Newspaper Page Text
. PHILADELPHIA, January 8. . . The last lettels which we have heard of from South-Carolina, are dated the 21st and 22d of November, from the High-Hills of Santee. They fay, that the American army under Gen. Greene, reinforced by a conffieg » rable body of militia, had on the 3oth pailed on theCongaree (lower called the Santee) to preceed down the country towards Charlef town, and that our gallant General would not deeline battle upon proper terms. These accounts give some crédit to the whispers circulating in New-York, of a defeat of the Britith near Charlettown, more especially as an embarkation Ras lately taken place, of 1200 or 1500 men, though 3500 is the nums ber publickly known of. ~ ) These letters from Carolina further fay, th?t the Biitith had evidently gotten a panic, and would probably, upon another check, shat themselves up in Charleftown : that the Jower country, till general Greene's march, had been open -to the incursions of both ar mies ; of ours, as far as the Quarter-House, within 6 miles of Charleftown ; of the ene my,for 5o miled back : that their horses were greatly reduced and bad ; ours nusnerous and ggod ¢ that the General had waited some time to hear whether the French fleet were to call at Charleftown, and what reinforce ments were coming from Virginia ; that he ‘Bad left about oo convalescents and {ick 4t the Santee heights, - : ' CHATHADM, Januaryg. The provincials fated with the Britith fér- Vice; are continually deferiing to us; not 2 night, dnlefs the moit vigilant look-out is kepf, but whit niore or less leave them, A gentleman from New-York reports, that they ‘have accounts there of the capture of 3t. Augufline, the tapital of East Florida, by the Spapiards. . : "FISH-KILL, January 17, From the Penniylvania Freeman’s Journal; . of January g, In our 13t we had the pleasure 6 announce the-capture of St. Euftatius by the gallant Marquis de Bouiile, on the 26th of Novem ‘berlafi. ::On the 27th of thit month, the fizg«af the- United Provinces wase ‘hoifled on - the fort, and it was announced By the dis charge of attillery; and the acclamatlons of the inhabitants; that the island was reflored to the dominion of Holland, = - On the fanie ddy (the 36:h) the Viscount de Damas, with 300 men, to k poff=fion of the island of St, Marting, dnd re-eiiublifhed the governments of France dind Holland in he fame manaer as they ftocd at the time The_Eng{i(h.cgpm-‘ed the island. . | The island of Baba surrendered on fum faons the fame da§, and the laws of Holland were re-eftablithed. : . HARTF OR D, Jandary 22. Paragraphs from a late Mastinico Gazette. o When the Englith packet leftFalmouth, fiiey hiad heard of the capturé of 'l"obagoz “which was severely feltin England. The fetreat of Sir Geesrge Rodney had struck the Adtion as with g thunder bolt ; 4nd the 12 affair, added to the St. Euflatia aneedotes, had filled the people of England with the greatest indignation. s " Count de Barras lately fziled from Cspe- Francois for Oid Yrance, with. a large f{;e‘t undgrdi-donioy. - o 1 S e = OROS TN Tantiay 28, ~ We hear that Ihe Britith fleet from New- York, bound to the Weft-Indies, left two capital thips, viz. the R‘:J'al Oak, and the -Russell, the fornier arrived at St. Kitts info bad condition that fhie was'candemn’d asun< fit for service, the latter was drove on the rocks at Antigua, and enfirely loft. Admi ral Graves in the Loondon b2d fail’d for Ja ‘maica. At Antigua and St; Kitts they were ‘under . great app’chenfions of Zn inva sion by an armament from Martinico. It is also said that at Jamzica they are in daily ‘expeftation of an attack from the Spaniards, We hear that the brig Sally, Capt. Woarth is arrived a. Providence, in odays from Nantz (in France) who brings an account that swo or three days before he fail’d, a fil gate arrived there express from Count de Grafle, at Chefepeak with the account of the capture of Lord Cornwallis and his whole ar my. The news was received there with greag expreflions of joy ; and 2 frigate was imme diately'difpatobed toSpain with the import. ant intelljgence -~ oo et o et The