which one Keith was late Master ; under Convoy of his Majesty’s Ship the Greenwich, Capt. Roddam. Capt. Seymour acquaints us, that about 16 Days after they left Jamaica, they fell in with a French Privateer Sloop, and a Brig commanded by Capt. Morrell, of Philadelphia, which the Privateer had taken,and there being but little Wind, Capt.Roddam mann’dSeymour’s Sloop, and sent her after the Brig, which he retook, but the Privateer made her Escape by the Help of her Oars. When Capt. Morrel was firft taken, the Frenchmen gave him and his Crew their Long-Boat, in which they feered for Jamaica. b Capt. Seymour farther acquaints us, That the Pri vateer Brigantine Hawk, Capt. Alexander, of this Port, had taken a French Privateer Sloop of Ten Guns and 85 Men, belonging to Martinets, and sent her to Ja mmaica ; and that between Anavafaand CapeTiberoon, he seized a Ship with 1109 Barrels of Flour on board, carrying on an illicit Trade, which he sent to Jamaica ‘alfo ; After which, he bore away for Port Morant, where he careened his Veflel, and proceeded on his Cruize : That Capt. Samuel Dunfcomb, in 2 Letter of MarqueSloop,bglonging to this Post also, had taken two French Schooners, with about go Hogtheads of Sugar on board, which were likewise fafe arrived at Jamaica. - . " Wednesday last Capt. Joseph Wilson arrived here in 6 Weeks from Hunduras Bay,who left at that Place the Captains French and Steel of this Port ; Captains Burk, Peck, Robinson and Clark of Rhede Island, (e two last ready to fail ; Captains M'Carty and Gallop of Boston ; and Captain Lyon, of Philadelphia. Yesterday Capt. Roome arrived herein fix Days from South-Carolina. By him we learn, that on the 16th Instant came into that Port, Capt. Thomas Bar ton, in a prize Schooner, taken and sent in by the Prince of Orange Privateer, Capt. David Dixon, of this Place : The Chief of his Cargo is Dry-Goods ; and was taken off the Eaflt End of Hispaniola. The Brig Hester, Capt. House, who failed from London for this Port some Months fince,was taken on her Paflage,by a Schooner Privateer from Louifbourg; who, after taking every Thingof Value out, ransomed the Hester for 17001. She isfince arrived atAntigna. The Captain of the Privateer informed Capt. Houle, that he made the sixteenth English Veflel he had taken since he left Cape: Briton ; that several of them were Europeans ; and that one Craig, Mate of a Liverpool Snow, was then on board the Privateer. Extra& of a Letter, from on board the #ecfel Pri vateer, Capt. Feston, of this Port, dated at Monta Christa, Fan, 5. 1757. « I embrace this Opportunity to inform you of our Welfare. Our Barge bas made a jmall Cruize, and has bro't us tavo jfimall Craft, loaded with 40Bags of Indigo, Sfive Hogfbeads of Sugar, and 1o good Slaves, all which nwe now hawve fafe on board, and am in Hoprs e shall Fonifps our Cruize in a fbort Time, baving good Intelligence that 25 Sail are nows lying at the Cape ready load:d, woaiting for Convey. A white Prijomer ave took, Jays, that a Fleet of 400 Merchantmeit, under Convoy of fix Ships of the Line, are bourly expeéied at Cope Francois Jrom Old France.’ Extra& of a Letter from a Gentleman in St. ' Chriftophers, dated Jan. 16. 