_ tate of New Hamplhire, Hillfborcugh (. NOTICE 15 hereby given to iuch of the e Non-RefidantProprietors ofPerriftown, ‘inlaid County, as are delinquent in paying their Taxes therein for theyear 1 777 :—T'hat so much of their refpetive Lands in said Town wili be fold by public Auétion, to be vgin on Wednesday the sth day ofAuguit next, at 9 o'Clock A,M.atthe House ot Mr. Joseph Wadieigh, in said Perrittown as will pay said Taxes with incidental charges, ‘unlefs pre= vented by the fame being paid before that time.—The Names of the original propri etors who were the GrantcCrs are as tollows. N @ s. d.No. s. d. giviarchér others 6 9 SJ. Thomson 6 9 18T . Wallingstordo g 16 J. Wentworth 6 g 15 Gaorge Jeffrey 6 g 13 'T'ho. Packer 6 9 1t I'. Atkinton 6 9 f.aw Lot, No. 2 6 ¢ 2 Joshua Peirce 6 9 12 Green & others 6 ¢ 8 John Moflat 6 g Names ofthe Original Proprietors being 4irantees. Lots ! ‘ 11t Di. 2 Di. Names % & 30 46 Stepuien Woodward 4 6 21 15 Benjamin Hale i 45 John Pecker 1.8:. 2 43 61 iJavid Graves 1% 9 go - - 5 Thomas Foilonfbee 5 8 Be. 5522 Jghn Webster 5 8 54 21 ‘I homas Hzle I 11 20 17 John Currier 4 6 35 John Perry 3 63, 19 James Pecker 6 ® a 3 %% 36 Jacob Hanceck £.B 1 James Graves 6 9 22 ai Übediah Perry 4 6 53 - Edward Barrard 6 9 e e Jonathan Poor "4 i Aaren Sergeant m 6 ol \Villiam Stevens €. 6 | 13 Jonathan Plumer 6 9 s 3 Benjamin Eaten, jtr. 4 2 43 27 John Ayer 6 ¢ &9 40 laniel Yoor 9 . 062 47 James Eaton 9 ) Al ‘" homas Whitaker % 3 | 24 James Cuthing 4 O ~ 43 Cunting Marin T 8 ol ! 26 Moses Ciement ‘4 6 SAMUEL i EASLEE, Colle¢tor. HAUK, June 23d 1773, ¢ *N the WNigat of se 224 of Juas instant, {fome () evil-minded Perion or Persons broke into the Shop of Reuben Trae, & itol: from thence, one pair ©of Men's Calve bkin Shoes, one pair of Womens ditt. @nd (wo pair of Boysditto, a=d 1t is fuppoled a num ber of Sides of Leather, and Calve Skins, in particu lar one ke of Horse Hide black’d on the Graia, aifo Leather fora Bridle eut out fitto meke. .~ N B. Stolen from Humphry Hook on the fame gfl;gm, three pair of Men’s Stockings, one pair of light blue fee’d, one pair of dark blue, the other a ~ blae'(h colour, and one Woman’s Apron, blue and ~ white check, Linacn and Woolen. Also, flolen from _ Joseph Clifford Sanborm'on the fame Night three " Men's white Shirts, two Cotton and Linnen, one 'ow #nd Linnen, and one checkt blus and white Handker phief, Whogver shall dete&t the Taizf orThieves, so that they inay be brought to Juitice, and the Goods aetarned to the O vpers, thall have Twenty-five Dol ‘lans Rewards paid by us the Subscribers, L «Humphry Hocker, Joseph Cleftord Sanborn, g Reuben True. A e e o Pttt et ettt et~ ittt et et TAKL*;N up by Benjamin Gorden ot Exeter # about the 23th day of May 1778.a2 white Mare, she is about 12 years old, and is hipt, Tie owner may have said Mare again, pro ving his property, and paying for this adver sifement, and all other necessary charges. Exeter, July 7th, 1778: AN PoODO GRN G 3 R 0 To be fold, cheap for Cafb, - er Weft-India Goods, v A Quantity of Good Merchantable Boards, Iying at Newmarket Landing————=Tor further Particulars, ecquire of Mr. William Odiorne of Newmarket, near the Uppar-Ferry. Newmarket; July 13, FAMES DIMAM, Tzkes this Method to inform the Public, That Le has lately opened a Shep in Portsmouth, a few Doors above the State [Houfe, where he has for Sale, A Vaiiety of j European and India Goods, Among which are the following, viz, ROAD-CLO ' HS, Serges, Shailoons, Cala- B mancoes, Chintzes, Callicoes, Auguitines, Cam brick, Muslin, priated Handkerchiefs, Coutif for Summer Cioathing, Linnens, Buckram, whitesftriped Futtian, sewing Sitk, white Thread, Mohair, Tapes, Pizs, Needles, Coat and Jacket Battons, Shott, e 4d, 10d, and zod Nails, Window Glass, 6 by 8, and 7 by 9, —GREEN TEA, -==BOHEA, w=—— Sauii