state of Now.-Hampthire. Exeter, Nov. 22, 1781, Pursuant to an Order of the Ge neral Court, will be farmed at Pablic Vendue, by the Committes of Safety for said State, at the House of Col. Samuel Folsom, Innholder in Exeter en Tuelday the eighteenth Day of December next, at two o'clock in the Afteraoon ; the Excise on Spirituous Liquors for ‘one Vear from the firß Day of O&tober last, agreeably to an A& pafied the firft Day of September 1781. The ‘Excife in each of the several Counties will be fold se parately. Articles of Sale will be seen at the Time + and Placs above-mentioned. By order of the Committes, JOSIAH BARTLETT, Chairman, State of New- Hampthire, ,NOTICE is hereby given, to the non - N resident owners of L.ands in the town of Barrington in the county of Strafford ind State of New-Hampthire, that so much of their Lands as will pay the taxes annexed to their names with incidental charges will be fold by Public Aution,on Wednesday the 19th of December next, at the House of Capt. Jolhua Foss in said Town at 10 of the clock before noon, unless paid before said time, Names, No. Acres, [. 5. d. s. 4. . State & Beel Tax. Silver Tax, Yo/bua Pierce 156 700 4 18 0 3 1 Fobn Hucker 157 96 0 9 8 0 4 Fobn Harderfon 166 108 0012 §o 5 Samuel Penballow 167 235 1 100 1 0o Richard Foss 168 360 6403 Epbraim Jackson 170 100 1 00 0 7 Widow Mafion 172 120 0144 O 5 stb Range. ; Capt. G. Walker 181 115 1 40 o 9 Fobn Sparks 186 36 0 3 806 2 Benjamin Cross 189 120 0120 0 6 Fames Pitman 203 600 78 0 4 William Brown 213 54 0 640 ;5 Ricbard Swain 214 72 0 90 0 4 Fobn Gowel 215 'B4 O 9:2.0 & William Ross 216, 720 7.4 063 James Sherborn 217 gOO 500 3 Fobn Skerborn 218 120 0 12 0 0 6 i Fobn Melcher 219 '72.0 7. 40 3 Tbhomas Perce 220 210 1 87 08 Henry Sherburm 224 182 1 20 0 § Antony Row 220 47 0. 4 8.0 3 Fames Stoodley 220...00:9. .9 & 0 4 Fofepb Berry 233 600 74 03 Facob Talh 224 GO O 9 4 O 4 6:b Range. ! William Fellows - 338 240 1 880 io Samuel Brown 230 70 8B O 1 Edward Ayrs 246 1201 9 8 010 Fobn Sherborn 253 24 O 2.6 Oir Gesrge dyrs 262 96/0' 15.2. 0 6 Harculous Hunkin. 263 2270 '3 4 0.2 Fofeps Mead 271 108 ®lO 8 0 3 ~Lazrus Noble 274 60 0 6 00 2 Lazrus Holmes 275 22 8 4.4 0 2 Abrabam Senter 276 96 ©OB 0 4 Feremiab Calf 277 TR 4°OF The bundred Acre Lots, Epbraim Fackfon 6105 ©%% 4 0.5 Benning Wemworth 8 84 0 9 60 3 Fofeph Brewsier 9 105 0 12 4 O 5 Fetbro Furbur 15 105 0 12 4 0 5 Samuel Foss 16 105 012 4 0 5 stepben Greemleaf 19 105 0 12 4 0 5 ames Libby 120 105 012 4 0 5 yobn Fomes 29 105 0 16 8 0 6 Timotky Waterboufe 30 50 o 80 0 3 Yolbua Pierce 87 405 012 . 4.0 & Nathanicl Peverly © 40 105 0 12 4 0 5 Two mile Jo called. am ' David Jeffrey, Efg; o 0 216 3 48 2 o N. B. said tax is for the Year 1781, T Daniel Rowel, Colle&tor., - Bagrington, Nov. 24, 1781, R To be fold at public Vendue, To begin attwo o’clock at Col. Samuel Folfom’s in Excier, on Tuesday the eighiecth Dsy of December Inftant,'a convenient Dwelling-HOUSE axd Gaiden Spot, in said Exeter, if not foid before ac private sale: {sid premises are mow in the Occupancy of Berjamin Thuilon. The Conditions of sale will be kpown at the abovefaid time and place. Exerer, Dec. 4. 