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my,ls they h2ard 2 graat fheicking and cry iagz amongh them. : e We have now, in and near this city, a larger army perhaps, thanever was in one place in America before, Extrait of aletter from For: Monigomery, dated 23d Fuly, 1776. “ The ships ot war in the North River, are now at Haverltraw. ’Tis evident their designs arc fruftrated, not expelling we were so well prepared to receive them.— They are well watched oa both sides of the river. Capt. Wallace with 30 men landed and set fire to Capt. Lilly’s house : Tho’ the house wg§ owned by a great tory, we find the Biitith aék of parliament makes no provision to distinguish such from the free. men of America. At this post we have 1000 men, and 700 at Fort Conltitution, well equipt ; several thousands are at Peclt’s Kill and the oppofize fide of the river. | came here yesterday at the requelt of Ge neral Clinton. -Should the ships attempt'to pass, it must be through fire and (moke.— Last Thursday a. man made his escape trom. on board the Rose, by {wimming. Heis well known here by officers and mieh from Boston; in the train, He was taken last summer by the Rose, in going to the W, Indies. He fays they expe&ed to be join ed by fzveral hundred torics, who were to drive down to them stock of all fores 5 they had been informed that great quantities of goads were deposited in the stores atPeck’s Kill, that they were to destroy, atter which were to proceed through the Highlands to Poughkespfie, and burn our ships ol war there : That they were much chagrined at the disappointment— they had on board 120 men and boys, and 20 marines : That the most damage they received was 10 pal fing the batteries at Powle’s Hook and the blue bell—"The cook of the {hip bada icg shot off, fomie others wounded, a 12 pound er lodged in the head of their foremaft, one came through her quarier gallery into the cabin, and that her (hrouds and rigging fuffered much. The Pheenix’s damage he could pot tell, only that the had recéived a shot in her bowsprit, What he saw he de clared. As he was a prisoner, "us not iike- Iy they would let him know their difafters.’ aßt 0N L OB lilvae .. By a Gentleman who lett N w London this moning we learn, that Capt. Penvier arrived there last Evening in 17 days from the Capas, who informs That the Spaniards have deciared War ag-ioft Portugal---" That the Spanifth Avbaflador has had (cme Alt r cation with ilre Britith Minitry, and had lelt London without wwking feave at”ourt--That’ the French Court-had made a Demand upon the King of Great Britainr for Payment for the Shipping taken from them by the En glith before the lait War, (agreeable to the Treaty éntered into between the (Wwo Na tions 2t thd Close of the War) zt ten per cent. Interett ; and thar the French bad protelted against any foreign Troops being sent to A merica. Capt. Penvier further informs,that Capt. ------, with 12 Tons of powder, brund for Phitadelphia, was talten by an Englith Frizate and carried inta Jamaicd, 27d that a Captainof a French Man of War had sent & demanded her. He also fayswith that 30 Sail of Spanith Men of War had - pafled by the Cajes for the Havannah, but had no trariports with them. ~ . .. &. PORTSMOUTH, Aug. x0,f‘r4776.; On Wednesday the vth infl, was, [ent tn bere, by the Privateer Brigt. Hancock, Capt. Newman, belonging to Philadelpbia, the fbip Reward, belonging 1o London, ldaded with upwards of frven bundredicofks of Sugar, fe weniy bbd’ s of Rum some. Cotton, 4 few.pipes - of IV ine. “Turtle, &F¢c. from Tortola—a very walnable prize-—The letters by ber inforsi us, gbat évery fort of provision was very bigh, Flower,fearce a barrel bo be had,at any price 5 Batter at [6.125 curventy pr. firkin. sm——s All wishing the dispute [estled with America, and in great expefiation that matters would be accomodated by the discretionary powers of Ld. Howe. This Ship was taken in Lat. 28 N. Lon. 62.. The prize master, Mr. Barton, in forms s that the Hancock, bad taken a Bri gantine from the West Indies, just before Ihis Ship. and sent ber to Egg Harbour, and was in chafe of a Ship, supposed to be a Famaics. man and almofp within gun fbot, when be left Ler. | . | - MpaPrinten: e T . Pledye to put the foilowing in your ufeful pa per and you'll oblige a number of your Customers. ‘A S there has been industriously. propa- A gated in the Country a report that pre vailed in this town a few days since of Hon. Mark H./Ventworth’s giving one hundred Do llars towards the Tncouragement bf'iv?}fling Soldiers lately raised in rhis Town; this is therefore to inform- the Public thatfaid re port,was totally void of anyFoundationsyhat gyl o 2R Whdl § The atoregeing was iiiferted in our lafdin flead of -the following, which was sent us by a Correfpondentsc, .7 ; et . O Prinfeir it ir ot 913 Please to put the followving in your tofadul pa per, and yoir’ !l oblige a-number of your Gujftomers. AS there has been induftiouily propagated » in the country,. a report that prevail'd in this town, 4. few days since, of Mark Hun kirg IWentworth’s givipg one hundred Dollars towards the incouragement of inlitting {ol diers lately raised in this town, this is there fore to intorm the Pnblic, that {aid Report was totally void d¢f any foundation whatever, and firfl flarted and calculated by some ene my, in order to raise in theelieem of the people a perfin who never, has appear’d, di re¢tly,or indiretly, 4s a Friend to the com mon Cause, we are flrugling in. . ot st (AT QUIBUS - Portfinouth Fuly 30, 1770. rglisi As the omission of part of the above, has given offence ;3 the Publisher very candidly acknowledges,the reason was,that he was ap prehensive 1t woul! injure his paper, think ing it carried an oblique refle¢tion, which he would wish to avold, as being contrary to the eftablitlhment upon which he set out; ‘and being greatly hurried n business, had | not time ro consult his correspondent vpon the alreration 3 and a gentlernan being pre- | sent with whom he advised, was the more readily induced to it.