Boxes, fmail Loocking Glasses, Wafers, Al monds, Aanmnifced, Cepzrs, Oitves, Aachovies, Sleeve Buttons, Spoens, Carpen:er’s Rules, Combs, Curtain Rings, Shoe and Kaece-Buckles, Ink-stands, o Pen knives,—Penciis,— Sealing Wax,— Cork-Screws, Thuntles, Seals, Files, Powder-Flatks, Scillars, ——— Door-Locks, tlat-Iross, &ec. . ‘N. B. Many of the gbove Articles will be {.ld by Wihalelalaw: Jgp (oo oo State of Newo-Hampibire, Rockinghim, []. OIiCE is kereby given, thac the rroprietors N of Chichelier, at their annusal Meciing in the Year 1778 did voie to raise the {um of sbiriy thillings on each Right infaid Town;— The Owners of the abovefzid Lands, are desired to make {pcedyPayment to me the fublcriber. And as there is a number of Owners of the Lots in the aforefa:d T'own, that have. not paid their Taxes for some Yeais pafi, thefeare to give Notice, that except they pay their I'axes immedi a.ely, their Lands wiil be exposed to flale. Richard Jennels, Collettor for Chicheller, Rye, July 10. 1778. ‘ State of New Hampthire Rockingham fs, TOTICE is hereby given to the de- N linquent proprietors, and others, Own-* ing iands 12 Candia, in faidCounty who have not paid their refpeétive taxes for the yeas“ 1777, that so much ot their lands as will pay {ald tax with incidental charges, will be lold on the last tuetday ot August next,at theHoufe of Doétor Sam. Mooers in {aid Condia at ore o’Clock P. M.—'T'he names of the Original Proprietors and owners are as joliows. 3d Divilien No Names. Los d 3 Jeremizh Sanborn . o 10 12 Rey'd Mtcies Hale 1 138 17 Samuel Prescott > 6P 21 Colonel Henry Sherburne £ 670 30 Samuel Sherburne o 3 32 Richard Wibird D 9 42 Col. Thomas Weltbrocß £ 17 .3 43 Joseph Young 006 50 James Fogg o 'lp 51 Samael Smith 0019 9 53 Col. Mark Harking 6 13} 75 W Nathasiel Sanborn 00. 0.4 Col. Peter Weare ©l9 9 106 Edward Sanborn ® 0.9 107 Samuel Shaw ® 6 7 108 Stephen Sweat o o 109 ]ohn Calfe e 6 = 110 Clement Hughs e 0 7 121 Col. Shadrick Walton A 7 112 Col. Richard Kent o 13 3 113 2~ John Cutts & Ben Akerman 013 3 114 Benjamin :mith ® 16 7 12§ Mictk ! Whidden 613 +3 118 Jacob Bafford 6.6 = 120 John Sanborm o 6 7 121 James Prescott o 63 122 l Not Drawn o 6 7 i 3 ; Q.O 7 Second part of the second Division. ] 33 Ebenezer Eastman 5.8 3 45 Samuel Sherburne I L 11 40 Thamas Dean e 1z 2 63 Col! Henry Sherburne Dlz 2 133 Ebenezer Ruflel, Eig; £:183.:9 28 Edward Sanborn ®l2 2 27 Stephen Webiler olz & 82 Richard Wibist 1 4 10 Berjamin Cass, Conflable. QCandia, July 18, 1778, SDDDPRPRORBD DO OQPRIRD T a Meeting of the Proprietors of ths Townihip A of Leicester, on Otter-Creek, held by Adjourn ment at the House of Mr, Tilly Rice, in Brockfield, and County of Worcefter,&c. on the 2g:hDay of Ap:il 1778, voted, that Messieurs Nathamel Child, Elisha Child, and Samuel Mc Cellan, be a Committes to mske 2 Rate or Tax, of Two Dollars on each Right fubje&t thereto,and the fame ordered t 0 be paid to Capt, Isaac Store, Collefter, on, or before the i Wedrelo 'day of Septemter rext, crfuch Propoiiicn ¢f their ‘Right will befeld at the acjrurn'd Mieeiisp, as . 2l pay their refpetiive Froporiions and ali oiber incicen tal Chargss. Voted, 1 hat this Meeting be acjours’d to the House of Nathaniel Child, Efg; ia Wooditucls, in the County of Windham. &c. oa the fHift Wedpe' day of September nextat Nine o’C.ock ia the Mara ing. Elitha Child, Propiietors Clerk, eet A et . . g . S . RO A S -iB~ i+ AN EXCEELENT FARM TO BE SOLD in ORFURD on Connelitcut Rive BE{nging to the Estate of JOLIN DENN!L, Eig; late of Cambridge, deceas’s with an House and Barx wpun ity and npw in the Occuparion of W .Iham Simplion, Efg ~Said FARM contains lavo Fifty Acre Lots large Meajure, and i héuh’fullj Jfiiwated on the River, avih ab:ut Forty Aeresof Mowing, Planting & [utervale Land clearea: Upon this Farm, an