SWARTTORD, Aupuft zg, : Extralt of a Leiter trom a Geatlomaa in Aibany, daed August g * This country fi.ce the redu®tian es Burgayne’s army, dess not 3b mud with such graad awd efty. sifhing cvents as belre —we haye no dearth of news hewevar, and such as it is you are welcame to. .. *“ Robberies are rife, {0 rile that travelling im thele parts isatiended with danger. Mary famuies Flusdered of their effells and otherwsys sbufed by 8 band as rufliass wha ipread terror every where; w 2 ae dai'y pickisg of them up ; thiss men aed twn women under {entence of death, and 2 bz ex ecuied pext wetk for these em2rmities. Four days fisce gue Yaylar, capiain of the basd, ard brothar tu the two wemen befere mentioned, ssd 2lfe to the villainm wha (wallewed the fiver bullet and was hanged et Niw Windler, was catched and pat in irers in this c.y : The mather of these Tiylors was tried for her iie stthe fsme tima; but, being in d QA:d .25 princip'e inflrad of acceflary, flipped her vek sot ¢f the coler, She is held for ancther trial on & lower izdiltment—A fo'emn fight ! tofee a whole fem'y e ¢ager to be hanged |—They had” emb aced the doftrine of toryifm im its fulleft feafe, viewing it 8¢ mer.tricus to piander the whips ; end {a ten:c oue of thuir temets, eor rather hardaed in vil. lizny, that the halter psrhap: will met extrad frem them an inreaucos cesfeflisn of their guil. Die they mofle—ind may 8!l of similar sentiments mect wih a similar fate—ex'le ot the alter be the portica as rubbars and parricides ! ~ * Twe villages, Springficld and Andrswifield, 100 families perhaps in each, have late'y been burst to the prousd-: The viliages wers fi uated mear Cherry Vailey, which i» 70 &r 80 mi'es trom hesnca =~ qms cf the inbkabitacts tzken cap.ive, some tom mahawked, but mofi'y eic:psd t¢ Cherry Vaiey. Thefs insults will not pals unrevenged General stark whefe volor at Bennington, braks the jaws and kao.ks -=ut the tee h of the B igih lycu, a.lecsb'e 10 tha: a'ce't payer and p c?& 04, ‘¢ break their tee b, O God !’ command: st this psst Hele ke w th &» indignarteye on the d-predations in ose pace ¢rd ¢asther; the ¢co'mi n flreams of safquchanesh ecd cther cutr ges ©+ shim his view, fie h'm with ma:t sl raga He mult and Itrufl, wiii ba {eea sup poted in his defijns of aking ampie vengsance on tß.{: ‘mriacsb « foes. ' Yiligrdry feur tories takem resr the head of Sceiqu haszsb, ai the h-use of one Serv.ie, wera cemmiticd to the goal A this plice— A detachment es Mergan's r'fle carps tock them, feme of them were yprioted 5 Sorvife refnfed t» be teken and was kled or the spat. Aschiba'd Thomplen one of the pri. foners, had in his pocket the foilowing letter, which exhbits 2n inftarce of the rest efs and milchizvans tewper of these ncrral en:mias. The letter was wrote by Chsr'ss “ini h te Capt. Jof-ph Brant, a Biockewk [ndign, ot influence, addrels and education, Charles imith a 2 s party went In pursuit of him, by @rder of Lol Builsr whe commands the Penniylvania regiment, is (gcured before now, Previeus to tha recitél #f the leiter, it might be well t 9 mention aife that Ha'per's Patent, whers the letter was dated, lies feuth o' Sch-ohairy 17 miles, and thai Schehairy is a fartile cvoniry of la:pe cxtent, wall pespled, and con -fidered 29 the granary of this parc of the world 5 itis aboui 40 miles from Aibsny, weftwerd, and 30 miies fouthwelt of Charry V:lley. On2nde.a refarred to ‘1 the foiswing'eiter in 65 mier fuuth es Cherry Vailey, : “ Harper’s Patsat, 27th Ju'y, 1778 . « SIR, ‘“ After my csmp! m-ats, I take this opportunity - te inferm yeuihat 1 bave beenas dilige=t as possible - in gatting of man 3 but harvest being a 1 band the men - could not lezve home tiil they got their grain ; but naw 83 they have most of their grain trken care of, - 1 exps@ msany te come with me; but there is ena - th'ng that hinders ; they srs afraid that the rebeis will ru'n them befare we c:n came ta their ¢filtance, arnd they are afrald (o lerve home ; but ] give them great ancouragement, ac I think it my duty {o do da, but the m3n 3t Oncndells have dilcouraged the peop'e, and {cid that we fuffered fer provifisrs, and that the ladiaas tock their p'under frem them, and for that