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pendencies round Pondicherry, and round Karical, fix months after the ratification of :lt:x edefinitlve treaty, or sooner, if it can be France shall, at the end of the fame term °.f fix m.ODthS,'rcfiore the towns and territo ries which her arms may have taken from the Englifh,or their allies, in the East-Indies. In consequence whereof, the neceflary or ders shall be sent by each of the high con trafling parties, with reciprocal paflports for the thips which shall carry them immediately after the ratification of denfinitive treaty. XXI. The prisoners made refpectivety by the arms of his Britannic Majesty, and bis Most Christian Majesty, by land and by sea, shall be restored reciprocally and bora fice, immediately after the ratification ot the de finitive treaty, without ransom, and on pay ing the debts they have contratted duding their captivity ; and ecach crown thall ret pectively relinburfe the sums wbich thall bave been advanced for the fubfiftapce and maintainance of their prisoners, by ihe sovereign of the country where they shall have been detained,according tothe receipts and attested accounts, and other authemiic titles, which shall be produced on each fide. XxII. In order to prevent all causes of complaint and dispute, which may ariie on account of prizes which may be made at sea after the signing of these preliminary arii cles, it is reciprecally agreed, that the ves sels and efic@s which may be taken in the Channel, and in the North Seas, after the space of twelve days, to be computed from ¢he ratification of the present preliminary az ticles, thall be restored on each fide. That the term shall be one menth from ¢the Channel, and the North Seas, as far as the Canary Islands, inclusively, wheiher in the ocean or. Mediteranean. Two meonths from the said Canary Islands, as far asthe Equinoéial line, or Equator.~—~And lastly, five months in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or any other more particular description of time and place. xxIII. The ratification of the present preliminary articles shall be expedited if good and due form, and exchanged in the space of one montk, or sooner, it it can be done,to be computed from the day cithe sig nature of the present articles. In witness whereof, we the under written Ministers Plenipoténtiary of- his Britannic Majefty,and of his Most Christian Majeity, by virtue of our refpettive full powers,have signed the present preliminary articles; and have caused the seal of our arms to be put thereto. , , Done at Versailles; the 2oth day of Ja seaty, 1788 . o v ALLEYNE FITZ HERBERT, (L. S.) GRAVIER DE VERGENNES, (L:85:) Translation of the Preliminary Articles of Peace, between His Britannic Maje/ty and his Mo/t Catholic King, signed at Versailles, the zoth of Fanuary, 1783. = “+ "IN the name of the Most Haly Ttinity. THE Kieg of Great- Britzin and the King of ‘Spain, equslly asimated with s desire of put ting 86 end to ths calami ics of 8 deftrultive wer and of re.sfablifhieg union and good underflandisg be tween tham, as necessary for the good of mankind in general, as for that of their refps@ive kingdoms, fiztes, and fubjeéts, have named for this purpose, viz. on the part of his Majesty the King of Great Britain, Mr. Allsyne Fit-Herbert, Miailler Plenipotemtiary of his {2id Majesty ; and on thie part of Bis Majesty the King of Spain, Don Peier Paul Abarea de¢ Bolea Xi menes d'Urnes, &c. Count of Aranda and Caltel Florido, Ma:qus of Torrés, of Villanan and Rupit, Viscount of Ruedo sad Yoch, Baron of the Baronies of Gavin Seitano, Clamofa Eripol, Trazmoz, LaMata de Caftil Viego, Antilloz, La Almplda, Cortis, fovas St. Genis, Robevillet, Oreau aad Sl.Colme deFarnes, Lord of the Fezance and Henor of Alcalsten, the Valley of Rodaller, the Caftiesard Towns of Masella; Mofonss, Tiurdesz de Viilaplans, Tardell and Vils dran, &c. Rico Hombre in Arogen by birth,Graades of Spain, of the firft class, Kright of tbe Order of the Golden Fleese, and that of the Holy Ghost, Gentle man of the King’s Bedchamberin employrient, Cap ¢sin Geners! es his armies, and his Ambzflador to his. Mokt Ghriflisn Majeßy ; who, afier having duly tommusicated to each other their full powers in goed form, have agresd on the following Preliminary Articles ¢ ArTicLe §. As soon s the Preliminaries thail bs signed and ratified, sincere friendthip, shall be eftab lithed beiween his Britannic Majesty aud his Ciiholic Maj:fy, their kingdoms, Rtates and fubj=&s, by fsa and by land, in all parts of the world. Orders thall be {ent to the srmiecs aad squadrons, 8s well &: to (he fubjets of the two powers, to flop sll hostilities, and to live in the mcft parfect anion, forgetiing what haa prfied, of which their Sovereigns give them the order and example. ‘And for the exccutior of chis sriicle, {ca pafles shall be given on each fide for the ships which shall be dispatched to carry the news of it to the pofieflions cf the said powers. | iI. His Cetholic Msjefty thall kéep the island of Minorca. 