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S e e THE | OSmNE oit NEW-HAMPSHIRE GAZETEE, 3l A’rqnm », A CENERAL ADVERTISER,: Fol. XXVIIL.} el RaR- b, KMAI g v By the fpip Afrea, Captain Fobn Derby, whe arrived bere yeflerday, in 22 days from France, we bave received a primted copy of a Declaration of the Ameritan Minifiers, APO D n s O e By the MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIA RY of the United Stases of America, for making Peace with Grest Britain. A DECLARATION of tbe Cessation of Arms, as well by sea, as Land_ agreed up on beiween His Majesty the King-of Greai- Britain and the United Staies of Amecria. X 7 HEREAS Pielistinary Ar “ ticles were signed, at Pars, on ~ the thirtieth day of November Jaft, between the Plenipotentiaries.of his said Maj-sty, the King of Great Brinin, “and of the fxid States, o be inserted in, and to constitute the Treaty of Peace, tobe concluded,-between Lis Taid Majesty, and the said. United States, when Terms of Peace should be agreed tpon between. his Gid Majelty and his Molt Christian Majes ty s Akd whereds Preliminaries for restor ing Peace, between his Most Christian Ma; jefty and His {aid Majesty, the King of ‘Great Britain, were signed, at Versailles, on the twentieth day of, Janvary last, by the refpe@ive Ministers of their fald Majesties © Ard whereas Preliminaries for restoring Peace, between his Majeily, the King of Spain, and his said Maj:lty, the King of Great Britain, were also signed, at Verfail les, on . the twenueth day of January latt, by their refpe&ive Ministers : dwd whereas, for putting an erid to the calamity of war, as {oon and as far as possible, it hath been agreed, between his Most Chritian Majel ty, the King of Spein, the King of Great- Britain, the, States General of the United Provirices, and the United Stares of Ameni €a, 28 follews 3. ThatCis o fayy, . . = TH.A T such Viflels and Effefls, as should be taken in the Chaanel, and the Norch Seds; afeer the space of twelve days; to be computed from the Ratification of the said Preliminaty Articles, fliouid be restored on allfides 3 thatthe Term {houid be cne month from che Channel and the North Seas as far as thie Canary Islands, Tnclufively, whiechet in the Ocean or Medi terzanean ;3 two months from che said Ca sary Ilands as far as the Equino&idl Line of Eguator; and faltly, five months in all other parts ¢f the World, without any ex crprion, of 2ny otiter moré paricular De {cription of Time or Flace. e AND WHEREAS e Ratification of the said. Preliminary Articles, between his Most Chiiftian Majefly and his said Majelty, the King. of Great Biitain, in due form weic exchanged by their Mi nitters, on the third day of thi instant ¥cbruary, from which day the several ternis above mentioned, of iwelve days, of ISATURDAY, P rilL 12 1383, one month, of two months,and five months; are t 0 be computed, relative to 441 British ond American Vessels and Effedts : Now therefore, #e the Miniflers Pleni potentiary from the Uniled States of Arerica, for making Peace with Great' Britain do notify to.the People and the Citizens of the said United States of Awmerica, that Hostilities, on their part; against his Bri tannic Majesty, both by sea” and land, are (0 ceale at the expirition of the Terms herein before fpecified therefor, and which termsare t 0 be computed from the third day of February infant 5 #nd We do, in the Name and by the Authority of the said United States, accordingly warn and enjoin all their Officers and Citizens, to forbear all Aéts of Hoftility,whatever; by land or sea, against his {aid Majelty, the King of Great Rritain, or his Subjeéts, under Penalty of incurring the highest displeasure of the ATOMOBOBBION. n i o e GIVE Nat Paris the twentieth day of FEebruary, in the year of our Lord, one thoujakd Jeves bandred and eighly three. FOHN ADAMS (5 §) B ERUNKLEN (L) HOBN._F AT rE % Erom the London putfic Tsdocr, v Fanuary 58, brought i 3 the Grand Tark s prize.avhich ar. rived. at Salem on Tuifday the firft'of April, the follotwitg 13- felcéted f—— .. L O N DO N, January 38.. HOUSE o GU MMO N S, . Monbda¥, Jantary 27. .. AR ICLER G VEACE: M—R,fl Secretary Townfbend, appeared at the 3 _bar, and delivered 2 meflage from his Maj:fly, the purport of which was; that be had the Aritcles of Peige bstween his Bri tannic and