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soici AN D My iy ;
Fol. XXVH.]
N EW-Y OR K, Mar®x 29, 1983.
The following is copied from a hand biil
~ Publithed by Mr.. David C. Claypole.
His Most Chbriftian Majcfy's cutter the Tri
\ UMPH, commanded by the Chevalier DU
‘QUESNE, arrived this Morning, in 36
@ays from Cadiz By ber we bave the fol
lotwing very agreeable and important [N
TELLIGENCE : The principal ARTI
|PE ACE, of tbe 20tb of Fanuary-1783.
F RANCE 1o retain Tobago and
| Sepegal. ~
'France to restore to Great Britain, Gre:
dada, St Vicents, Dominica and St. Chris-
SRS, . o o S
St. Euftatia, Demerara, Barbice and Iffe.
quibo, to be restored to the Dutch. =
wreat Britzin to restore to France,Goree,
Bt. Lucia;, St. Picrre and Miguelan, ,~
The Fithery of Frariceand England, on
the coast of Newfoundland to temain on
the fame footing on which tkey were left by
the treaty in 1963, eXcept that part of the
coast fromi Bonavifta to Cape-Bt. - John's,
wkich shall belong to.the Eoglith., . .
France to be re eftablithed in tlje East-
Indies, as well in Benegal as on the East
and Weft Coast of the Peninsula, as regu
lated by the treaty of 1763. =
~ The articles of the preceeding treaties;
cancerning. the demolition of Dunkirk, to
Deivhetiag - s T ,
Spain to retain Mirorca & Weft Florida.
- Great Britaincedes East Floridato Spain,
Anagreement tobe eatered into between
Spain and Great B:itain, about the cutting
of wood in the Bay of Hunduras, ,
Great Britzin (0 recain the Ducch settle
ment of Negapatem, in the East Indies.
~ Great Britain to restore Trinquemale to
theDutch,.if nottetaken, - .
- 8. Fuftatid, Demarara and Iffequibo, to
bé restored by the Freach to the Uhnited
Tiowingew -
. Great Britain acknowledges the Sove
réignty and Independence of the Thirteen
United States of America. = .
The fimits of the United States to be as
agreed Gpon In the provisional articles be
tween them &nd Great Britain, except that
they (hall not extend farther down the river
Miffifipi than the g 2 deg. of north lacticude
from whence a'line is to be drawn ¢o the
head of the river St. Mary, add along the
middle of that river to its mouth. | |
- Capy of the beals of the. Preliminaries of
Peacé, signed the 10th of Fanuary, and trans.
miltecd by expréfs om ibe 22d by thé Marguis
de Castries. (Sigged) D'ESTAING,
Cadiz, Pebriiary 11, 1783.
WE. Cesar dnna de la Lazerne, Cheva.-
lisr of the Order of St. Fobn of Ferufalem;
Marecha! d:z Camps and Armies of the King,
Minister Plenipotentiary of kis Mofd Christian
SATURDAY, Arzgiul §.1784,
Moajsßy to the United States of North dme
vica, &5, | APy |
M AK E known to all those whom it may
concer., thai tbe Chevalier Duguefné, Lieat
enant commanding bis Majefly’s cutter the
Triumph, who arrived tbis day at this port,
bis communicated 3o us Orders, in form of a
Passport, which be received from Count
&’ Eflaing, Vice Admiral of France, of which
tbe follewsing isa Copy : .. ... ..
T AING, Vice Admiral iof France, Licuten
ant General of bis Meiefly’s Forces, Knight
of bis Orders, &¢c. . -
IT is ordered, that Monsieur the Cheva
& lier Duquefne, Lieutenant commanding
his Majesty’s cutter Trivmph, do fail- as
soon as possible from the Bay of Cadiz, and
inform all veflels that he may meet of the
happy re tnion of the billigerent powers.
