: Friday, March' 11. 1757 : s _ : i ¢ fi" eG,S e l E ‘ 2 "‘4 / 4 . :b . : s bEx ‘.'U‘., A 7“ —,’ :;‘L".:‘.«:fr ‘ 4 - ‘ & , ¥ wlhe Neg-Hampfbire cad G AZETTE ¢ . B i C 0 NAEYERNNRSS eI ed : s With the Frefbeft Advices r C/’;{:;flefléwn,‘ (South -Carolina) December 30. - 7 ‘Saturday last the Privateer Brig Pliny, Capt. @ Stoddard, bro’t inherea rich St. Domingo: , Ship bound for Bourdeaux, of zao Tons, laden, " ‘with Indigo, Coffee,Sugars, &c. which she took™ on the 23d ult. off Bermuda : She'is called La Com pidifance, Francis le Bran-Commander, had a Letter of Mart, and came out from Cape Francois in Com-_ pany with 35 otheF rich Ships, under Convoy of 4 Men of War, who were going” home with them. > Capt Stoddard fell in with 5 Sail of the Fleet, but as they. all fieeted different Courses as foori @s they saw the Privateer,no otber fell to his Lotbutthe Complaisance. Monday last returned from a Cruize, bis Majefty.’s’ St p Winchelfea, commanded by John Hale, Esq ;: On the 4th Inst. Capt. Hale took a Paflage Boat laden: with Bricks, from Cape Francois for Port Dauphin,. - which the French ransomed ; on the 6th, he alfotook' Le Don @’ Onnvire, Methurin Fayard,Mafter, a large Snow from Quebec for the Cape ; and on' the gth, he', chaled a “large Ship of twelve'6 ‘Pounders, and 8o Men, intothe very Ha:bour of the Cape, quite under -the Cannon of some of the Forts, where he battered' ber some Time in View of a great' Body of Spelta-' tors, and did considerable Damage to her Rigging = The fame Ship had before engaged an Englith Pri vateer 106 Leagpes off the Land, when the firft Capt. had his Head shot off, and several of the Crew were _ kiled and wounded, . - : ‘~ On Tuesday put into this Port, the Sloop Mary- Ann,Robert Salmon Master, from London for Boston. _ The fame Day arrived here Capt Tucker in fifteen Days from Bermuda, whae as he came out spoke with a Snow going in, thathad been taken by a French Pr ivateer, which had taken fo.many Englith Veflels, 50, _ Leagues to the Eastward of that Island, that they werg, obliged togive the said Snow to the Prisoners, to get rid of them. ~ A Person on board the Snow desired Capt. Tucker to make it known here, that David Fifr}ng'fims taken by the said Privateer., : .. | Fan. 6. Orders have been iflued by h£s Excellency the Governer, that the several Regiments in this Pro _ vince have Notice to be in Readiness to march upon the fhorteil.Notice. MYy (A eTwl Y . We have certain Advice, that a large Brigantine is failed from Campechy, with Orders to take every Eoglith Veflel she can catch inthe Bay of Hunduras ; and that two stoat Xebeques ate fitiing out for the fame Parpofe. W ~+ A large Sloop belonging to, New York, William - Smith Master, another Sloop whereof one Davis, Ma fier, and another Englith Sloop, are taken by the Spa ‘niards and carried into Campechy. The Letters found on beard the Paflage- Boat Capt. Hale took on the 4th tlt. were mostly dated the 30th of November ; give most deplorable Accounts of the _ Situarion of Affairs at Cape Francois, and represent ‘the Island to be in greatDilirefs for Want of Provisions, &c. and their Trade as totdlly ruined. Capt. Hale look’d several Times into the Harbour of the Cape, but did not fee one Man of War there, fothat they must have been fail’d either forMififippi,or elsewhere,. The Letters foand in the snow fromQuebeck, contain everal vaunting Accounts of the French Arps on this ‘%ontinent :One of them dated O&. 23, fays, they fwere then preparing to besiege two Places of Impor /tance. 5 { Fan. 13, On Tuesday arrived Capt. Adams from Providence, who informs us, That Capt. Canton, in'a Bermuda Privateer, had sent in there a Dutch {loop laden with Indico and Coffee, from Cape Francois for Coracoa, the Master of which honestly declar’d +-ghat his whole Cargo was French Property. ; . Fan. 27. His Majesty’s Ship Kennington command ed by Dudley Digges, Esq; is just putin here, and we heat will fail in a few Days for New- York. ~ " Last Monday arrived bere the Privateer snow Muf queto, of Hallifax, Capt. Pennel, from a Cruize of fix Weeks, having bro’t in with her a French Brigantine from Martineco for Bourdeaux, richly laden, which she took to the Eastward of Bermuda. Sheis called _La Lureaux, Pierre Genfea, Master. ’ _ Feb. 3. Letters from New-Providence advise, that on the 21t ult. artived there Capt. Geary from Anti gua, and bro’t an Account, That jult before he {ailed from thence, a Man of War of 20 Guns, in 27 Dayy from England, touch'd there, {ent Express from . Admiral Knowles, to inform the {everal Governorsin the Weft- Indies, that 7 Sail of French Men of War, . ~ - — 4y % . P -t;“:??: R ’1:’(” < ! ISR R N e | ,sg;-‘;-:.";fl);‘,‘.,‘!