Most Catholic Majesty ; also the Articles of Peace between. his Britannic Ma jeflty and Most Christian Majeily ; also the Preliminary Articles of peace between his Biitannic and the United States of America, tolay before the Hogfe, -« =72 - Mr. Sec’ry Townfhend being ordered to bring the papers up, he breught them up BECOLAINEHY.: *. - T 2 B e . The titles being read, it was moved, that the Articles be now read by the Clerky which Wt Serelt Yuy, "Rl A B - [Zhe Articles are similar 1o those inserted in the Ledger of yeflerday ; but tho' we have been Sfavored with the paiticulars,we fball defer giv ing any account of them, Bill they are publifbed By atßprsly ]-2 e SPE FeA . Mr. Secretary Townfbend now moved, that the Articles do lie on the table; which was seconded and carried.” i li, oo ~ Lord Newhaven moved that the Articlesbe printed for the use of the members. = Mr. Edex arose to remark upon.the articlas relativk to the Loyzlifts, which he datlared was. dithonorable to the nation——He was fopped Dy 1S ouEe s e siingy Mr., Dempfler, who talled him to order, and observed that the time for discussing this article would be when the House tock the Tresty into consideration. =~ = - . The Speaker fiated the question before the HOUfCQ Ve POl - Mr. Secretary Tewnfbend objeéted to print ing the Articles, as ihere was no pretedent, op the journals of such a proceeding. Hc said, it would be highly indelicate, and might give cifence, to publith any thing in which toreign powers were concerrned. Lord Neivhaven replied, that in a case so material as the present, not only the mem~ bers of that House, but every inan in the nation should know, hear and fre what was done, and what was doing. : Commodore Fohnflore infittéd on the propri ety of printing, and that the Minifteis could not prevent it ; for as every member had z right to take a written copy, so had he 2 right to print that copy ; but there were ar ticles in the Treaty before the Mouse, which Ministers were afraid to fend abroad among the public, and vne zrticle in particular, Mr. Pit¢ denied the last charge, and res ted his defence upon the charaller of Minis ters.—He objeéted to the printing, as there precedent, Mr. "I‘Eax said, the fubterfuge of o prece dent was now made away, znginfian”ccd the late orders for piinting army extraordinaries, He thought, he fzid with the hon. Gentle man (Johnflone) that Ministers were afraid to publish the Articles of this Treaty to the world ; tho’perßaps he tho’t differently with himi, 2s he bad generzily heretofore done; tpon-the paticular article alluded to by bim; (Amierican lodependence)—The hon. Gentles man (Mr. Pitt) had refied upon the charac ter of Miniflers—Two Ministers of the high est ¢haradter,had just withdrawn from them ~the Duke of Richmond and Lord Keppel)— and they had withdrawn from dislike to this Tteaty.—He allowed everyjmember-had =z right {o 2 written copy ; but he theught to print that written copy would be a breach of privalege. He would not divide the House upsnitleguettion, .00 A L e | - Mr, Secretary Townfeend said, he would give no further opposition, as he wished the business would begin and end with unani - Mzr. IFilkes said, the dispute was about no thing ; for the Lords had ordered the Articles tobeprinted: . - = Adjourned. . The foreign Ministers were zll._ai,!hé fevee it St. James’s yesterday ; a circumstance ve ry novel, but {uppofed to be on sccount of the French Plenipetentiatry, and the Spani‘t (protempore) Ambaflador, till the forfits of a general peace are ratified between the bel~ ligerent powers.. ' ' Yesterday rmorning the foreign Minifier hid a meeting at their Hotel,in Bt. James's- Street, when Monsieur de Rayneval was in. troduced, and complimented on his sppoin:. ‘raent from the Court of Versailles, The Earl of Surrey i 5 {3id to be fixed uj on as Ambaflader so the United Staies oi AR, v et - ‘Mg iFox has declared his difzpprobation .of ‘the ‘articles of peace with Irance ang Spein, but approves those with America ‘He partictilarly objeés to ths India articles, and the -privalege propeiid 20 he piven te ‘France of fithing upon he cczl of New foundiand. i L s From the complexion of the Hoyfs of flqfia'mons yelterday, there can be no doubt but the articles o 1 peace prefentcd will mee? With a verv frong oppoiition. M [ &Vs. 1380,