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LIS BO N (Portugal) Nov. 10 The Court has publithed an edi&, to ac knowledge the flag of the Uhnited Scates of £America, and to give free entrance into chis port of their vessels, FISH-KILL, March 23. Concurring accounts, received by ex press from Philadeiphia, agree that a 2 GE NERAL PEACE between all the-powers et war, was {igned the 20th of Jan. last. LAUS DEOI | The following letter, just come to-hand, gives a fursher confirmation of this impor tant event. “ Last night, about 11 o’clock, the Com mander'th Chief received a letter from Mr. Patker, contractor for the*army, dated Phi. ladelphia,March 23d, ecquainting hiny that a packet arrived that afternoon fram Cadiz, and broughe the very agreeable intelligence of a General. Peace being signed ‘on the 20th of January last, and that hoflilities were to cease in America the 20th of this month. With this letter came one from Mr. Floyd, a Delegare of Congress for this state, to his Exceliency Governor Clinton, on the outside of which is *A general peace was concluded—To be forwarded by ex press™ From both these avthorities I frmly believe that most desirable event has taken place, and on which Imoft sincerely con gratulate you: -~ | * 1t is supposed that the news coming By the way of Cadiz, was in confegueace of or ders being sent to that place to stop the fail ing of the combined fleer.”” | Government is hurrying off the Tories to New-Scotland : they are ordered to be ready by the firik of April ¢ tiofe who do not go, are not to have any more aillitance from government : the tvlve months pro vision they were to receive,is reduced to fix, —=They are the greatest pictures of distress: Admiral Digby has thirteen different squadrons cruising off our coasts. He has one eighth 01-all prizes taken, besides some other pequifites. It is reportes that they are putting their artillery on board their véfTels. | e | : “Sir Guy Carleon is going he* d Ge neral Grey is expedted totake the . »and. A new Commissary General s hikewife ap pointed. ‘Moft of thie barracks are burnt at Huntington. It is feported they were set on fire by the foldters : they are exceedingly diffatisfied with the service, the foreign troops in particular. Manmy of the Tory in habitants on long I{land felling off their pro perty, to go te New-Scotiand with she Loyalists. = 1 We bear that Mr. Ll.—d et brig ot of New:York last week, loaded with {lt and dry goods. It is said he had permission from Sir Guy Carlton. She went into New- Havea ; and it is reported, that there were goods on board, to the amouat of 30,000 R | . NEWLONDON, March 23. Lat Thuriday night was brought inte port by the floop'Firey- Trial, Capt. Thomp= son, 2 galley from New-York, with 6 brass bowiiz, 2 9 pounders and 33 men, . About the {ame tine the Hancock and Hampton-Packet drove ons of the enemy’s gallies athore on Pluinb-Ifiand, which Was bzat to picces; the people belonging to her (being upwards of 20) were brought in.- 5. B 0.8 T O\N Al g, Last Saturdayan Express anived with an Account that a Flag had‘arrrived at Dare mouth from New York,with the noted Col. Thomas Gilbert’s and fucdry other Refugee Families on board :=on which ki Fxcel lency immediately summoned his Council, who, we hear, without Hesitation, indulg’d them to depart the firt Wind: : Tuesday morning last about two o’Clock, & Fire broke out ia the Kitchen of Capr, Job Bradford, which did confiderzble Da. mage, but by the ofual Alertnels of the In habicants it was soon extinguifh’d. Extra@ of a letter from an American gen tlethan of high rank at Parisdated No vember 18, 1482, * ' “ The King of Great Britain by a ‘com miffion under the grear seal of his kingdom, has. conltitated Richard Osgood, Efg; his comrmifioner to treat with the MiniQer Plenipotentiary of the ¥nited States of Ame. rica, and has given hiim full powers, which have Been exchanged. b Thus Great Britain has {hifted suddenly about, and Trom persecuting us with unre lenti & bowels, has uncénditionly and un equivocally acknowledged wus a {overeign ftaje and independent pation. | leis farprifing that the fhoald be the third power 10 make this ackoowledgensent. She has been. negociated into it for ———and ~——=peremptoitly refufed to speak or hear betore we were put upon an equal faot, ——mim—would have treated mithout, buc nobody would bin him.” , _ His gracious majesty, King George rhé third,is che most odious snd dereftable name that can be mentioned ¢ the loyalists at New York ; theéy efecrate lim as the authot of their ruin, who hath now balely deserted theti. Tkhey now find themsfelves reduced to the direful néceflity of elther abandoning theit native country, with every thing hor rid befdre them, or staying and ruoning thé risk of fufferiniz an ignominious death, Saturday daflt. Caprain Wailtcoat ih 4 iffiog vefel, arrived at Providence, after a passage of 160 days from Amilcidam— Infuranceé hiad beerr paid upon her. - Several persons have arrived ih towd from New York within a few days past 3 they inform ws, that the poor Bricith peni tents are preparing for a {péedy embarkati on ; and thzt there is no iterruption i pafiing to and froni the city. | We leatn that the packet whick arrived at Chester with the important intcligence of a general peace having taken place, brought 100,000 crowns, part of 4 loan from Fraoce. RR S ) BAL E-M, Apfil 4 | Oa Saturday last 2 cectain illard vras de tected, at Beverly, in attempting to pass 2 state note of (. 