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- goannexlons, abilities & addcefs, viewed him 33 a mifchevious enemy in that province, & 1 confequsnily thought it expsdient to remove him, under a strong guard, toConneéticat. H: is fafely arrived, and will probably have ~ Feifere to reconnoitre. his past life. He is -son to Dr, Benjamin Franklin, the geniusof -the day, and the great patron of American liberty. If his excell’cy efcapesthe vengence of the people, due to the enormijy of his crimes, his redemption will ow, not from his personal merit, but from the high esteem and veneration which this country entertain for his honor’d father. Last Saturday he returned from Lebanon to Willingtord, where he is stationed. . Friday last a Joufey pack of tory prisoners, 49 in nuniber, taken some time since at Johnstown were brought to this town under guard from Albany, and delivered to the oommiittee for the di{pofition of prifonersin this colony.” We hear 2 number more of the fame clan are on their way to this p'ace. Since our last, several regiments of- foot, ordered to be raised in this colony, together with three regiments of the troop ‘ot light’ horse, have marched for New York, to atiitt in the defence of the capital of that in’vade%; FPooMince. > 4 _ / PROVIDENCE, Juse 13 1976. Tuesday idlt arrived here a fine prize (hip, taken by the centinental brig Cabot, Capt. Hinman ; (he was bound from Jamaica to Lancaster, in England, dnd has on board the following valuable cargo, viz. 114 punche ons of Rum, 22 hogtheads ditto, 84 Hog sheads of Sugar, 20 Tierces Ditio, 18 Bar rels Ditto, 200 Bags of- Ginger, to Casks Ditto, 20 Casks as Coffee, 60 Bags of Pi mento, 2 Casks Ditto, 182 Bags of Cotton and 48 raw Hides. She is pierced for 14 Guns, but misunted only 6 when. taken. Last Week one of the Enemy’s Tenders diove several small Vefiels athore up the Weltern found, and burnt one schooner. ~ On Sunday the fame tender took a small sloop from Surinam, bound to this place, Mowry Potter master, The Hands escap ed in their boat. | Fune 32. Monday lalt a young midn was apprehened at Newport, and commit ted to goal, for figningand pafling a thirty shilling bill; of the money emicted by this coleny in January last. It appears by his own confeflion, and other circumfta.ces, that he stole a half sheet of paper, on which were printed four bills of said denomination, from the house of a gentleman who was ap pointed by the general assembly to superin tend the press while the money was print ing, @nd who had talien home some imper fe&t Mheets, in order to burn or destroy them. ‘The fighers names are badly imitated, and two of them Fofeph Clarke & Thomas Greene are written Clark and Green, which may serve a 5 a mark o detect the other three falfe bills, should they be passing. , Wednesday last Capt. James Munro, of this port, in a letter of marque {loop, arrived ‘here from Hispaniola. On the 7th instant he retook two sloops loaded with lumber, from Edentown, in North Carolina, which had been taken by the Afteon Frigare, and crdered toAntigua, Capt. Munro sent the Prizes to Hispaniola, dnd has brought home with him a person taken on board one of them, who calls himfelf a brother to the preieot botd Cranflon, -~~~ - - ~oas We learn that 4 - Frigate from Halifax has joined the Cerbetus at Block-Island.