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ded voya{ge, being put on board any thip, or Other vessel (not prohibited by any Resolve of Con_grpfi, or Law, or Resolve of this colo ;_ny) arriving at, trading with, or failing from any Port, Harbour or other place in thisco lony, such voyage not being prohibited by any Resolve of Congress, or Law, or Resolve of this colony. And the Committees of Safety, &c. in the several towns, and other places within this colony, are hereby ordered and directed to fee that this Resolve be effe¢tually carried into execution. , ‘ Sent up for Concurrence. .. Timothy Danielson, Speaker, P.T. In Council June 19, 1776. Read and concurr’d. j __ John Lowell, Dep. Sec’y, P. T Consented to by Major Part of the Council: Attest. John Lowell, Dep’y Sec’y, P.T: . WILLIAMSBURG, June 8. - We learn, by express from N. Carolina, that about 1300 of General Clinton’s men were landed under cover of the shipping ; likewise that a troop of horse, who were sent eut to watch the enemy’s motions, had fallen in with a party of them, killed 4, and forced the rest to retire with precipitation, ~ Yesterday afterncon an express came in from General Lee, with advice that the fleet 1s gone from Cape Fear ; that it was the pre vailing opinion they were bound to South Carolina, tho’ General Lee thinks it is most likely they are coring round to this colony. - Itis an undoubted fa&, that all the Tories that were in Lord Dunmore’s service have Jest him, there not being above half the fleet now at Gwyn’s Island ; where they are gone 1s uncertain. This, it is imagined, was oc casioned by a Fever which had raged with great fury amongst them for some time patt, and from the funeral processions that have been seen there; very probably have proved fatal to some persons of distinction. The piratical vefle] commanded by Bart et Goodrich, is taken, and himfelf and ten others tirade prisoners. She mounts 4 carrizge guns, arid had on board a quantity of Weft India produce, some gun powder, small arms, and a number of other very ufeful articles, ~ PHILADEBPHTA, June ig. Yesterday the deputies from the counties of this province met in provincial confer rence in this city, in consequence of the re solution ot the Continental Congress of the 15th of May, declaring it ¢“ to be neceflavy ¢ that the exercise of any kind of authority ¢ under the crown of Great-Britain thould be € totally fup»reffed, and all the powers of “ government exerted under the authority of “ the people.” In CONGRESS, Philadelphia, June 3. 1750, RESQLVED, That a flying camp be im & % mediately eftablithed, and that it consist ¢t 10,000 men, to make up which number, fefolved, that the colony of Peanfylvania be ¥cquefted to furnith of the militia 6000 ~ Maryland of their militia 2400 . Pelaware government of theirs 600 F'hat the militia be-engaged to the firft day of December next, unlets sooner discharged by Congress, S v That 'the pay of the militia comnience from the #ay of their marching from home, and thit they be dllowed one penny a mile, kawiul money, in lieu of rations for travel ing éxpences, and one day’s pay for every 20 files, between home and general rendez vous, going and returning. 'T'hat three provincial Brigadier Generals be employed for the flying camp, two from Penntylvania and one fromn Maryland. CHARLES THOMPSON, Secretary, In CONGRESS, June 18, 1776. f ) ESOLVED, That no man in these colo- R nies charged with being 2 TORY, or UNFRIENDLY TO THE CAUSE OF AMERICAN LIBERTY, be injured in his perfomor property, orin any manrer what ever disturbed, unless the proceedings against him be founded on an order of thisCongrefs, ¢t the Assembly, Convention, Council or Committee of fafety of the colony, or Com mittee of inspection of the diftri® wherein he resides : provided, that this resolution shall not prevent the apprehending any person found in the commiflion of some 26t daftruc tive of American liberty, or jultly fufp=cted of a design to commit such act, and intend ing to escape, and bringing such person be fore proper authority for examiration and trial. - Extra& from the minutes, CHARLES THOMPSON, Sec'’ry PHILADELPHIA, Junegs. Extra? of a letter from New York, dated | Fune 24, 1776. 4 ¢ Since my letter on Friday last, a most barbarous and infernal plot has been disco vered amongst the tories. The particulars I cannot give you, as the committee of ex amination consists of but three,who’re sworn to secrecy, two of Wathington’s guards are concerned, and a third, who they teripted to join them;made the firft discovery. The general report of their design is as follows : Upon the arrival of the troops, they were ‘to murder all the ftaft officers, blow up the magazines, & secure the pafles of the town. Gilbert Forbes, gtinfmith in the Broadway, was taken between two and thiree o’clock Saturday morning, and carried before our Congress, who were then fitting. He re fuled to make any discovery, upon which he was sent to)ail, & putinirons. Young Livingston went to fee hini early in the morning, told him he was sorry to find he had been concerned, and, as his time was very short, not having above three days to live, advised him to prepare himfelf. This had the desired ¢ffect. He asked to be car ried before the Congress agaio, and he would discover all he kaew-; {cveral have been since taken, between 20 & 30, among them our Mayor, who are all now under confine ment. Itis said their party consisted of about five hundred. “ On Saturday afternoon our men tetur ned from' the Hook, without being able t 6 effect their design ; not having heavy can non fufficient to make any breach in the light house, they made the attack Friday morning tweaty minutcs after three,& con tinued firing till about {ix ; no lives are loft cn our fide,only two very {lightly wounded. ¢ I have just heard the Mayor has con feffed bringing money from Tryon, for rifle guns that Forbes had made. A large party goes off this morning to the Hock with heavy cannon, &c. the men of war there I am afraid will hurt them, as they can command the pass.