Vol. L A more particular Account of the Engagement between the Brefi Fleet, commanded by M. D’ Orwilleirs and the Euglifb, commanded by Admiral Kepple, on the 27th Fuly 1778. Translated from a Hand Bill, printed in France. THE Ship Amiphion returned the 28ih s at 4 P.M. after having fired 22 Broad sides in the Engagement, and reports, as follows,— The27th, 11 o’Clock, A.M. the Englifk Fleet joined ours, & an Engage ment then ensued— At 4 A. M. this Veflel had loft Sight of the Fleet, having had her Bowf{prit carricd away, many Balls thro’ her Mast, and loft her Rudder, her matn Guard cut in two, and her main Mait fell oa her Deck, and her Rigging much damaged, 11 Men Lkiiled, 22 wouaded, not being able to steer the Ship, they were obliged to retive. M. Silliard in the Reflechi came in this E vening, being a little damaged— the kiiled and wounded of his Ship was inconsiderable T his Morning the whole Flezt received the Signal — at 10 o’Clock the Phinx entered the Harbour, accompanied by a Fiigate,— many other Veflels and Fiigates followed, At 3 o’Clock P.M. the whole Fleet return- R— l. Nar de Bonroognes 2o 2 A th rei 5 e it/ wa | ot | hoil ag, n L u . & J . “ , d ‘ e v _ i _ wal ron \ Fir : - ver i wit chej® M ' he £e| to | be - ¢h 3 : frd L. . 7 ¢ . !. : E C : fi U ¢ New-Hampshire Gazette. State JOURNAL, and General Advertiser. TUESD AY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1778. ly. It is remarkable, that we find two Shot to one of the Englith. The Enemy began the Attack on our Rear— M de Orvilliers eluded the Combat to take the Advantage of the Wind. The Ships le Duc de Bour gogne & I’ Alexandre returned with a Prize which iga Cruizer of 14 Guns,.—— Weadd, that five Ships and many Frigates have re turped into cur Road. Advice is received at Brest, that there is 12 of the Enemy’s Ships at the Eastward, consequently 14 of them were not able to keep at Sea. ————— AN S L AT I | BO:TON, dep. 24. v ‘ By Capt. Davis, who arrived on Sunday from Cape Francois, we have advice, that the Mi nerva, an Englith Frigate of 32 Guns, and a bout 230 Hands, bound from England for the Weft lndies, was lately taken aod carried i thers by the L’Concord, a 2 French Fiigate of jut equal Force, and about the fame number of hands. The Minerva loft 30 or 35 Hands in the engagement, 12 of which were kiiled by a Cartridge taking Fire. A Manifefto was publithed at cape Fran gois, beiore Capt. Davis {ailed, granting pef mifiion for making reprisals ot any DBritith Properiy they should meet with on the High L_aft “i'uefday morning hisExcellencyCount Eftaing, attehded by the Officers of his pet, made a public Entry into this Town ; was saluted by the Cafile, the Ships and rts in the Harbour as he passed. Upon iding,a Committee from theGeneral Court reived his Kxcellency and Suit and conduct {hem to the Council Chamber,where they ‘eived the Compliments and Congratula ns of the Gentlemen of the Council and ufc of Assembly. After which his Excel cy and Suit in Company with the Gentle nof the Council breakfafted with Gene- Hancock at his Seat. The procession was zant and a universal Joy and Satisfaciion s visible in the Countenances of all present o this happy aufpizious Occasion. We r the Council made an invitation forhe niral and kis Officers to dine in Public on ay, which was politely accepted. Ve are informed that General Wathington removed Head Quarters to Frederick g, and that the army are now pofied in 1e from Fish Kill to Danbury. . . aturday last failed for Halifax, a cartel 160 prisoners, for exchange. yme day arrived in port,the privateer brig eral Starks ; she has taken a ship laden 1 Sugar, which she left about 1 0 daysago, onday arrived a {mall Bermudian sloop, e to the Speedwell,Capt. Greely ; fhie was Virginia,laden with corn, flour, &c.but. no papers on board, which circumiiance ers it fufpecious, that she was a imuggier g owned in Burmudas. . . : me day, arrived a Continental thip, from 5, laden with salt, lemmons, &c. _ me day also, arrived a prize brig taken e privateer fhipMars ; she