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amazing exertions of General Sullivan, who performed what appeared to be almost im poflible to have been done by mortal man ! He is now on his way to New-York. / . Wednesday several ships to the number of about sixteen or twenty, part of the fleet at iStaten-I/t]and, gnt under way and stood thro’ the Narfows, but we have not been able to get any certain intelligence of their deftina ticn. Some conjeture they are boundgo the Eastward, to attempt an entrance through the found ; thould that be the case, it affurds us pleasure to think we are in 2 fit conditicy there also to give them a suitable receptiod. . Since our laf}, several of our late King’s ships from the fizet at Staten Island [ailed tbro’ the Narrows towards Sandy Hook 3 and ils generally believed, they are gone so the Sound 10 stop thé communication between the New Enrgland States and this. s WAR-OFFICE, Philade phia, July 6,1776. ALL persons in the United American States who are able to inform the Congress of any quantities of Flint Stone, or of any persons who are skilled in the manufacture of Flints, are requelted to apply in person, or by letter, ¢o the board of War and Ordnance, at the War- Office, in Markett-ltreet, near the cor ner of Fourth fireet.--- All printers of news papers in the several States are desired to in sert this advertisement:. & RICHARD PETERS, jun. Sec’ry. Extraéi of aletter from Williamsburg, “fuly 4. ¢ Qurconvention is not yet broke up ; they have appointed . PATRICK HENRY, Go vernor, and chosen a Council of eight memi bers, which is to be the executive power ; the legislative power consists of two branches;, one consisting of a House of Burgefics or De legates, the other consists of 24 members cal led Senators, to be chosen by the Frecholders as soon as the colony is laid out in districts ; the House of Burgefles to be elected as culto mary. Governor not to continue more than three years, and annually eleéted.” N I A e NEW-HAVEN, July 10, Governor Franklin is stationed at Walling ford as a Prisoner. _ - The Continental Congress have recom mended to the legislatures of the several U nited Colonies to pass laws tor punithing all those who shall cougterfeit, aid or abet in counterfeiting the continental bills of credit, or who shall pass any bill in payment,know ing the fame to be counterteited. PINRAT FORD" Jaly 14, - Last Week about 156 Tories in the Nine partners and Places adjacent,rofe in a body, fell upon the Sons ofLiberty there, disarmed them, and took Possession of the committe chamber ; but were quelled by a party of near 3ooooMen from theWeflernParts of this Colony, and about Zo of their Number taken and confined in prison; | : HA'RoT Fo R D, fyidg The foliowing is a true [tate of the situation of the Norihcrn Army, with refpeét to the Small Posx. “ All infefted with said disorder are remo ved to Fort George-—the main body of the army is now at T'iconderoga, at which place a fland is to be made. 'The greateit care is taken to prevent the further f{preading of that fatal disorder, as the Generals have ta ken every precaution necessary, and have left no infelted person with the main body, which together with the'flations afligned tor the two battalions now raised in this colony for the northern army,viz, at Skeen{borough and the east fide of Ticonderoga, will ctfec tually render the campaign fafe as to the above disorder. “N. B. The health of the army is much recruiting. Provifi »ns now are plenty, both freth and salt.” | \ SOST ON, Thursday, Auvguft 2. * Yesterday was observed here as a day of bublic Humiliation, fafting and prayer. . We have the Pleasure to inform the Pub lic that such has been the Dexterity of the Select Men, &c. in carrying the Small Pox _through this Town, that Leave is now gi ven to persons lately wifited with that dis - temper, to go into the Country, after ob taining a Certificate therefor, agrecable to an A& passed the last Seflion of the Gene ral Court, for that Purpose. , - Last Friday Mr. Joseph Austin, anin genious Armourer in the Detachment of the Continental Army stationed in this. Town, was fatally wounded by the Discharge of a Mufquet sent tor Repair, loaded witha Ball & Buck Shot, of which wound he died latt Tueiday Eveping, - . . . ~ Friday last was taken to the Eastward of Mouét_ Defart, by two Whalemen, and last Wedoelday sent in here, a large Schooner of 160 Tons, from Jamaica bound to Ha lifax, laden with Rum, Sugar, Pimenta, &c. She, it is {aid was formerly owned in Salem. Last Lord’s Day was carried into Mai blehead, the Ship Peggy, commanded by James Kennedy, mounts fix 3 and two 2- pounders, bound for New-York, taken by the arm-d Veflels Hancock, Capt. Tucker, and the Fraoklin, Capt. Skimmer. Sheis one of the Fleet of 34 Sail, who, it is said, by those that were taken in her, came ot with transports, under convoy of two ren of war, the Renown of 50 and the Floraof 20 guns, havicg on board a number of troops.-- The cargo confilts of 75 doz. hole, 180 yards Irith sheeting, 2 boxes cord, 74 doz. porter, 83 doz. strong beer, 311 tier: ces salted beef, 6 batrels herring, 24 cathp kettles, 5 doz. canteens, 2 dcz. kettles with covers, candlesticks and spoons, 2648 mut ton hdms, soodoz. Rappee [ouff, 100 gal lons of rum, 3884 yards cznabrigs, 12 and and half dez. claret, 4 barrels flour, 2 kegs birley, 230 doz. red port wire, 50 doz. Sherty, 53 doz. white port wine, 16 doz. {trong becr, amounting to 7. 