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“ove Snow) mounting 1z Carriage Guns, and had6o Men, 390 Tons Burthen : Her Cargo likewise consists of Sugars Lotton, Coffe=, ond a vaitly greater Quantity of Indigo, and ,was left by the Snow last Wedneiday, with the Privateers, the Back of Nantucket, bound to this Port, and may be bourly expefted. Capt. Ross engag'd them botk two Glas ses before Capt. Mc. Namara came up, and had one Man kiiled, besides himfe!f and three others wounded. Lait Friday was bro’t to Town the two Scalps (mention’d in our lait) and burntbeforethe Hon. His Majesty’s Couacil, for which a Reward of £.606 was paid ous of the Province Treasury : The Company who went oat fer this Purpose, fail'd from Falmouth the zoth of April last, and having mace “{everal Attempts by Sea and Land up Penebfcut River, at Jle of Holt, Burncoat- Island, Mount Desert, and Gall Rock about 2 League to the Eastward of Meunt Desert, where they lay tea Days ; on the 2gth eof May departed from said Rock, leaving there Whale Boat and Part of their Compa ny, and proceeded in 2 Schooner to the Northward up the Bay about ¥or 6 Leagucs; snd on Saturday the 28th of hiay about‘ja'i‘iac&c as they were failing np a certain I{land in said, Bay, efpy’d two Indians ina Canoe padling, whom they call’'d to & offer'd Quarters, but they refufing, fired up on them end kill'd one in the Canoe, the other itill firiving to get away ; they continu’d firing at him, and he retarning the Fire for some Time ; at last perceiving he had a Shot thro’ his Body, he padied on Shore took his Gun aud went into the Woods ; they purfu’d and fovad him dead, fealp'd him and came off. Saturday lafta young Lad about 15 Years of Age had the Misfortane of falling from Clark’s Wharff, at the North End, into the River and was drowned. ‘This Morning died here of a Consumption, much lamen ted, in the soth Year of hss Age, Mr. Edward Jackson, of this Town, Merchant. We hear a Fithing Schooner is arrived at Marblehead which belong’d there, and bad been taken on the Grand Baok by a Letter of Marque Suow from France, boundto Pouifbourg, mounting four Guns, with 25 Men : The Mas ter of the Scheoner ranfom’d her for 150 1. Sterl. and went himfelf with the Snow to Louifbourg as Hostage ’ull the Ransom be paid.—lt is said a Number of Blanks were on board the Snow ready for filling up, to ransom Veflels, the Frenchmen expe®ing to make agood Fare of Ransomers among our Fithing Veflels. We hear from Concord, that eu the? 6th Instant, 2 likely young Lad named Jebn Patten, about 15 Years of Age, {(with two or three others) went into Water to wnfh them. selves, and getting over his Depth ke was unfortunately ¢rowrad, . Portof JOSTON Bfin!*rd in, Tew from Rhste:lfland, "Toward, Hayt and . mwafm-% senme@icut, Losae froy Vipmir, Wikbex *‘me Carfi'fi.flfiy&lyc.rk_ frofti Ankpalis. W'zoyd,‘"fisy from Chigne®o, Homes, [itconb aWd dickols from Halilax, Driake from Cadiz. qbe. CHARA CT E R, ofthefethat aan: Moncy y S dranum to the Lite, . /¥ TE thit wanteft Money is for the most part of a sorrow : i{ iu/ Countenance and extream': ‘ielancholiy, both in Camyiny and alone by himfelf ; especially if the Weather bg foul, rainy or cloudy. « Talk te him of what you will, “ho Wil hardly give you the hearring ; alk him any questions, £ answers you with a Monalyliable, as 7ar/eron did one #ho /iid out eat him at an Ordinary ; Yes, No, That, Thank:, Jrue, &c. That Historical Pafiage of, Starus tranflativus, be Stare tranilative is of great nfe with him : Fer he is al ways laying the Caule of this Want upon ethers, and proteit ing this great Lord, and that Lady, or Kinsman owes him Money, but not a Deniere that he ean get; he {fwears ar, and muermaurs against the French, and other Strangers, that convey such Sumns of Money out of the Land, tho’ in truth it wou’d be all one te him, if "twere still in the Land ; besides dur Leather hides, under the Colour of Calves skins, and at that word, he shews his Boots out at the Heels, aiid wanting -~anending. He walks with his Arms folded, his Belt without a Sword or Rapier, (that perhaps being somewhere in Trou bie) an Fat without a Cravert, or Haodkerchief, hangirg over his iyes, only wears 2 weather Bate ¥amdy, for Fafln on fake : ide cannot fland still, but like one of the Tower wild Beatts, is still waking from one end of