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WILLIAMSBURG, (Virginia) May 11. Twelve hundred mea trom thiscolony are ordered for North-Carolina, to reinforce the troops collected at Cape Fear to oppose Gen. Clinton. It is not certain what number of ministerial troops are arrived ; reports fay 5000. Eleven tons of Gun-Powder is just arrived in thiscolony, Extract ot a Letter from a Gentleman in Philadelphia, to his Friend in Virginia, dated April 26, 1776. ““ We have all the debates in Parliament, by which it appears, that the determination of Court is, firt to conquer, and then to grant pardons to those they choose ; and for this purpose only are the Commiifioners declared to be sent. This is the ostensible plan, but we are informed, they are to bribe through thick and thin, to procure the betraying of America; fothat it behovesall men to watch with most attentive consideration, the con du¢t of those intrufted with the public con cerns, whether Colonial or Continental.” PHILADELPHIA, Maiy 14. By an express just arrived from South Ca rolina, we have authentic infoermation, that the General Aflembly of that province have resolved not to enter into any treaty or cor respondence with the Court ot Great Britain, or any persons under their authority, but through the medium of the Honorable Con tinental Congress. PHILADELPHIA, May 20. The Hon. Continental Congress have pro moted Horatio'Gates, E{q. late an Adjutant General, to the rank of Major General, and Thomas Mifllin, Eiq. late Quarter-Maiter- General, to that of a Brigadier-General. PROVIDENCE, May:2s, 1276 Tuesday last Captain Horn arnived here from Charleftown, South-Carolina, which place he left the 12thinft. He informs that 17 fail of transports from Ireland, with 7 re giments, confiftihg of about 5000 men, arri ved at Long-Bay, near Cape Fear, the 1t instant, and that they were in great want of water, but had not got any supply when he failed. He further informs, that Brigadier General Armfirong was arrived at Charlef town from Philadelphia, and that our bre thren at the southward are in high {pirits, NEW-POR T, M A gentleman who left New York last Wednesday, informs,that the fame night in which Carleton, with his reinforcement, made a fa'ly upon some of the Continental troops, and took a number of sick, and a quansity of provisions, &c. (as mentioned under New-York head) General Thomas came up with them, drove the enemy into Quebec, and retook all the [ick, the pro visions, &c. 3 a more particular accouat of this action may be daily expefted. The fame gentleman fays a fleet of men of war and transports was off Sandy-FHook when he came away. | " Last Saturday a large prize {loop, under command of Capt. Philip Brown, went up to Providence 5 the was taken by the An drew Doria, Capt. Biddle ; her cargo, salt, sugar, and rum. WA T.ER T OWN June 3. The following TEST passed the late Alfembly,viz. WE the subscribers do each ot us several ly for our selves profefs, tefiity and declare, before God and the world, that we verily believe that the war, refittance and opposition in which the United American Colonies are now engaged againit the fleets and Armies of Great Britain is, on the part of the {a2ld colonies, just and neceflary : And we do herthy severally promise, cove nant and engage t@and with every person of this colony, who has or shall subscribe this declaration, or another of the fame tenor and words, that we will 'not during the said war, directly or indirectly,in any ways aid, abet or affit any of the naval or land forces of the King of Great Britain, or ady emiployed by him, or supply them with any kind of provi sions, military or naval ftores,or hold any cor respondence with or corp:rmnicate any intel ligerice to any of the officers, soldiers or ma riners belonging to the said army or navy,or inlift, or procure any cothers to inlift into the land or {za feryvice of Great Britain, or take up or bear arms against this or either of the United Colonies, or tindertake to pilot any of the vessels belonging to the said navy, or in any other way aid or aift them ; buton the contrary, according to our best ;[)ower and a bilities,will defend by arms the United Ame rican Colonies,and every part thereof,againft every hostile attempt of the fleets and armies in the service of Great Britain, or any of them, according to the requirements and di retions of the laws of this colony, that now are, or may hereafter be provided for the re gulation of the militia thereof, ‘ % FTEDNESDAY last the General Assem bly of this Colony convened at the Meeting House in this Town, when they unanimously made choics of the Honorable JAMES WARREN, Esq; for their Speaker, and SAMUEL FREEMAN, Efqg; for their Clerk.——lo 69 Gentlemen were returred to represent the several Towns and Diftriéts in this Colony,(before whom the Reverend Mr. WEST of Dartmouth,delivered an excellent Discourse from the third Chapter of Titus, fird Verse. 