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__ Jan. 28. It appears by the registries, that since the Prussians have been in pofieflion of Saxony, that Elec torate has furnithed them with 4000 men. They in lift persons of all ages, and all profeflions, and have ran sacked even the prisons go get soldiers. Pracue, (fubjelt to the Empress Queen of Bobemia, a wery firong rich City, the Capital ) Fan. 29. An express arrived here the 25th instant with the melancholy news, that Prince Piccolomini, Duke d’ Arnalfi, Field Marshal of their Imperial Majelties ar mies, and Commander of the army in Morayia, was seized the z4th, at his head quarters at Konigfgraiz, with such a {uffocating defluxion of rheum, that hedicd the next morning at four o'clock, aged sg, greatly re gretted by the whole army. Paris, (the Metropolis of France) Fan. 31. Another of our Ships called the Duke the Penthievre istaken by the English [ Antigallican privateer] within fight and under the cannon ofa fpanith fort. The Court of Madrid reclaims her, and insists that fbe shall be restored. —Wednelday died aged 62z, the Marquis D’Argenfon, formerly Minister and Secretary of State for foreign affairs. Feb. 11. To morrow the Dukes and Peers will go to the palace, to assist at the trial of Damien the afiaflin ; and it is thought he will be executed next week. Brussevs, (a noble City of the Loww Countries, [fub- Jecled to the Queen of Bobemia (& Hungary ) Feb. 3. By private letters from Paris we have accounts, that the affaflin having attempted to bite off his tongue, they had drawn out all his teeth. They add, that his bro ther is dead in the Baftile. We hear from Glatz, that the magazine of forage, which the King of Pruflia had ordered to be laid up there, hath been entirely destroyed by fire : It is af firmed, that the said magazine contained 300,000 ra tions. But by what means the fire was occafion’d, we are yet ignorant, BerLIN, (a flrong nolle City of Germany ) Fib. 7. A strong reinforcement of troops is ordered to march for Silesia to cover that country against the designs of the Queen of Hungary, who according to all accounts from Vienna, only waits the arrival of the French Aux iliary troops, to attempt a conquelt of the fame, out of the hands of his Pruflian Majeity. : LONDON. Fan. 8. Most of the European Powers are deeply employed on the present Crisis, and Couriers are conti nually pafling from one Court to another. In the mean while, some dexterous Decypher has found out certain numerical Letters, according to the Latin Text, in Je remiah li. 57. that tally with the Date of the present Year ; the Englith of which is as follows o — f 4nd £ “ aill make drunk ber Princes, a:l ber wife Mem, ber * Captains and Rulers, and ber mighty Men.” A new invented scaling Ladder, of a very singular and ingenious Contrivance, has been lately exhibited before some Personages of the firft Rank in the Army, and has met with great Approbation. It ats entirely uvpon mathematical Principles, and by Means of a Wheel, is capable of being raised with amazing Facili ty, upwards of 150 Feet perpendicularly, andthen, by being thrown tewards a Wall, failens itfelf to it with Firmness and great Security. By being capable of ris ing to {o considerable a Heighth, Ditches and other Obiftacles to getting near the Walls are of very little Consequence, as they do not at all affe&t the Operation of this Machine. It will also be attended with a very beneficial Advantage ; for, by being laid flat, it an swers all the Purposes of a fafe and commeodious Bridge. Another Circumstance in its Favour is this, that with very little Trouble it contralls intofo {mall a Compals, as to be contained in the Body of a common Waggon. Feb. 10. His Majesty has been pleased to raise Col. Cornwallis to the rank of Major General..— Admiral Hawke is so well recover’d as to be able to go abroad again.—'T'is assured, that orders are given to land as soon as possible, a fufficient quantity of provisions and stores atGibraltar, for the use of Admiral IHawke’s {qua dron left there, which was very {foon to be reinforced by 1z men of war of the line, besides a number of 20 gun ships, which are to be employed on a certain grand expedition.