-;g-‘ ,JW o i | ’;.['??»’é; - ’-L Pot '@ E ! #;’x.v ;{gn/’ ;“":t 3 o S s ' & 3 ‘g“ bST > {M:’ S f ‘ Fot DY R 1 "Q‘* : {&Q Ly %&% : % = v[.‘ X ‘ 1“. e : 3 : % s i R ROy % §\§"t~ bl o %‘\\AN\%&QW*\(\, 4 ';;f@fi 4. R "L gPRE S T A%PA SST SRR 22 ‘(ié’: ,“ I‘E{h‘“ifiziyj );:&“f,i-‘_ = I Y 2 App "SR R el | N 7 1P /o) 'KA,?n-—Vi fi:‘rw:“_ ‘ 1 {'«;}“/r S P = 3 ,’/‘f 7 .’_. - # .k ,' (.?".fl"’”‘/‘t i;/.fl,y) & -"u/ e = f‘t 3 }»'-““2':"_'“;‘ “;! FLPYA Y oo DO \N&i, = e :\s'{,‘;‘?,,., eAR L oy e «:;:_‘;:{ w 7 W > 5y e '*"“'“—'"4_",‘?‘»-,—:;4__, : ;"::’t SR = 2 Fe= e =l f‘f}flgfi? > -.{_?é‘{;. e % » ’:"J‘-;‘f .fgzg G A : e s/_‘ with several Transports haviag 1500 Land Forceson board, might be expeéted to attack some of our Colo: nies in "tho[c'Pyts, as he had discovered by Letters on board a French ship then just taken: And that to pre pare them for their Reception, be (the Admiral) sent that timely Notice, by the Express, immediately upbn® his coming at the Intefligence : That the Man of War did not anchor at Antigua, but proceeded to the other Islands : And that General Thomas, upoh receiving the Advice, immediately difpaiched a Schooner to Admizal Franklaad; .o b eat Other Letters from Providence fay, thata Flag of Truce was arriv'd there from St. Euftatia, to claim the Dutch sloop some Time since taken by Capt. Beak ; and bro’t 'an Account, that just before she left that Iftand, a Duch Man of War of 40 Gunsarrived, io a short Paflage from Holland; with Orders, that all the Dutch Colonies in the Weit- Indies thould be immedi ately fortified and put into the best Polture of Defence, as the States General would soon be obliged to-tdke Part in the present War betwéeen' Gredt Britain and France. That they have now 4 Privateers out from Providence, and more fitting : That his Majelty’s Sloop ' Jamaica, Capt. Thomplon, arrived there the 6th ult. and fail'd on a Craize the 14th. . : + Feb. 10. Weléarn from Georgia, that the Chicke faw Indians lately attack’d four French Boats on the Halbama River, took two of them, killed four Men, and bro't off 6o Horse-loads of Plunder. . From the Motions of the French in those Parts, 'tis not impro bable,that they havein View fomeAttempt upon these Southern Provinces, and thé ensuing Spring may per haps be the Time ;_ for we know from Europe, and also from St. Domingd, that Abundance of Troops and all Kinds of Implements of War, have been along Time fending to Miffifippi, and We bave been told, that 4 great Number of Boats are continual'y employ - ed in carryinghCann_Oia, &c:‘up that River : We thould therefore (as the most likely Way to defeat Attacks ). be prepared against them oo all Hands, let the Enemy come when or where they will. ' : - The fame Day arrived Capt. Linthorn, in 39 Days from Lisbon, by whom we learn, thatthe Tyger Priva teer of Bristol, had been obliged to put in there to refit, having received a whole Broadside from the lower Tier of a French 74 Gun Ship, which the ‘came up with in the Night, in the Bay of Biscay, in Company with a nother Ship of 64 Guns and 2 Frigates, after having dogged them two Days mistaking them for Merchant Men ; that they fteer’d for America, and did not once alter their Course to chace the Privateer ; and that the Tyger, in 12 Hours after parting with them, {poke with Admiral Knowles, who bad 10 Ships of the Line with him, and immediately ordered them to give Chace. The Harwick took and sent into Lisbon, 4 Freach St. Dothingo Ship on beard of which was Capt. Clement Coayers, who was taken some Time ago in his Passage f;oin Jamaica to this Place, and is riow arrived here in Capt. Linthorn. _ On funday arrived here Capt. Lightbourn, in 12 Days from Bermuda, who informs us that a Privateer schooner, of 14 Guns and 70 Men, belonging to Ha lifax, had taken arid carried io there a rich French St, Domingo thip. . o W | TRILADELPRIA Yebl24) On Friday last drrived Captain Condy, from St. Chriftophers, by whom we have the following Advi ces, via. That about the 16th or 18th of last Month, eight Sail of English Privateers failed from that Port, in order to attack the Island of St. Bartholomew, Capt. Cook, in the Cicero, of New-York, Commodore : That they got there the Day after they set out, and immediately attacked and took the Place : That in the Engagement, a Sloop bélonging to New- London, Capt. Gale, accidentally blew up, by which 18 of his Men, and as many of Captain Cook’s were killed : That they took in the Harbour three French Priva teers, and carried them to St. Chriftophers: That three of our Privateers were left to take Care of the Place, Capt. Cook having ereéted an 8 Gun Battery in