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end 260 Miles from Madrid}in the night, snd made the garrilon and cidzens, tocthe amouat of 1900 pri soners ; but in the morring, the Spaniards ovlervieg only the light horle, the intentry being behind, re volted, snd would have overcome Gen. Burgoywme, bat by good fortune, the foo: sppeared, joined the light horse, and did not leave 100 of the Spauiards glive in the whols town. . , B O 8 T O N, November 8 From the Scuth Carclina Gazette, of Sepiember 4. Tt is said, That Cspt. Lindsay, of His Majesty’s [l -the ‘Yent, on the Sirling Ciftle, Cambridge, Dragon and Marlbsrough Men of Wer, being ordered to batter the Moore Caltle at the Havannzh, waited upsa Admiral Pocock, and represented to him, thae as ha commanded . only a Friguie, he could be of no Se¢rvice, nor acquire Honour ; therelore requested, - that if any of the four Ships loft their Captains, he mright be permitted to take the command during the Cannonzde ; which Requefk the Admiral complicd wiih ; and Capiain Landley sccordisgly kept his Barge ready, and well manned, end in about five Minutes the Cembiidge threw out the Signal for the Cap'ain being killed, when Capt. Liodley put cff in fiantly, throvgh a- most tesrible Fire, got on board the Cambridge, snd foughu her ntolt gallanly, till {he, and the otheriwo thips were ordered to be towed cft. Extraft of a Laiter from a Gentlemen at Halifaz, 1 dated Oflober 20, 1762 , - ¢ BY & Snow 'which srrived here Yeflerdayfrom London in 7 Weeks, which came out with the Scer borough, end’ wha fell in with an Englith Squadroa off Cape Finifterre ; we have a Letier from a Captain of gne of theShips, duted the 4 k of Sepiember, wlo wwrites, That he (poke with a Porntuguefls Vessel from Pariugsel on the 24 of September, who told him, that thers had been 2 grest Battle in Portugel in which the Portngzuele got the Vittory, snd had killed and gaken 7¢oo Ssaaiuds. and thet Bu:igoyne's Englith Regiment of Litt!s Horle had done Wonders among the Speniards. ........ The sbove Squadren lad been from Plymouth re Days, when the general Tepic was Peace.” . . Friday last-the gth of November, being the en wiverfzry of (he heppy P:elervation of the Biiifh « Nadoa from the & PLOT, tae Gans 2t Csfile . Willizm and Buteries of this Town and Charls - tawn were dichesged. _ By Capt. Bill, who-arrived here the Begincing of Jaik Weck frthtdnfco. we have Advice that the - Fleet f7om the Leewerd Iflinds were to {zil about the Ift of this Monih.... T'hat the Boglith Frigstes and octher Cruizers hed made the Euesmizs Privercers - dilappesr from the Iflaad,. \That Captain Pote be ~fonging to this Place was tsken oun his Paflage (o Martineco. . , Last Wesk the Body of s Boy of ebout 6 Years of Age was taken up at one of the Ilands in this Har bour ; He belonged to the North End, sad had been mifling about & Fortnight : It is fuppoled he fell from 8 Wharf when Fithing, snd was drowned. Swxch Inflances fbould induce Parents to be doutious of allowing young Chilaren to be fifbing at Wharvis, - Extra& of a Letter frem London, Aug a 1 ¢ TEE great Changes which lately hippened in our Ministry were occ:fisned-by Lord 8.... e and the D. of N....... ¢ having dilagreed, in ccnflejuence of which the Duke resigned : They divided on the Qucftion whether we should fuppori the P fucnele or the Germans in the present War : Lord-8.. e was for withdsawing all aur Troop: fom Girmany, nd employing them in Poriugal or Amecrica ; the Duke was for aflifting Portugal and lupporiing the Germon War tao s ....Lord 8.... e has theM:josity of the Coun cil, and in the Lords ; but the Duke bas i. in .ne Commons; Lord 8..... e finding him{el! week there, offered the Scals again to Mr. Pitg, buc he refafed ; as did another greet officer,and now thelHon. George Grenville has them. Thele changes has occsfioned much fliining of Paper, and some great Charsllers have been sitacked with an uncommeon degree of vir uleace. .i.....The new fiilt Lord of Trede is [sld to be invafted with all the powers Lord H........x ex ercised there, .e¥elteid:y the