is laden with oY, oY e S a veflel lately arrived at an Eafiern port ecks from Cadiz, we are told, a large h fleet of men of war, transports, &c, making up in that port, and would fail ime in July. |, : o tter from Philadelphis, mentions that unt had been brought to Congrefs,that I Byran’s thip, and two other men of longing to his fleet, had foundered at Monday returned into port, from a s, the private armed thip General Han , late commanded by Capt.lfhmasl Haz- dy. On the 9N inflant, the fell in with the Le Vant Engitth frigate, of 32 guns, who a bout 2 o’clock, P. M. hoisted a blue Englith . ensign, Jack and pendant, and gave 2 bow gun. ‘t'he Hancock hoilted Continental co= lours, and got ready for engaging, ———The Le Vantthen gave two guns,and came along fide the Hancock, upow which the haiizd her but they made no reply ; the fire then became general ; at quarter pati 2 o’clock thel.e Vaiits -ensign ftaff was shot away, when they were asked if they had ruck,their answer was no, no, fire’'away ; at half pait two, Capt. Haidy: received a wound in hisright shoulder, by a mutket ball, and was carried below. The 18 Lieut. then took the command, and engaged broadside for broadids ’tili 4 o’cleck, when the Le Vant blew up, part of which fell on board the Hancock. The boats were got out and saved their boat{wain and 17 hands,.to of whom were wounded. They intormed that the Le Vant was navigated with g 7 seamen, exclusive of landsmen and boys, commanded by Capt, John' Martin.——She was from Mo= rant Bay, in Jamaica, bound to Bristol, and loaded with 380 hogsheads sugar, 180 pun= cheons rum, 10 tons tuitick, a quantity of mo= hogony, and had on board 20,000 pounds sterling, in bills of exchange, and 17000 dol lars in specie : Alto that 5§ months ago they cruized off South Carolina, in pursuit of the Randolph frigate, in which -time, they took cleven prizes. The Hancock had four men killed,exclufive of the Capt ; 2 loft their arms, and 1 loft his leg, besides 18 badly wounded. . By a gentleman, from Albany, we are in= formed, that the indians and tories, have ta< ken a nymber of cattle, and burnt and laid wafle ali the houses near German Flats, .. . In CONGRESS, Sept. 9. . i b . RESOLVED, That the retreat made by Major General Sullivan, with the troops ua der his command, from Rhode lland, was prudent, timely, and well conduéted ; & the Congress highly approve ofthe {fame. » . Resolved, That the thanks of the Congress bz given to Major General Sullivan, and to the officers and troops under his command,fog the fortitude and bravery difpiayed in the ac tion of the 29th of August, in which they re« pulsed the Britith forces and maintained the fickl.- - v : Resolved, that Congress have a high sense of the patriotic exertions made by the 4 Eaft= ern States, on the late expedivion againfk Rhode Island. w o %5 #L } - Resolved, That Mr. President be requested to inform the Marquis dela Fayette, that Congress have a due sense of the facrifice he made of his personal feelings, in undertaking a journey to Boston, with a viéw of promot= ing the interest of these States,at a time,when an accafion was daily expeéted, of his acquir ing®slory in the field ; and that his galantry in going on Rhode Jfland, when the greztefl part of the army had retreated, and his good condu&t in bringing off the picketß, and ou fentrys, deserve their particuliar approbation. _ Resolved, That Major Morris, Aid de Camp to Major General Sullivan, who brought for= ward to Congress the account of the repulse. of the Britith torces, on Rhode Iflind, om the . 29th of August, and who on the late éxpedi tion, as well as on several other eccafions,be= kaved with great Tpirit and good conduét, be promoted ta the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, by brevet, -~ .® .l .+ Extra® from the minutes, X CHARLES THOMPSQN, Sec’ry, +-~+ !In CONGRESS, Sept. 4, 1{)78.. WHEREA"S Congress did on the 3 day of Janvary, 1778, Resolve, ““That the embarkation of Lisut. Gen. Burgoyae, and she troops undes his comamand, be fufpeaded No. 32