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place me in future, whether the alarms of war, may summon me again 3o ihe field, or domeflic affairs call me to private life, your fafety and success I thall deem’infeparable from my own.———— That an indulgent Heaven may grant you success equal to your merits, reward your toil with the conquest of your unnatural enemies, and in due time, re turn you, crowned with laurels; to. your re- Tpective families, thall be my most earnest prayer, &> . (Signed) : JOHN SULLIVAN. - LONDON Maygj, 1776. . ~ The King has been pleased to order letters patent to be pafled ;under the great seal of (reat-Britain, constituting and appointing Richard Lord Viscount Howe, of the king dom of lreland, & the Hon. William Howe, Esq; Major-General of his Majesty’s forces, and General of his Majesty’s forces in North- America only, to be his Majesty’s commifii oners for restoring peace to his Majesty’s co lonies and plantations in- America, and for granting pardons to such of his Majesty’s sub jects there, now in rebellion, as shall deserve the royal mercy. - Several Jamaica merchants, it’s {aid, have feceived letters from thence yesterday, with orders not to fend any more goods therz till further orders, as they imagined that there would soon be a strange revolution in that island. , Jt was this day confidently reported on "‘Change, that the French had landed four teen thousand men on the island of Jamai ca, near which they' have a 2 fleet ;—which piece of News, whether true or talfe, has al ready had a great eft=¢t on the price of flocks, A private letter from Jamiaica. by theWil fiam, Capt.Whately, who is arrived atPort{- mouth, has the following article : ¢ What we have been a 2 long time dpprehenfive of is 4t last almost at our doors. * The intenti onis of the French and Spaniards remain no fonger a secret in this part of the world ; they have thrown off the mask, and I belicve, be fore this reaches you, they will be in poflef fion of this once flourifhing and happy island. Fourteen thoutand French troops are jutt lan ded at Cape Francois, and their {lzet consists of nine thips of the line and seven frigates. The Spaniards aifo have at the islands ofCu ba and Hispaniola a much superior force ; and when united, it is impcflible that we thould keep this island.” ; It is whispered, that the ministry are en deavouring to fix a certainty which party fired fir(t at Lexington before hoftiliries com menced, as the Congrefs.declare, if it can be proved that American blood was firft thed, it will go x great way towards effeCting a reconciliation on the most honorable terms. _ By 2 gentleman lately arrived from New- York, we are informed, that the Ainerican Generals are determined to dispute the march of the Britith Army into the country—but fiot by 2 general a‘tion. They are to make it 2 war oi poil, by throwing up redoubts at the passes. ' “The diftra&ted state of East-India affairs, the quarrels of their servants, the encreafing power of France, and the invafio)n of the morattoes, have alarmed the court to z high degree. | | i Extrafl of a letter from Spithead, Mly 2. ¢ It is expelted we shall fail tomorrow for Boston, under the command of Commodore William Hotham, who is to hoist his broad pendant or board of the Preflon, aSO gun thip. The Ships which go under his com mand are the Jersey tofpital ship, the Eme yild of 32 guns, the Strombolo firefliip, the Carcass bomb, and zll the transports which are ready. ‘There are upwards of 100 fail of transports now here, all of which have foreign troopsonboard. We have on board five {fmall casks, and-30 chefls fpanifh dol fars. amounting to 30,0001, for paying the grarine troops 2¢ Boston.” s, [ The follprving paratgrap]zs were laken fra'm \a Halifax Paper of the 2d of Fuls.] Wos wWHITE-HALL, May 3, e ENERAL HOWE, Commander in G Chief of his Majesty’s Forces in North- L hgmerica; having taken a resolution on the ; eventh of march to remove from Boston to /’»_Halifax,withfl_.the troops under his command, “ and such of the iahabitants with their es-- feéts, as were desirous to ¢ontinue under the potection of his Majesty’s forces ; the em barkaticn was eftected the 17th of the fame month, with the greatest order and regulari ty, and without the least interruption from the Rebels. \When the Packet came a way, the firft division of transports was under {ail, and the remainder were preparing to follow in a few days ; the Admiral leaving behind as many ot the men of war as could be spared from the convoy, for the {ecurity and pro tection of such veflels as might be bound to Boston, __ . Land\ Gaz. o A I 8 W) £F NI May i The followingis a lift of the Men of Wir ordered by the Congress to cruise oft St. He lena, to intercept the Eatt-India ships, viz. The Victory, 36 5 the Congress, 36 ; the Dickenfon, 36 ; the Freedom, 30 ; and the United Colonies, 30 guns. The Hancock and Adams frigate, of 32 guns, fitted out by order of the Céngrefs, is put into Lisbon. So desirous are the Dutch of observing a {trict neutrality with Great- Britain, and pre venting any of their vessels from supplying the Americans with any kind of warlike (tores, that they have stationed two frigates oft' St. Euftatia and Coracoa,to cruize against, and take any of theirown ships that may be found carrying any supplies to the Americans. May 3. The Congress have determined to declare AMERICA an independent slate; and to fend Ambafladors to {ucn of the Courts of Europe as will admit them. F &l - It is generally reported that we shall cer tainly be at war both with France and Spain before Michaelmas-day. - | - The redoubts which the Ameéricans have thrown up at several important situations, have been done under the direétion of a Ger man Engineer; who served twenty years in the King of Prussia’s army. - | It is :{aid that twelve thips of the line will