Larkin's and next door to Mr. James Brown's Grocery Stores. His goods are oj the Jirst quality,—white he roturn§ thanks ■for past favors, lie hopes by keeping a constant supply of articles in his line, und unrcmilted attejilion to serve and please his customers, to merit a continuation of their favors. THOMAS A. STEPvRETT. IVilmiogton, April 30, 1827. 3-tf Silk dying & Scouring. ■TAMES SMITH carries on the above business in its various branches, at No 100, Shipiey-street, Tw floors above the upper Market ; and hopes to finite to give satisfaction to alt ioho may favor him with their custom. Wilmington, May 3, 1827. a can 4—4/ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of Dr. Samuel II. Black, deceased—are requested to produce the same with their vouchers, for settle ment ; and all persons indebted to said Estate, requested to prepare for payment, especially those indebted on book accounts, are required to come forward immediately and settle the same ; to those not able to pay immediately on settlement some fur ther time may bp given: but those who will neither pay nor settle, need expect no indulgence, as the number of accounts to collect, the remoteness of many of the Debtors, and the many other engage ments of the Administrator, forbid all trifling. To prevent disappointment to those calling tbe Administrator, he will set apart Mondays and Thursdays in each week to the first of July nex' r '" that purpose, (except Mondays the 14th n< of May Inst, he having other engagementsm •days,) when those wishing to see him will fi„ at home to attend to them. are on n JACOB PARIS, Adtn'r. Hedgefield Farm, near Glasgow, May 1 5-*4 DRY GOODS, «See. OBSERVE. At No. 58, Market-Street, , v; v ■ Among tVlllLll are London Sup. cloths & kersimeres assorted colours W est of Eng.do. do. do Sattinctts. drillings, yellow and blue nankeens Valencia «$• Marseilles vest gs,bombazctts $• bandanna hank's., suspenders, Canton crapes Crape shawls, Black, white and green Italian do. ■ Long and short kid gloves, beaver do. Domestic plaids, stripes and muslins Pittsburgh cords, fustians and drillings Rose and point blankets London, ingrain and domestic carpetings and rugs Umbrellas and parasols Leghorn and wool hats &c. &c. The above goods were recently purchased at auc tion, & will be sold ata very small advance for cash, JOHN JiVLEAR. Wilmington, April 10th, 1827". 1—3m The Subscriber has just received, and is now extensive variety of fresh and opening, an seasonable DlVt OOOBS-, 5' Western TYans\»oïtaUon lAue, Front Philadelphia to Baltimore via Wilming ton and Elkton. THE Subscribers have established aline of Pack ets for the transportation of goods from Philadelphia to Baltimore, bv wav of Wilmington and Elkton, to leave C. Pusey and Co's. Wharf, Philadelphia, on 3d and Gth days. (Tuesdays and Fridays) every week, and Light street wharf, (opposite Gerard T. Hopkins and Moore's store) Baltimore, twice a week regularly. First rate Boats are provided, with experienced captains. Merchants residing at a distance by consigning goods to the Agents at either end, may relv on their being forwarded bv the first Packet. Goods will be taken in store at Wilmington and forwarded to the Packet at Elkton ; and at Elkton and forwarded to the Packet at Wil mington, and in all respects the local business will receive the usual care. It is the conclusion of the proprietors to devote much personal attention to the faithful conducting of the Western line, and having the, assistance of tbe m st respectable and able Agents at each end thereof, they feel confident of succeeding in giving satisfaction to their friends and the public. C. PUSEY# Co. Philadelphia. GERARD T. HOPKINS # MOORE, Baltimore. Agents. ROWLAND # STOCKLY, Wilmington. HENRY RENNET, Elkton. Proprietors. Gerard T. Hopkins and Moore, purchase and sell grain, and other produce on commission. 