Providence, in raising up so powerful and illufirious a friend. ?t is the hope and opi nion of Congrefs,that the confidence his Ma- Jefty repoies in the firmnefs of these States. will receive additional firength from every day’s experiences, _ Theaffembly are convinced, Sir, that had it rested solely with the Most Christian King not only the independence of these States weuld kave been universally acknowledged, but their tranquility fully eftablithed. We fament that luit of dominatjon, which gave birthto the present war,and hath prolong ed znd extended the miseries of mankind. We ardently wish totheath the sword and Ipare the further effufion of blood ; but we are determined, by every means in our pow er, to fulfil those centual engagewents,which have acquired poflitive and permanent force from the hostile designs and measures of the commcen enemy. Congress have reason to believe that the affiflance {fo wifely and generously sent, will bring Great Britain to a sense ot justice and moderatian, promote the common interefls ot Franee and America, and secure peace & tranquility en the mott firm and honourable foundation. Neithercan it be doubted,that those, who administer the powers of govern ment withinthe several States of this Union will cemient that conne'ion with the {ub jects ot France, the beneficial afte&s of which slave already been 1o fonfibly f:lt. Sir, from the experience we have had of your ¢xertions to premote the true interests of our country a: well as of yeur own, it is with the highett fatisfaction Congrefsreceive as the arit minister from his Moi Christian Majefly, Gentleman whose past conduét at forde a bappy pret»ge, that he will merit the conhidence of this Body, the friendfhip of its smembers, and the efieem of the citizens of SMerica, dn Congress HENRY LAURENS, President. " Augull ‘6, 1778. The Sccietary ot Congress then delivered to the Minifler a copy of the foregoing re ply signed as- above ; whereupon the Mini ster withdrew, and was condu@ed home in the manner in which he was brought to the Hcufe. Extrzé&t from the minuts, ' CHARLES THOMYSON Seeretary. - Friday last Capt, Orr, in a brig from the Mele of Cape Nichola, atrived here after If days paflage, laden with Weft-India Goeds. n the coatt of Virginia,he firft learned the trvacuation of this city., The paffengerstell U:s, that European intelligence to the 10oth of Jvne had reached Hitpaniola ; that a Britith flect of nine lail of the line failed from Spit hezd under Admiral Byron, but from inju f fcitency of the veflels, returned j——— —— tha't nineteen {ailed again, under Admiral Keipple, who, on hearing a French fleet from Brelt were at sea, had also put back ; and that ne declaratien of war between France and Britain had appeared. I B S R e 5.0 51 O N, Augolt 27,1778, | “The French thip Thecdore, Capt, Bow din, bound frem beace to Virginia, toundered cnthe 13th inst. about 70 leagues from Cape Ccd, when the hands23in number, tock to their boats ; one of whigh, with 8 hands on board, ’iis feared is lofi ;— the others, with grezt difficulry, got to Cape-Cod the begin nirg of last week, and the hands have fiace came-to town. - Friday lafl arrived in a-fafe Port, a prize brig, t-ken by theMars. Ste was from Sco tland, bound tclalif2x,and laden with wine, porter, cheese, &c. &ec. Last Saturday afternoon arrived in thiPort the Czler cf 74 gons, commarnded by Monfi. ——, oone of thetleet under the ecommand of - his Txcellency the Count d’Estaing, in the service of bis Most Christian Majesty, our faithful Ally, who with the zbove Flect left Rhode-I{lird about 16 days ago, in pursuit of the Englith Tyrant’sFiecet, commanded by L.d Howe, which appeared off rhat place; but in a severe gale separated from them.-- She met with one of the Britith fhios of 64 gune, when a severe engagement entued, in which, the Captain loft hisright Arm, a Lt. his Leg . 1 3 were killed, and 29 wounded. The Biitifla thip, 'tis said struck to her, and would have been brought into port, had not two more Britith ships hove in fight, and greatly overhauled them, they bein% both damaged. Nineteen on beard the British thips were seen to be thrown overboard, du ring the engigement, By an officer from the Weftward,we learn, that the T'rial of Gen. Lee was compleated last week ; but the reiu't of the Court Mar tial is not yet made public. All our accounts fromßhode- Island agree, That our Batteries were compleating with the greatest Difpa:ch---On the 22d the Ene my threw 2 or 300 Shells, but to little Effeét, having wounded two of our Men only---Our army in high Spirits and healthy---Our Bat teries continue playing briskly on the Ene my,s Works with intermissions. ? PORTSMOU TH, Aug. 22. Extrat of a Letier, Dated Plymoath Mill Prison, in England, April 25,1778. to 2 Gen tleman in Kittery, Dear Sir, ““ We embrace this opportunity to write you that we are wel, and in good Health, boping it will find you and all eur