OCR Interpretation

The Freeman's journal, or, New-Hampshire gazette. [volume] (Portsmouth, N.H.) 1776-1778, July 13, 1776, Image 2

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the eafures which have been adopted a
gainft America ; measures equally inimical
€0 the principles of commerce, to the spirit
of the constitution, and to the honour, to
the faith, & to the true dignity of the Bri
tith nation,
WILLIAMSBURG, (Virginia) June 15.
Copy of a letter addressed to the frontier
inhabitants, by Me. STUART, the Bri
tith Superintendant of Indian affairs in
the southern diftri&, which was delivered
the 18th of May last, by a messenger sent
by him expre{sly {sr that purpole.
*¢ Sometime ago Mr. Cameron and my
felf wrote you a letter by Mr. Thomas,
and inclofed you the talk we had wich the
Indians respecting the purchase which it was
reported you had lately made of them, for
the rivers Wattaugah and Nolachuoky, &c.
‘We are since informed that you are under
great apprehensions of thelndians doing mif
chief ; but it is not the design of hisMajef
ty to set his friends and allies the Indians,
on his liege fubjets. Therefore whoever
of you are willing to join his Majesty’s for
cés, as soon as they arrive at the Cherokee
nation, by repairing to the King’s standard,
shall find protetion, and their tamilies and
eltates be secure ftom all danger whatever,
Yet that his Majelty’s officers may be cer
tain which of you are willing to take up
arris ifi defence of the King’s just rights, I
have thought fit to recommend it to you,
every one that is desirous of preventing ine
vitable ruin to himfelf and tamily, immedi
ately to subscribe a written paper, acknow
ledging their allegiance to his Majesty King
George, & that they are ready and willing;
whenever called upon, to appear in arms in
cefence of the Brinth rights in America ;
which paper, as soon as it 1s afligned, fend
to me by some fafe hand. Should -any of
the inhabitants be desirous of knowing how
they aré to be Kept free from every kind of
irfult, or danger, inform them, that his Ma.
vefty will immediately land an army inWeft
£lorida, & march them through the Creek
nation to the Chicafahs, where 500 war
riors from each nation are to join them, and
then come by the Cherokees (who have al
so ptomf{ed their affliitance) then take pof
fefiion of the frontiers of North- Carolina
aed Virginia, at the fame time that his Ma
jesty’s forces make a diverfion*on the sea
coafls of those provinc¢es. If any of thein
habitants have cattle, pack horses, or flour,
to {pare, by applying to us, they shall have
2 good price for them,as soon as hisMajefty’s
¢roops are embodied.
N R WX O R ol Tune 2.4,
Eyutrall of a letter from Philadelpbia Fune 2 1.
% Mr. James Caldwell is returned, Bel-
Jew tréated hiny well; and sent him off to
return @ Man 1o his place as focn as possible.
" He informs, that the men of war are well
foplied with Jive stock by the tories at Indi
an River, the Liverpool having all her coops
and sheep pens full ; that four of those to
ries were on board at the tinie he was there;
that the Liverpool, Orpheus and Kingfither
had been on @ cruiz®for some days, and
brought in with them two ships, one of
which is the Suffolk Indiaman ; they are last
from Antigua, and go to New York vunder
convoy of the Liverpool, and may possibly
bhe atrived, as they intended failing on Sun
day lat. Col. Mill’s battalion arrived ai
Dover lalt Monday, and next day intended
¢avific the Sussex tories ;fo we hourly ex:
;"‘pe&' fom= account of them. John James.
pilot, who was taken on board Mr. Mifflin’s
veflel, made his escape from the Roebuck
by fwimiming two miles ; he was on boarc
(he Gime of the action “with the gondolas
and [avs that the Reebuck had one man kil
led, and several wounded ; one of the guns
dismounted, and hulled in f{even places.—
he fays Lord Dunmore looses nine or ten of
his black regiment every day by the small
pox, &c.”’
A great number of entrenching tools and
mantlets arriv’d here from Boston last Thurs
day. They are part of the cargo taken by
the brave Capt. Mugford; '
We héar that one of our cruizers has ta
ken 2 large ship on the south fide of Long
Iland, and carried her fafe into port. It is
said she is a very valuable prize: ,
Fune 27. Last Friday morning at three
o’clock, 300 of our troops, under the com
mand of Col. Tupper, with Major Brooks,
attacked the enemy 4t Sandy Hook, ocur
party had two field pieces under the careof
Capt. Drewty of the train ; the enemy ré
paired to the light-house, which was {o
fttongly fortified, and cemented, that the
shot from the field pieces made no impref
fion, though not more thai 150 yards dis
tance ; the Phcenix and Liveipool, with
{prings on their cables, poured in a heavy
fire on our men in flank and rear, while
those at the Light-House did the like in
front, for two hours. The Celonel finding
his party somewhat fatigued, and very much
exposed to the fire of the said thips, retired
about two miles to refrefh his men, after
which he sent out fmal! pariies to tempt
them on shore, that he might attack them
on a more equal footing ; butit seems they
chose to keep where they were more fafe.
At evening, fading the provision nearly
{peat, the party returned, without the loss
of a man, & only 2 very slightly wounded :
Our men were in very high spirits, wiflirg
for am opportusity to meet the enemy on
equal ground.
CNEW <Y OR K, June 70
Last Thuriday week the privateers Mont
gomery and Schuyler, of this port, retock &
carried fafe into a port to the ealtward, two
whaling brigs from Brazils, belonging to
