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The New Hampshire gazette. [volume] (Portsmouth, N.H.) 1756-1763, June 17, 1757, Image 1

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E?{ay, Jone 1. 1757+
) . m,f}~ S gSI ‘ : .«
The New-Hampfbire @ *} GAZETTE,
With the Frq/bq/f Advices
~J i #ot ts Be Doubted, bat that the following Piece
{taken from a late Papery called Trs Worrp), will
Juit & world of our Readers.
[ is a vnlgar Notion, and worthy of the Vulgar,
I for it is both falf= and absurd, that Passionate Peo
k. ple are the best natured People in the World. 7bey
are & livile bafiy, it istrue s a Trifie avi!] put them in
a Fury 3 awd whife thiyare in that Fury, they niither
Frnww nor -cave subat 1y fay or do . But then, as son as
ir i 3 gucr, they are extremely sorry and penitent jor any
Dijury ov Bifehief they did. ‘This Panegyric on these.
chateric good natured People, when examined and fim
plified, smcants in plain common Sense and Englith to
this ; that they are Good natured when they are not
il na-ured ; and that when in their Fits of Rage they
have {aid or done Things that ave brought them to
Jail or the Gallows, they are exwremely {orry for it.
{t isird:cd highly probable that they are; but where
is ihe Peparation to those whose Reputations, Limbs,
or Lives they have either wounded or destroyed ? This
Coucern comes too late, and is only for themselves.
Self Love was the Cause of the lnjury, and the only
Muotive of the Repentance.
Fiad these farious People real Good Nature, their
£t OFence wouald betheir Jaft ; and they would refoive
ar 2’| Rvents pever to relapse. The Moment they teit
their Choler rising, they would enjoin themselves 2n
ehfolnte Silence and Inaétion, and by thatfudden Check
rather expale themselves to a Momentary Ridicuie (
which, by the Way, would be followed by aniverfal
Agplaufe) than run the leat Rilk of being irreparably
[ know it is said in their Behalf, that this Impulse
ts> Wrath is cenflitutionally {fo sudden and {o strong,
that they cannot ftifle it, even in its Birth : But Expe
rience thews us, that this Allegation is notoriously falfe ;
for we daily observe that these formy Peifons both can
2nd do lzy those Gusts of Passion, when awed by Ke
fpe®, retirained by Interest, or intimidated by Fear.
The moit catragenns Foriofa does got give a loole ta
his Ancerin Presence of his Sovereion, or his Mifirefs ;.
ror the expeftant Heir in Presence 61 tae peeviis Du
tard frorn whom he Hopes for an laheritance. The
foll citng Courtier, though perhaps uader the frongeit
Provocations, from anjuft Delays and broken Promutes,
cs.m'y {wailows his vnavaliug Wrath, disguises it even
ueder 3miies, and gently waus for mere favourable
% amects : Nor does the Criminal fiy in a Paflion at
his Judze or his Jury.
i here is thea put one solid Excuse to be alledgedin
favsar of thele People ; and if they will frankly urge
i: 1 will candidly admit ir, becaale it points out its own
Penmiedy. I.mean, let them fairly confels themselves
Bad, 5 they most ungueftionably aiz : For what Plea
canthofe who are frantic tea Times a Day, buriug a
. gank shaving, bleeding, and a dark Roeom, when {0
many miuch mors harmlels Madmen are confined in
their Lells in Bedlam for being [Mad oaly onceina
Moon ? Nay, I have been assured by the late ingeoi
evs Dr. Manro, that such of his Patients who werere
aly of a good-patured Difpafition, and whoin their
locid Lnzervals, wetre allowed the Liberty of walking
absut the Hofpital,would frequently, when they found
the previeus Symptoms of theu returning Madaels, vo-
Juntaniy apply for Confinement, conscious of the M.
chief which they might poilibly do, if at Liberty. If
thhic who pretend not to be Mad, but who really are
{n, had +he fame Fund of Cood Natore, they would
make Bz fame Application to thetr Friends, if ihey
have anv
"here is in the Menagiana a very pretty Siory of
or . of these angry Gentlemen, which sets their Fxtra
vay cace i 3 very ridieulous Light.