his Room to a rother, huming out some new Northern Tune cr other ; if he meets with five or ten Pieces, happily conferred upon hin by the Beneficence of some humble Friend or other, bhe s become 2 rew Man, and {o overjoyed with his Fortune, that ot one’Digp of small Drink will go down with him sall that Day, A For the, the Soldiers, av b Horoick Grace, D> Death in all its borria Forms ont-face : it di is for thee they waliantly do fight ; Mazrch allthe Day, and e Fields all Night # - For thee the Laawyer too bis Lungs does [pend, For achilft thou Jay'p, the Cause axill never end. Vintners for thee (jo Cuflom does enjoin) Fo please their Gucfls, drink their owon poilon’d Wine & Shiu mak’ B Physicians to their Patients go : Iba but for thee, weu'd ne Compafion frow. ' Nay, #he Diwine, avbofe Dty “tis to Teach. Wer't nat for thee, would hardly. ever Pregch. SRI eA B BS SR RB B Port of PrscaTaqua. Clenr’d out, Perkins Record Mi'es Butteler and Vinnard from Weft Indiss, Lindwy for Maible-head, Hewett for Boston, Palmey for Cape-Porpus. Enter’d iz, Blone and Malcum from/Bofton, Jvnurin from Rhode Island, ¢ SS A v T A S s rovincf of New -@ampsuirg, Juae 17th 1757 o oiend is Lcorofly Given, that the 22dInftant, Willbe farther Adjourdd to Tuesday the 23th Current, and all Paities Concerned are to govern themselves Accerdiogly. By order of the Gavernor and Counc’l. . \ Theodore Atkinson Sect. ' Advertilfements. - FPRONGSALS ; For Printing by Subscription, A Short DISCOURSE, in order to confute an Error, which was deliver’d in Sermons and Conversation, and much dntended for ; and #;untenanced by the Munifters near iMerrimack River : viz. 9 bat the Biood and Water abich came from Chriff when the Soldier picrced bis Side, ‘ laying in the Grawve, and bis Refurreéiion, avas no Part of the Work of Redimption 3 and that his laying in the Grawve avas no Part of his Humiliation. In the which their most materiabArguments to fopport their Dottrine, are anf{wered ; and their Doftrine prioved to be corrupt. I'hat his laying in the Grave was his Humiliation, and a Part of the Sacn fice for Sin : -And that the. Blood and Water which came from Christ had a cleansing and redeeming Vertue in it : And that his Refurrellion is a powerful means by which we are raised from a State of Death in Sin, to Newnefls of Lifes and the merritorious and efficacious Cause of the Refurre&i ou of the Body ; and cesfequentiy must all of them have a joint Influence in the "Work of Redemption, is proved. —— ‘The Author, also, bath made some Remarks upon the Con dult of the Aflociation, in that Matter, and {ome others. Subscriptions are taken in by Fo/iph Hapnes, in Haverhill, and by the Printer of this Paper. A L Perlons Indebted to, or that have any Demands on the Efiate of Licutenant Peter Grant, late of Berwick, in the Province of the Maflachufeits Bay, decea‘ed, are desired to bring in their Claims to Peter Grant and Landres Grant, Executers to {aid Estate, in order for Seitlement. 3 . o 1 ALL Persons that have any Demands on the Estate of Capt. Fobn Light , late of Exeter, decealed, are desired to bring in the fame to Mrs. Deborab Light of Exeter, Administratrix on said Estate, in order for Settlement. Awnd all persons Indebred to said Estate, are defiied to make {peedy Payment to said Admini firatrix. v R, ke 20, 1787 : lfhefe may certify, all Concerned, { 'Thatwheress I :ge Subicriber, of York in the Coun ty tiYork, in the @’rovfi% ot the Ma/fechuletts- Bay, Phi flizidn, bave given D'vers Powers of "Attcrneys, to Divers Persons, These are 1o Kevolee, Difannull and F orbid any of either of said Person or Persons, to a&t on or by Virtue o, any Such Power or Powsr, from and after the Date heredt : P. John Wituey & a i 101 = ‘ g TANTED a likely Lad, of a bout Thirteen or Fonrteen 7z v : 1 3 Yearsof Age, thet can be well Re commcnded, for -an Apprentice .d»h- : " , - to afail Maker, senquire r 0% Gearge =T & L Vi zz?’fldl’[. !l X g% SR § To be Sold by #he Printer hereof, ii& !,'y "";,;i " 2,3 @ 7he Werid ro come : Or, Difconrfes on the "=#s or Sorrows of Departed Souls at Death, and the Glery or Tevver of the fefur reffion.” Whereto is pr¢iix’d, an Essay towards the Proof of a_fiparate Siwid of Souls afier Dearh. By I. Warrs, D. D. ¢ The CoNTENTS. . Dife. 1. The 'End of {ime. ——— |I. The warchfu} Chrilian dying in Peace. —— |ll, Surprize