Newspaper Page Text
NEW.YORK, Mg 13, By a vessel in seven days from Providence, we learn, that a force from Havana, consist ing of about 60 fail, with troops, had arrived ‘there, and was preparing to attack that island : the advice-beat ran through the Spa nish fleet, which consisted chiefly of small vessels. The works were firong, and in a good candition, and the garrison lately rein torced with 180 men. B O S T O N, Junebb. Extra& of a letter from a gentleman in News Hawven, to anothcr in this town, dated May 205, 1788 _ ¢ By several persons from New-York and 'Long-Ifland, we have accounts that corrobo rate with what I wrote you in my last of an embarkation at New-York ; it is now said that 7000 troops were ordered to embark the latter part of last week, and a belief gains faft here that the enemy are about evacua ting that place. A gentleman belonging to this town, came from Stamford yesterday, and reports that a very late paper of Riving ton’s has a paragraph or an advertisement in it, to warn the inhabitants to meet and de termine whether they will go to Quebec, or Halifax, or flay in purgatory. I cannot my felf believe 7000 troops will leave that post without it’s being evacuated.” ' The Hartford post informs, that a report prevailed last Monday morning at Hartford, that a fleet, having on board § or 6000 troops, from New-York, were then in the found, stheir destination uncertain. We hear that Congress have been pleased to promote Bripadiers Knox and Duportail, to the rank of Major-Generals in the army of the United States. . Sir Henry Clinton failed from New-York for his mother country about the middle of last month, It is said Sir James Jay embarked much about the fame time. p _ State of New-Hsmphire, Dover, May 31, 1782 ' NOTI CE is hereby given, that the Superioy | Court of Judicature for the County of Hills. | boroagh,which now stands adjourned tothe lafiTuef - ‘day of June next,will be farther adjovrned to thefourth Monday es September mext. By Order of Court, NATHANIEL ADAMS, Clek. : HE non-resident proprietors or owners of land I in the parith of Loudon, who are delinquent in paying the taxes aflefled upon their lands for the year 1781, are hereby notified that unless they pay the Shid taxes, with incidental charges, to meat Louden, before Wednelday the twenty sixth day of Jume next, that so much of their lands will then be fold at pub lic antion, at the hovfeof Lt. Pacl Morril, inholder in said Loudon, as will pay the fame. The sale to begin precisely at cne o'clock im the afiernoon of said day. Silver. - Paper. George Jafirey, 76 L.O 6 1 [f.o 4 8 Samuel Smith, 9 9 1 7 Themas Willey, 134 -6 1 4 8 Bdward Tibbets, 96 51 % 3 ohn Hafe, 50 £ .8 11 8 {:habod Chefley, 130 9 1 7 ath. Lummux, 151 y 1. 7 Joseph Tibbets, 133 10 10 ¥ Rich'd Waldron, 186 9 1 2 Daniel Davis, 183 8 & 7 NATHANIEL BATCHELDOR, Constable - Loudon, May 29, 1782. ; f'% 'THE lu-rqflc;rproprimn or owners of land in the | toaun/Bip of Epjor, awbe are de'inquent in paying ! the taxer affsffed upon their lands for the year 1781, are iblflb sotified Ihat unless th.y pay the said taxes with " incidntal charges, to me the [ubfcfiber at Epsom, before sbel2sth day of Funs nezxt ;5 that so much of their lands avi'l then be fold at public außion, at the boufe of Eliabeth M'Clary in Epsom, aforelaid, as will pay th: lame. ——— The sale to begin precisely at ten of the clock, A. M. om (aid day. ch delinguent; nm::o as Jollowws. 12 “la O2] bty *l3 Siw les \laa _ S Le 12d. 4. 