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sliis. Thaee are, Rowever, some obfciva tions, to bz made on this matter. All the individuals, comprebend under the general term of Loyalists, are not cqually intereiiing to us.——Jl diftinguith themn into two clat fes ; one ot which is composed of men whom I honor and revere, with whom I would divide my only crown, and my latt maouthful of bread : but I detest and abhor theother ; 1 confider them asan smpu¢, Cor yupted nest of vipers and traitors as the mo/ abandoned and Hagitious jcoundrels in the uni verse ; who, by trechery to America, and cohftant deceit to this nation,have well nigh brought down deftru¢tion on both countries. God, who knows my heart, knows how fin - cerely I with it were pofilble todo fomcthing more for the firg ¢lafs of them; and God only knows whether such a possibility exifis. But 1 ask, whether to save 2 handiul of de serving fubjeéls, Great- Britain ought to run the hazard of her own roin 2=—Whether, on their account alone, it can be thought ex pedient to continue the war ? Ifany Gentle inan fays yes, [ would then make two other inquirers—l{t, Whether the efforts,neceifary to be made could be proportioned tothe fub jeét in view ?—=and 24, Whether, ziter the utmost exertion, fiycc={s wouid be certain,of even probable ? Ido verily think, that even for these unhappy men, matters have taken the most favourable turn they gouid. &on grefs is solemnly bound to reccmmend them to the several slates ; and we ¢annot doubt they will do it with ¢qual zeal and integrity. Ir short, if Parliamént teflifics any aversion to the treaty with America, it may b re membered, it is the work oil’ariiament itielf, ~And with refpe@® to the preliminarics with France and Spain, it is not long since M.. Fox said, in a full houfe,and many Ge ntlemen repeated the cry, ““That we mu/t have _peace, whatever fbould be the price of i Mg, Pitt concluded by moving, *“That an humble address be presented 1o his Majetty, comtaintng the thanks of this House, for his B ~cious condescension in communjcating the differant treatics which his Majesty has con 'C'}‘dtd 3 and that we have considered them with that attention which thelr Impoitance demands.—For to express to his Majesty, in the most grateful terms, how much we aie {atisfied, that, in consequence of the powers wiih which he has been vested, his Majeily bas, by the provisional ariicles concluded with North America,laid the feundations of a treaty of peace, which, a 8 we have reason to hope, will establish and secure, between the two countries, a reconciliation and per fe&t friendfhip.—That,in conhdence ot this, we dare express to his Mzjefly our jufl ex petations, that the several ftaies of Noith- America will execute in the most effectual and fatisfaétory manner, the measures which the Cungrefs is so solemnly engaged, by trea ty, to recommend in saver of the persons who bave fuffered for the part which they have taken in the war ; and that we thall confider these circumitances as the fureit in dication of the return of friendthip."—TThe rerusinder of the motion exprefls greac fa tisfaftion with the preliminarics of peace, concluded with France and Spain; and (hat every attention will be given in"tbe exten tion of commerce. L Bards s " The ibove mbdtion,after undergoing fomas amendments, was passed by 2 majority of sixteen. m—— et [We can ealily conecive, that by the *impare, chrrupted nest of vipers aad traitors” Mr. Pitt interds he fama fort of men »bom we have denomiested confpirato s agai>it tke rights and liberties of man kisd ; 20d whom the tewn of Bofion seem panicu {:-1y ts refer to ia their Iste refelution —Among ihals, sre futh of ihe Tte Colony Governors as % rnurd, Hutchinson, Franklin and others—Mandamus ¢ suncillors~ Cemmiflioners of theCuftoms, ard their ~omerous retisue—Peafioned judges— Airornies and Solicitors General, and it their abeitors and fup parters, who, copfcious of their horrid treafen agsinft thr civi! confifintions of their country fled for preec _giea to the B itith teops, thongh they did sot aQually talie 9P arms agsisf us. If ib:{e a-e Ihe men whem 'Mr. Pirt confidara as the most sbsedoned end flagi tius scoundrels ia the anivade,” caa he think thas w 3, who have lang eateriained tbe fams opiaiza of tmm, acd who hare sbundanily mors reason than ha or any B.iiifh {ubj:& cea have ta ** detelt aad