T w 0 U enlemen were riding together, ene of whom,
wha was a Choleric one, happeoed to be mounted up
oo au high (netiled Horse. 'T'he Horse grew a little
trouy'eiome, at which the Rider grew very angry, and
Vo i e (burred him with great Fury ; to which
the 4 2s wrong headed as his Master, re
| g and plunging. The Companion,
~ Jazzer, and athamed of the Volly
'y, Be quict, be quiet, and
& by no other
spich I thall
verfet by
I appretiate
Znt {udden
ccording as
Farted. This
Fducated Val
r, Fight with
' Such teads
ard if you at
- rally them,
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fhors have bluntly asserted, thatthis is in general the
Czfe of the i ¥reft Parcof our Spefies, whose great Vi
vacity does not always allow them Time t 0 realon
Conlequenuaily, but hurries thcx’:}‘; irto Testiness upon
the lealt Oppclitian to their Will. But at the {a%
Time, with all the Partialicy which I have for them,
and nobody can bave more than | have, 1 must con
fels that in al! their Debates, 1 have moch more admi
red the Copiouineis of their Réesoric, than the Con
clufivenels of wozir Logic, :
People of strong aniaal Spirits, warm Conflitutions,
and 2 cold Geuius (8 molt unforterate and ridiculous,
though common Compound) are moit wrafcible Ani
mals, and very dangerous ia their Wrath. They are
adlive, puzziing, biandering, and petaiantly enterpri
zing and perievering. They areimpatient of the lealt
Contradiction, having neither Argy nentsnor Words to
reply with ; and the animal Part of their Composition
bursts out into furious FExplofions, which have often
mischievous Consequences. INothing is tOO outrageous
or criminal for them to fay or do i these Fits ; butas
the Beginning of their Frenzy is easily discoverable by
their glaring Eyes, inflamed Counienances, and rapid
Motions ; the Company, as Ceuiervators of Peace
(which by the Way, cvery Man &, “ill the Authority of
a Magistrate canbe procured) fhonld forcibly seize these -
Madmen, and confine themin ths mean Time, in foine
dark Closer, Vault, or Coal-Hole.
Men of nice Hoasur, without ene Grain of common
Haonefty (for such there are) are wonderfully combulti
hle. The Honourable is to fuppert and protect the
Dihenourable Part of their Charader. The Confci
oufnnels of their Guilt makes them both fore and jealous.
Thare is another very irascible “ort of Luman Api
mals, whose Madness proceeds from Pride. These are |
generally the People, who having jaft Fortanes fuffici
ent to live idle and ufelefls to Society, create themselves
Gentlemen, and are fcropulonifly Tender of the Rank
and Dignity which they have not, They require the
moare Refpzé, from being confeicus that they have no
Right (¢ afry. They conitiie eves ;ifh'n‘% intg = Slighti
oA Fxplanations wias Heat, u{*%n mfi%d Lh;fi e
with Fury. Who areyou ? Wit aregen ? “De yog
koo wha you Jpeak to ? Tl sesch you to he infelrnt te
e Gentleman 2 are their daily lawms of Speech, which
frequently end in Affav’t and Ba tery, to the great
Einolement of the Round Hon® rad Csown-Office.
[ have known many young Felows, who at their firlt
setting out into the World, or in the Army, have fima- _
lated a Pallion which they did got feel, merely as an
Indication of Spirit, which Word is fz\{ely locked upun
as {ynonymous with Courage. | They dress and lock
Fierce, swear Enormously, and syse Furiously, seduced
by that popuiar, Word Sprric. jiur [ beg Leave to in
form these mitaken young Genticraen, whose Error [
comp ffionase, that the true Spivit of a rational Being,
confiils in cocd and steady Kefolyfion, which can ealy
be the Refaft of Reflection and i’?;me.