It is ordered in the name of his Majesty,
and by Me; toall thips of the line, frigates,
and other vessels belonging to his Majelty,
that he may meet, that they abstain from
all hostilities against the thips ot war and
merchant veflcls of Kis Britdannic. Majesty,
but, on the contrary, that they gi've_th‘etfi
all neceflary aid and fuccour, and every tef
timany of a union re-established under the
most happy aufpecies, by the preliminaries
which were signed the 20th of this month
of January, in the prefent.yedr. It is or
dered also, in his Majesty’s name that all
vessels armed for war and on a cruize, do
return into port. After having given them
a copy of this order, he shall take their
names, likewise the date of the day that he
shall have furnifhed it, and shall noufy to
them that they shall an{wer perfomally for
every deed which they may commit con-
UArg therdlo. =« . ol
~ Monsieur the Chévalier Duquefne, in vir
tue of the present order, which serves him
for a pafiport, thall carry a flag of truce, he
shall particularly cruize in those latitudes
where he presumes he may meet the great
est number of French privateers, and shall
endeavqur to overtake them. If the events
of the sea shall conduét him to any of the
French colonies, or upon the coasts of the
United States of Amerita, he shall com:
municate the present orders, to the Gover
nor of the place, and to the armed veflels of
¢the different nations that may be then there,
he will likewise thew the present pafiport
to all vefiels of war belonging to his Britan
nic Majesty with whom he {hall {peak, and
give themy a copy signed by him, if they
{hould desire it. He shall likewise pay
them every refpe@; which the firft mo
ments of a re-union demands, the obje& of
his mission (for the good of humanity, and
as much as in my power) being to hasten
its happy effe@s. Signed D’ESTAING.
Cadiz, 10th of Febraary, 1783: .
. AND desiring to give al teceffary ay
thenticity and notoriety to- thele orders, we
certify by these presents; that the above is
B e TODRy - alont s D .
We likewile certify, That M. Je Cheva
lier Duguefne has in?ormed us, that M, s
Compte d’Estaing dire€ted him to desire
ali veflels that he fhotld find ready to fail in
the different ports where he Thould have
occasion to go, to delay their departure
from said ports, until the arrival of official
accounss of the signing the PRELIMI
NARIES, the news of which cannot fail o
arrive soon on this continent, .
Given ¢t Pbiladelpbia, in oxr Hotel, this
24tk of March, 1783. . PR
.. Le Chevalier de ls LUZERNE;
Copy of a lctier from Elias Boudinot, Efgs
President of the Contimental Congress, to
William Levirgflon, Efg; Gsvernor of
New Ferfis. b
AN exprefo has just arrived from on
L A board a f{loop of war in the river,
which lef¢ Cadiz Feb. 14—She announces,
that the Dcfinitive treaty, having been sign
ed by all the belligerent powers, on the 21t
of January, all hottilities bad-ceased in Eu
rope :_and »hat the fame happy event was
to take place in this country on the 20th
of March inst.—The Coinic D’Efing;
who was ready to fail with fikty ships of the
line, 2 very formidable armament, had gi
ven up the attempt, and was dispersing. his
flezt to the different ports—-T his ship does
not brir- ~* official difpatches,having been
sent by Jompre D’Eftaing, and the
Marqui. _¢ la Fayette, in hopes that {he
might by accident (as she hasdone) be the
fortunate medium of the earliest communis
cation—Altho’ the stage goes to-morrow
morning, [ covld not, with fatisfaction to
my own mind, fuffer your Excellency, and
my friends in Trentori, to be deptived of
thre knowledge of so happy an event, one
moment ' ~ger than absolute neceflity re
quired. have the honor to be & &,
X 7THEREAS the honofable ROBERT
“f MORRIS, E{q; has been (for fome
tie past by resolve ot Congress) appointed
to superintend and direét the Marine Busi
ness of these United States, which of course
supersedes all othet appointments in that
department : The subscriber, therefore,
(whose former agency for the United States
is at an end) being desirous to have a speedy
settlement of alt his dccounts, both public
and private, calls on all persons who have
any just demands, to make them, when they
thallereceive their respective ballances ; and
a!l those who are indebted to the subscriber,
by book debt, or otherways, are called upon
for settlement, and 3 renewal of their secu
rities, as he is detérmined. (if poffible)to,
bave his accounts of all Kinds whatever
adjusted by the firft/day of June next. .
Portsmouth, Maréh 20, 1783.
[ Vo, 1379,