6 ? NE W.Y O R K, Deember 6. The several Companies of Royal Americans that lately arrived here from Albany, decamped since our last, and are proceedié to the Jerleys and Pennsylvania to go into Winter Quarters. Part of Shirley's and Pepperell's Regiments arrived here Yesterday from Albany, and are, we hear, to proceed t 0 Boston, &c. there to be quarter’d for the Season, ' Thur(day last Capt. Codwife arrived here from Tortola, "and*advifes, that a Brig belonging to Boflon was taken the Beginning of Oftober, and carried into Porto Rico. The fame Day the Mayiftrates of this City met at the City Hall, where a ftri& Enquiry was made of the Dotlors in this Place, what Number of Persons were down with the Small Pox, under their Care ; when, after the most dili gent Enquiry, it was found that only four Persons were then ill of that Distemper, and those ‘in four d:fferent Families. B O 8 T 0O N, Diember iz, ' Last Tuesday Morning died here, and on Friday was honourably interred, the Honourable Josiau Wivrviiarp, Esq; Secretary of this Province,in the 76th Year of his Age. By Capt. Bryant from the Bay of Honduras, we are in formed, that the Spaniards had demolished the Fort we had built at the Mouth of the River, znd threwn the Cannon (18 in Number ) into the Sea..-- That they had fitted cut a Guard de Costa of 12 Guns, to take ail Veflels that bad Logwood on board, and that she had atually taken two Veflels belonging to New-York: By a Person who came Paflenger in Capt. Foiger, we Yearn, that they came thro” the Channel, under Convoy of three Men of War, who were Coavoy to 11 Tran{ports bound for Gibralter, in order to reinforce Admiral Hawke's Squadion ; and that it was said he was going to attack Mahen at all Adventures : That Hawke was still cruizing off Mahon, and took every Veilel that pafs’d that Way :— That the Englith Men of War and Privateers had taken and carried into Port, at least two Thirds of the Martineco dnd St. Domingo Fleet :—That the Brest Fleet had not as yet fail'd, being block'd up by Admiral Bofcawen, who kept 2 good look out.——T hat the Capts. Wilson, Kirk wood and Cathcart, faii’d with them for this Place, arnd may be hourly expefled. : PORTSMOUT H: . Tuesday last the GENERAL AssemßLY met here. We have Advice, that the Sloop Ranger, Capt. Oram, ' from this Place for Antigua, is taken and carried into Mar tinico ; and that the Brig William, Capt. Noldred frcm hence, arrived at Bristol in 26 Days. Lat Monday Night between 8 and 9 o’Clock, a new Ship belonging to this Place, was calt away upon Ragged Neck in coming round from Hampton, where she was - built ; fthe is so bilg’d and broken- that there are no Hopes of getting her off again: We hear that the Captains Frost and Palmer are arrived fafe in the Weft Indies from this Place. , By the Captains Pinkham and Folger from London, arrived at Nantucket, we hawve the following Advices, viz. ¢ From the LONDON GAZETTE. 0 KensiNagTON, Ofober 19. Last Saturday Morning Colonel Lentulus Aid de Camp to his. Prufian Majelty, arrived here from the Prussian Army in Bohemia, with Letters to the King, which he had the Honour to deliver to his Majelty in privaie Audience, . ; - Bervrin, O&ober q. We bawe jufl received the following authentick Relation of the Altien at Lowojchutz, on the firff Irflant, between bis Majefly’s Army and that of the Aufirians. ON the 28th of September the King set out from his Camp at Sedlitz, and joined his army in Bohemia, which he had sent forward under the command of Marthal Keith, in order to take poffeflion of and secure the passes into Bohemia. This army was encamped near Auffig, and confiited only of 25000 men, becaufle the King had been obliged to leave the main body of his tlioops in the reigh bourhood of Pirna, in order to keep the Saxon camp block ed up. The Kingupon his arrival, resolved to march for ward. He formed a vanguard of eight battaiions, ten squadrons of dragoons, and eight of hussars. He put himfe!f at the head of this body, and marched to Tournitz ; and ordered his army to follow him in two columns, the one by the way of Profcobot, and the othier by the fame way his vanguard had taken. From Tournitz he marched, with his van, towards Welmina, where he arrived that evening, an hour brfore {unfet. There he saw the Austrian army, with its right wing at Lowolchutz, and its left towards the Egra. That very evening, the King himfelf, occupied with fix battalions, a hollow, and some rising grounds,which commanded Lowofchuiz, and which he resolved to make ule of, the next day, in order to march out againit the Aultrians. The Army arrived, in the night, at Welmiaia, where the King only formed his battalions behind one aro ther, and the f{quadrons in the fame Manner, which re mained, all night; in this position ; the King himfelf set ting up all night,and having no other covering but his cleak, befare a little fire, at the head of his troops. On the 1l of Oltober, at break of day, he took with him his principal general officers, and thewed them the ground which he intended to occupy with his army, viz the infantry, form ing the firlt line, to occupy two hills, at the bottom betwixt them, some battalions to form the second line ; and the third, to be compoled of the whcle cavalry. The King made all poflible dispatch in duly strengthen. ing the wings of his army upon the hills : The infantry at the right poffefled themfeives .of their polt, and took all their precautions in order to fecare it effe@ually ; whill the lefc was forming, it fell immediately into an engage ment with the enemy’s Pandours, Croatians, and Grana diers, who were poited in vineyards, inclofed with fone walls, We advaaced up in this manger, till we came to the declivity of the hli towards the enemy, from whence we saw the town of Lowofchutz filled with a great Body of infantry, and a large battery of 12-picces of cannoan be fore-it, and the cavalry form’d chequerwife, and in a line between Lowofchutz and the village of Sanfchitz. There being a thick fog, this was all that could be perceiv'd The King {ent to reconnoitre ; and the reports confirmed all that had been judg’d of the enemy’s position. After the King had found, that the battalions were poflfefied of that hollow, in the manner he had ordered it, he thought that the firlt thing to be done, was to drive back the ene my’s ¢avalry, which {tood in his front, - Aad with this view AMES’s Almanacks to be Sold by the Printer hercof by Wholesale & Retaile for Ehc__¥¢ar 1757