in'#eath. ——— V. Chnift admiz’y and giorify’d in his Saints. —<——V . The Wrath ofshe Laab, - e VI. The vain Egtage of Sinners. ew VII. No Night in Heaven. —e— VIII. A Saul prapar’d for Eleaven. — IX. No Pzin ansng the Biefica. " X. The silt Fruas of wne Spirit, or the Fore talle of Heaven. v ——— XI. Safergein the Grave, 2nd Joy at the Re furredtion. Orthodoxy and" Chatity united 3 & Jeveral Riconciling EssAYS » On the Law and Goser ~ Falrn and W oßrks. . By I. WALTS, b. ». ALL Persons that have any Demands on the Zftate of Capt. Wiliiam Wefl, of Port/meuth, Mariner, deceased, are gefired to t’)rmg the fame to Lowe Wi of said Port/mouth, Administra trix of the said Estate, iziorder for Settiement. And all that are Indebted to (he fzid Eltate, are desired to - make fpeecy Payment (9 the said Administratrix, to prevent further Troubls%l’nm'momb, May 4. 1757. RIS SN BTN X RS T s oA 9 N O C‘d;hdo I; a@&&% e w s y ' TS Against his MAJESTY’s E‘/M ' .The Scuoon®% ¢ « iop ) [Z % Prince FEdward, Fobs' Seaward Commander, . | Mounting 10 Carriage Guns, a Prime Satic And will be compleatly Sitted for the Sea in o Gay: THerejore ail Gentlemen Seamgn g able-bodied Eand-Men, who have . Inclination to enter, are desired to repairiQl . board said Schooner, or at Mr. Gharle™y Hight's at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, or Mrs. Watts, opposite to the Egy/ of Halifax, where they may fee the ARTICLES. N. B. 'There is wanted 3 Surgeon, ~twao Trumpeters, and a Pilt for the Eastern Shore, who will meet with suitable Encdur agement. it Portsmouth, Yune 9- 1757, Just Dinported, 3 In the Schooner riendfhip, and to BE SOLD at Coloned Walling ford’s Wharff, by Samul Froff, ( YOOD Virginia Corn, Wheat and Oats, - ‘ ~ L\x Likely LAD of about 13 or wh - r > 14 Years of Age, whe can be well recommended, 1 is wanted for an Apprentice to & Geldimith, inquire of David Griffith at the Goldimith’s Aims, in Portfmenth, ko ALL Persons Indebted to;. o'l that have any Demands on tee Estate of Fob .| Runels, of Durbam, decesfed, are desired to ceme and fetr{é ] the fame with Fe/eph Ranels, of Dever, whe x'a;Mémififaf;f ‘ r o s Lo be Sold at the Above Place. | A 4 SErRMow Krtitled, F & g THeN cceflity of Reformation, in order to avert Inrexpine JuboMents ; preach’d at Portsmouth in Neyw Hlamplaire, May 6, . L 1757 5 bewng the Anwyus] rait, By ArTnur BROWNH. A. M. Froma, Jai. I. 20. u Uy Voruse and rebel, g Sball be decosured avith 14y Sword: for the Monik of toe Lord hath [peken ir, i Joft publifi'd, fold a¢ the above P}--e, The Curon ICLE ofß-'—g,‘ : Son of the Grea: E—o, that lived iaahy I Queen - Faricra. Cuntaining an Account of his mi, - Trans- ACLions a gainff Gallijoniere, his Flight and beppg/Arri-~ val at G ___ ¥, and from thence t 0 §p—mtb——d, ' By }:5“ ®L Ben Apkx, of the Tribe of Lewi. Lut be walked not ;, tos Steps of bis Father. Waiitten in, the .1 Eofern ‘t) le. : iSO ¥ o - *. ' Ihe Present Seate of North A’marzmy I. The Difcovafies, Righis and Possessions of Great. Britain. ” lr*’e Discoveries, Rights and Poflefions of France. LTy Encroachments and Deprédations .of_ch.e Frenc HPae b:‘ Majesty's Territories in Nort}rAl‘naf‘!“,‘,l!}‘,r‘mc ‘f,“mf “ace subsisted in Europe between the Twe "Crowns, . & Ty Book bis been in such great Demand, thét it has !‘Qv; two E:,d;liflm? 1n Eng,;“.d’ alld two in B()floln,- "\nd bhy Sre el Judges of the Affairs of this Country, it is tt::}:lg ; ' I fonable at this Time, and is worthy the Perusal of every ¢ Buolifhatin G MYle R ~ 237 0L 1 B¢ Pleasant Art of Money Catchings Of b, Orivtiiliiad [atention of Money. he Oripinal anc 1t . 4 Of “\]e .‘\ii{:r v and Unhappinefls of thafe thag want Money.. An Enquiry mto the Causes of ?f/em wsntmg ll‘\)d(ohr;eg'i.rc The (Vh iy s£ of twant Mone rawn *“ Dire \““{ac,h OI U«:“{’a" E & i,':-.f-' n efy i b 2 ine Waat o 0 poreigtl,, hhw to {ipply themleives with NMarey enongh at sl N 3 o rerx’:xiur.kabic Account of the miserable .Lives and wofuk, De;:hs’ of {zveral nch Muckworms and| M ifers. ; ol . D Aothad f iering of Exy oz Fgo e IEIEC I R , "lOA,— v Creatidtis 1. Wto save Money m Duet, bk ; I:”’*’ a Mian may always kecfo P s | l.wvcrbs to be obferveg i g el 3 P turc | A Dugg Gaftir .3 Nece fay bl CO(PCL o Tl know Yo 1 n | getut;r {‘ 144 cw,? ma 1 'o 4 ) w B o | g T f) iz | Of I?fi § :) fi" Years ®'c shall tak Sublz i b | for i 7