odds at bzl ing.were miuch in fivour-ofthofe who lcoked for Peacs ; to day the c»fe s slicred, and the war is likely to be carricd on in all quarters with us great chitinacy =3 ever : This is owing to the inflexible di‘pofition of the. Emprels Queen ; and to s pew dilcovery, that France and Spiin bave entered into a fulemn lesgue not to lay down their arms till we are deveited of Gibralsar, for sccomplifhing which, 'tis (aid, they are to use their uimoift efforts : The French hope by this to engross the whole Mediterrancan trede, as s compenfaiion so that of Amuiics, whichihey lock wpon s irricgoszhly tofl .. KINGS T O N, infamaica, Fune 17 On Sunday was brought inta Port Royal, @ Spanifb Snow, taken by the private ship of war Phenix, Captain Walbington, 4be was bound from Mariciba to Cadiz, loaded with ¢cocoa, tobacco, and bides, and reporied to be worth 25,000 /. ! By s Leatter Isft Night from London, dated Whitehall, Aug. 29, which came in Capt, Englifl, itie tho’e that a Peace will be Ratified {foon, and that a _Cefliticn of Arms will Speedily be published both by Sea sad Land, ' il i ‘ LRER o ®a Tuesday arrived the privateer Char lotte, and bro’tina large (hip belonging o Rhode Mland, but last from Hispaniola as a flag of truce; her cargo s fuppsted to be very valuable, confilting of fine sugars. ~ Some days ago the iea, ia several har bours at the north fide, was observed to rife and fall in a very fuprizing manner, occafion’d, “very likely, by an carthquake 1n {ome part of the continent of America. "N EW . POR T, Raode iflind, Nov 2. The Sleop Abby, of Philad:iphis, commanded by Capt. John Downer, ofihis Place, was attecked by 8 French Piivateer, on the 22d of August liff, off Biack River, in Jama ca; snd after an Engsgement which lsfted some Time, the Abbr, firuck to the Privatcer ; and afterwsrds one of the Pafiengers on board the Abby, very indiscreetly fired « Swivel Gun at the Privateer, and the French rewurned & Volley of Small Arms; which kijled Capt. Downer,and weund ed other Persons. .+ : ’w above Privaceer tcok a Ship the next Day, bdlonging to Pilcataqua, which she ransomed. - By a Gentleman of Cherséter from Pniladelphis, we areinformed, That the Sickness which was re ‘ported t 0 have preveiled ia that City, by which great . Numbers had died, is withcut Foundaion ; and that the Mortality in Pkilsde!piia “ss no: been greeter for several Monche past, than he: been frequently known bereiofore at the fame Season of e Yoor, PR TSM O U T Extralt of a Letter from Bolton, dated las Tuesday Alorning. e — Yesterday arrived here a Veflel in 5 Weeks from England, and the report “here is, thatDrefden is taken by the Prussians, after an obflinate Defence~~and that the King of Prussia had entirely defeated Count Daun’s Army. Yesterday was fen'night, we hear there was 164 Fat OXEN within Six Miles of Boston, bound there for Slaughiter, which came frem Eift Hiddem, in Conneflicu’ ; some of which it was juda’d would - weigh roco wt. aiter they werckilled, and Provisions, | We iiearis very plenty in Boston. M:. Fowle, : I Recommend some of yousßeaders to theT'wenty seventh Chapier of Deuterenomy, and the Twentye fousth Verse, Numely, Cur/fed be be that Smiteth bis Neighbour Secretly : and alitbe Pesple foall fay Amen. CUSTOM HOUSE, Pilcastaway, Nov, 11, Eateiced lln, Shooner Merriam, John Simpson, from Hali"ex, Sloop Elizabeth, Joleph Sewell tram Annapolisßoyal. Sloovp Doiphin, Joha Wynn, from Newiocundlend. Scnooner John, Thomas Herrick, from Philzdeiphia, : v Cleared Ou, Schocner Sally, Samuel Baichellor for Gaudsloup: Schooner Triton, Jonsihan Martin for Si. Kirs, B:rig Hanneh, Nathznie)l Ken: tor (220 t of Affrics. Schoomer Johd, Thomas Herrick for Norih Cerolina. Ship Fortune, Edward Solley for London. _ . - Goed Advice. : F vou would hive from all Incumbrance free, : I Rifc sbuve Wants, snd walk »: Liberty. To your just Cuiling lend an honest Heart, And with Industry let each Hour depart. Trke Prudenice xiwsys for your trufly Guide, Coutenions shun that newieflt Feicnds divide Not an others Faith/ulnefs deperd, Rut tske