be kept at Spithead this fummer] com pleatly manned and victualled, under the command of aßear Admiral, as a fleet of ob {ervation. i Letters from Lisbon, dated the 13th ult. brought by a thip which arrived thisday, fay, that three ships from” Georgia, with indigo, &c. had arrived there, that they all mounted from 32 to 46 guns, and were so well man ned as to be able to cope with any one of our frigates. We are informed that the tears of the foot guards are now dried up, for they have got a reprieve from the American service. We hear the plan on which the terms of accomodation with America is bottomed Is, that the Americans thall abide by those parti cular engagements which the original char ters and eftablithments only granted them. This on their fide, is to be the whole extent of their claim ; the additional immunities & privileges to be left to our govérnment. The Constitutions of the American Provinces are of three kinds ; firft, Royal Government ; secondly, Proprietary Establishments ; and thirdly, Civil Cc porations ; therefore some of theirßights are very ditferent from others, which, in all probability will occasion a long but we hope, not a fruitlefs negociation, MR L F A X ulye - Thur{day morning last arrived here from hér station in Boston Bay, theMilford frigate, Capt. Burr. Yesterday evening arrived here his Majef £y's Frigate Brune,in § weeks from Port{- mouth, and two transports, having on board a number of the Foot Guards and some fo reign troops. Engrisa HArgour. (in Antigua) June 17. This morning arrived the Bellabu tender, Licut. Nicholas, belonging to his Majesty’s thip Hind. The regret and concern shewn by every person here, for some time past, at @e supposed fate of so worthy a man and “{o good an officer, could only be equalled, by the universal joy at his fafe arrival. He | had undergene a great many hardthips, & - was chafed by some of Hopkins’s squadron, but the weather blowing frefh, the enemy were not able to come up with him. - Their’ ~foremaft and fail were carried away, which . they repaired at Aquadilla, a Town on the - Weft end of Hispaniola, While they lay there, seven fail of men of war, one of 8o guns, with an Admiral and Commodore, & 3000 lend forces arrived there.- The death of the King of Portugal is confirmed, and it is supposed the Spaniards intend renewing their old claims on that Kingdom. There are in this harbour,at present, four prizes, viz. one (hip and three Brigantires, 21l laden with fpermaceti, oil. " The ship was taken by his Majelty’s thip the Hind;, and the Brigantines by the Hawke, BALTII MUK E: @tn~Marsland.) July, 20th. We this moment hear by lix prefs that Dunmore has got as far up the Bay as George’s Island, about 40 miles below An napolis, landed {fome of his Troops and most of his-black Fufileers, Feaded and comman ded by Gov. Eden, where he was attacked by the Militia of St. Maria’s County,—when the Express came off, they were engaging — Four Companies of the Flying Camp, ular ched from hence this Morning. : P HILADELPHI A, Julyag. - 'O.;\‘:F:idzy«e.ven‘mg arrived 1n this city from Canada, Brigadier~-General Sullivan. We hear that one of the Continental Fri gafies‘ lately Jaunched in this city iscalied the D¢laware, and the other the Randolph,in honuur of the late ilitfirious senator of that nase. _ The Militia of this state continue to pass thro’this city daily in companieson their way to New- Jerfy. It isthought that Pennsyl vania will fend not less-than 20,000 men to the assistance of our neighbours. The Hon. Convention df Maryland have refclved, that a bounty of one shilling be paid for every buthel of {alt imported inro that colony before the fir{t day of Marth next, the impdrter to fell the {ame at any price not exceeding 7/5. eil Rl NE W.- YO R-K;Joly ag. ¢ The fourth man in"the counties of King’s, Queen’s and Suffulk, on Long-Island, and Weltchefler, Dutches, Orange and Ulster, were Jalt week ordered to hold themiielves in readiness to march 2t a moment’s warning ; indeed" many ot them are gone to their pro per flations already. | An old gentleman between 60 and 70, now does duty in the militia near Newark, in New- Jersey, is the father of about 15 chil dren now alive, g of which are in the conti nental army, from Captains to privates; - Several cannon were fired last Thurf{day afterncon, from our battery at Amboy, at a number of boats from Staten I{land, bound to Sandy-hook, supposed to join partof the ministerial fleet laying there : This brought on a canénade from the encampment of the regulars near Billop’s point, on the ifland} which continued very hot on both sides for near an hour : The boats got ¢lear, but ma ny of the regulars were seen to fall, and se veral carried off, supposed to be wounded. On our fide, a soldier belonging to one of the Philadelphia battalions, was killed, and one wounded ; a horse 1n a c¢arriage had his hread shot cff in the {treet, and some damagz was done the houles. : W E W - Y OR K, Augufii: The Reverend Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, at their Meeting in May last, appointed the second Thuriday of -August init. to be observed as a day of humiliation, fafling and prayer, to Almighty God, by all the congregations under their care, on account of the present opprefled and blee ding ttate of our country. Since our last upwards of {ix thousand troops have arrived here from Bofion, Con necticut &c. and more are daily expelied. - On Meonday last five of the men of war’s boats endeavouring to-land on Tappan mea dows, where about 15 inhabitants of the neighbourhood concealed them{elvesin a fith ing hut, on' the edge of the meadows, which they had barricaded up, and lay there until three of the boats were within }ijgtpf:tjlc‘m, ‘when they fired, loaded again, and fired ele ven rounds. without the loss of a m&’fiq.n our fide. They Kkilled several of the ene-