able Prixe, laden With Dry Coods and Provi @m, which fbe left about 8 Days ago. “ Last M._.iday the Honw. Joun TEMPLE, E/q; came to tewn from England by the way of New York, after an absence of eight years. His family returned from England with bim.— The people of Bofionare no firangers to the mi niferial persecution excited against this gentle man by Governor Bernard,Governor Hutch ol n, and the commiffiomers of the cufloms (of which be was one) for bis refufial to join them in their execrable measures for enslaving this country. His condull and [ufferings bave de mon?rated that ke went from bkence a irue friend to America ; and we bave the bigheft reason to think be bas returned [o.—On bis arrival bere, be waited onm the Hon. Council of this State, who were pleased, after bearing and interrogating bim, to express their entire Jatisfallion ab bis return. On the23d ult. died at Bedford and buried with the Honours of War, &y the Company to which be belong'd, people of the firff rant, for a number of miles reund attending bis fu neral, the brave but unfortunate Lieut. Mcr caLF, of Col. Crafr’s Regiment of Atillery, who was barbarously murdered by the Britifs Troops, 6n itheir late incursion to that town, The particulars of which, witb the inbumane and barbarous treatment hewn 1o [ome of our men who fell into their bards, mufl be defer’d 10 our next. e R Since Monday lass arvived fafe in different ports [everal valnable priz:s. POUGHKEEPSIE, September 21. Sunday nighs Ihe 131 b instant, a body of the enzmy from King /bridge, came out, and cdvan ced towards our light infantry, with an intent, (as was [uppofed) to bave furprized them, but omaccount of [ovie deserters swhich came o us, and gave an account of their movement, they tbpqa;bl proper to reisre. _ i be division of troops snder the command of Gemeral Gates, who marched 1o the eafl ward, we bear are balted at Bedford. TRENTON, September 16. . _ Friday last came to town, four Hessian dé ferters.—Tbey lefiKingston about 10 days ago, in company with a number of otkers. ' In a New York paper, of the 12th inffart they gave an account of the lsfs of their own troops in the allion of ike 29th w!t, and while our army remained wpon Rbade Iflgid, they ac know’dged that it amounted 10 260 killed, wounded, and miffing. | FISH KILL, Sepianber 24. : We bave it from good autbority, that the,. enemy are throwing the [alt ous of ibe fore baujes im New York, inte the Eaf River. On Satsirday las bis Excellency Gen. Wajs - arrived ot this place, and baving view ed the bofpitals and public flores, be [et out the mext day for Frederickfburgh. 4 E Head Quarters is removed fromWbite Plains so Fredereck/burgh, where part of our army bave arrived, and the remainder are expelied in feso days, who are 8o emcamp on Quaker- Hill, NEW HAVEN, September 23. The main army under General Wathing ton, are removed back from W hite Plains to Danbury, Frederickfburgh, and Peck’s Xill, on account bf procuring forage more conveniently. C e " Saturday last was brought iato port, by . the Squirrel sloop, a schooner of about 8o tons, armed with two four pounders, taken from a port on Long lland,—One of the schooners guns accidentally went off while Henry Peck, of this town, was charging it, by which his right arm was so much shat tered, that it was amputated the néxt morn ing, and his left hard so much wounded, chat it is feared *t will be rendered vfelefs. NEW LONDON, September 25. On Friday a flag arrived here from New