— They have taken a sloop, and a ship, fup poled to be one of the transports lately ta ken by the Andrew Doria, Capt. Biddle. - Tuesday last one of the above mentioned frigates ran in with a {mall breeze, and fired two broadsides into' the Columbus, Capt. Whipple, as she lay becalmed near New port, which killed one man, and cut some of her rigging. As soon as the wind struck th;C Columbds, Capt. Wh;pple é‘cturged the compliment with a broadside, when the- fri gate theared off. : B O S:T°CF Ny July Iy, 1776. We are assured that on July the 2d, thé Congress voted for INDEPENDENCY, not one cqlony difi"cnting; but .the del'egates of New- Yotk remained neuter, for want of be ing inftruéted on the head. Last Saturday were carried into Cape Ann, two ships takeh in the Gulph of Florida, by Capt, Henry Johnson of this town, in the Yankey privateer; and last Tuesday they were brought round to this place. Cne js a fine thip 300 tons burthen, commanded by James Hodge, bound from Jamaica tor Lon don, with upwards of 400 Hogtheads of su gar, 200 puncheons rum, 16 Packs Cotton, and a quantity of Pimenta. The other is upwards of 200 Tons, commanded by George Ross, from Antigua for Generzl Howe at Halifax, with 439 puncheons of rum, &c. Majorßogérs was taken up atSouth-Amboy ferry on the 26th of June. 4 | By advices from Martinico, we learn, that the French Ganeral and Admiral in theWeit Indies, will commience hostilities againti G. Britain the moment that the Independence of the American Colonies is authenticated (o them.. : | | o e On Friday the 28th ult. was executed in 2 field at New-York, between the Colonels M’Dougall and Huntington’s camp, near the Bowry-Lane,(in the presence ot 25,0c0 pzc tators) a soldier belonging to his Excellency General Wathington’s guards, sot mutiny and conspiracy ; being one of those who formed, and was {oon to put intc execution, that hor. rid plot of affaflinating the (lats officers,blow ing up the magazines, and securing the pat fes of the tow4,on the arrival ot the hungry ministerial myrmidons @ It is hoped the re mainder of those miscreants, (now in out pof feflionf) will mé:t with a punithment ade quate to their crimes, = ~We hear from Jamestown, (Virginia,) that Capt. Barron has taken and carried in there, a transport ship with 220 Highiandess on bnard, being part ot F'razer’s battalion, most. ly recruits, and part of the 42d Regiment or Highland Watch, . ke o o= The General Court have pajl an Al allowing of Inoculation with the Small Pox inthe Town of Boston ’till next monday the 15th inflant, after which time itis forbidden on [evere pemalties both: on the innoculator and innoculated. And the Se leCimen are impnvered and divested to remove all perfonis sick of the Small-Fox on the third of Au gust next, in erder that the torwwn may be cleared of all infeétion immediatcly after. The Coure. have also past an ALt allewving «f Hospitals for infoculating the Sidall-Pox incach Ceunty in this Colomy. 2 e s ' - Thursday the firl} day of Auigult next is ap pointed by Authority to be observed as a day of humiliation, Falting and prayer throughout this Colomy. . | RS S ‘Extraét freri a late London Papér, A great number of the foldicrs of the 3d regi ment of guards, who are drauglited out to go to America, have got themselves arrefled for debt, and are now in lé'!c"et- prifsn 5 the Fudges have been applicd to;but all the affiitance these venerable sages of the law will prove incffeétual, as the sol diers have declared their refoiution, rather than go abroad to imbrue their hands in the bloed of their fellow f[uljeéls, they will die in imprison ment. This has discouraged the minifiry much, as it is feared this cxample will be oilorved by o thers of the soldiers deftin'd to this unnatural service. | PORTSMOUTH, July r 3, 1775, LAS‘T Monday the firft Kegiment ot Mi ¢ litia, in this Colony pursuant to crders trom Lt. Col. JOSHUA WENTWORTH, made a genteel appearance upon the Plains in this town ; almost every person uvpon the alarm-lift, indiscriminately appeared in the Ranks to fland 'a chance of draughting 115 Men,for the Canadaßeinforcement, if found neceflary ; but the alaciity with which the men inhited, prevented any disagreeable inr preflments : such an ardor Was dijcoverable in all ranks, by their entouragement, that they seemed to emulate with eich other who should most pramote the service. The ItprPenpeNt