Our great Creator has wifely, given us Passions, to
rouse us into Adtion, and to enyage our Gratitude to
him by the Pleasures they proce us; but at the fame
Tirme he has kindly given us Heafon fufficient, if we
will but give that Reason fair play, to controul thoie
Passions ; and has delegated Arfiority to fay to them,
as he {aid to the Waters, ** Thu: far shall yepo and no
facther,™ ‘Theangry Man is bis own fevereit Tormen
tor ; .his Breast knows no Peace while his raging Pas.
fions are restrained by no Senfu of either religious or
moral Daties.. What would bg his Case if his unfor
piving Example (if [ may use furh an Expreibon) were
followed by his all mercifol Maker, whose Forgivenc(s
he :an only Hope for, in Proportion as he himfelf Foz
gives and Loves his Fellow Crezures ? !
Since our last Capt. Rench ::rived here from Newry,
which Place he lefc the Bth of Aoril. They had then no
Advice there of the Men of War being arrived at Cork that
were to convoy the Tracfports with the Forces to North-
America, but they were looked for every Hour ; that the
‘l'rcops wera all ready o ewbawl: npag their Arrival ; and
that it wos tho’t they might fail xbout the Middle of April,
We hear from Carlifle, that several fkalking Indiansare
dayly fcem near that Place, which gives the Inhabitants a
good deal of Uneasiness. b
Extrtci of @ Letter from Heidalbarg, in Berks County privy
the ek it
" Just now a Meflenger aiscd who informs, that on
Satarday latt one Ekinrod of Lyas Township, in Northamp
ton Coanty was shot and Scaiped by some lodians behind
his House, near the Wood Side ; that one of his Sons of a
bout 8 Years of Age was carried off : and his Daughter a
bout g Years old, shot through wer Right Arm, bat elaaped,
and is likely to do weil. She fa’s fhefaw two indians ; and
anather of . Fekinrod's Sons fav two ludians fealping his
#ather, but had Time to run off, R A :
NEW.-Y QK Ky Jue 6.
: Sun_gflay nyenig-:; the 2gth ul}. f’*‘fi}s after a lingering in-
A Ghon. on OME vt , w%g@, v Al‘-
Foreign and Domeflick.
Boat ; aud on Monday he was deeently interred in Trinity |
Church Yard : — On the Tuelday following, Capt. I{mifer,
appointed by Admiral Hardy, let fly his Pendant en board
the Leicester, as Commander of her,.in the Room es Capt.
Ratford, deceased. :
Since our last, Gearge Kawkel, one of Co!. Peter Schuy
ler's Regiment, iaken at Ulwego came to Town from Al
bany, having made his Escape irom the Faecmy. He fays,
that during his Stay amar g b 2 Freich, he wa nfcd extream
ly well, and indulgea .fi%a@magg&;«»&g’u,tm :
had Liberty to work tor his Living, and was freqaently em
ployed in and about their Fortifications :—That from Que
beck, which he left about two Months since, he was sent 10
work at various different Forts between that Place and
Crown. Point ; and thatthe last he was fixed at was Ticon
deroga, where, he fays, there is but a {mail Garrison :—=
That he was well assured, there were {carce Ico Men at
Crown-Point, the Scarcity of Provisions, and other Neca{-
{aies of Life, having reduced the French Forces to, abunbant
ly less than, 7000 Menr Thaat Col. Schuyler lived by hime
felf in Quebec, and was in Health ; as were also abour 20
or 30 others that are still remaining in that Place, and that
were not {ent to France. “ibat he was fix Days and seven
Nights out, before he got to Fort William - Henery, sustain
ing Life no otherwise than with the Budds of Trees : That
25 Indians were sent out to feich him back, and that by
screening himfelf in the Thickets, he happily elcaped, and
got into Fort Henery, almost reduced toa Sheleton.
One William Morais with & otiiers belonging to Keger's
Company, who was CfiptiVlth in the Engag:;’ngnt, o the
21st of January last, is come to L'ewn, and informs, that there
were but 20 Men in Garrifen at Ticonderega, 2zco Rega
lars, 45 Indians,and 36 Canadhans, having failed out to ai
tack Major Rogers, (whose Party coufilted of culy 75 Mch, }
of which Number the Major’s Purty killed 30 ep the dpot,
and 30 more died soon aiter they reached the For:. :
Capt. Goodwin arrived bere on Friday last, in 25 Days
from Jawaica, and informs,” That Adwiral Townsend witi
1z Sail of Men of War, w:ri in Kingston-Road : That Le
had sent to Admire! Frask!=2d who was amoog the Ilands,
to join By immediieby, With i Sinadron 1 And that the .