1781 N’ O TICE is hereby given to the delinquen) propiictors of Moaltonborough, who fill neg lect to pay the Taxes due or their several Rightsor Lots of Land in said T'own, that on the :3th Day of Noveémber Instant, 2t a Meeting of {aid progriety held by Adjournment ai the House of Licutenant Jonathan Leavitt’s, Innholder at Hampion, {aid propriety voied that the Colic&tor thould demand law/lul [atereft il paid, on'all and every part of said Taxes which are yet unpaid ; said Interest to commence three Months after Date of the Warrant delivered the Coliector 1o collet the fame ;:——Theic s:¢ cherefere to voiify all ¢elinquent proprietors, that uslefs they pey both the principal and interest in Silver or Gold by the 27:h Day of December next, 2t my Dwelling House in {2id Hamptoa, so much of their Lauds will be fcid atthe House of Lt. jonathas Lesvitts at Hampton afore faid, at thiee o’Clock in the Afternoos, ar will pay the fame with'incidental Charges: The Time sbove fixed for the payment is the fame Time that the Ven due ftends acjourned to for the (ale of {o mach of the delinquent proprietors Land in f{aid Town as adver tized in the New-Hampshire Guzaic No 22619 &€, Hampton, Nov. 27, 1781, Fonatban Meulien, Col. N O TICE is heicby given, that the delinguent proprictors of Oriojc are desired to pay all ihe palt Taxes ard the fi:ié‘.;i'@.é gn the fame, agreazbie to the Vote of said proprictors, to me the {ubfcriloy, by the firß Monday in }anuary hext, otherwise {o much of their Land will be edveriiz:d fer lale as w:lt pay the fame with incidereal Charves Hampton, Dec 8 1781 Finaibem IMiulton, Col, , State of N:w Hamplhire, THE Subscriber b:;‘it:‘!g :-tpr:;c?mc:fi ColieStor of : Taxes forihe¢ Propriety of the | owsrthip of Weatworih, in the Couory of Grares, 1o f2id State, doth hereby give Notice, that the Afc{fors of said Propriety have commiied to him a Lift and Worran: to coile&t € Tax of Five Silver Doilar: on each ori ginal Right is said Tewathip; and that wpoiéfs f{aid Tax is paid (o me at my fi-ufe in South Hampion, in the County of Rockirgnam, in {aid Sia'a, by the fixteently Day of Febrosry much of ihe vrat vided Land of cach Delicgsent’s Shage, as clio so mach of the five hundréd Acresrefe ved (of gramied) to his Excellency Benping Wemworth, Elg; csiled swo Shares, will be advornfed for sale t, pay/ Taxe and Charges, as the Law diredls. | PHILLIPs WHITE. | ~South Hsmpton, Dsc. 83 1781, ik AT SR N S e T T LR S s - Swate of New &I mpihire. THE Subferiber being - agpoinea Collector f Taxes for the Propristy of the Towsnfhip of Warres, in the County of Grafton, in (aid Stete, doth -hereby give Notice, thut the Afleflcrs of said Proorie ty have committed to him a Lift and Warrent to col- Ject a Tax of Four Silver Dollars on each original Right in fail Towntfhip, and that unless said 'Tax is paid to me at my House in Soutn-Hampton in the Courty of Reckingham, in said State,by the fix.centh Dyay of February pex#, so much of the undivided Land of each Delinquent’s Share, as slfo so much of the five hundred Acres reserved (or graoted) to his Ex cellency Beaning Weneworih, Efg; called two Shares, will be advertised for Sale to pay {aid 'Tax & Charges, as the Law dire&s. | | ' . ‘ PHILL.PS 'WHITE. ___South-Hampton, Dec. 8. 1781. INOTICE is hereby g ven to the non resident owners of Land in Redford in the State of New Hamp shire, that so moch of their Landz as will pay the Taxes annexed to their Names, will be {cld at public Vendue oa Tueefday the 25:h day of December rext, at the House of Zscherlab Chandler, innholder injßed ford, at ten o’clock in the foreno~n,unlels prevented by previous payment : The Names are asiollows: V i No. Range. 1, ~a. d. Henry Timber'ske, ten Acres 7 7 i¢c 6o Samuel Su.d, ter Acres ss° e Pinein Richard Abbot, 15 Acres W OE . 18ac 0 Jacab Gregs 17 "4 Mg e O Edward Dorr : 10 3 49 5 O , Job Holbrook e I e DAN O Lot unknown = e Rt ale 40 Jobn Tuckerman 3. Ahn vMG O yenjamin Langdon, 82 3d div. 100 10 O camuel Heory 29 & .80 09 ™% Joseph Houston, Constable for 1780, gfi ?