5.d. 3 4. Sdnfldfiailn.pj" 1 1229 80 310 1 6 Fetbua Brackst, part 8 6 31 12 Fobn Uunderwoed,part 13 1 - 61639 " Alice Clarkpart 26 18 6z 20 Mary Randal,part =33 18 b 3 30 Jolbua Berry,peit 34 = 6 61909 Bamuel Chapman, gart 37 110102945 8 Hibbard Morril,part 47 2 1 4 9 2246 Fames Gray, one of the Colle&ers for Epsom, for 1981. alifs mj M‘l 27‘60“7\820 ' 5 1 TO BE SOLD; . Samuel Bowles, At bis Shop in Portsmouth, juf below the State - House, ‘ BRoad Cloths, L 7 Linnens, ' Cambricks, Lawns, : Mulflins, 5 black & white Gauzes, a variety of Chinces, black & white Laces, Fans, Pins&Needles, Velvets, Sattins, Luteftrings, Alimode,fewingSilks silk, cotton, linen and] gauze Handkerchiefs a variety of Ribbons, Writing Paper, Spelling Books and Primers, Rum, Sugar,Molafes, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Indigo, Coperas and Allom, - | Siate of New-Hsmpthire. Rock~ghim fl. To RICHARD DOWNING, Efg; one of the Fuflicer of ths Pence for the colinty aforefaid, in said Siate : VE the subscribers proprictors and oweers of more than one sixteenth part of the towrfhip of BARNSTEAD, in the county of Strafford, im said State, request you to call a meeting of {aid proprie tors, to be held at the parith house in Newingior, on Tuelday the 25th day of June next, atove o'ciock, P. M. being agreeable to a vote of {xid propristors at a meeting in March last, to vote oz the following par ticalars, viz, — Ift. To chufe a Moderator to go vern said meeting. — 2d. To receive the repsrt of the committee appointed to fettle all outflanding de maads against said proprietors.———3d4 To sec what compensation said proprietors will make the commit tee appointed to prosecute and defend =&ious in be half of the proprietors, especially those prosecuted against Dodafah Bunker, a settler under f2id. Barnf tead, for money advarced by and for services of said committee -~ 4th. To-fee if the proprietors will vote to raise money to pay the cost of an allion of ¢je&ment commenced ard prosecuted by the propris: tors of Chichefter, against said Burker, and other pur poses ; and to determine what shall be done refpet inp {aid altion.===m-cth. To fee what the p:opriciors will do to quiet or compensate those holding lands under the proprietors of (aid Barnfiead, repated to be within the bounds thereof, but claimed by other towns or proprietcrs ; or what the proprigrors wiil de aboat the disputed lands in Baroftead. - — 6th. What me thod shall be taken with any who have entered upon any lands fold and warranied by the propriecors of said Barnftesd, as within the bounds therzof. <o 7th. To fee if the proprietors will prosecute the pro prietors of Chichefter, within the county of Strafford. ——- Bth. To chufe a committee to tske cire of the proprietors land in said Barnftead, lying in common, and prevent the fame being fold, o: raken up by others in Barnftead.——gth, To fee what thall be dore ref pe&ing tha remainder of the money not colleéted, in a lit commitied to Ephraim Pickering, collector, in the year 1775, as may sppesai by said lifts.eweee Likewise, to do any other matter or thing the pro prietors may think proper, when assembled. . , Berjsmin Adams, Joseph Adams junr. - Joseph Colman, ' & , Samuel Rollins, jan. Charles Hodgdon, }outhan Warner, : ohn Gee Pickering, - Ephraim Pickering, : WHEREAS application has been made to me the subscriber, one of the Jußices of the Peace for the coanty of Rockingham, in said State, by the proprie tors and owners of more than one sixteenth par: of the townthip of Bsrnftead, in the couaty of Sirafford, in {aid State, to notify and cell 2 meeting of the pro prietors of said Barnftead. _ln pursuance of which application, Ido hereby notify and wara the proprie tors and'owners of said Barnfiead, to meet at the time and place for the purposes aforefaid. _ ~ 7 RICHARD DOWNING, Juflice Peace. ' Newington, May 30, 1782, Redwood, Logwood and Fuftick, Pepper and Spices of all forts, Wool Cards, ‘Whalebone, Cups and Saucers; Knives,' Buckles and Buttons, Fish- Hooks, Lynn Shoes, Men’s and Women’s - Leather Shoes, 'Clogs&GaHowflmcs, Looking Glasses, |lron Ware, Powder, Shott and } Flints,.