15T ot COUNSELLORS, For the late Colony of Maflachufetts-Bay. Hon. James Bowdoin; : Artemas Ward, Ben;. Greenleaf, Caleb Cufthing, John Winthrop, :Richard Derby,jun. Thomas Cuthing, John Whetcomb, Eidad Taylor, Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, Samuel Holton, Jabez Fither, Moses Gill, Benj. White, :William Phillips, :Benj. Austin, :Ebenezer Thayer, jun. & :Francis Dana, Esquires. For the late Colony of New- Plimouth, Hon., William Sever, Walter Spooner, :Hen. Daniel Davis, and Joseph Cuthing Eiquires. For the Province of Muin, :Hon. Jeremiah Powell, Benj. Chadbourn, and :David Sewall, Esquires. For Sagadahock, Hon. John Taylor, Efg; At Large, :Hon. Henry Gardner, and :Hon. Daniel Hopkins, Esquires. | Note, Those Gentlemen with this ( : ) Mark, were not of the Board last Year. Previous to the Eletion, the following Gentlemen who were of the Council the last Year, resigned their Seats at the Board, viz. Hon. James Otis, John Adams, Jedediah Fofler,Hon. Enoch Freeman, CharlesChaun cy, and Joteph Palmer, Eiquires. B-O 'S T .0 N, juge b, 1776. Extralt of a letter from EleazerCloghorn, firfi Lieutenant in Capt. Steddard’s company, to his friend in Salisbury, dated Sorrell, May 1241770, “I arrived hese this day, and am in perfet health, though something lame 1n my feet, occasioned by my sudden and unexpect ed retreat—of which I am unable to give you a very particular account, being in the ut most hurry—We arrived at Qucbec the Jaft ot March, and the whole company were {oon taken with the small-pox ; we lay in plain fight of the city, where could fee their mo tions, they kept up a heavy fire the greatest part of the time ; our army seemed totally negleted ;we were wanting of men, and had not {fufficient provisions for those that were present, and our supply ot warlike stores was very inconsiderable. On Monday mor ning lait the enemy were reinforced with 3 men of war and their tenders, upon which, orders were given to make a speedy retreat, and about one o’clock in the atternoon, the enemy sallied out upon us, and knowing the situation of our little difirefled army, deter mined to drive all before them ; the whole of our army fled that were able to travel; the sick we left behind to thare the fate of being killed or taken prisoners. About 23 of our company are left behind, among whom are Lieut Convers and Ensign Holcomb ; Ser jeant whitney and Elijah Collins of our com pany, and Joseph Mofely of Capt. Stanten’s companv are dead. Our battallion came 40 miles from Quebec, where our rear made 2 stand.” ‘ ; One Brown of Waterbury has borne 4 captain’s commifiion for some time pait, was latt week arraigned before the General As sembly tor his torified conduét, 'and being found guilty was firiped of his commithion, reduced to the ranks, and the poor rogue is now become liable to do the duty of a pri vate. Oh | the Iweet effeéls of toryifm. The beginning of last week arrived in this Colony a veflel, havingonboard ten tons of fulphur, and the remainder of her cargo [alt. The former article will greatly help in ma nufacturing the amazing quantity of 34,907 wt. of Salt Petre, made in this colony, and brought to theCommifiary General’s store in Watertown, during the course of the week past, exclusive of what has been carried to the powder mil's atHaverhill,Stoughton, &c. PORTSMOUTH, June B§, 1796. The day befere yelterday, between 3 & 4 o’clock in the Afternoon, a Brig and a Schooner were seen in an engagement off the Ile of Shoals 3 who they were is not known ; the Engagement held till it was dark, when the Brig had got the better, bug not taken the Schoonet. We could not learn any further particulars, We hear that two valuable prizes are taken and carried into Newbnry-Pazt. Portsmouth fune 6, 1776, Letters in the Poft-Othce, B. Bayley Jonathan, Greenland. C. Cunningham Samuel and others, Sea leét- Men of Peterborough., Cochran Thomas, New-Boston. E. Eliis Sarah, Keer, G. Gunnifon Jorn, Lendinderry, Gold Jeremiah, Wool/ /b rough. H. Hutching Phinehas; Fitz-William.—= Horn John, Dever. Holt Timothy, Viiten, - K., Kinsman Aaron, Bow. M. M’Lean Johr,Newbury-Cohafs. Van James, Majon. Macklewen Mrss. Culdrain, Moss Moody Doétor, Salem. P. Page John, Hivcrhill-Cohafs, T. 'Taylor Richard Lieut. Wiiton. W. Willard Josiah Major, Keen, Wenta worth John Efg. Dover, ALL PERSONS indebted to, or that have any demands on the Estate of Deacon MARK LANGDON, late of Portimouth, deceased, are requested to bring in their acs counts to MARY LANGDON, sole Ex ecutrix to the lalt will and testament of said deceased. June'B, 1976, 3—3 L. Persons Indebted to, or that have A Demands on the Estate of JOHN NEWMARCH, Elq; late of Ports mouth, deceafled,aredefired to bring in their Accounts,toHHANNAH NEWMARCH of Portsmouth aforefaid, Execotrix to the lat Wiil arnd Testament of the said deceased, in order for a speedy Settlement. 3—3; A good second -hand CHAISE and Har ‘nefs to be Sold.—=——Enquire of the Printer. ; %.LL Persons indebted to, or that have i Demands on the Estate of Captain GREENLEAF CLARKE, late of Greenland, deceas’d are hereby defic’d ta bring in their Accounts for immediate fet tlemeot to MARY CLARKE, Adminifira irix. Greenland June 6 1776 3—;5 PTG B Y S OuSTE ( for want of employ ) A likely healthy NEGRO MAN, aged about twenty five, and understands farming bufinefe well. Enquire of the printer. 3 5 ALL FPERSONS indebted to,or that have demands on the cftate of Capt. Wirriam Berry, late of Greenland, Yeoman, deceased ; are defir'd to bring in their accounts to Thomas Berry, jr administrator on said estate, In ordes for a speedy settlement, 1---4.