Newspaper Page Text
State of New-Hampshire: % TOTICE is hereby given to the non-res N fident owners of land in Stoddard who have not paid their taxes for the years one thousand seven bundred and eighry-one, and eighty-two, that so much of their land will be fold at public vendue on Wednesday the sixteenth day of April next, at the house of John Robbe in fzid town at ten o’clock in the forenoon, as will pay said taxes & char es., unléfs prevented by previous payment. i Sme.git. War l ‘Stg,ate. ditg. War 1781. 1782. Ba. 1781. 1782, 82 N. Em. Sil. Sit. . #Em Silv. Sil. | Joseph Blanchard’s Lots. N No.R. s ¢ 8.8, FNo. Re 8.8, 9.4, x £ 31471 3 38} &7 14 15 3 do. 47115 2.2 6 27 2o .42 Byl 3 24 % 347 #313 3 U 47138 9 313 50 2313 3'd6 37120 B 311 47 312 2 9 47118 6 3.d0-47 32 FURTYRNTI Y3W ay 26 3- 3 11- 47119 .3 3 do 47 g 1 g é3 de I 8 "R '3 M 350 o 3 25 2%} | Mathew Thornton’s Esq; § 0. 31 XL NIE % 3%Y 4 2 3do R FLEO 5F G 0 4.7 2813 3 do a 7123.5 3 do. 49 2759 3 4o 47122 3.4 % 52 2002 310 471 %33 3 %% 47 23 % 2 18 &73 . ~ John Chamberlzin’s. A d%16 .3 W 4 71v1 G 3 Ak 4] gY- 380 &7 304 ¥ RO 28 6 7 1o 4o . SN Resd s 4 =OO3 'r-r--MJf&{- 93iR d ] g} 3 doo 47132 2 r tr 20 0 2 20 el . pnet S U R, . 25 £3 3 12 ssi‘r.-d 3 2 9 40 Y4O 3" 19 S7l .2 2.9 29 23 6 3 do 4 7 cHe ) - Reland Cotton’s. =~ = . 23r°3rt‘47‘532 9 409 3343 O §7] & . F2O 5§ 20 ta B 3 do. 4716 5 3 irL 477 | O OJotenls Reeds 0 o 2812311}47 RS N % 4 3'do. k7] 9 93 % 5% a 8 4 3 do. 47 State. N. E. St, War 1981 - 88 84, | S Silver, g e e 9. od. Jonathan Blanchard 13 i 3 4 12 5 1 Reuben Kidder gl4 .3 it 479 Hugh Wilson 810 3. de 49 : oy 1% .8 88 .83 A 5.3 §' 47 £2- B % Jacob Russell 17 rg 3 13 ‘§c7) Ebenezer Pierce N 8 5 1847 Simon Gold 8 8 Vo 49 Stephen Powers Aot N o gy 26 7 3 dol 47 & A kA do. 4 7 Nathaniel Meferve 2§ 7'g ao;_i é , 3 °§s o R T A Y Jomlemes- - . 34 .8 2 62 ;. Sarah Relhandfon LT44.. 847 William Steel ‘oo TR iR N Benjamin Hore § 83 -0 sk Timothy Fox ~ r 5 g 4ssdny 7 0 G 16 4s6d o Jothua Hadle . 28 g;5 nlt ‘7;7 - .. Andrew Robbe,; Constable. Stoddard, Feb. 25, 1783, Sy State of New-?m pthie: | NOTICE is hereby given to the non-re . N fident owners of land in Stoddard whe hive not paid their taxes for the year 1781, that so much of their lands will be fold at public vendue on Monday the 14th day of April next, at ten o'clock A. M. at the house of Nath’} Einerfon, innholder in Stoddard as will pay the taxes and charges, unless pre vented by previous payment. | | Joel Gllfom’s Lik, - - YA T e !ax.anr.' caigne oeel ¥ Sy, i o e IR, 4, so o Ebenezer Peirce 20 § 8 7 10 2 Beopsnnin Herdy .. 37 3. . 7.3 -8 7 Timothy Fox 58 38 X- A 3 4 2 }l6 5 3113 139 Josiah Willard Jibis. 8, e 3 ' 20 R 08 7. 40 § , g 51_0' 6 B <lO, 2 Benjamin Hore £4L By a 0 3 5 :} oA 8 q 10 2 . Jonathan Blapchard’s Lots. .. State tax. . War. State tax. . War. .. N, Emif. Stlver. ! . N:¢ Emif. Silver. No. Ros. d. s | No:Ris. di "9, - d Lol S Sk e A 3828 ) W 3G 3.8 7 jo: 3 41487;02‘25687102 20 8. -8 2.6 Aoy 3 R 5 e 3 5 & 52 76‘21387105{ 18 1 % £ 8E 2 s Roland-Lottend, ./ . . ... 1_1887{02191087102 § B 87 3110 R ) -5 - Matthew Thornton’s, Esq; , 20349 T %6 2‘;‘4887)05 48, 1392 Bigd a 5 84008 03 & dgro Roaa s 8% do 3 A 8o oud IRO 8. 