r:a’en hindered mary fram coming te jsin them. Bat i being myduty, I ted them it was fa/12, &nd ne truth ‘in it, but we hsd ‘he beit uilsge given u-, and plenty of provisions and what we waaisc was, that the tricnds @ paveiramegt mght come and shew themfzives, thrt they mght ost (uter with the rabes. [ wss acom. ing ovt 12 fee you. bu: mesting with Archibald Tham fon I have now seinrced to brieg out my men, and ' 391 28 fomm a: pofiible. Ibsieg them frem Bafyck, ged frem the Bever dam, and from Hikhbargh, and .ghem pwts. Butl am sbi'ged 10 {ay more than the gruth §9 encousage them to come eut I shall giva you $0 wnderfand that thsy expalt ycu at Scheharry, aad mke a'l the preprrations they cam, but the countrydi ia great coniufiue, snd but few mea ts bs bed,fer they are all ft uck with terror, end they exps& the shipping up thewsiver {son, aud the northers army, 1 u de stand, has g'ven them a fad trcko, and sent word te A pany far m3re fnen, er eil: they must furender. I thalifes you soon, I hops, a2d [ shall ma . h in the frent of my man, paintad, aadl. me cral of ny gen, so pleale ta g'v» netice to my brathe: of it. Bir, 1 am your humole farvery, CHARLES SMITII. ““ Bir, I was a coming for erders; bat meetir g with Aichibad Themfen, and finding tha time short 1 bave 1o write to friands @f geversmentin ycur rame,which I beg you wili set be offesded with mz for {5 dong. I have sent yeu a littls tabacco by the bearer. I fh-uld be g'ad torece ve a lettsr fram ysu as [ coma dewe, to ve 'efi st Mr, Scrviles, wth @:den what to do. I em yeur humble fervang, CHAKLES :MITH." “ Since writiag the above, ] had tha“pesfue of {2eing the scalp of Char'e: Smith. Cspt Lowp, es Butler’s regiment, killed h m at the he:d of & paty ¢i 25 meo, and f{ent it a prafeniin General sts k. They took one prifeser, and a« they were forced 10 fir: @ cross ariver, the rest made their escape. Wa expeét mire of them every day. Ceol. "Buotisr is 8 genius for the bulicels. Fosty ladiaws cama in hera yesterday, uader the czndul of My, Deane, (the A gent and imterpreter rppointed by Congress for the Indian department } to iue far peacs, some Usueida's, who ar: t:ue hearis, some. Onondoga’s, avd {'ms Tuflcu:era’s, whefe defi;ns are suspicious. Thefs treatics serve only faor & decoy, whist foms of their tribes are executing the mefl diaba icai defigrs. They will mest with a ve:y co d reception.—'l his momeet srcived uuder a guard frem Col. But'sr, cne |snet Clemisgs, #nd two Scoilchmes, hér sccompiices th~y be'wnged ta this city, and wers gcing intn tha lad an ¢ uatry, loaded with' hard meney, vermitien, many acceatraments, and cther vs'ugb e effedls, necaf fary taronfs snd escourage the Indiansand the Taries in their bleady wo:k. They had pait all the gusrds but ene, with ut difcaveiy. The writings fenrd wi h them, rezdar their vilairy snd thst of {ems athera 'n coneeftion with them, urquefliorable, Thue the wicked sr@ teken in their wwn cafiine(s, and ia the nst thsy have {presd for the iprccen’: Thry 'wk privi'y for the ina:cest, without caulz; but dvine Previdence {ufizrs them 10 fal ‘nta the pit digged ler their dejivarance Wh.t altan.fhicg @/-ute Bre daly un foiding in th- leaves of divire Previdence s fav-ur of thiz ccuntry ! A man must be more than an infidcl, to impute such miraculans eperetions to me=er chance, or human forefizht, The footfteps of God ere vfidein every flage of cur deliveracce. This, neac but Athafle gnd Tories wil! deny = Srven deserters came in from Caneda,and were ¢7n doed to the Genersi’s quariers the dey before yes. teidsey ; four of them were with Gen, Aresid in storm ing Quebec : They ware forced t 5 eni ft among the British troops te get 33 epportunity to escape, whch they never ceu d offedt, by being admitied on any of the eut p-fts, uctil pow. The sccousts they gve of the slate of thst count y are since fully co:fi-med by direét and aathantic inte ligeace. The acccunt isthis, v.z The Cancdisns aed Indians gre slm- £ uriverfaly in ourinver:ft; 3000 irnops. inc uding Tarie:, in Ca nada; General Hildiman errived with 400 Heflisrr; 370 mea atthe I{l: su Nsix ; feur Biivth recp kelled ia 8 quarre! betwren them and the Indiant: General Cariton, Lord Lieutanant