—We hear that a former contrall for the supply of the forces in North- America, will be tho roughly examined into. A particular and true account of the unfortunate Capt. William Death, of Ibe Terrible privateer, which had 26 carriage guns, and 200 men. “ On the 23d of December she engaged the Grand Alexander, from St. Domingo, bound to Nantz, a ship of 400 tons, 22 guns, and 100 men, and after a{mart fight of two hours and a half, in which Capt. Death’s brother and 16 of his men were killed, he took her, and put 40 hands on board. On Dec. 28, in convoy ing his prize (which was very valuable) to England,the 'Vengeance privateer, of St. Maloes, 36 guns, and 360 men, bore down upon and retook the prize ; then the ‘Vengeance and the prize both attacked the Terrible, the being between them, and shot away her main- mast ~ PORTSMOUTH, in NEW-HAMPSHIRE, Printed by Daniel Fowle, where this Paper may be had at One Dollar per Annum, or an ~ Equivalent in Bills of Credit, on¢ Ha{f to be paid at Entrance, ' the firft broadside ; and after the most desperate and bloody engagement ever known for one hour and a half, in which Monsieur Bourdas the French Captain, his second, and two thirds of his crew, Capt. Death, aimoft all his officers, and the major part of his crew, were ail kiiled, to the amount of near 400 on both sides : The Terrible was taken and carried to St. Ma loes in a shattered, frightful, and bloody condition, havirg no more than 25 of the crew left alive on board, and 16 of them had loft legs or arms, and the other 10 were mostly wounded.” Feb. 12. Yesterday being the day appointed for a general faft, his Majeity and Royal Family were at the Chapel Royal at St. James's,and heard a sermon preach ed by the Dean of Christ Church. — The House of Peers were at Westminster Abbey.— The Speaker of the House of Commons and upwards of zoo Members of that House, were at the Church of St. Margaret Wefllminfter.— The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Al dermen and Sheriffs, went to St. Paul’s in their black gowns.—— In the morning yesterday the Lord Mayor {ent the city marshal and several other officers to diffe rent parts of this city to shat up such shops as they found open, which accordingly they did to the number of 70; but in Bifhopf{gate fireet one™>f the icrupulous people cailed Quakers would not permit the officer to that it up ; but notwithstanding his-obstinacy to the chief ma gistrate’s servant, he was obliged soon after, by the ga thering of the populace about his door, to go out and hire a man to shut it for him.—An obstinate Quaker in the borough of Southwark, would net shat up his shop, on which a mob assembled and broke every Pane of glass in the windows of the front of his house. We hear there is a total change in the French Mini stry.—On Tuelday last the royal regiment of artillery was under Arms, in order to draught 300 men to go on the intended expedition ; when the whole regiment turned out volunteers, out of which their Commanding oflicer took the number wanted.— We hear that a very eminent and wealthy merchant has offered to contraét with the government for cleathing, viualling, remit tances, &c. twenty-five per cent cheaper than has been formerly paid.— The fix R-giments that are going to be sent to America are to bt at Cork the 18th instant at fartheft, Upwards of 70 outward Lound fhipsand transports, besides men of war, are detain’d in the Downs, by con trary winds.— This Day wrre fhipp'd for Hamburgh 4000 oz. of silver coin ; and 20 ct. of iron ordnance, and Bcoo ib. of gunpowder for Philadelphia. Also 80 ct. of lead (hot, and i¢ooo Ib. of gunpowder for Maryland. February 19. We hefl*fiht the ofiice’ of Auditor- General of the Plantations, vacant by the death eof Lord Walpole, devolves to the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cholmondley, for whom the reversion of it was obtain ed by his mother’s father, Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. The following is {aid to be an exac account of the troops which the Empref{s will bring into the field this year againfl the King of Prussia; viz. In Moravia Horse 20000, Foot §3608. Inßokemia Horse 20582, Foot 49610. A flying camp, together with the Irre gulars, to consist of 4000 liorfe, and 15880 Foot.— Total 44582 Horse, 119og8 Foot. Tuesday his Majesty wert to the House of Peers, with the usual {tate, attended in the state coach by the “Duke of Dorfet and the Earl of Hyndford, and gave the royal assent to the following Aéls, viz. An A& for granting to his Majefly a sum to be raised by way of lottery. An A to discontinue, for a limited time, the duties upox corn and flour imported, and also upon Juch corn and flour, as hawe been, or shall be taken jrom the enemy, and broug bt into this kingdim. An A& to probibit, for a limited time, the exportation of corn, grain, meal, malt, four, bread, bilcuit, flarch, beef, pork, bacon, and other viliuals (except fifh, and roots, and rice, to be exported to any part of Europe Southward of Cape Finifterve ) from bis Majefly’s Colenies and Plan tations in America, unlefsio G -eat Britain or Ireland, or to Jome of the said Colonies and Plantations ; and to per mit the importation of corn and flour into Great Britain and lreland in neutral foips 5 and to allow the exportation of avheat, barley, oats, meal, and flour, from Great. Bri tain to the lfle of Man, for the use of the Inbabitants. An A& for punifbing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. An A& for the [peedy and effeliual recruiting of bis Majefly’s land forces and marin:s. i . Letters from Paris of the 27th of January bring ad vice, that at five in the moruing, some officers of the city watch, pursuant to the orders they had received in the night, repaired to the houses of sixteen members of the parliament of Paris, that bad resigned their places, and served them with letters de-cachet, exiling them to various towns, with an injunétion to set out in twenty four hours ; in which interval they were not allowed to stir out of doors, nor to fee any body but the per- sons of their houfhold : The officers were charged ¢, flay with them till the moment of their departure, and to accompany them sixty miles on the road from Paris e after which they were to let them proceed to the re.