Continentdl frigate A!hancc,whxch' failed from this port vhe 25th ult. has taken a large thip from Jamaica, :bou'n_d to New- York, laden with sugars, which has fafe ara rived in port. % i e . The taking of New-Providence by the Spaniards, as publith’d in some of the papers wants Confirmation, - All the Wefi-India Iflands,even theßritifh, resound with the praises of theGen, Bonille, and the bravery and gencrofiiy of the French in the recapture of Si. Fufiatia, and reflor ing it to its original proprietors. This fuc cefstul enterprize affords a frefli proof im fa vour of the national charafler of ‘our Allies, The Britiih in those islands 150dly complain of the bebavior of the commander of Bt, Eq flatin, and of thie heavy and’ encreafing bur dens upon their indyitry and trade, g WORCESTER, Janwsry 10, A A Treatise has lately baen publithedl in France, in which a calculation is made of the population of the mofi temarkable citjes in the world ; theinhabitants of whith the author compiites to begs tollows: ' - Paiis, about 830,000 ‘increafing, Madrid,. ~ * “340,000'd0, *" T Londoh; 9 3o,coo'decréa~fing; Amfilerdam, 360,000 increasing, Lisbon, = " “Zoo,cob'do, . ~ Conflantinople, 700,000 decicafing, Venice; 160,000 do, * . 'Danizick, 240,009 do.” ~_Pcterfbi‘);%, 850,000 increasing, Conninglbarg, 300,000°d0, = - Copenbagen, * 100,000" do. =~ - Stockholmi, ne.auy W ! Noapféy;: - 230,000 decteafing, Pekin,(in Chinz) goo,ooo do, i v Romes . S SOO,OOO 48, 7 Moscow; - 400,000 inCreafivng. Babylon, - - §go,oco decreafings: * . Blexandrid, 6 0,000 “do: SRR B M, Rt g Capt. Hill, in the lerter of maigue thip Cicero, ar rived at Beverly on Moaday last, in Gx weeks from Bilboa Wl bR R R \ __An stcount: was received in Spais, befors Capr. Hill failed, of the capreof the Brititi srmy undar the command of Lord Cornwa lis. . ) A thor; time after Cdpt. Hill camie out, he spoke with a veflel bound to Boßon, from St. Anionio, by whom he was informed, that thie privatesr thip G:and Turk, Captain Pratt, was srrived there from this pors, and had carried in with Fer two vaioable prizss ; ome, 4 veflel loa‘c};d with” fith ; and the o tZer,a large Jamaica-maen,faid to have 500 hogfhesds of sugar on board : And the Grand Turk had also ta ken, in her p.flage from Rence, 'shres ot four oifier sizes, 5 : : X ; Colonel Joha Trumbell, fan of his Excellency the Goveraor of Consellicet,came psilenger iz the Cices ro; allo M:fln‘jb_hg Adami, jua. {on of his Excel lency John Adama, Efg; e | We bave no material advices, of 8 public naturs, by Capt. Hill. ;—Tht-Spininr&d; hxd not réduded, but continued to besiege she calile of-st. Philip, on the iisnd of Miborca, and the forireficef Gibraltar, i Wa hear thac sz Aatigua paper, which was brought ia & Cartel lately wrrived from, ghat island, gives 2n account, that the priv’rlléet-;.filsgg;jifgfi,._bel,a‘n’gfii’ngf io this port, commacded by Capt. Hamilton, and the privateer (hip Hercules, belonging to:Bofion,are both tskdn, and carried into Irgland. e au At Antigua snd St Kius they wére under great ap prehensions of 8 invasion by an érihameny from Mar ticico Ivis also said thas 2 Janfi?@imy dre in daily expeliation of an awack fiom the Spanigrde. _State of New Hawhire. ÜBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that & fur- P ther Tims of Bix Months from the 26th Day of December last, s ailowed for receiving and examining the Claims of the several Cifgzmt‘m the Estate of the Iste Gevernor John Wentworth .‘;fi sq; now an Abfca tez from this State ; and theCommiffioners appointed to reccive and examine said Claims, will sttend that business atthe House of Mr James "‘f’hltflqo, lonhol. der in Exeier, on the last Mondas vis this and the Five next following Momshe, ~ Exeter, Jan, 18, Frem the CoNTINENTAL JoWRNAL: , Me GILL, : e R &" yom will be so kind a 5 1o give the followi 8‘ a P&!tl id . your paper, you awill obiige ome of your conflant cufiima ¢rt and readers. The true bpublican feniiment; conrain - edin it are, 1 Ibink bighly pertinint to the circumpßancés of ¢his country. And the athiable charaßer of the an thor, bis great abilities and bi: final martyrdom for bis atiackment te liberty, mufi enfbine bis tiemory in tbe biart of every wife and good sham, ¥ o ~Your's, CASSIUS. ! SPEECH of Sir Heary Vane, in a Parliament, A, convened A.