ComMPaANY com manded by Col, SAMUEL SHERLURNE," and the Comprany of LIGHT INFANT. RY .commanded by Col. JOUN LANG DON, iii their unitorms, attendad the regi meantal muster, and performed the manual exercise and evolutions to universal agcept - ance, and did honor to the solemnity: ~ A cold collation wis made by Col. WEN . WORTH, for the retrethment of the ofiicers of the regiment, and other officers who were occasionally present. ‘The whole order of the day was conducted with great decency and decorum : contentment {3t on the.coun tenances of all at least 3000 present. As this was the firft appearance of this reginient for years palt, itis hoped that the officers wild torm a company from themielves (o irfiruct each other in the military art, at lealt unck a week ; and that sub-divisions of companieg will meet with their oflicets at {uch timesas they can attend them for the fime utetul de sign : with such an emulatioa throngh uat the continent; America may expeét to support her Independansy. . Foins 8 “Wedneiday iaft was bro’t into Falmouth, by Capt, Crabtree,a sloop from Anapoiis, bound to Halifax, taken off the Grand Pas sage, loaden wirh Lumbet, Hand Spikes, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, &c. B g By the Halifax Paprr of the Fourteenth of May, it appears, that the Price of Pro visions is (tated by a resolve of a Court of Special Sessions for the Peace, held there o the Tenth of the fanie Month, at the fol lowing Rates, viz. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, or Veal, at One Shilling Currence per Pound, equal tc a Piftareen ; Dung hiil Fowls, dead or alive, Two Shillings each 3 Chickens in Proportion ;. Harzs or Rabbits, One Shilling and Six Pence each ; Tama Duclss, Two Skiliings each § Wild Diiicks; Ouae Shilling and Six Pence each ; and Par tridges One Shilling and Three Pence eact, Flour is fold at Twenty-eight Shillings 22 Hundred, . » ‘ ,F Portsmouth fuly 10, IBN P Lift of Letfers remaining in the Poft-Cificen C. Cochran Itaac, Windham. Cochran Thomas New-Bofion. Cunningham Samuel and othets, Selelt-men of Peterborough, E. Ellis Sarah, Keen, . Ll G. Gold Jeremiah, Woolfbarough. - ~ H. Hunter Joan, Londonderry. Hutehins - Phinehas, Fitizwilliam., - K. Kinsman Aaron, Bow. fu s b - M. [’Gregore James, Londonderry. Mols ~Moody Doctor, Salem. Macklewen, Mrs, ~Coldrain. M'Lean John, Newbuty-Cohafs, '+ N. Nute Jotham, Dover, :: - ~P. Page John, Hawverhill Cohafs, . S. Sewali Jonathan M. Esq; Greenland, . W. Wentworth John Esq; Dover, Willard ~ Josiah Major, Keem, = . , PColony'of New -Hamp[bire, Rockingham, [l. ° LIBEES being filed before me, againtt the | 4 thip named Sufaniah, burthén about one hundred and eighty tons, her cargo and ap purtenances, commanded by John Frazer.— Aifo against the schooner named the Rain~ bow, about thicty tons burthen, her cargo and appurteninces, commanded by John M’'Mo« nagle, which veflels are said to have been improved in carrying supplies to the fleet and army employed against the united colonies, and brought into the county of Rockingham. T'his notice is given agreeable to the laws of the colony, that the maritime court ereéled to try and condemn all veflels found inf=(t-- ing the Sea-Coasts of America, ‘and brought into the county of Rockingham, will be he'd at the court-house in Portsmouth, on Tues day the sixth day of Augufl, 1776, at 10 0’ clock in the forencon, to try the justice of the {aid Captures, that all persons concerned may appear and shew cause, if any théy have; why the said veflels, their cargoes and z2pput tenances fheuld not be condemned. -_ , JOSHUA BRACRETT Judge of {zid Court. ‘Portfmouth July #l, 8776, . oy e N. B. All Claimants are by law to file their claims before the Judge five days befoze trial, - 2 g e = Beelps - To be fold cheap forC A 33\1?.‘ by WILTIAM MARSHALL: - #ihus thop in ‘Queen- Street. .