1757. ° . ® —Capt. Fames McHugh, in the Privateer Snow Dreadnought, of New -York, arrived bere about 10 Pays ago ; and avhile be avas in Port, a Proposal awas made (on Information of @ Number of French Privateers biing at St. Bartholomenw ) to the several Captains of Priva teers them in this Place, which was 7 in Numlber ; among avhom aere Capt. McHugh, in the Dreadnought, and Capt. Arnold, in the Brig King George : They all avent over, and took the Island, togetber ewith three French Pri wateers. It was a good Attion, and in which both Capt . McHugh and Capt. Arnold, hawe given great Satisfae o tion to the Gentlemen of this [fland. It was the Work of a few Days only.—The Captains McHugh and Arnold ®alledin bere a few Days ago, and ave since jailed ix Consort to Windward of Martineco, wbhere | make no doubt, they awill meet with Success, as a French Flect wwas momently expelied 5 and they are tavo fine Veffels.”’ B O 8 T O N, March 7. By aVefiel from the Weft-Indies we hear, that the ‘War in those parts is chiefly carried on by Privateers; and that ours have taken so many of the French, that the rest are quite out of Countenance, few or none of ’em daring to stir abroad.— We wish we could give a better Account of the Success of our Men of War, than we can with Truth do at present. In our last we mentioned Capt. Fone's carrying a Prize into Rbode-Ifland ; since awhich: it proves to be another Prize Snow taken by the Primateer Brig Capt. Hopkins of Prowidifice.——.fier Cargo. consists of 160 Hog(heads of Sugar, 300.80Frels of Coffee, 40 Bales of Cotton, e, Captain Wolven from the Weft-Indies, advises, of Capt. Philip Lewis, of this Place, being taken and car 2ied in Martineco.. Also,. of Capt.. Margery,, of Salem, being taken, and carried into St.. Thomas. PORTSMOUTH, ia E‘E‘EZW SHIRE, Printed by Daniel Fowle, where this Paper may be had at Oxe Dollar per Annum, or an L Equivalent in Bills of Credit, 40/, to be paid atEntrance, L Wednelday last, the Ship Hersford, of 30 Guns, and about 200 Min, Thomas Lewis, Commander, failed from this Port o& a Gruize against his Majefly’s Enemies. . Thursday last awas launched a fine. Privateer Snoav, #e'is to carry 18 Carriage Guns, besides Swivel. At the Superiour Court, Court of Assize, &c. held here a few Daysago, Jobn Rane and John Hawkins, two Soldiers belonging to one of the eftablith’d Re giments, being convitted of stealing out of the Pocket of James House, Efg ; of Hanover, 4t a publick Ven due in this Town, a Leather Purse, having 17 pieces of coin’d Gold therein, of the Value of £. 5o Law ful Money, weré sentenced to beé set in the Pillory for the Space of an Hour, and ta be each of them whipt 35 Stripes,and to pay tribleDamages and Costs. Hercules and Sharper, two Negroes, being indit ed for breaking into two Dwelling Houses in this Town, and flealing {fundry Things from thence, plea ded guilty, and were sentenced . for each Offence to be publickly whip'd, and to pay trible Damages and Colts. The two last stood the Lath last Thursday, and we hear Rane and Hawkings will be exalted on Thursday next. ; & PO T.B:M O:U.F H, Last Tuesday a Schooner, laden with. Wood, in coming into this Harbour from the Eastward, ran up on a Ledge of Rocks, which Accident has very much damag’d hér: she overfat, and was afterwards tow'd in here by two finithing {chooners. The Men were fav'd by taking to their Boat. e : Last Wednesday the GeEneraL AsSEMBLY met ere. - I R : | f We hear that Capt. Appleton in a ship, and a sloop fsom this Place, sre arriv’d in Antigua. . ' Port of Prscaraqua. ; Entered In, None. & g , : ¢ Cleared Oat, Shores for Wcjz‘ Indies, King and Odi orne for dutigua, Fros for Virginia, - » Fraunckfort, Decemb. 