-D. 16¢g, on & question, Whe ther gaey should recognize Richard Cromwell Pro= T R Mr, Spexker, b Rl = ** Among all the people in the universe, I know of noze who bave thewn so much zeal for the liberty of their country as the Englith a: this time have dore = They have; by the help of divine Providence, over ctome all obßlacles, and have made themflelves free. Wehave driven away the bereditary tyrauny of. the house of Stwars, at the expence of much blood and treasure, im bopes of enjoying bereditary liberty, af ter having thaken off he yoke of King &igr. and there is not a man among ds who could have imagined thag any perfos wouid be {o bold a: to dare to atiempt the ?avithing fram us freedom, which ¢oft as so much blood and so mech laboar. % | * But so its hap Pens, I know not by what misfor= tune,we arefallea.into thejerror of (hose who poison ed the Emperor Tirs to make room for Domirian, who made away Augufius, that they might hsve Ti&'cf{' rius, and changed Clausinifor Neto. I:m terfiblq these. examples are foreign frem iy fo!j:& fi-ce the Romans in those dsys were buricd ir lewdnel: and loxuory ; witeraas the people of Englivd are vow re nouned all over the world for theif groat virtue s-d discipling; and yet fuffer ar ideot, without sense, without codrage, nay without smbition, to have domiricn in & country of lierty. One could & lit= tic bear with Oliwer Cromave//, though contrary 10 his csth of fdelity to the Parliameat, tontrary to bis duty to the pabiic, contrary to the fefpett ke owa ed to that venerable body from whofn he reccived his zuthority, he uforpad the government. His meril' was Io extraordinary, that our judgment, cur pafiions mighe be bliaded by it. He made his way to empire by the mos illußrious aflions ; he had under his command dn army thet made him a conquerdr, and & people thet made him their peneral, o Pay “ But & for Richard Cromawell, his {or, whoir be? What are ks titles ?We Have féon that he had s {word by his fide, butdid. he ever draw it & And wha is of more imj Driapcs in this case, is he fit 10 get che~ dience from a mighty nation, who could never maks & footman obey him ? Yet we must recognize thig man 8s our king under the flile of Proteftor! A zx without birth, without coursge ard withcot condadly’ For my pare, it shall asver be said I madefugh & man my master.” TO BE SOLD, if applied for foom, One whole Right of LAND," in that valuable town of Reading, for 2 trifle of cath, and thie reff in country pros duce, Inquire of the Printers, THE propristers of the townthip of Briton. Woodé are hereby potified; that the sale of the delin g:ént proprietors lands which was to have been made - os the 1 gth day of October l2ft, as formerly advertised, was at that time pat off —Those of said proprietord: who are flill delinquent, are once more rotihed thag {o mach of lands as thall pay the arrearages due with incidenial charges, will be fold withod: furiher &!:{,‘ at the house of Mrs. Tilton innholder in Portfmonth, oh Mondsy thel ith day of Febroary next at 4 o’clocie in the afternoon.---The original proprietors names of the delinquent righ{s are & follows, viz. | 2 Namei 5. I.d. > Names L. & Saml. Hall, Salem 2 16 1 Isaac Rand3d, 1 18 7 Jame: Grouard 216 1 Johd Rand 113 7 Joseph Mealton jr.l 1 1 Edward Rand 1 18 7 Richard Jennefs 2 16 1 Nathsaisl Acfltiny 18 7 Nicho. Pickering 2 16 1 Mark Langdon 1 18 7 Frarcs Jeanefs 1 1 1 Mark Nelfoa 118 7 Ifaacßand 1 18 7 Matk Rogers - 6 3 @ I{sac Rand, junr, 1 18 7 ThoM'Doenoughé 3 o S:muel Jervels 1 2 o - Robert L. Fowle 2 16 1 Joseph Bass 618 o Jacob Shefejunr. 0 18 © Ezgkiel Gummero 18 ¢ Thomas Lynde ¢lB @ Peier Curtis = o 18 © Geo S. Homans 0 13 o Joseph Ward 018 0 Vereßoyce 018 ¢ James Haflet 018 6 JobnSprague o 1970 Rtk ) Ssmuel Bowles, ColleSor. . TPortimouth, Jsnuaty 22d,1782. | . & A few' Copies of the Form of Governy ment, may be kad at the Printing-Offses in Port/mouth and Exeter, b