- fpeflive places of their exile. ‘The Wtown is alarmed at this affair, and all the ‘lawy s, 2 wel] as the people, are so disconcerted, that the grand cham ber of the parliament can get no attornies nor advocates to bring any causes before it. Lonpon, February 2z2. We hear that some days ago died at Knockall in the county of Rofcommen, in Ireland, William Sharply, aged 138 years. He wrought at lath making until 6 weeks before his death, and was remarkable until then, for carrying a log of uncommon bulk to his place of work.—A few days - ago died at Penryn, one John Effingham, aged 144. He was born there in the Reign of King James I. o: very poor parents, and was bred up as a labourer. I the revolution of James 11. he was pressed, and served under Lord Feverfham. On King William's coming to England, he served under Marshal Schomber, and was present at the battle of the Boyne in Ireland ; where he behaved with so much iatrepidity that he was sometime after made a Corporal.” He continued a sol dier in the reign of Q. Anne, and fought under the D. of Mariboré at the ba:tle of Blenheim, and loft an Eye, and mott of his teeth, by the bursting of a mufquet. He served likewise in K. George the fuft’s reign, but was then tho't unfitfor service, and discarded. It's remark able, that he was never ill for 40 years past ; and the reason he gave himfeif for his living {o long was this; When young he never drank any [pirituous Liquors ; when old, he rose summer and winter before fix, and went to the next Field, cut up a turf, and smelt to his mother earth for some time, used constant exercise, and very seldom eat meat. . Saturday were fhip’d for the East-India company’s settlements abroad military stores to the amount of 111001 l Extral? of a letter from Dover, February 18. ““ This morning about nine o’clock a French dogger privateer, of about fix carriage guns, took a Spanish snow within three miles of Dover, in the fight of a great number of fpeQators, and carried her off in triumph : She was pursued just afterwards by two armed cutters ; but they not thinking themselves a match for ber, gave over the chace, and at the fame time gave a signal to the Badger sloop, that lay in the Offing, who likewise pursued, and with success ; for she retook the snow in about two hours afterwards, and has since taken the privateer.” ‘ Liston. The Shocks we have had of late, have been Tess Violent, and our ‘Attention is now engag'd for repairing the City, (For more News, fee the Supplement) ADVERTISEMENTS. Province of New-HawmpsHire. VW Hzreas we the Subscribers have Farmed the EXCISE on LIQUORS for the Province aforefaid, for the T'erm of one Year from the firt Day of Fanuary last, to the last Day of De cember next, and are by Bond to pay one Moiety thereof into the Treasury by the lat Day of 7uze next ; Tuis Is therefore to desire all Licenced Tavern-Keepers and Retailers to pay their firft Quarter’s Excise immedi ately, and a Receipt under either of our Hands shall be a Discharge therefor. And as it has been suggested, That many Persons have fold Excised Liquors since the firt Day of January last, without Licence, we take this Opportunity to Inform them, We expeét (and Juttice requires) they pay the Excise thereof to us, which will secure them from the Penalty of the Law, and us the Trouble of Exating it, which we are determin’d to do (when in our Power) on all Breachesof the Excise- A&, PorTsmourn, May 6. 1757. : ANDREW CLARKSON, Tuomas Wk, WaLpron, Joun KnicuT, Junr. Province of NEew Hampsuire, : Court of Y : Vice-AdmiraltyN O 1 ICE l,s hereby given, That the Court of Vice ApMmiraLTY, which was appointed te be beld at Pors/- mouth this Day, is put off to Thursday the 12th of May next, at Three o’Clock in the Afternoon, to be then held at Port/mouth aforefaid. ‘ April 28th. 1757. Pr Curiam, Sfobn Sherburne, D. R? Province of New-HaMPsuire. OTICE is bereby given to all Persons that bhave N any Demands on the Eflate of Moses THIRSTON late of STRATHAM, deceased, to bring in their Claims ta StepHEN THIRSTON, junior, Adminifirater to jfaid Efiate. And all that are Indebted to said Efate, are desired to make [peedy Payment to said Adminifirator. STRATHAM, April 27.1757. 2 .