11. The Duke of Wirtemberg hath refufed a Passage thro’ his Territories to the Austrian Troops that are marching from the Nether-- lands to Bohemia, under Pretence that his County cannot {upply them with afufficient Number of Horfeg and Carriages for their Baggage and Axtillery. LOND O N. Now. 27. Governour Pownall of the Maflachu fetts in New England, arrived in TownThur{day last. A Resolution is come to, for having a Fleet next Spring, consisting of not less than forty Ships of the Line, besides Firefthips, Frigates, &c. when some grand Expedition will be nndertaken. ‘ There are upwards of 30 Press Gangs come up the River, and a very warm Press for Scamen is daily expetted. : e ; Last fupday on the Return of General Blakevey from Court, whgre he had been congratulated by all true Britons on his being created a Peer, his Chariot was followed thro’ Palimall, &c. to his Lodgings, not only by common but genteel People, with Joud Ac: clamations of Applause. December 2. According to some Letters from Ger many by Yesterday’s Flanders Mail, the March of theßuflian Troops towards Pruflia is countermanded, in consequence of the Sovereign of that Empire being, made sensible of the Artifices of the Austrian and Sax on Ministers, who for several Years palt had misre presented the Condu&t and Measures of the King of Prussia, in order to get the Court of Petersburg to a bet their Schemes. Last Night there was a very hot Press on the River Thames, several were taken out of the Greenland ships, and no Regard had to Protections. Dec. 11. Lat Wednesday, at One o'Clock, the {purious Speech, cried about for the King's Speech, was burnt by the common Hargman, before Weit. minster Hall Gate; and Yesterday at the Royal Exchange. Extra& of a Letter from an Officer on board his Majefly’s Ship Falmouth, in Plymouth Sound, Nov. 30. “ On the 21f inflant, abeut Four in the Afternoon, in Lar. 48. vg. N: Long. 11. 52. W, the Weather boiflerous, the Captain, third Licutenant and Mafier, sanding together on the Quarter-Deck, near a Chest of Arms, containing about a Ico- Mufets charged and pri med, with as many Cartridgg- Boxes filled, the S/np'm,é --ing a Roll, one of the Muskets avent off and set Fire to the Cartridges, abich blowing the Che/! to Pieces, burnt the Mafler in @ tervible Manner 5 at the [ame time the Muskets avent off, fbot Capt. Brett through the Foot, and took off two of his Tees, and Mr. Lion, the third Lieutes nant, had the Bone of bis Leg /battered in sock a Man ner that they were obliged to cut it off the mext Day ; but they are all in a fair Way of doing Well. Last Satarday the Right Fon. the Lord Mayor sent an Officer to inform the Coffee-houfe-keepers near the Royal Exchange, who keep their Houses o pen on Sundays, that if they don’t defitt from that pradtice for the future they will be prosecuted. PROVINCE of Ngw-HAMPsmns, Marf‘:b 10. 1‘757. . NN OTICE 1s hereby given to all Persons, who bave received Orders from His Exciv"ncy the Gov NOUR, for inlifting Vollinteers to serve Colonel Meferve’s Regiment the ensuing Campaign,that 'tis His Excellency's Or der,that they do nat onany Pretence what ever Inlift any Men after Saturday tl 12th Inflant. And that they alfo'3fiak Him a proper Return of the Nur&be‘r.c and Names by them respectively Inlifiee on Monday or Tuesday next at fartheff. . By His Excellency’s Command, - THEODORE ATKINSON, Sec'* : - To-morrow will be Pusrisu’p, : And Sold by the Printer bereof, 1 Pampblet eniitled, 2 4 . 