the Harbour, of the Guns which belonged to Capt. Gale’s Sloop : That Capt. Cook received a flight Wound in his Arm, and several of the Enemy were Kkilled : That our Privateers in general behaved well : That the Commodore had retarned to St. Chriftophers in a fine French Privateer Schooner he had taken before the Engagement, and was gone to Antigua to receive the General’s Orders relating to St. Bartholomew : “That the French had geceived Advice of the Dutch Fore{gn and Dafize/iic‘/e; , of the Design of our Privateers againit them, the Night betore they arrived, and bad got the Guns of one of their Privateers athore, in orcer to ereét a Bat tery : And'that the Inhabitants on the French Part of st. Martins, expefting an Attack, had: left their Habitanons, and carried their Effeéls to the Dutch Quarters. The taking of the above Island must be of great Service to our ‘lrade, as it was a general Rems dezvous for Fremh Pricateers, and bas a fine Harbour, in acvhich Vessels may'ride fafely in agy Hurricare. Capt. Condy furcheradvifes, That Capt. Acney,in a St-Chriftophers Privateer, had taken a French one, of 4 Carriage and 6 Swivel Guns, with a Prize Sloop she had with her, and brought them into that Island : That Capt. Bithop, in another Privateer of St. Chrifto phers, had taken a French Sloop, bound from Mar finico to St. Euftatia, and sent her in there : And that a Snow belonging to Barbadoes, had been taken by the French, but retaken by Capt. Cook, of the fame Island, and carried into St. Chriftophers. : To the Publijbers of the PEnnsyrvania GAZETTE, ¢ GENTLEMER, ; ; "THE Corporation of the City of Philadelphia have " ing tho’c it their Duty to teftify their grateful Sense of the Services done this. Province, by the Courage and Condut of Colonel Armflrong, with the Officers and Men under his Command, iz the late Expedition to Kittanning, you are requested to publilh the follow ing Letters on that Subject ; the one from the Mayor and Corporarion to the Colonel and his Officers, and the othier from the Colonel in Anfwer.theretc. Sers vices of such a beneficial Nature, require the warmest Acknowiedg ments from all true Lovers of their Couns try, as 'well in Justice to those who perform them, as to kindle up a like Spirit in others ; and it is equally for the Horour of those who censer duch -Acknow ledgments and those who teceive themy that it fheald be done in the molt publick Manner. . - ‘ To Colonel Jonn ARMSTRONG. THE Corporation of the Cityof Philadelphia greatly .~ ‘approve of your Conduét and publick Spiritin the late Expedition against the Town of Kittanning, and are highly pleased with the signal Proofs of Courage and personal Bravery given by you, and the Officers and Séidiers under your Command, in the Demolith i.ng of that Place. lam therefore ordered to return you and them the Thanksof the Board for the emi nent Service you have thereby done yoar Country. L am also ordered by the Corporation to present E}'ou, dit of their small publick Stock, with a Piece of Plate, ‘and a Silver Medal, and each of your commissioned Officers with a Medal, and a {fmall Sum of Mohey, to be disposed of in the Manner most agreeable to them ; which the Board desire you will accept as & Teftimeony of tht Regard they have for your Merit. o Signed by Order, Rbper Fanuary 5, 1757. Artwoob SuuTe, Mayor. ’ Tothe MaYOR, RECORDER,ALDERMENGnd COMMON - CounciL afthe Corporation of the Cig@f P hiladelphia.f GENTLEM{ZM, _ | 4 Y OUR Favour of the ssth Instant, together with the Medals, and other genteel Presents, made 2o the- Officers of my Battalion, by the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia, I had the Pleafare to receive by Captain George Armstrong. . . -8 : ' The Ofiicers employ’d in the Kittanning Expedi tion, have been made acquainted with the diftinguifh~ ing Honour you have donc them, and desire to join with me in acknowleging it in the most public Manner. The kind Acceptance of our past Services.by the Corporation,gives us the highest Pleafure,dnd furnifhes a freth Motive to exert oarfelves on every future Oc casion for the Benefit of his Majesty’s Service in _ge neral, and in Defence of this Province in particular! In Behalf of the Officers of my Battalion, 1 have the Honour to be, / Gentlemen, : Carlifle, Tanuary Your most obedient, : £4, 39587, aud obliged bumble Servant, ‘ JoiN ARMSTRONG, " NEW-YORK, Feb. 28. " Phis Day Week arriv’d here Capt.DanielSeymour, of the Sloop Delight, in 4 Weeks from Jamaica, from whence bie failed in Company with Capt. Edwards of Philadelphia,Capt. Philipfe of Boston ; Capt, Brown “of Virginia, and a Snow belonging to Rhode-Ifland,of : ’ 2 ' Ao e "thh NuME. 27.