the Helm and boldly fee the End. A pinny earn’d, tha' s with Toil ard Pain, And {av'd, when earn’d, ie surely so much Gain ; Wiich well improved, {oon edde a Penny more, And that as cuely swells the rising Siore. | Ne gilded Trifle et your Purie beguile, Allure your Longing or command your Toils, L& rolling Stone, the Mountain’s Foot will find, Ani Vipours fwiiily fly before the Wiad. ot s N 2 eTN bt SN nr) N A few of the Maps of the Province of New Hampsuire to be diipofed of at Two Dallars a piece, or O.d Tenor in Propor tiop, at the Priaiing Office in thie Town. N B. No more eve expeéted this Year then what are alrezdy comr to Hand, which will [carcely be fufficient for the Grntlemen of the Pravince. ey e 'WQJM)MW\JW ALL Persons Indebted to, or heve any D.mazd: upon DoSor Nier Lamont of Portiouth, are defived o fetile with him as soon as prflible, as be intends (o lcave the Country inafew chkfi.- TO BE SOLD Do L o sy £ i By Henry Appleton Raisins-- Currants-- A lmonds-- Rice— Loaf aod Brown Sugar— Tea— Coffe—- Hepper— Alfpice—Beit Derhany Muflard —-Starch—-Spices of all forrs— Choice Tobacco for Chewing—Bet Kip. pen’s Snuff ——Likewifean Affrement of ENGLISH GOODS for the WinterSeafon TO BE SOLD By Samuel Moffart : At his Store at the North Enc, I DECK NVAILS of all Sorts 44 and 84 Nails. Awchirs of 4, 5,6, 7 and Bco Weight. Enmglifp Sail Clath, No. i, 2 and 6. Czrabrigs. Tickiinburgs. White Bead. Sheet Leads Sbott. Broad Cloths. Kerfeys. Pennyflones, Gar man Serges. Thickfetts. Olive and Crimfen Cotton Vewit. Cotton Counterpains. Shallooms and Tammy of ail Sorts. Bottled BEER. = Fine Stsckings of 45 Sorts. Werfled Caps. Linnen Check. Furmiture d: pi Irife Linnens. Printed Linmen and Cotton Haundher'" chiefs. Buckrams. Letter'd Gartiring. Spaa‘/b.i Lrewn. Lump Oaker. Pins. Frying Pans, Hbd ©f Stone Ware. 10 by 8, and 7by 9 Cromn Glafs® Rugs. Plufbes. Buntings. Twine. Pipes. Baife Flannells. tVorflzd Damasks. Druggets. Threads- Crates of Vials. Luoking Glafes. Casks and Biwer ¢f Hard #Ware. Alio Weft Indis RUM and COFFERE. § 21§ : IMPORTED B tnd to be SOLD by Jefeph Barrell, At a new STORE near the STATE-HOUSE, BY | Wha'efale anD Retail, Uperfine black blue ) AS and [¢arlet Broad Clot bs. { Beaper Coatings, | Kerfeys, | Halffthicks, Lflfli”z!’ . Amens, Superfine and common } Camblets, Superfine Super Sastins } of all Coleyrs, Yard wide Damasks. Plain and flower’d Ruffels, Callamancaes, Durants, Shalloons, Yard wize Florettas, Brocaded Taboretts, 2 Embefs’d Antloons, : Bombazines. . Nerwich and Italian } Crapes, French Adlamsde, Caflor & Beaveritt Hatts Mens, Womens, Boys, and Girls Hose, } Womens Stays, Breeches Paiterns, Scarlet Caps, Irifb Linnens, _‘ Buttens, Twist, Silk and Hair, } Siik Knee Garters, Bellandine Sewing Silk, B 0 Sl . i S A LOT of LAND in Epsom, ¢t the Jowelt part of the Town, containing sbout Ico-Acres ; Well timbered ;to be Sold. Dnquire of the Printer. Wrote Extempare en the present State of Opinicn. Y and pelitical Writings. Great FITT s abus’d for doing all Things well, Aud BUTE, for nothing worth is doom’d to Hell, Hard Fate of Ministers ! for, right or wrong, 'They’re ever pelted by the vensl Throng, E’en facied Myjcfty *lespes nat the Rage Qf this licentious, pauliry, scribbling Age, Ya vngremmatic Prose end broken Numbers, - Here Politicien snores, there Post flumbars, Black gavz: Handkerchie/® Black Crape & P aper Fams T cklanburg & Cznabrigs, Mens and #emens Ssaes, Chiidrens Shoes of every } Size iy Silk and Lace Mitts, Buff Glives for Winter, Wafb, Welted, Sham }§' my, Claiz’d, Italian & { Bath Lambé Gleves and - Mitts, ; Needles, Pinr, - Kippens Snuff - Looking G lasses, . Earthen Ware, -Saddels and Bridles, ' 2d 3d. 44 €4 8d lod } and 20d. Londsn Nails, Spanish Brown by Ibe Keg, : [ ALSO, | . Rum, Supar, Molaffis, In ‘ digo, Coffee, Rice, Choca lare, Alfpice, Citron and . Aimondi%; a few Ton of cbuite Englifb Hay, Stcne ' Lime, Liverpool Ale, En ‘glifp Cheese. - . ¢ N. B. The above will ¢be Sold for Cash, short . Credit, or Lumber ia the , Spring ; and Customers . may depend on being . well used.