1509 1 g fter. ling, and some cath. Also the following Tory gentlemen and ladies, viz. Patrick Reed, Thomas Frezier, Robert Semple, & and wile, Elizabeth Burns, and John Burns, Abigail Pecir, Thoris Semple, & the picus Benjamin Davis and son, Thomas Pamp, & John Whitehead. The Privateer War ren, Capt. Burk, engaged with another of the fleet, & near taking her, when by some accidefit the had threz of her men blown up & seven wounded, which obliged chem (o put Into pait. LB The above Tories were brought toTown in a Marblehead Schooner on Monday, morning, and efcoried up to Gaol ;—they inform that they left Hadifax the 4th July that they failed in Company with 3 T'ran. sports with Heflian Troops bound to New. York ; and that the Day they lctt Halitax, they saw a fleet of 40 Sail, which they sup posed to beTranfports with HellianTroops. FORT SO UT H By an Express from Falmouth last Even ing, we are inform’d, that Capt. Whire the Day before,in a privateer, had arriv’d there, having 40 men on board, with the particu lars of the following prizes he had taken, viz, The Brig Fanny, 130 Hhds Rum from Antigua,-— Sloop Betly, 150 Hhds Rum, and a Brig from Antigua, for Liverpool, with 230 Hhds Rum—=BrigHarlequin from Nevis for London, 273 Hhds Sugar, & 63 Hhds of Rum.—— Ship Polly, trom Ao tigiia, 450 Hhds Rum, 12 Hhds Suvgar. Ship Avna Mariah, 295 Hhds Sugar, & 52 Pipes of Wine, and forhe Bails of Cotton, carried into Falmouth, The Captain also took a seventh Veflel, .which he gave the Prifoners,=—Capt. Lear,and Capt. Hop ly Yeaton, of this Town, we hear, are on - Board one of the Veflels, which put into Towns End at the Eastward., . Hanover July 26. 1776. ON the 24th of this inst. was held a pri \__/vate commencement at Dartmouth Col lege, five weeks before the usual time, on ac count of the situation of our publick affairs, The Truftess were well fatisfied, as to the qualifications of the following gentlemen who received the honours of the Cotlege,vizyp . Mefliurs Abel Curtis; Experience Efta brook, Caleb Jewet, Silas Little, Stephen March, Ebsnezer Mattoon, Jonathan Shere burne, Samuel Sherburne, Solomon Walcutt, Eleazer Wheelock Junr. James Wheelock, Levi Willard, Bachelors of Arts :---and Mess. Stephen Davis, James Dean, Emer son Foster, David Huntington, Joseph Gro ver, and Jobn Smith, Mafiers ot Arts, ~ And these may certity, that those, who intend to cffer themfeives as candidates for admitfion into College this year, may be ex amined by the president and tutors before;or at the end of vacation, which will be the gth day of September next, and tho’ there have been various alarming reports from appre hensions of a nothern invasion on our tron tiers ; yet,by repeated and credible accounts, it appears, that there is no more immediate danger, than in other parts of the continent 3 but, that the fludents may puriue their flu dies, without any molestation or concern from that quarter, | . We hear two men of war now lay near Amboy, in order ’tis fuppofled to flop all na vigation that way, Mr. Printer, - | - sag Pleaje to put the fellowing in your ufefall pas™ per and you’ll Oblige a numlber of your(,}ufiomerfi . %b S there has been industriously propas [ gated in the Country areport that pre vatled in this town a few days fincoof Hon, Mark HWentwortlh's giving one hundredDol jars towards the Incouragement of inlifting Soldters lately raised in this Town, this is therefore to inform the Public that said re port,was totally void of anyFoundationwhat ever, - QU IBUSB Colony of New-Hampfhbire, Rockingham J]. - A LIBEL is filed before-me, in behalf o the United Colonies, and of theCificers, Marines and Mariners of the continental ar= med veflels, Hancock, Lee, and Lynch, as gain{t the Brigantine named the Elizabetl, about 140 tons burthen, commanded by Pe« tcr Ramjey; retaken and broughtintothe P ork of Pifcataqua in the County of Rockingham, which veifel 1s {2ld, to have been taken from Rictiard Hart of Portimouth,Merchant, late owner thereof,by {fome armed veflels belong ing to the Britith fleet, and detained in their pofiefion more than g 6 hours, and was at the rime of her recapture, carrying her cargo ta and for the use of the fleet & army émployed again{t the United American Colonies: - - For the trial of this recapture, the Court maritime for {aid eclony, will be held at the ceurt-houfe in Portsmouth on Tuesday the 20th day of August 1776, at 10 ¢’clock A. M, of which this notice is given pursuant to the law of {aid colony, that the owner of the ves sel retaken as aforefaid, or any persons con= cerned in veflel or cargo, may appear and {hew cause, if any they have, why the said veifel, with her cargo and appurtenances, should not be condemned. 1 - JOSHUA BRACKETT Judge of faidCourt. Portsmouth July 12, 1776. N. B. Persons claiming the whole, or any pait, either as owners, or captors of any vessel taken & libelled must by law file their claims before the Judge of said court, five days be fore theday of tryal. And all Libels against any veflel taken and brought into this colo~ ny betore the 3d of July infl. . must be filed within 20 days from that time, or {uch claim ants, or libeitants will be barred from exhi biting such claims or libels after the pericds aforefaid. : o—ll ON, Wendnefday the 7th Instant, at 10 O’clock A. M. Sundry Houfhold FURNITURE, will be fold" at Auction, at the house of Mr. NATHANIEL FOL.- SOM, Inoholder, the fame may be seen at the place for sale the day preceding. . BAY MARE, with a black main and A tail, was l&ft at the Globe Tavern, on the Plains in this town ; the person who left her hus not since been heard of ———=The owner is desired to call for said mare; and pay the charge of keeping and advertizing Bels: S 10w=12