Friends 10, we hope upon fight of this, you will be so kind as to acquaint our Friends and Relati ons of the Contents ot this Letter. There are some People bere belonging to most parts ot America, and we whose Names are here subscribed belong to Kittery Point, & there abouts—Since the begining of this Year we have lived very well and want for nothing but Liberty : Remember us to all inquiring Friends ; {o no more at present, but we re main your Loving Friends, and Countrymen *till death. Samuel Fletcher John Gunnifon Sam. Stacy Richard Sewards Geo. Tretethrn Thos. and Daniel Knight John Perkins Timothy Harris Ichabad Lord Will. Lewis Joseph Shiilabar Ebenezer Libby Peter Teoby Aaron Goodwin Nathanjel Kennard Geo: Furnel John Down Thos, Hammit Joshua Kearfwel John Bur banks Benja. Stubbs Thomas Mabany Hugh K ennifton Stephen Lailer Nathantel Slopley Winthrop Willey Joba Foiter Tobias Wey yßouth James and Tobias Seiler Ebenezer Libby : All in good Health: /é STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Rockinglam, ). To 2all whom it may concern. OTICE i) heieby given, Tha LIBELS are N filed before me. agwinft the foilowing vefleis, th i: , or that bave apy Ds- A maad: ea the Eflste of Berjamin Ravdal, late of Hempton, Mariner, deceas’d, are once more earn=fily desired to brieg in thair Accounts te Thank/ul Randal and J:hn Weeks, Adminifirators n said Eftnie, whe will aitend atthe Houfa of Mr, Andrew Wiggm, len helder in Green'and, on the twe jaft T'ueldays in Sep tember next, from iwe to five e'clock, P. M. of {a d Deys, for the wbava purpsfe. Thark‘u: Randa’, Greenland, Aug. 27, 1778. Joha Weeks. TOLEN about thise We ks age twn §TEERS from Epping ard braught down to Geen'and ; wic & Red Steer of two yoars oid, the ewher a dark Bi.indle, of three years oid, The Owner by appy - ing ta William Bell es Green’and, may have the tteers, paying Charge:, Greenland, Augoft 22 3778. AN BEELRBS LY COOOOB A Wanted a {uitable Person, That can be well recommended, to rake uncer his Care the Tuition of Thirty Children, to teach them Latin and AxrramaTick — Such a Peifon wild meet with a feitab e Encourgzement, provided ha strictly adheres to his Engagements, ~— for fuithesr Particul:rs. enqui e of the Princer. : /p Portimoush, Acguft 24, 1798, ' o e e g 8 Al Qfficers, Seamen, & Marires That have any Cemands againt Thovas Thome son, Esq; Tate Commander of the RALEIGH, for Prize~Mnoey, are desired to cail at his House in Portsmouth. , Has for Sale at his Shop on Spring Hill in Partfmouth, cheap for Cash, .RUM, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea— Cotton Wool, Englith Wool, Carde, . Rice, Indigo, Orter, Allum, Whale bone,— Nutmegs, Raisins, — Also, Broad- Cloths, Serges, Coating ; red, biue, green and yellow Baizes, Shaloons,Hairbine, Cam blets, Sergedenim, Lasting, Droyboys, g“ ton Jean, Calamancoes, Flannel, crossbar’s Stuffs, Ratteen, black Handkerchiefs, 108 nen dit. Muslin, sewing Silk, Linnen Clothy: fine Thread, Pins, Needles, Knives, Razofse And a Number of other Ardicles, too tedis ous to mention. i "0 BE 500 D very cheap. a FARM well situs tusted in Rachefter, contsicing about one hun died and Tweaty Acres, wherest Twelve Acresis >imprev‘d Lard, end absut Twenty Acres of fell’d Laed: Likewise a one Siory .House, by Twenty E:ght, snd Thirty Eight, very Cenvenient for Trad -I.g. for which Puipcfe said Heufe was Built, together wth 3 Bara Frame wherewith s fufficiercy of Baseds, Siingles, Naile, G ass, aad 2!l other Nec. flarys, faita ble for said building—Said Farm is withia Thirteca Miles of Daver laading. Wie ver inclines te Purchsfe the above dfcrib’d Farm, with its Appurteranc.s, 3 desired 10 3py to Themes D. Tripe, Owner, livisg uprm the Prem fes, or ihe Printer in Portfmeu b~ Au uft 11, 1978, ONAA AN SAy ~hmy, e THESE are te warn the following original Poprietors of the Townthip of Su&?fi;}hat ; they pay the Sums affixed to their several Names, Itbeing a State Tax for {aid State, tor the Year 1777 : By the 20th Day of Sep~ tember next, viz, L s. d. Ifa.Chamberfainz g John Downing 4 10 Ebenez. Hubbardy 4 Tim. Herringtong 10 Amos Davis 4 10 Samuel Miner 4 10 Allin Willy 2 € Rich. Willard 2 § Woll. Brockway3 8 John Taylor 2 5 Sesh Hays 2§ William How 410 e Three Medow Lots the owners not k“mg, 10 Shillings each LllOB Jothua Fuller Conflable. Surry, August voth, 1778. 27 ————2 o PR (o sl Aty At o prmd PO : Imported in the Ship Return, From St. Croix, now lyirg at the Long Wharfe in Portsmouth, TO BE SOLD on Roard, vz ' W EST IND{A RUM by the P. ncheon, Wefl- India Rock SALT, TEA--O!d Irrn, Lead. Siddleary Ware, Knives and Fork:, Co't and Vest « Buttons Ten {ix Pounders, v ith all belonging to thens, Small Arms—— Powder,—~Men’s Gloves, hslf worn Cable thirteen Irches, Sails, Cordage thai has bren used ; a few Tons of Lignum Vita; Copperas; and a Chest of Carpenters Tools. Avgult 21, 1778, IR W TSR R T 7 |PR oa, M S TR ———— T ————rl)