8 3 8.3 23 587102123287102’ 9. 30y a 92. . T Jobn Chamberlain’s, = . | 2000 .§F 0209 8 & 488 310 8 939 2118;2 ¥.3. 8.7 . Thomas Reed’s jr. s 28 huge 2l 83 ¢ § 8 189 36 3F3 ¢&4 '§ 4 Ephraim Adams’s Lift. =~ MEES R T O e 8 1882 a 8 2’{17.78‘7" to ‘3 6 1387 30 2134 6:8 9 o 3 10 88 72 30, 2}28 5 8B & 103 a 7 79 7 18 2!25 §: 870 .40 2 i 508 - 10, 3498 7.0 % 38 3 19 43 730 2!:7 2% 7 1o 3 . $8.9 10 A4B 2% 7 167 G 33871021135“37:02 11 2138 7. 8@:347 .. L a LSy Noo i dy Bd, James Dunn __ 412 8. 7 10 3 Parker Yerrum ' ... 933 -89 . %03 Hugh Wilson E3d. RY . 9073 ‘ 3 10 5.7 10 2 }!7 $ 8.7 .. .193 ye AR R e o 39 10 2 John Chzmberi\zin, 21 10 89 ‘nle 3 Feb. 20, Joel Gilfom, 7 Confiables. 1783. Ephraim Adarns, § 5 . . State of New-Hampshire. R NOTICE is hereby givea to-the non re { fident owners of land in Stoddard who have not paid their taxes for the years 1781 and 1782, that so much of their land will be fold at public vendue on Tuesday the 15th day of April next, at 10 o’clock A. M. atmy house in said town, as will pay the taxes and charges, unless prevented by previous pay ment, The mames are as follows, viz, e Silver. \ _ State 1782 | N,E. Spe. War . Specie. 1781 1781 1782 G w 4 NQ. R. 8o 8, a- d. S.Zdj._ Amos Hole sl6 3% .301-2 49 oo 4018 21X 2 47 Thom{ &Osgood 26 12 1t 2 11 2 47 ~ Ames o ¢ b .22 3 4'7 Jofidh Fletcher 813 6 t 8 3 27 Green Y3O 11 : 231 X 2 47 - 1010 3820 % 47 : No,R. s s, d. d. s.d. James Dunn 26 13 31 211 247 23 41124042 4] ocßee . 2R -3 4 -85 James Peirce 12 8 12 44 28 55 Benja.Butterfield 113 11 211 2 4 7 i gAY B 8 B . twothirds 1 6316d5 6 3 86 LeviWilderhalfig s ss7d 1 6 1 2 4 William Clary 5 gilgs 6 5 45 910 L 4 - 6 gll4s 6 5 48 gIIOO =, Levi Wilder’s Lots;. . ] No. ¢ in the 16th range, 10 In 16th, 8 in 15th, g in Sth, 10 inl gth, g in 14th,10in 14th, 11 in 14th, 6 in 13th, 10 in Bth, 27 in 7th, 22 in 7th, 17 in 7th, 25 in 6th, 28 in Sth, 2¢ In sth, 12 in sth,"Bin- 4ih, 4 in 4th, 3 in 4th, 18 in 15ih, 3in 3d, 281 in 24, 27 in 24, 17 in 2d, 13 in 2d, 13in §th, i 6 in 6th, 11 in 13th range. ~ ‘. John Varnum, Efgr's Lots. No. 20 in the 7th range, 19. in 16th, ißin " 15th, 16 in 15th, 18ih in 14th, -17 in 14th, 10 in 14th; 1g in 13th, 18 in 13th, 4 in 13th, 20 in 12th, 1o in 12th, ¢ in 121 b, 10 in 11th, 22 in foth, 24 in Bth, 13in O’h, sin sth, 24 in 3d, 22 in 3d, 7 in 3d, 11 16 Jthorapge. Peter r keicher No. tinlsth ran, & in 13chs . The S.ete Tax uwpon esch of the aforefaid Lotgterthe year 2731, i 3 Two 3billings 2nd Eleven Penice, New Emission, and QnePenny Three Faithiogs in Siiver ;---aod for the yeir 3784 theState Tex upop esch Lotis Eievea Shillinga in. Silver ued the War Yax for 1962 i» Four Shiings and Six Peacs thuee, Farthiogain Silver, ‘s , : ' B : Feb. 20, 1783. William Pitcher, Conttable, Siste of New-Hamplhire, Rockinghsm i's B the {ublcripers being eppoin‘ed commiflion ,‘.