200, whichappeared to have been altered from a smaller denomination— fuppofed to be £.30. He was apprehended and carriéd betore Justice Batchelder; and desiring to be admitted as evidence for thre fiate, he discovered 2 number of bis ac complices, viz. James Ford of Boston; Burr of Broo%fifi‘d,——TCorbie)tt lff C%;fie mont, —e—w—— Ke and arker 3 of Nottingham.y This iafi is said to ‘bcqz Fuftice ¢f the peace. W ©Of the above infamous gang, we have heard ot none being yet taken but Willard., It is hoped, however that fogood a lock out will be observed, as that all of themt may be spee dily apprehended, and meéet the just recom pense of their villanies. B A prize ship, which arrived here on Tues day last, failed from England about-the rlth of February, and was captured in the Wett- Indies, on the 12th ult. by the privateer thip Grand Tutk, Capt. Pratt, of this port, — This prize is loaded with proviffons,is near - 400 tons burthen, and though, when taken, she mounted 22 nine: pounders, and carried 70 men, she fruck withous firlng a gun, The above prize had 8 number of Englitk papers and Magazines on Loard ; but the latest and most material; which contain the Preliminarics of Peace, signed at Paris on on thezodh of January; were taken on beard the privateer, which is not yet arrived, The papers which came home in the prize, are no later than the 14th of January, and con tain notbins interetting. . The Grand Turk has also taken, and car ried into port with her, a privateer ship be longing to one of the Britith Wes-India islands—She was farfnerly 2 privateer from this port, calied the Roecbuck. . Yeßerday returned into pori, the privatecs brig Lively, Capt. Brookhoufe, who failed, on the 25th pursuit of a privateer luop, and 2 brig wbich the had taken, as mention ¢d in ourlaft. Although Capt. Brookhoufe miffed the cbjeéts oi his pursuit, he,how:vcr, off Pencbfcot,eaptired two small privateers, from that place, 2rd brought them in with him. . But these, as well as the brig (whick, belongs to Newbury- Port) being taken aftez| the day on which bofiilities were to ceafey rnuft be returned to the original owiiers. | L ONDON, November 16. | . Description. of a Monument ereéted il( Westminster- Abbey, for Major JOHN AN| DRE, designed by Robert Adam Esq; Ar chiteét, and execuied in statuary marble, b} Mr. P. M. Van Gelder, Sculptor, | This Monument is composed of 2 fzrcol; phage, elevited o 3 pedettsl, upos the pa-\ nel .of which is engraved the following in folplen @ o o Sacred to the MzMmory of ... M™Major JOHN ANDRE, .- WEo; raised by bis Merit at an early peric®, g ¢+ of B e, eAo to the tank of Adjutant-Genetil of the Bri tith Forces in America; and employed in an important, but hazardous en terprize, fell a facrifice to his zeal e LB XlNGimd COUNTRY, On the second of Oétober, 1780, | AGED TWwENTY-NINE, | Sa Univérfally beloved and efteenied by the Armiy in which he fetved, i, .. And lamented even by his Foes, . . HisGraciousSovereign KING GEORGE 111. has caused this Mopument to be erected. : . On the front of the firbphage, General Wathington is represented i his tent, at the inoment when he had received the report of the Couft-martial held on Major Andre ; at the fame time a flag of truce arrived from the Britith aimy, with & letter for General Wathington to treat sos the Major's life. But the fatal sentence being already passed, - the flag was sent back without the hoped for clemency in bis favot. Major Andre receiv ed his condemination with that fortitude and resolution which had always marked his charaéter, and is reprefénted going with un- Shaken spirit to meet his doom, & ~ On the top of the farcophage, 2 figure of Britannfa reclined )aments the prematuré tate of so gallant an officer : the Britith lion too feemeinftinétively to mourn his untime v, oo e R Thursday the 10th of A prilk next,at PUBLIC VENDUE, willbe _ a Continuztion of the sale of part of the Es tate of the }xte Honorable Danizy Wark- RER, Efg; deceased. At the fame time wilF be fold several Houses and valuable Lots of L2nd ; the sale to be at the Boufe which Mr. James Whitaker now lives in, at ten o’clock beforenoon. Jonathan Warner Ad ministrator. Portsmouth. April sth, 1783, LL pserions that bave accounis opes with the' A. eftace of Widow Mary Tiltos, lste of Porif moutk, deceased ; aré desired to call ox the fubferiber (one of the adminifrators of said estate) at Mr. Elijsk Tilion'’s in' Portsmouth, where attendance will be gi ven from the 14th to the 1g h inflant. EAOA v April 2d, 1783 DANIEL TILTON. - A Pew to be fold in the South Meeting House. Enquire at the Printing? Office, Port{mouth, :