sbro” them, can ever corlizlly receive them inta our bosom; or-shat we can 2dmis iato the rumber of our ¢itlzaas thofs very mea, who as he declares himfslf, had ase only by their ** coatlant deceit 1o Greae-Bii aia,” but by theic ** treachery to America, will nigh broughs dowa deflruflion on both countries” ! Surely he caa not. Coagrefs may indeed hold iilelf ** solemnly bound” to recommend them to the {everal S:ates ; bat can it be expeited, that the Statss will, for the Inke of {uch an impurs, corrupted nelt sf wipe s and trai’ers, *' tum’the hazard of their owa ris.” A rifque which Mr. Pitg thinks Great-Britain ought not 10 have run, for the {.kse of saving even that ciafs of loyalils whom 4« calis - delervieg {ubjz&ts” whom he ‘“ hosors and revere.” and with whom he * wculd divide his owly crown aed his last mouthful of bresd.” We with M-, Piit had besn mors explicit, and had {aid who he meant to include under the deltiiption of deferwing fubjels. Ta thers mct reefon to thick, that there are muny i this class, whom Americs bas song ago execrated, ta the coafederates of those whom he juftiycails the moit abandoned and flagiticus ‘coun drels in the universe | ‘Meun tho’lefs cspablechan {oms ethersof sffeQing the ruisous plaa cf 2 most unprieci pled vourt, yet aot lels criminel in (heir manifelt de figre. T'hey have domeall they conld ; and enough to recommeadihen if evarthey thould obtain arefidesco emong us, ss very fit inflruments undsr the dire&ion cf amegher vaprivcipled Britith adminiftraiion, in at tempting ta fruftrate all cur hopes from our virtuoes flroggle-~10 bresk our conne &ions (if it were possible) wich cur allisi—lo recover {we {ay agaie, if iz were pe/fible) our unfulpe@ting confidence in Briizin, and from that miement, 10 biing ue Bgsin so the brick of deftrultion., _ s Mr. Pitt must pardom ue if we are jealous of his countrymen, We cam mever trust that nation which has been so wanionly and (o leng zmploying i:s whole force to eiflive aud ruin ws. We cannor thiek it will ba (ass for us to have vetersn Britith emifluies dispersed thro' our {tates, and prxélifing the arta of feduftion among the citizers, Such we fear will be fosnd amorng Mr. Fiu's deserving fulj-@r We can didly believe he is aliogetber untcqicinted with the charza&crs of many of ithem O:iheis whose princt. ples 3nd prict ces we p.cfume M 1 Pit cordially rs probates, have experierced the clefulaels of thels men, axd if we are.aot new upoOn exr guerd, ihicy may at another time make use of them with {accels. There are irdesd Ife amor g the many refrgees who perhaps may be difkinguithed frem tire refl =2 mere Randful of wtwols Wir. Pitt calls deserving sub je€t: =We call them.very Sarmle/s folks, aitd there fore it is of liitle or 50 Linporiance where they reside, —Wemera thole shohivs never taken a fide againil 01 in word Or Leed, but had not foriitede to § 1a with their countrymen in defending their invaded righte, If their fears impelled them to leave their couniry at & t'me when horor, virtue, and every priacipls which biads human focicty warmly remonflrated agsizit ir, we blame them Qill for quieting their fozrs in the bo fem of eur enemies. - Should these mea be permived i return, would it oot Le jaft and rezln:ible, ihai so much of their estates a 5 may be equs! ‘o their piopor tion of the expence of the war, thouid be {old aad sp propriated lowar s Goking the pablic debt ] -PHILADELPHLIA, April q. By the United States in Comgrefs affemlled, ' April -g, 1783 Resolved, Thit the several States be re quired to suspend ali entiftments for any re giment ot corps in the army of the United States, until the furtber order of Congref:. " CHARLES THOMSON, Sec’ry. In consequence of the memorial presented to Congreis by the committes of ofhicers of the army, that honourable body, on the 224 ult. resolved, That such officers as were pro smifed half pay during life, thall rgceive, in flead thereof, the antount of five years full pay in money, or in securities on interefl 3¢ fix per eent. per anium, as Congress shall find most convenient. =~ . | NEW - YOKK, April rr. -~ ©On Wednesday all the prisoners = f war in thie city, and on board the prison ships, were sdeafed. i i ol * The Queen of Portugzl has publ’gfhcd 2 proclamation by beat of drum, opening ber ports to all American veflels, with all kisnds as commodities, tobacco excepted. Extraß from a letter, dated London, Dec. 9. - ¢¢ The independence of America ({fuppof ing the provifienal articles of treaty should be ratified) is eflablifhed, an event that wil forever fill e with amazement, The peo ple of America owe their independency (whether a bicfling v ciberwife, rime will evince) to the Ambtiicn of some individu als, who have tought fucceisiul baitles icr thcm in St diephen’s Cbzpel»; ard 10 do them juflice, they merit afplauje © unweaiied zcal and fleady peitevercrce are objedis of grest admiration, when employed 1n a 2 good cause. 