as Lielacd ; sir Johe | hnfon, a' Que’ec, and ‘s part of his det:chment erdired t 2 Ruck [(laad, 30 mi es halow Ofwego. and the remain d-r ta the Caders for refuling to werk at Qu b c, de c aring they wers not enlisted for that pu pife ; the Tories tzken with Burgnyee,and sent back 12 Canads, valuatarily toek up scme, pretndiag we hod bisks the C:avention ” eART RA T GT 2o All Persons indebted to, or that have any demands against the eflate of Sam?] Haines, late of Greenland, Husbandman, deceafed,are desired to bring in theirAccou: ts to Nathaniel Haines, Administrator to {aid Estate, in order for a {peedy settlement, Noarth Hampton, O#fleber, 2d, 1778, STRAYED OR STOLEN About three Weceks ago, A light red HORSE, fix years old, white Feet, about 14 Hands high, white Face, wall Eyes, Trotsand Paces. Whoever will tfi}cc up said Horse, and fend him to the Printer at Exeter, or Ports mouth, thall be handsomely reward ed, and all necessary charges paid. -~ . Schemeof alwottery s ey e %?QN T'ED by the CBncil and Houte BF Representatives of this State, ['et - ruary 1778, for railing Six Hundred Pounds, in order to compieat a Bridge from T " s . o . New Caltie to the Main,wherein Sam. Cutres John Parker and Henry Prefcotr, Eiqr; Mr. George Frost & Capr, John Blunt,or any three Bf them are appointed Managers, & who are {worn to the faithful Pertormance 'ofthe Trust, \ The Lottery consists of 2600 Tickets, a Four Dollars per Ticket, 868 of which are Priz:s of the following Value, viz. I of 500 is 500 I of 150 B 150 2 of 109 s 200 2 of 59 is 100 10 of 20 is 220 20 of 10 is 300+ <° 832 of 8 13 6656 - 8006 868 Benefit Tickets, which makes l¢ls than two Blacks to a Prize. The Ulility of this ‘Bridge to the Tawn of New: Caftle,and the adjacent Towns, is toe evident, to need any R=commendation here, ’tis therefore presumed thatall Persons will encourage and promorte it by purchasing Tickets as soon as may be,which may be had of the Refpcétive Managers———Notice will soon be given of the Time of drawing, and as soon as drawn, a Lift of the Prizes will be published in the Freeman’s Journal or New - Hampshire Gazette, Benefit Tickets will be paid off in Twenty Days atter drawing by the Mana gers, who signed them 5 Prizes not demand ¢d within Six Months from the Time of drawing, are not to be demanded after wards, " but deemed as generously given the Ulfe to of the design, and applied accordingly. - Tickets b 0 be had at Capt. Eliphalet Giddinges's in Excter, O BE SOLD very chesp, a FAR!A we'i situ. tusted in Rechefler, coantaining about ene kun dred and Tweaty Acres, wheresf Twelve Acresia improv'd Land, end about Twaenty Acres of fel’d Lacd: Likewie a one Story Heufe, by Twenty Eight, and Thrty Eight, very Convenient for Tred. Ing for which Furp fe {aid Houle was Bui't, togesher w th 2 3sra Freme, wherewith is fufliciescy «f Basrds, Saagles, Natls, G afe, and &'l other Necafizrys, fui'a be far (ad buiidisg—2ad Farm is withia Thirteen | B les es D:ver lasding. 1 Wh ever incines te Purchafle the above diferib'd Farm, with its Appurtensnces, is desired to 2pp'y (0 Thrm>¢ D. Tripe, Owner, livisg upes the Premfas, er the “ritt-r in Portimeouth. Aazoft 11, 1778, Strayed ors stolen from Major COFFIN’s patture in Exeter ; A dark brown Horse, about 14 hands high, trots & paces, five years old, has a star in his forehead. —-- —Wheever will take up {aid Horse thall be hand{omely rewarded,and all necessary char— ges paid, by me Feremiah Calfc. . Exater, O&o. 2d. 1958, : Mmmmm’mvwwwww Strayed or stolen out of my Pasture about three weeks ago, a light brown Horle, five years old, short Main, one white Foot, pacesand trots. Whoever wili take up said Korfe, and convey him him to me, thall be wellrewarded, & al¥ neceflary char-§ ges paid, by me, Feremiah Conner. Exeter, October Ift, 1778 1 TAKEN UP DAMAGE FEASANT, A Yoke of STEARS,Suppofed to be threeyearaldladSpringz @ one of them is marked with a (mall Noch ia his Right Esar and white vnder his Belly, running up in his Flank § the diber bris die with a lin’d back, and white about his Head and Belly. The ™ Owner may have them again by applying te me and peying Chaew | gois , SAMUZL SMITH. | Excter, Buptembar 12th, 1773, 3§