‘k{d, November 21, 1781, SAMUEL BOWLES, Informs the Public, that he has for sale, as his thop in Pertfmouth, a little below the ~State House, a Variety of Englith and Weft India Goods, viz. SCarlct and gther colour’d Broad Cloths 5 Sarge ; Fuftion ; Drawboy ; Purants 5 Ruffels ; Shalloon ; Tammy ; striped Cam flct s Linnens ; Chinces ; Luteflring ; Per- Man ; Alemode ; Sarfnet 5 Gauzes 3 Cleak Trimings ; Werfted and Yarn Hose ; Pep per and Spices 3 Die Wood ; Copperas g Alum and Inßigo ; Rum, Sugar, Molafies, Coffee, Chocolate, & Cotton ; Bohea Tea Men”siand Women’s Shoes ; Raisins and Currants 3 Powder, Shot and Fiints. And a Variety of other Articles, all which he will fell cheap for Cath. ' NOTICE is hereby givea to the non resident ow ~ hers of iand in Maribeorgagh, in the State of New-Hampthire, that so much of their Jands a: wili pay the T2xes anuexed (o their names, will be foid ac - public Aultion cn Tuefcay the B:thday of Jenuary next, at the house of Licut. Mcles Tucker, innhoider in said Town, at igs o'clack in the forencon. a 5 will pay said Taxes with inciden:al Charges, un'efs pre vented by previous payment : Their Names are as follows : ‘ . Beef tax for 1980. County tax for 1750, : No,Ran. h s.d. No.R. 1l s 4. JamesLyorns g2z 4 6 7o g 2 0 ‘lO & Ditio 9 2 332 William Giimore ¢3 - 1 12 34 0106 Ditto 2. 4.0 365 . &£4B. 8190 Ditio 4 4.5 90 . John Wafon V.l € Gy Helbort M- rrifon 1 4 5 210 ¥ 4:0 91 Issac Cochiin 208 85 HQE Vlig Tes o'y john Gilmore WLy .3 A 0 11 D bg Robsrt Allia 11 7.3.300 137 O 4 & James Moors 81 P3B O ) john Morrison 84 2 04 Boy 8 Ditio wol Q 0 7 &2 69 0138 Ditto 12 ¢ 16.¢ le.c b 4 R john Wilson 33 5.U79 3L .6 O 3 jemee Morrison ‘ St gl KR John Moore 28 Sfes B 4 i gBN 104 B Tho's fsdorrifon 10 2 1 62 102 0 149 David Morzifon 8 3 4 48 8 3 07 o° Rojert Clark - 6 ¢ -Heg L Samoél Cochiin° 6 5§ 6 7.0 Diuto 25 4 4 B awiaien 7 0 J:mes Willom L Q. 3. 0 0.0 joha Cochrin - 10 '8 6 7.0 10:% 0,100 Hogh Montgomery 1 8 4 48 18 o 70 Dit.g | 9o 0,15 ¥ ~ Abij h Taucker, Conflable. Marlborough, Nov, 14, 1781, . W HEREAS the ewners of the following Lottfof Land in Stoddard, in the State of New- Hamp shire, have not paid their Bzef and County Tax for the yean 1780, this is therefore to notify said owners that unlels they pay {aid T'axes witht incidental Char ges to me the subscriber by the 25th day of Decem ber next, that{o moch of said Lard will be fold at my dwelling heufe in Stoddard at ten o’clock in the fore noon, oa {aid day, as will pay the Tax with Charges. ~ Rated to Col. Stoddard’s Heirs., R No. 12 ia the 16th Range, 4 in 15th, 8 ia 15th, Izinlgth, 10in oih, 12in sth, 15 .0 sth, 16in gth, 17 in gth, 3 in 4tb, 4in 4th, 6 ir 3d, ten pounds sixteen shillings nnd seven pence each, new emission. , ; Moses Kenney, Constable. " Sioddard, November 28, 1781. s LL PEREONS indebted to, or that have any A_ demards on the estate es Capt. Tobias Lear, laie of Porifmouih, mariner, decesfed, aredelved to bring in their accounts to Mary Lear, administratrix to {lid estate. in order for an immediate fettlemes/. " TO BE LETT, and entered upon immediately, on good terms, FARM, lying in New Castle, sbout 130 A_ acres, sll under improvement, well flocked, with a good Dwelling-House and two Barns, and every Uienfil neceflary for such a Farm, completely fenced, and welldituated for water-carriage, only one mile from town. For particalars inquire of the Printers. s LL Persons indebted to, or having claims on A the estate of Richard Fomes, late of Madbury, yeoman, decealed, are defived to fettle the fame with the fubferiber, administrator on said estate, Lee. Nov 23. . Herculuy Moonay. FRINTED At PORTSMOUTH,