3d mo ! err 3 m. ^D*A\> & U-AxuUti «MavnxiactoT'S. THE Hubsrriher takes tliis ojipm tunity to inform the public, llmt the ustiiblish ment heretofore con ilueted bv .Tomes Roy, Esq. together with the ac counts connected with the. business of that estab lishment from the first of January, 182G, have pass ed into his hands ; and that he will continue the bu siness in all its branches, at. the old slant!, corner of Tat null and Queen streets, near the Frienda'* Meet ing House, where lie will manufacture, and furnish at Philadelphia prices. Mould mid Dipt CANDI,ES. Fuller's Yellow and Drown SOAP, of the best qual 1 dy. ENOCH ROBERTS. The highest price given for Tallow, Butcher's Fat, and Fat of every description. Wilmington, Nov. 14, 1826 N. B. I—-3m Yew Grocery. a HUtèlI M'DEVTTT begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has opened a good assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, FRUIT #c. 4-c. at No. 101, Shipley-st. 4 doors above the. upper Market-housewhere goods of the first quality may always be had, and on the most 'satisfactory terms. May 4. 1827. Mount Harmonia Academy. The Rev. Francis A. Latta, with the assistance of an approved Teacher, has opened an ACADEMY, where theusoal branchesofliterature will be taughtin the most accurate ami critical manner. Lessons will also be given in the Hebrew, to those who wish to acquire a knowledge of that language. The annual charge will not exceed one hundred dollars Drumorc township Lane. Co. Penn. April 20, 1827 a 4—4 1 of '" 1—3 m Sheriffalty. Tiie subscriber begs leave to offer himself to the Democractic Citizens of New Castle County, for the office of SHERIFF, tobe supplied in October next; assuring them that in case he should be the object of their choice, his best exertions shall be employed execute the duties of the office with fidelity, and pledging himself to abide by the decision of the County Meeting, tobe held at "the Red Lion, for the t mination of the County Ticket, t ■* ALEXANDER PORTER. May 15. 7—tf to n Fine large Parchment, Kept constantly for sale by the Publishers. SFRnna GOODS. The Subscriber has just received an extensive as sortment of Spring Goods, which he is disposed to sell at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved credit— Among the variety of his goods Are— Chintzes, calicoes anti ginghams Cambric, Jaconet and mull inull muslins Grecian and Butteste stripes Irish linens, linen cambric and long lawn Canton and company crapes and crape shawls Black senshaw, lutestring,mantuus, Bolivar s silk oatises Litfht coloured plain and figur'd Gros de nap ditto Silk flap«, Madras» and cotton fl:u handkerchiefs 4-4 & 5-4 black and white siik sh 6-4, 7-4 and 10-4 table li JO-4 counterpuines and ruK s 4*4 uleeched and brown sheetings and shirtings Dorchester and Asslmpink bed ticking Hangup and Pittsburgh cord Domestic plaids and stripes Furniture and apron checks White and coloured linen and cotton Drilling Denmark suttin and silk stripe Superfine bombazines, Caspian stripes and Norwich crapes 3- 4 and 6-4 cambric and furniture dimity Valencia, toillinet, Marsailles and Florentine vestings 4- 4, 6, 7 & 8-4 merino cashmere & English merino long & square shawls Gros de nap gausc, and cashmere handkerchiefs Blue and yellow nankeens Ingrain carpeting, and sacking bottoms Bayaderes, satt iris and mantua ribbons Paper hangings and bordering for rooms Umbrellas and parasols Steel and gilt coat buttons Suspenders, tapes ami carpet binding Undies* Leghorn hats and fiats Mens' leghorn and sea glass hats Porter sheetings, Aiisnaburg und Russia sheeting 4-4 and .5 4 and 6-4 oil cloths White and coloured cotton and silk hose V ill; bis usual assortment of Is , Russia Diaper and crash do. Cloths and Keisiineres. ALSO Always on band, flit- best quality live geese feathers. The subscriber tenders Ins thanks to bis friends and tbe public generally, tor the very liberal encouragement be lias met with, and hopes by keeping a good assortment and selling cheap as usual, lie will retain tbe public's patronage. JoseçYv Vogue. N. li. The subscriber will sell cloths and keisiineres in particular, at a small advance from the auction prices. Per sons wanting cheap articles will find it to their advantage to call at his store, No. 101, Wilmington, Del. 1— 3m ALBRIGHT'S Columbian Syrup. THIS Medic*ne t for me &ln»n tune il has been before the Public, has proved it fell superior to Panaceas, and other lemciiieb,to Midi a uc^rec, a.