1 leave you to judge how to apply this paragraph, Ergland’s fun ot glory, per kaps, isnow jet to life no more. “ People here are on tip-toe to go to Ame rica. Many glory inthisadvancetowaras a peace. Lands wiil rile, and America Be the empire of Englithmen; 4rom the Norti to the douth.—Lknglith laws, customs, reii gion and language, will last ihere till time is iwallowed up in eternity. Alil this, previd.- ed the provitional articles shall be ratified.” B: O 5...91..80 N, Apilll 14 in the House ot Commons :—On a 2 moti on for an addiefs of thanks to his Majefly, on the happy conclusion of a peace, it was carried againtl it by a majoriiy, of 16. Lecrd shelburne finding himfelf in a 2 minority, im mediately resigned. His {ucceflor was nt named when the packet failed. And frem every accountit appears that the greateit contusion prevails in Great B:itain, The Ville de Paris is given up, In her must have perithed at least 15ce per ons. Our latest advices from Philadelphis, are to the 8:h inflant, at which tirhe no of ficial accounis of peace had arrived at Con gress. 3 i It deserves to be remarked, that some of the latest News-Papers we have received from New- York, are fliil fiufled with viry lent and approbicus {ianguage against the Americansynotwithflanding it is well known in that city that their 4:/? of Kings has long agoacknowledged these States Sovereign and Independent. . The New-York Mercary, so late as the 4th iafl. is ornzthented in fouror tive places with the modish thetoric of thelr polite gentry—-Redel Papers, more Rebel Ac counts, &ei &ec. ali printed in diftinguithed letters, that the /mart epithet might not pass unnoticed. 2 o ~ | They mean perhaps by 21l this to teftify to the world, that though they have been obliged, sorely against their Wills, to make peace with us, they fiill most heartily hate us ; verifying the old obfervauon, tbat if you theroughly injure another, you cam never forgive A . i They 4re welcome to keep this line of corduct as long as they p'eafe : it may serve some veiy gocd pmrpofes for America ; thy* Briiain in her prefeni situation, is not like to derive any great advantage from it. . The {olowingßefc!ve psflzd with bot dse d'fTeatiens, as the acjournment of the March Mésting the 7th ieftact, aud is inlerisd in (his paper by order of the Y. I HERE 4S by s Resolve of the Lepifiatare of “/ th's Commouweslth, pafied the 13:h of Feb. 1746, the several tonns wers dire&ed and emnowered at their apnual meetings in March, to checia Com mitiees of Coarrefponderee, lafpeltion and Saky, whose bufiaefs (smong other thing:) s to communi cate matters of imporanceto Commitiees.of the (ama desominstion, to any other town, eonnty or Rate, or to the Genersl Aflambly or Couscile~And wheseas the present circamftances of the Ucited States require, that committees, so appointed, should ofe their utmost taduoftry and care to cffc& the great and imporjaug pu}’pbf:"s ‘oftheirappoinimeet, at a time whea interest by makirg for the re-zdmitting Abfeatess sad Con fpirotors to return into this and other of the Uniied St.’;sgg;gfore Re/slved. That this tows will at 2l simes (31 they have dore) 10 the uimoft of their power, op bdfg every epemy (o the just righta a_ld LEberties of mankind ; and that sfter so wicked a confpirgey sgaicft those rights 2cd liberties, by certain ingrates, most of them nstives of these ftaies, aod who have been Refugees, sod declared Traitors to their conn try ; it is the opision of this town, that they ought pever to be fufered 1o return, bet excluded from ha ving lot or porjion smong us. ) ~ Asd the Committee of Correspondence are hereby requested, es by the law sos this commonwealih Ihey are fully empowsred, to write to the several 3.0;1’-.__-.{! this Commaonwealth, and desire them to come into tha fsme, or similar resolves, if they Mall (hizkift,