~=And a va 'riety of c+ter articles not mentioned, cbeap for cash, e TO BR SOLL: Y . \ Thompson & Gardner, At tkeir Store on Spring Hill, -+ Very cheap for Cash, The following Articles, viz, A Beautiful Assortment of striped, check’d and corded Muzlins — Muz'in Handkerchiefs, lawn ditto, yard : square fine lien ditto—Men’s and ‘4 men’s thread Hose, -silk ~ditto «= Broad Cioths— white Linens of variows kinds, check’d ditto-—cambfic}'%z WS —=a [ymall assortment of 5 s R\ &e. &c. Portfmoeuth, June 6. Y. V. ok, f.o V. Sparhawk, 7 ; Have just opened a frefh Afforiment of Huropean and India Goods, , b . . which they fill fell at the j lowest rates, vix. ; ‘Superfine and midling Brrad! 'Cloths of various colors—blue, whie,’ buff, and straw color’d Caffiere~ elegant Toc'ia Parches, Chinces ard Cailicoes—fattin, bhever, and white corded Dimety—lrifh Linnens, Dow | las, and Britannias— Cambricks. G nzes, and Catgut—Broceded Saitin, [Lute « string, and Modes—Kuives and Forks,’ Penknives, Sciflars, and Files—=German Steel, Nails, and Gloss—sterling Ma deira—loat abd brown Sugai—T:a, iCz;fi"ec, and Chocolate=~Oy!, Railins, and Currants—Spices of ali kmds«--: Pepper, Indigo, 8 many other articles. ry g £ 44 T'he Firewards of the Town of Portsmouth, mo:ify the ichabitants io conform to the law pafled the Geaeral Aflembly of this State, April 6th, 1781, in every refpeét—more efpeciaily in pro viding ihemfelves with. Ladders and Firs-Buckets— which will prevent the difsgreenble neceifity of each person that thall be deficisnt therein, beirg called upon for their fines. _ Portfmcurth, May 30. 1782/ THE Creditors to the Eflate of [ames Arnold, late of Partimouth, Mariner, decealed, represented Insolvent, are hereby Notified. that the Subfciibers sppoioted Commifliorers by the Hon. Phillips White, Esq; Judge of Probate for the County of Rockingham, &c. 1o receive and examine theic Claims, will atrend that Bofirel: at Mrs. Brewster’s, Innholder in Fort{- mouth, on the last Monday of this Month, and the firft Monday of the soar next following Manthe, frem 410 5 o’Clock ia the afternoon of {aid Dayr. No Acs counts will be received, except such as are {wotn to. Jp I e Camuel Sh?:bume, Tl wegpine Joseph White. Commifl. . Juve G » 1792 Richard Nelson, - J : _ T-‘;} be jold at psbiic vindue, ac the boufe of 1 aac Bautter field, in the Secietyl.and, en Tuclday the ninth day of Tuly, inthe year 1782, at ome of the ¢lock in the - afternoos, so much of the roliswisg lstr of land. lying in the jocistyland as awill pay th: fats, continental, cosnly and beef tax, for the year 1781, with al! incidemtal charges, unls's paid before that day. Silwer. Paper, Namus, el N e Samusl Patten S 3TN Bitbop Cafier ; (TR R R B Caritem Parker . 615 o . 4.9 3 Izrael Curtes g 3 3 888 Ne. 16 £ 6 & 4 2K Holland's part 0fNe.8.90519 5 ¢ 2 4 2 2 " Vaac Buttsr fisld,Conflable: LONDON, March 16. There is a woman livisg at . Weddikidder-hall, near Whitehaven, in. Comber land, (named Jane Wells) who is in the 11 uh_,gud‘ her age, aad is as this time employed in carding wools