Yok, with only four prisoners. The flag failed the 10th instant from New Yok, by which we learn, that Lord Howe and Gove nor Johnftone, were to (ail for Great Britain in three days, the larter being dilmiffed by Congress—and that the otherCommiffioners had sent out to Congress a ratification of Ce neral Burgoyne’s convention. _ Y e )AT ety )kN e NEW HAMWE N, Last week 2 number of men in this & the neighbouring.towns weretaken into cuficdy, oh fufpicina of pafling counterfeit continen tal bilis of Six Dollars, Light Dollars (two il+ iffions, ) and Thirty Dollars ; and Biils of this . State ot 45. 55. and ss, 4d. &c. knowing them to be counterfeit. e s A ) e d D )gNt | 7) PORTSMOUTH. ;l On Friday Septeraber 25th,about 7 o’Clock A M. failed irom Boflon the Continenial Ship of War RALEIGH, John Barry, Etq; Comi mander ;3 about 11 o'Clock A. M. saw two Ships bearing at S. E. B. E. Dittance zbout 5 Leagues, which gave us Chace. we immie diately haul’d our Wind to the Northward, the Wind being at W.N.W-—the Night com gon loft Sight of the Chace. About eight o'Clock A.M. b&ing Sdturday, fdw said Ships, who chifad us ’till lice in the Afternoon ;. we made Agamenticus,bearing about W.b. N, diitance § or g Leagues, fteefing great partof the Night about IN. E.— Inthe Morning. it being Sunday, 27th, about 7 ¢'Cleck A. M. {faw two Sail to Windward coming down on us with all Sail f=t ;3 we immediaiely baul'd - our Wind,fteering about N.b.W. Ihe Enamy did the {ame : abouts o'Clock P.M. we en elged the Headmoft Ship, which proved a Frigate of 28 Guns— Our Ship being much disabled, and Night coming on, wore Ship, and end :avou:’d to run her athore,whick was compleated, after an obftinaie Engagement of*abecut nine Hours, in which Action about 25 Men were kil’d and wounded— yet not withstanding were attack’d by a Frigate and a 2 20 Gun Ship, Captain Barry maintain’d the Allion with the greatest Bravery, and would have {dved the Ship, could we been so happy to have run her on the Main, but unfortu nately we wasoblig’d to run her on a desolate Idand, 10 Leagues from the [Main, having no Pilot on Boaid, nor any Man acquainted. LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Poft-Office dt Port{mouth, O%ober 1, not before 2 Lveriized. Ayley, Abaer, Rev. Salem, N. H. B ~ Babcuck, George, Capt. Excler, Bartlet Josiah, E'q; Kingflown, Conden Richard. Per:fmouth. : Cart Joseph, Copt. York. Colby Samuel, Canterbury, Deecring Joseph, Kittery. ' Duraat William, Exeter. ) French Nathaniel, Kingflown. Ha!l Aaron, Rev. Keen. Jordan Mr, LExeter. & : O'Neal Partrick, Bfq; Perifmouthi : Prelcoit lizac, Desifield. Quinby Daniel,” Kivgfown. Richardfoa Sarah, Pelham, Randle David, Rochester. Sawyer Joseph, Warner. : Smih Elizabeth, Durham. : TR Sullivan Eberczer, Mej. Berwick, Todd Elizibsth, Loadonderry. # : Tole John; Hzmpton: ; ; White Priscilla, Portsmouth. Ward Elzabeth, ditto. Welch Miss, ditto. p i e el S LL Pe-fors Indebted to, or that have eny de- A mands againit the Estate of Deacon Sam. Har “late of Poriimourh Esq; De;m’d are desired tofett. ! Im mediarely wit ™, tle the fame Tmme CEORGE HART Admisiftator : Portsmouth, Otober 3, 1773 ) arh .4 - i Benj* Dearborn ¥ enJ ee : o) 'r ”:i*fiwf At his Sliep, Aot opposite lthr?nfl’%?