Islanders were #pprwmof’m b ktendoee 4 - 4
Vellerdny 18 [P BRRTR oo Bt Aeirslagitenn
fimifter, the <encral WU, Copr L Atvyrhe Oe IR
Harriot, Capt. Ronnell, Packet Boats. ; . \,«‘
On board the Geperal-Wali, wenr Passengers, Benjaiii g
Franklis, Bfq; and his Son ir. Widiam i“'r;mf:\ih., ot Bl
ladelphia ; Col. Tucksr of Bermnda ; M. }m‘\-z Riddeily,
Merchant ; and several other Gentlemun. \ »
HAL3F A X M) )
® In his Majesty's Sloop Baltimore, Capt. Ozwr&::};.g ar. ‘
riv’d here last Week from New York, came P (eng et .%
Capt. Oram, who is appointed o' Comimadd his Mijota’s
Ship Success, in the Room of Capt. Rons, who 1s appoint.d
to command the Are en Ceil, taken by the Liichfiei§ ax)
Norwich, as also the Officers appomted for {oid Ship. o\
Last Saturday arrived here his Majesty’s Sloop Dispatch \
Capt. Bord, in about § Week:s from Portfinonih, and ey,
hear he has bronght Difpaiches ror his Exceilenty our Gu-'y
vernor and Lord Lovdoun : Inthe Dispatch came —-Camp- |
bell, Big; Engineer & Infpeftor General of all his Majeity's i
Forcs ang Garrisons in North America. . 'We hear 'tis ex
pedted when the Dispatch left Hoglang, that the Fleet of
Men of War and Transports deitin’d for America wouid {a:l
in a few Days.
The fame Day Capt. Se'omon Phipps, in an arm'd Schoo Y
ner in the Service of this Government, arriv’d here froin
Lunenburg, and brought with bim two [odian Prisoners ti
ken at La Have a few Days betore: The Accounts ibey
gave of themselves are {o various and contraditiory, that o
Credit can be given to them. :
On Tuesday Capt. Rous hoisted his Pendasit on board tha
Are en Ceil, which is now fittting out with the nrmoft - Dit
patch —---The {ame Day Capt. Oramr took the Command
of the Success.
B O S Py "1~ Josewige Be
Wednesday last the followiug it 1 Ofieers” veere hafed |
by the General Assembly for the euluing Vear.
Harrison Gray, Eiq: Trealurer for the Provigee, {
Fobn Wheelawsight, Elq; Commiflary. Generat,
Daniel Ruflell, Esq; Tupolt COfficer. 1
Ezehiel Goldthwait, Elq; and Mr. Ezikiel Price for th&
Port of Befle. :
Mr. Febn Nutting, Mt. Fobn Chipman, i liam ditkins
& Daniel Witham, Efqrs; for the Poit of Salem —~Edward
Wivflow, Esq; for the Port of Plymouth.—Solemon Qs
Esq; for the Fort of Barnflable.
Daniel Mosdton. Bfqz Mr. Charles Chavucy ond Mr. Ste
gben Longjelionv f6r che Ports of York, Kittery and Faimiult.
Yeln Norten, Efqg; for the Porte in Dukes-County.
Mr. Yebn Banker, tor thejPort of Nantuchet.
Wednefdsy latt arrived at Rkode Island, 2 Freach Prize .
Snew of 6 Carriage Guns, besides Swivels, and 30 Men,
taften of Bermuda, by the Privateers Brig, Kng of Profba,
Capt. Ross of Rhode Island, of 1o Carnige Guns and 53
Men, and Capt. McNamara'of Halifax : e 15 about 14
Tons Burthen, laden with Sujars, Cotton, Qefiee and
lr-"coc?il?. of Indigo. Thg al *M"w:i Lew gt Bl L s fgns
e Time, a Leter (Lo dullls St g
Nuwms. 37

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