—ls he was injudicious in the omission without leave of the author, hopes not to offend in fature 5 but would earpeftly with to avoid every thing personal, cthat may look reflecting, except by AuTtHo- | riTy of the sTATE : having determined if he can’t get a living without it in his bufi- | nefs, he will seek another branch, For want of room, Z. Y. muit be deferred titl.our next. Allo, sundry articles of intel ligence; &c, | ; ~ Srate of New-Hampshire. £'d et g (’Z{)\_)fl(flifl&f/ Sa,’elyz Auguft'y, 1776, & | ’E‘Htfl Committee requett the {élect-men ‘ . andcemmittee of lafety, of the several towns in’ this state, to immediately make re- | turn of the association papers sent them, to -be signed ty the inhabitants of their refpec “tive towns together with the names of {uch who are delinquent; in order that the mea {ures recommendéd by the Continental Con- '} grefs may be carried into execution, w 7: ¢ ißy order of the Commitree, . £ 12—i14 .. M. WEARE, Chairman/ ‘Molaffes by the hh’d or barrel, SUGAR: by the bar’rel or-hundred, =—s=to 'be fold by KEITH SPENCE,~——at the store afely improv’d by George Craigie, in pavd * ‘&CG(:.»,.m,m,m..-._“;,w e . e 12,_!_;“4&”? 51 TWeßilndia’ Rum, "1 - @ By the hogthead or barrel,=—to be fold by BENTAMIN AUST IN. S gy k 6 L & ¢ X L % Z” Colony of New-Hampthire, ~ In Committee of Safety, July 25th," 17760 WHEREAS ffeéquént Complaints are daily making to this Committee by Per sons employed in transporting warlike dtores, and other Neceflarizs to the Frontiers of the Colony,of-the Negligenceof the Inhabitants and Proprietors ot sundry Inland Towns and Piaces, respecting the clearing up, and men ding the High Ways, and Bridges in their several Towns and Plages, particularly the Koad from Dover to Cohafs by Conway. The COMMITTEE do feriocufly recom mend to {aid Inhabitants,and Ownersof Land that they {peedily take particular Care to {ee that the. Ways and Bridges in the several Towns, are kept in such Repalr, as may be fufficient for Carriages,&c. to pass and repafs, Otherwise the Legislative Authority will be obliged to employ Perfans tp perform the Business, and charge the {fame, on the Lands the Road goesthrough, ‘ , .- . . ByOrder of the Committee. ' M. THORNTON, Chairman, P. T. i~ Colony of New-Hampshire. . - " In -Commitrce of Safety, July 25th, 1770, T‘l{E Committee being greatly alarmed " at the Conduct of many Persons in this Calony, who taking the Advantage of the public Calamities, and great Scarcity of ma ny of the Neceflaries of Life,bave demanded, exacted & taken exorbitant Prices for such Articles, and thereby greatly diftrefled the Poor, are of Opinion that such Proceedings have a great Tendency to break that Band ot Union so much fought for, and desired at this critical Time by ail good Men. There fore firongly urge and recommend to all Per< sons 4¢ they efieem the Welfare of their much diftrefled Country, that none will be so loft to all Sense of Honour and Virtue, to conti nue or mzke use of so perniciolts 4 practicey and by their Avarice ruin the Land; as no real Fiiends to their Country and the Rigli# thereof now contending for, can ejrr be Juilty of Adlions so deftru@ive aiid #ninous thereto, : o / ..~ "By Order of the Commitle.. M. THORNRUN, Chairmasn, FOT PUBEIC AUCTION. - : To be fold at public Auion, on the 28K inst. at 1o o’clock before noon, at the wharfe ot Messieurs Daniel and Samuel Sherburne, the Ship Susannah, burthen about 240 tons, with her appurtenances ; also the cargo of said ship, condifting of Porter in butts, Scur Krout,. a . few chaldrons of Smiths-Coals, sacks of Hatr tor mattrofies, Beans andßean= Meal, in bags, and a few other fmali articles. Atfo to be fold on the 37th-inst: the Schoo net Rainbow, burthen about 40 tons with her appurtenances, at Capt. George Went worih’s wharfe.—The {aid veflels and cargo, having been decreed forfeited to the United Colonies and Captors, by the court maritime for the state of New-Hampthire. . . JOSHUA WENTWORTH Agent. Portsmouth Aug. 8, 1%776. 12=~14 ~ WILLIAM PEAKNE, Has to {2ll at his fiore in Portsmouth, a small qnantity of Weft-India and New-England Rum, Molasses, Coffee, Chocolate, and good Brown Sugar, Rice, Ship-Bread & Allspice. Also, a few European Goods, viz. Looking- Glasses of various prices ; {fome cutlery and Hosiery Ware, Chest and Box-Loks, Felt Hatts, Dutch Caps, Paper, Japan’d Ware, Mins{ got Mcl | 000, A He has also flill left to fell, a few Cafksof - Maderia Wine ; and some very good Old Spirits., | o- T 2~mhil The Actsand Laws Of this State, pafled ‘fince the new Form of ‘Government took Placé;’ are now in'ithe Press; and'in a. few Weeks will be publithed, at the 'Printing Lxeter, on good American Paper, and:neat Types, . | © o Exgter Augufl 3, 1776, | 12—14 ot g;E““s""C)"IID@, il Weft liidia Rum, and Philadel -pliia FLOUR, "3t"a store “Upon the Long- Wharfe, ifapply’d for soon. ' LTR - Enqyire of Mr, John Becky vy 12meig .