* to jjive confidence to the Proprietor, that iis rflicac) alone will support i s distin guished merits. !i is the m. st useful spring and autumn alteiaiive ever yet discovered, li is so peiiectky limocem, that no evil died need be apprehended iront it, when ap plied agreeably to dte cli ect.ons. li may be given, Without any apprehension, »o the must tender infam, or feeble adult. The COLUMBIAN SYRUP w.lt relieve ai d eventually remote the toimwing '.—Necrosis,Cane.-,(or ulce rations ofthe houe»,) King*» Foil, or Set ulula, Rneunmuc affections ot the heml, amt icm generally ; b>pmtis, Mer curial, and as) complaints originating in the improper of Mercury i Ulcer.-, of the mouth ana throat ; V\ hue Swel ling; cancerous,and inveterate Ulcers; dischatgcs from the Ears; disease-, of ihe bum; Liver complaints ; J dice, Indigestion, srul Debility. As a geiteraldepuiative article, or pur.her of the blood, tins medteine poases.se-. invaluable powers ll improves the appetite, and lias the rema< *abic quality of depriving the skm ofthat )cllcw bilmus tint, winch is so common in bili ous constitutions. Besides ihe diseases above enumerated, il is also recommended as a iemedy for that afflicting disor der, the ulcerated sore head» under which children sutler ihe most excruciating tonnent» tor years. Whenever a newly discovered medicine is recommended to the public, justice requnes that s me testimony be of fered in proof ol its superior remedial powers ihe*CW umbian Syrup ha» now been u»ed a suflic.em length ol ume, b » n by tnt' Proprietor auu by several eminent physicians, u> warrant ihe declaration, tha. m a variety of diseases it is a remedy ot preeminent virtues. In -everal cases wheie large quantities of Pauutcas and Syrups had been used with out producing any eiicci, dit Columbian Syrup. short tunc, pciiormed pence, cores. I he to! low mg certificates oi cures performed by the Co lumbitin Sy up , juinish ample proofs of its superior efficacv over every ..titer p .puiar remedy,even Sxvunn*a Pt.nucea, which in the opinion ot some of cians, when first brought up, wi value. t he following certificate was received by the proprietor of the Columbian byrup, nom ihe subscriber. It wt proof it had given of its superior efficacy over ihe Panacea. a very Uroftnsors and L'liysi u medicine of inestimable .lie fu'-l CERTIFICATE. M y son, George M inkle, about 13 years of age, was seri ously affiicitd with a cancc .-ous ulcer of the turoat an d heal up, and by the t ime lie had used the eighth bottle, he was complete Vldï:1\, non,on, MWÄJV UrW Iliad. March 20, 1827. Jiuttonuuud, neur Sixlh-tl. hJ.. v Ve C ".' se "J f' ecl0sis * Cor affection of the uones.) ,S con.idei ed by several physicians as a very remark &, ." ne r i n 1,c „ ca,, " ,U5 bu,le - s ai ' e in die possession °* ll,L ptopnetor of the Columbian Surub. ami id any time ,r- I- ccrl es rr.ay be seen at the store of the 'Agent (D Each bolt le ot the genuine medicine basa label, re presenting the Lagle and Hydra, with my signature. JACOB AX,BRIGHT. JVo. 1Ü3 Arch .Street, Philadelphia. So ^ »> Wilmington, by li. IS. ŸAUCJHAR', Druggist, u. 44, Maiket-streel. b ° .s»< it It of may be seen Other \ House and Sign Paintin GLAZING AND PAPER HANOINg 7 The subscriber tenders his thanks to his friends and customers for the encouragement he has receive cu in his business for fifteen years past, and beg£ leave to inform them and the public generally, that he still carries it on in its various branches; and •Tuli™. 11 ® a °d lonç experience, together with the aidot excellent workmen, not only to con tittue to give satisfaction to old customers, but to obtain new ones. The subscriber is determined to make every reasonable exertion to execute with neatness and dispatch all work committed to him, and do it on reasonable terms. Apply at No.- King street, between Broad and Hanover streets, where orders will be thankfully received, and nunc tually attended to. BENJAMIN FREDD. Wilmington, May IS. q_ m or