2 : POplfl’l Cruelty difplay’d ; g “a full and trie Aceoant of the Massacre of the ProTesTanTsin Ireland, by the Infligation of the Blood thirfly Jesuits, Priests, Fryars, &c. These Particulary of inbuman CRUELTIES committed by the Popifts Party, were attcfied before the Comm:ffiomers appointed Jor that Purpsfe. The Priefis gave the Sacram:nt unte- - divers of the lrith upon Condition they Mbould neither Jpare Man, Woman nor Child of the Proteflants. The Eryars exhorted them with Tears, not to Jpare any of the Engiith ; they boafled, that when they bad difirayed thewe inlreland, ¢bey would go over into England, andnat leave the: Memorial of an Englifbman under Heaven In Kilmore a/l the Inbabitants were fiript ard massacred, being two bundred Families -the whole was a commom Butchery 5 many T houfands perif’d by Sword. Famine, Fire, Water,and all other cruel Deaths they couldinvent. O TT T IT T T e e I e e T O BE SOLD, a likely, firong, bealthy NEGRO! - BOY, about twelve or thirteen Years of Age, wbo bas becn two Years in ths Couttey. Inguire of the Publifber of this Paper. : s s e e se s es e eee ey e g 4L E Persons Indebted to the Efiate of SaMmUBkL HARrT, late of PortTsmouvTn, Efg; deceased, are desired to come and fettle the fame with baMuEr HarT and Joun Harr, Adminifirators to said Eftat:. Axd those who bave any Claims on [aid Efate are desired to bring them in to [aid Adminifiraters, otherwise theyp will be shut oyt, having already been Notified. | 2 Provinecg of TOTICE i 5 bereby given 14 NSW—HAMPSHPR!‘} N tbe PUBLIC, That the Inbabitants of New-CASTLE,and elfemwbere, bave peti tioned the Governor, CouncrL and ASSEMBLY for . the Benefit of a LOTTERY, in Order to raise, Maney t 0 build a BRIDGE over LirTee HaRBOUR Rider from SAUNDERS’s Point upon the Main to New CAsBLE, Upon which Petition the following Vote passed, viz. Province of New Hampsuirs. In the House of REPRESENTATIVES, F2b. 26. 1757 ¥ kis Petition having been Read, REsoLven, That the FEetitioners be beard thereon the second Day of the fitting of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY next, after-the sirs Day of April next, and that the Petitioners at their own Coff. and Charge cause the Subfiance of said Petition, with this Qrder of Court to be Advertized in the New- Hamplbire Gazette four #eeks fuccefively, that dxp Person or Persons may appear, if they pleaje, and [b¢ew Cause, if any they bave, why the Prayer thereof foould not be granted. AnprEw CLarksoN, Clerk: In Counciw, Eod. Die 1 Read and Concurred } - TneopoßE ATklnson, Seeretary. 70 BE SOLD'sy Romant Tratir, Tws mew CaBLEs and Axcuors, together with a complea ’ Sett of Standing RlGeine suitable for a Veflel of abo 200 Tuns. Likewije a very large Assortment of B ngl{‘/g Piece Goops for Womens Wear, China and Irimming¢ Jfor Curtains, white and check Linnen, sewing Silk, Rib bins, Engliftr Shoes; Cafles of Hatts well sorted, Horfo Hair Hats, fail Twine, Lixfeed Oyl and Paints of all Jorts, Painters Tools, Boxes of Glass Ware, Earthexn Ware, Sea Csal, &¢. Es¢. ¢ N. B. Said TralLL wanti to buy a Vessel of about 160 Tans. , 2 (N Y Y P ey ) [ (e eo P P SP P T T IN ey ‘T'Q BE SOLD 4y Huen Harr WENTWORTH, Cheap. for Cafp or fLort Credit, CHOICE Bouea Tea, brown Sugar, Indige, 3 qra and 7 eight Checks, 3 qrs. and 7 eight Garlix, 1 af fities, Bandannoes, Ribbins, Fans, cottou Romalls, Lin nen Handkerchiefs, German Serges, Shalloons, Buttons and Twist, Tammies, Callimancoes, Worfled Damajk, Camblets, crefsbarr’d Stuffs, corded Dimity, cotton Hol lands, Rugs,colowr’d Threads, dy'd Pilloews, Bays, Felt: Hatts, China and Trimmings for Cartains, Englifp Cuina Difbes, Plates and Butter Buats, Delf Ware, Scotch Smuff, &¢c. &e, Te. g