Nantucket, 2 {chooner belonging to Cape
Ann, with sugar and molzffes, and a sloop
from Rhode Island, with lumber =nd floar
On board one of the whalers, (Capt. Bar
ker) came paflenger, Wiiliam Halloch, of
the whaling brig Elliot, of this port, whoon
the Igth ot May, was taken & carried into
Antigua, having on board 150 barrelscf oyl,
& gives us the following account, viz. That
Capt. Holnis, with goo barrels was carried
into Antigua also ; and Capt. Jenkins, into
Dominico, with 50 barrels ; that Cap.. Jag
ger with™oo barrels had got into Gznda
loupe ; and Capt. Darling with 400 more,
had arrived at St. Luce ; that Capt. Pink
ham, with 220 barrels was left on the Brazil
coast, and he supposed all the otiier wWhalers
were well, '
One of the above mentioned veflels was
taken by the Greyhound frigate, Gaptain:
Dickeon, from Halifax for New York, ha
ving Gen. Howe on board. The thip failed
from Halifax the gth of June, in company
with a fleet of 130 fail.
Fuly 3. On Sunday last one of our cru’z
ers, on the South fide of Long-liland, took a
large Bermudian built sloop from Halifax,
laden with entrenching-tools, &c. bound for
this place ; in which a number of the Boston
refugees are op board, among whom it is {aid,
Robert Auchmuty,Efq; late Judge of the Ad
miralty at Boftor, and brother to the Rev.
Dr. Auchmuty, (of thiscity) is amongfi them.
Last Saturday arrived at the Hook (like
the {warm ot fgocnfls, escaped from the bot
tomless pit;) a fleet said to be 130 fail of
thips and veflels from Halifax, having on
board General Howe, &c. sent out by the
tyrants of Great-Britain, after destroying the
englith constitution there, on the piotis design
of enslaving the British colonies and plunder
ing (Weir property at pleasure, or murdering
them at once, and taking poffeflioir of all, as
Ahab did of Naboth’s vineyard. i
On Monday about 1000 ot them landed on
the weft end of Long-Island, but {foon em
barked again, and feeing a party of rifle
men, fard so be zbzut 1000, cave thedn threa
huzzas,. wirich they returned wich the indiarn
war whoop. Cn wmeidey morfilng iome of
them appeared coming up, and Leicve night
abcut 45 {zil came above the ndrrows, and
anchored at-and near the witeting-place,
where they fired about 50 catinon thot, of
which we hive not heard the otcalion, and
landed many of their men, whom we could
plainly fee exercising and parading.
It was apprehended they intended to pene
trate into the interior paris of the island, or
to some of the neighbouring towns, but it
does not appear that they have yet artempt
ed it, or done any thing on thor, except ta
king up a little biidge on the causeway be
tween the landing aud the Highlands, at the
ferry. We hedr General Mercer, with a de
tachirent, was yeflerday difpa‘ched to watch
thicir motions, and afl as cccation might re
quire. - |
We have undoubtad authority to a{Ture the
pubiic, that Major Lamb, Captain Oiwald,
(‘ate Aid de camp to General Arnold) and
Capt, Burr, who were taken prisoners atQue
bec, when that most worthy affertor of our
most noble rights arfd privileges (General
Montgomery)tella v &im o miniflerial ven-,
geance, are on board the ministerial fleet at
- H A RE D I Tune 2.
Part of a Letter from Capt. Seth Harding,
Cemmander of the Brig Defence, in the
Service of this Colony, 1o the Hom. Gov.
Trumbill, dated, Fune 10.
" l Sailed on Sunday last from Plymouth ;
{oon after we came to fail, | heard a
considerable firing to_the northward. In
the evening I feil in with 4 armed schooners,
near the entrance of Boston harbour, who
informed me they fad been engaged with
a ship and brig, and were obliged to quit
them. Scon after [ came vp into Nantafket
Roid, where I found the thip and brig at
anchor. [ immediatly fell in between the
two, and came to anchor about 11 o’clock
at night. I hail’d the ship, who anfwer’d,
frem Great Britain. 1 ordered her to strike
her colours to America. They answered
by asking, What brig is that 21 told them
the defence. | then hail’d him again, and
told bim I did not want to kill his men but
would have the ship at all events, and again
ordered them to strike, upon which the Ma
jor {fince dead) said yes, I'/l firike, and fired
) a broad {ide upon me, which [ immedi
ately returned, when an engagement began,
which lasted three glasses, when the ship &
brig both struck: In this éngagement I had
nine men wounded, but none killed. The
enemy had 18 killed, and a number woun
ded. My officers and men behaved with
great bravery, none could kave out done
them. We took out of the above veficl
210 prisoners, among whom is Col. Camp
bell, of Gén. Frazier’s regiment of High
landers. The Major was kill’d in the en
gagement. ~, |
“Yesterday a ship was seen in the Bay,
which tame towards the éntrance of Boston
harbour i upon which I came to fail, with
4 schooners in'eompany ; we came up with
them, and fook them without any engage
ment 3 there weré on board 1:2 Highlan
ders. As thére are a number more of the
fame fleet expelted every day, and the Ge
neral here urges my stay, I shall tarry a few
days, and then proceed to New London.
My brig is much damaged in fails and rig
e e e
[ am, with gréat respect,
Your Honor’s most humble servant,
Last Wednesday pafled through this place,
Gov. Franklin of New Jersey, on his way to
Gov. Trumbull at Lebanon. Mr. Frank
lin is 2 noted tory, and ministerial tool, and
has been exceedingly busy in perplexing the
cause of liberty, and in serving the designs
of theßritith king & minions. The people
of the Jerseys, on account of his principles;

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