indufirious Man may [=cm live wery bappy and comfortable in a gasd Neig' bourbood, and pleajant Retirement. Inguire of Mr. Fames Denzie, or W¥Wilisam Simpfim, Esq; 0m the Premises. “/V E the Subscribers being Commiffionsrs to re ceive and examine Ciaims agsioit the Bllate of Samuel Leavitt, late of Deernela, Eig; deceas’d, and a further Time of fix Moahs from ike 27. h Day of May latt past being allowed for that Purpole, hereby give Notice, that we wiil attend that Business 2¢ the Houle of Capt, Eliphalet Giddings in Execer,on the laiWed nclday of this and che soar next following Meaths, from three 1o seven o’Clock Afierecon on said Dajys. Lxeter, july 3, Eliphale: Haie 1 Commif -1778. John Taylo- Gilman § fioners. State of New-Hampthue, Rockiogham 18, HEREAS I the Subicriber, Conitabic and Collector of W Taxzs for i the Town 'of Eplom for the Year 1777, sent an Advertisement (o the Publisher of the ‘this paper o lafertin the {ame, sundry Lois of Lands owiedin said Fuwa, by some O iginal Proprictors and Ownersunknown ; And wheicas the laia Pubisther, through Mistake, advertiged Lot No. 83, ibird Range, as the Property of Nathan Rand, instead “ef*Natsaniel Rang, I do hereby give Noticey that fa:d Lot will be %xpulgd to sale at the Widow M 'Clary’s in said Epsom on , Plonday the 27th day ot July next, attbree o’Clock in the Af tesroon, 1 said Tax benot paid betore that Time with incidental €harges. Eliphalet Sanborn, Colletior, e ——— i T W e et et P ) TO be fold at public Vendue to ti:g high cft Bidder at the house of Samuel Fretion, innholder in Derring on the 14th Day of August next, at 10 o'Clcck in the Forenoon, so much Land belonging te Atkinson Righs as will pay the Taxes o 1 laid Kight & necei fary cfxarges ierthe Year 1777, tor which a good Deed will be given, by me, - y Benja. Bradford Constable. N. B. "Articles of lale to be ieen at time ‘and place. * Atkinton, July 16, 1778. LL Persons Indebted to, or that have any De- A mands on the Estate of Josiah Clark, Eiq; lawe of ivottingham, deccas'd, are cefir'd to brisg in their Accounts to Richard Jennefs, junr. Esq; of Rye, in order for immediaie festlement, Juiy 20. 1778. O be {old at Public Vendue to the high« est Bidder; at the Houie of Sam’l Pres ton, Innholder in Deering on the 14th Day of August next, at ten o’Clock in the ¥ore noen 10 much Land in Pecker’s Right in the fcuth Part of said Right on the Country Road, as will pay the Taxes of said Right with neceflary Charges, tor the Year 1777, of which a good Deed will be given, by me, | Benjamin Bradford, Centtable. N. B. Articles of Sale to be seen at Time = g and Place. July 17th, 1778. HEREAS the Owners and Proprietors of the following .\/&/ Lotts and Parcels of Land lying in the Town of Merri mack, in the €ounty of Hilfbarough, and State of New Hamprhire, though duly notified to pay the State Tax l2id on the fame for the Year 1777, have negle&ed {o to do :.-1 Bereby Notify said Delicquents, that unless they discharge said Tax, with incidental Charges, tome the Sublcriber, so much of theie Land as will pay the farse, will be exposed to Sale at Publick Veondue at my Dwelling House in Loodonderry, on Wednesday the gth Day of Avguft next, st Nire o'Clock in the Mcning, The Delinquents are, Lot Wo. 7. 2d Duwifion, L o 1 o : No. 5. 4th Divifien, o O No. 48. 34 Diviign, o 1 4 Drawn to Richard Abbor:, ; Lot No. 104, 34 Division, 6th " Range o 1 7 No. 71, Home Lot, o o 9 Drawn to Thomae Tileftone, Efg; No, 61, 34 Division, g 5 -9 D-swn to the Right of Jchn Rugg'es, : 5o Acres laid out to John Borlard, o 2 3 100 Acres claim’d by Joseph Taylor, 2 10 No, 64 34 Range, 3d Division, ; o 1.9 Drawn to Edmund Tuckerman, No, 11, 2d Division, 4th Range 0.2°°9 JOHN NEAL, Cooftable of Merrimacik, forthe Londondsrry, July 4, 1778, Year 1777, Portsmouth » Printed by D. Fowle.