% Office, has for sale, VERY DEAR, sot : Coth g Countey . ¥'roduce " #"2 7 Wee |L I 8 SL‘ARLET Broad: Cloth, Baizes, Home spun Clotk, Ratiiner, Hairbine, Calaman+ ¢¢, Drawboy, Cambleteen, Duroy, black and w hife Gauvze, Cambricks and Lawns, Catgut, Cap- Wire, Gauze & Linnen Handkerchiels, Sar{net———=Wool-Cards, Whalebone, Nails, Bill. Hooks, Brass Ink. Stands, Knives, Scifs Iz2rs, Razors, Gun-hammers, S):céla'cles,Fi{h- Hooks, Desk furniture ; A varnety of Buckles Buutons, &c.—Singing-Bocks, Teltaments, Speiling Books, Primters, Writing Paper, ok Powder, Waters and Quils———oOlter Indigo, Logwood, Allum, Copperafs Brimflone, ———-e Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Nutmegs, &e. Public Notice is given,that there \ “ s ILL be Sold, at Veadue, at the Whaife of Mr. /V/ Humphrey Ferngld, on Tharfday the 1 sth ln fiznt, at 10 o’Clock A. M. The following Articles viz, Two 3 pagnd Caneon, & 1 Swivel, 2 Cefkß Nails, a parcel of old Copper-Kisties, 2 large Scale Bezams, a rumber of ald Mutkets, & Cutlaflcs, 80 Fayonets, a Quantity'm{ Musket Palls, & Moulds, 40 Whip, Hand, and Cross Cut Saws, 2 Ecxes 7 by g Glass. part ditto of 8 by 10, a Quantity of old._ Ircn of Various Sorts, a Chell of Joyners Tools, Augars, Axes & Aczes, Cod Lixnes, Flints, some Hew Cloathing, Checks, Can vafs,a Suit of Sails iring ‘or 8 Veffe! of abour soTonrs, a namber of {mellAnchors&Grap ins, 2 boats Hawsers, and.» pember of orber Articles, all of which to be seen at time and place of Sale, i } ; Porifmouth, Oltober 6ih 1778. sik i o e Ol ~ Zwenty Dollars Reward, . roren cut of my fhap on the night es the 23d of S Seps. lelt, cne pemt pocker piftel silver meunted, mekar’s name Parkes, on the fide plste mark'd P. D, the hsmmer {pring breke, ihe barrs!l unscrews, znd vpos the cap a Rampant Lyes upon a piece of Forti ficutian. ——. Also, sbout three dezea Engiifh Cuttes kaives something rufty,—ene peir round fiere Luttonr, red heil, new eyés and chains,— e3¢ reund dizmand cu; wemss's fiiver buckle newiy mended ia 2 places, mak’d L. P.—~ene pair silver buttens ma:k’d .S, on the upper fids— e@de pair fcetch pebble buttoss, mew ejcs and chaine,— ere cypher'd flone flsy hosk ~e— cue chi!d’s cypber’d flons butten—oue geo!d ring with g cypher’d flone : e fandry fiiver thimb «s, some with Reel to».—and fondsy other rrticles of the gold smith’s bufinefs,— Any perfen thst will give iafarma tien of any of the sbove articles; fe that the thief e thizves mey be convitted,fhali be entiilad to the sbave Reoward; Portfmouih, O&cbh 34 1778 - | SAnUEL DROWNEs " SAMUEL BOWLES * InrForms THe rusLic, hat he basto {aii st kis sbop jult beisw the State Hexje, in Partimaath, HE best of REDWOOD,—Freech and Caro l ‘lins INDIGO, by Whelefsle cr Retsle, == Legwecd, Allum, Ceperas, Brim{tsee, Pepper, Spics, Cur ente, Ceffice, TEA, SALT,~ And msny sther Artircles, which he will fel! as cheap 2s 20y cne inthe State.. ' . Public Vendue this Day, being The 6th of O&ober; at the Store of the Hon. JOHN LANGDON, Efqg; The following Articles, just imported from Mantes, in the Ship Courier L"Europe, Mons. Raffin, Commander, viz. SMALL Arms, with Bayonetts compleat. ) Nails of all Sorts.——=— A Quantity of ~ Medicine—Wollén Cloth—Green Tea, Files—Color’d Thread,—Cloth Waistcoats ready made—Coats dit. —Surtuits—Striped Dimity,— Silk Stockings— Champaigne WlNE—Burgusridy ditc.—Spanifh ditto. == Andone other Sort. = R - Portsmouth, Sept. zrg.‘ L R ¢ £ \NCE MORE, these Persons that have any’ 0 Accempts yet.unfettled with thl!hhh‘ JOHN HART, late of Newingion, Esq; deceased, avel desired to ferdle the fame within one Moath. from tha Date bereof, wih Mary Hare and George Hars, A mipififstors, Pori(mouik, Sept. 28; 1778 A