‘/ /! ers by,ihe Hoe. Joseph Gilmar, Esq; judgs of Probate of Wiils &c. torhe coumty of Recking ham, (o reccive and rxamine.the tlaims of the se veral creditors to the efate of joha Dwyer, late of Epsom, in the coasty zud State aforefaid, yeoman, deceafzd, rapefeniad irfolvent; arnd fix month: from the 2g i day of OCober l2it, being alicwed for thae purpoie ; hereby give that we will sttend {aid bufinefls on the lalt Monday, cf this, and the next feol lowing months, st the houle of Efizabeth” M'Clarp, tenho.derin Epsom, frem fix of ihe tlock P. M. om {aid days. INo sccousts will be reccived unless pro per! imes, Gray, S Bet 484 g?f.C(‘cé’ . éj;:h M’Cliry, %Ccmmlmozen. . Bpfowm, Maich t, 1783.. PR R RSO LD Cle . Toe folls wing Trall: akd Farcels of Land, viz. l [OLLAND:"» Location contsiaing sbeat 2500 ; acres. lying 02 & branch of Pemegewsfizt- River, and #cjsinieg the town of Thoraton, wherein there is an o'gained Mirifter; and s ?rez: pumber of Afamilizs fertled, this Location is called by perfops wel' acquuinted witk it, an excellent tral of land, 2nd would accommodate & sumber of families for fattle ment. Lot No. 8% .in the great djvifion of lois in Sandberriown, it comtaing 350 or 200 acres, this is called & good lot of land. Lots No, 25 srd 26 porih raroc, in the society land (so called) {aid lots would mske tco good fetilements. A lotin theGorp pear New-Durtham ; 12 or 1500 2cresin the well {ettled cown of Lime, on Conme&icut River, rot far above Dar'mouth cellege. 200 acres in Prote&l worth. Scveral atthe upper Coos, the Hampthire fide of Coane&icut River. 250 screa in Newbary }oo‘i‘ir Coos.. Likewise 2bout 7000 or 8000 acret in the State of Vermont (so calles) the taxes on the above land: are paid up, an indiipuigble title will be %inn; apd the teims of payment msdé caly to the purchaser. —Enquire of John Neal in Londonderry. - B s ooe ey e ot GBS LI By John Folsom, innholder in Salifbdry Ia the State | ~ of New-Hampthire, e y £ . Rl ¢ e 35 Rt A good Fari lying in North feld (and Stste nforefaid,) comisining fifty scres of goag interval lsnd, sad thirty acres of good upland. @4ld land is we!l wooded and watéred, and likewise well fenced ; twepty acres of {aid Jard will cat thirty ton of good Eaglith hay, withont ever plowing : and tiflageland ia good order to raise four handréd bus hels of corn and grain, Said farm lies upon the road which is within oce hueadred rods of my dwellin ‘houfe, on Coos road in New-Salisbury, witha houg 30 feet by 18, two flory high, and/a bara 30 by 46 {aid farm to be fold at a reafomable lay, one ihird pare of the pay down,2nd good security for the remainder for ons yesr. . : _ W YOTICE is hereby gives, that X the {ubfcriber, N gave Rcobem Leavitt of Statham, 8 certaia nore of hard,bareing date the 18th day of July,A D. 1787, for the sum of thirty pounds lawful monéy, on demand, which note is not jutly due. This is there fore 1o forbid any person or persons from purchafisg {sid note, as I {hall not pay the fame. . Stratham, March 26 ~ JOSEPH WIGGIN, W‘ < » . ! " e Li perfens having demands on the estate of A Capt. Robert Curtie, late of Port{mouth, ma river, decesfed ; are desired to extibit their clams, afi,'gd',_tfic‘f(é indabted to {aid estate are desired to make imaiedigte paymentto . ~_ ELIZABETH CURTIS, Admisißesesix. Port{mounth, April-1, 1783 : T :