—Burgoyne is arri ved at Quebec with his fleet. No account of ours, 1 expe& to go to Long Island this day, in a party of about two hundred, in et of Tones)”” + | w oNEWYOR K, June 24 : Extract of a letter from St. Eaitatia ay 31. ‘“ By a veflel that arrived here this moment from Antigna, we learn that a vefiel had ar rived there from London, who brought an account that the grand fleet of toreigness were not to leave England till the middle of April, their failing orders being postponed (it e© - . | ; Last Friday morning the two Philadelphiz battalions, comimanded by the Colonels Shee and Magaw, marched from this tity for King’s Bridge, where, we hear, they are to begncamped. -2 AT . N E"W-Y O R K, Fuez7. ~ The transport ship from Greenock, (ha ving on board a company of the 424 regi ment) which was larely taken by oone of Commodore Hopkin’s fleet, who after tak ing out the soldiers, except the officers and their wives, ordered her for New-Port, but which was soon after retaken by the Cerbe rus, and under the convoy of an armed {loop tender, sent for Sandy-Hook ; on their way, (back of Long-Island) met wich thie continental armed {loopSchuyler, which tock both th= tender and%, and bro't ~them into a place of fafety.—The thip had . on:board; when last taken, 8o butts cf por ter &¢: with fve commiflion’d officers, two e s 00l S S SRR RE e B ladics’and four privates, who were bro’t @ town oh Tuclday Jalt, ~. | ™. %, s On Teéelday last, the Hon, M:jor Gen, - Gates, being, we hear appointed Comman der in chief of the Centinznial forces in Ca nada; embarked, with several Gentleirien of his {uite, and failed ORI, . Extral® of o letter from Cha¥leGrzn, Sonth. ST SR “ My laf} letter to you I feht by Captain Brown rrom Middleton point, who fZiled out of the harbour in the morning with a v aluas ble cargo, and was taken before noon by one of bis Britannic Majeny’s pirates, who three days after wis taken by ore of our provincial veifels of war. We are flill fotityis g and in creasing our force, both by land & sea. . The insurgents in both provinces are {ubidued, and now very quiet. General Clinton who came , 10 join and head them, has for the present left us.——By a remarkable providence the Creek indians have engaged in our favor—s A party of men camie to Georgia, expedting ! by the tavour of the toriesto carry all before f them, and to make that a provision colony, - At that very time, a few head men of thag - nation, happened to be at Mr. Bryant’s, to - warn him ot the danger of an indian war,~— At this moment, he being absent, his hcufe - was attacked by some ot the enemy, wko had - gotup the river Savannah : the fayages find ~irg thatinthe absence of their old [riend,his house was aflaulted defended it, and one of ~ their thieves (the only man that was hurt) ~ was wounded in the thigh; this {5 enraged ~ them, -that they feiit off a runner, whdin 4 ~ few days, brought down goo, who have since - kil¥’d several men of the fleet,who had landed - to water. | e ' B QST Ny e We learn from Halifax, by a person who left that place this Day three Weeks, that the troops Gen. How left there were fuppe fed to be about 1500, mostly Marines { and the Regt. of light Horse (which lats were wantonly tutor’d in a Hcale ot con in this Town) was at Windsor, waiting for Gen, Howe to get Foothold at New-York, when they were to follow; and march (or galiop) thro’ this Continent ; that they were busily employed in fortifying Citidale Hill & othet places, being under apprehension of an at tack ; that Brigadier Ruggles and Son from Hardwick, Wm. Tyng, formerly High- Sherriff, John Hicks & John Howe,Printers, were gone Yolunteers with Gen. Howe, and .2 number of others which our informant could not recolledt, - S T S ‘We also learn from Halifax, That when the New-York Tories arrived there, they applied to General Howe for Subfifterice 3 but were inform’d, T hat unless they took up Arms in Defence of Government, they could have no Relief, when some of thein volun= tarily enter’d theService, and others throughe Neceflity were oblig’d to ; & that tb?..fourtlfi Day after their Inlifiment, they, togethez with the Boston Negroes, were ordered todig, in the Coal Mines at Nova-Scotia, where we hope they will remain during Life. We hear that five of King George’s Offi«’ cers (like their mafier) paying but little re {peét to their word and konour, have gone off from Lcbanon, where they lately resided, as prisoners of war, on their Pzrole of Ho nour. . The frequent forfeitures of this kind, will, no doubt, oblige the Americans tocon~ fine such as they take, to parrower bounds. TQ BE SOL B e oy (for-want of emplay) - s A Healthy likely NEGRO WOMAN, in, . the twentieth year of her age ; born and bred in New-England.; ‘ _ Enquife of the Printer, ~ 6—B _ T TO BE SORN AN excellent CHAISE HORSE ; trots & canter’swell ; warranted not to be more than eight or nine years old. .. < Enquire of the Printer, 6—B - CABSH given tor RAGS at the Printing Officey’ ™ = =