111. Hi: Britannic Majsfly shall cede to bis Ca tholic Mijefly, Ealt-Florida, and his Catholic Majes ty thall keep Welt-Florida, pravided that ¢k term of eighieen months, te becomputed from tha tine of the raiification of the definitive treaty, shall be granted to the fubje&s of his Britancic Maietty, who are fet tied ss well in the Iflued of Minorcs, s inthe two Fiorides, to fell their eflaies, recover their debts, and traniport their ¢ff Cla, a 8 well as their parfows, without beirg restrained 0a accouat of their religion, or under any other p:etenice whatforver, except that of debts and criminal profecations. And his Britannic Msjel ty Mhell have power to caule all the effe&ts that may belong to bim in East-Florida, whether artillery or Others, ta be cariingl away. [V. His Catbelic M:}:fty thall rot for ilie futore fufter the fuhjeéts of his Britannic Maieity, or their workmeh, to be disturbed or molested. under any pre tence whatsoever, in their occupaiion of catting, loading, end cirrping log wood, in a diftrift of which the boundaries fhail be fixed ; ard for this purpose they may build without hindrazce, 2nd occapy »ith out interrupriog, the houses and megszires neccfary for them, for their familiss, 2nd for their ef=fs, in & place to be agreed upcn either in tha definitive treaty, or withiz fix months afier the excharge of ‘he raii- Rcations ; and his said Caiholic Msjefiy sfluresto them by this anicle, the endire esjc: ment or what is above stipulated, provided thet these fipulaiions shall not be considered as derbgatory v “ny refpe® from the rights of his sovereignty. , V. Hii Cathol'c Mejefty Thall restore to Grest- Britain the iflazds ¢f Providerce aad the Bahamas, without ekception, in the fame coadition in which they were when tliey were corquersd by the arms of the King of Spaid. ; ; A VI. All the souatries ard tertitoifse which may have béen or may bs torjuered in day part of the werld whaifoever, by the arus of his Biitansic Ma j=&y, or by those of his Cathelic Majzily. and which 8¢ rotincladed in the prefemt articiss, hall be res tored without difficiiliy, ard without lequiring com penfadions. S 0 e . Vil. By the definitive treaty, all (Hefe which have existed till now batween the two high contradl ihg parties, sad which thall not be derogsted fromi gither by the said treaty; of by the prefest pre/imina ry ireaty (hall be renéwed & corfirmed ; 2nd thetwo conrts thall name Commiflioners 1o erqairs iato the RRate of comme:ce bsiwesn ths two naiions; ia ordsr to agree upon new arrangements of trade oa the foet ing of reciprocity and mutusl conveniesce ; and the twe {aid Coutts (hall togather amicably fix a compe tent term for the duratian of that business. . VIIL As it is neceflary to afiign a fixed epoch for the restitutions and evacaatiohs, to be made by sach of the high costralling parties itis agreed, thatithe Kirg of Great-Britain shall csufe East Floiidato be evacusted thres moaths after the raiificstion of the definitive tréaty, or sooner if it cam be done: The King of Grast-Britain thall likewifs enter again ioto pofleffion of the Bahama-I{lands without excep tion; in the {pace of three months sfter the ratificaii or of the deheitive treaty. ‘ Ly, Te confequerce whereof, the mece/lary orders shall be fsat by each of the high co_,atfe&ing parties, with taciprotal paffporss for the ships which shall carry them, immedistely after she ratification of the defi pitive treaty. ‘ 3P IX. The prisoners made refpeiively by the arms of his Britannic Majelty and his Cacholic Majesty by sea and by land, shall, imedistely after the raufica‘- tion of the definitive treaty, be reciprocally and sass fide, rellored without ransom, aad on paying the dedts ‘they masy have contralted during their captivity ; and sach Crown shall repetively reimburle the sums which shall have besn advanced for the fubfiftavce snd maintenanae of their prisoners by the Sovereign of the country where they shall have been detained, accordisg to the receipts sad sitefted sccounts ded other authentic titles, whick shall be produced on each fide. s . X In order to pravent all causes of complaint and difpates which may arifs o accomat of prizes Which sy he mede at {es efier tha figeing in_ prelimtasry articles, it ls reciprocslly agreec, ihui the Mins sad eff.&s which may be (- ken in the Chspeel or ia the North Seas afier ihe fpeoe of iwelve days, w obe computed from the rais cation of the present prelimisary srticles, thall be e flored oa each fide. That the téfm hall be one moseh from the chan. el to the Norik seas, 22 far as the Czrary islands, iuclufively, .whethier in the oceza or ia the mediter ranesn ; two morthisfrois the {aid Canary islands, as far as the Equisc&lial Line, or Eqaator ; znd iafiy, five month: in all other parts of ths world, without exception, other mora panicalar deferiplion of tUme aad place, XI. The raiificatior of the prefest preliminary ar ticles, iall he expedited in due and good form, and exchasged i ihe (pace of one month, or fooaer, if ic cas be done, to be compated from (ke day of the fignatuie of the present aniicles. Ia witnels whereof, we, the under®iitten misiflers P bripemontisry of his Britasnic Asj=fly, and of hifCaihelic Misiclly by viriug of oo sefpellive peviers, have agreed upos and figssd these pre liminary articles, #and havecaufed the seal of our _arms to be put thzreto. Daae at Versailles the 20tk day of January, 1 783. Avieyse Frrz Herßert, (L. §.) . La Ccwrre D’Avaxba, (L. §.y NOTICE is hercby given to the non-refis ' dent owners of land in New Londen who have net paid their taxes for year 1782, that so much of theirfland will be fold at public vendue at my house in said town, on Thurf{day the 135th day of May next, zt ten o’clock in the forenoon, 25 will pay the taxes and charges, unieis prevented by previous payment.. Ivo, drate & county, War. ’ _ Lisvde & i 4 Col. Mat. Thomton 91 -7 11 4 ¥ 34 A 5 T g L 21 FoAbia oA TR 54 2 o g 3 4 87 gk A 52 133 5 Ib. - Z o 8 St ey 128 Rl vBO Jollma'Poltotd Bfgs 15 . 7.7 8 #0772 Meferve & others 83 11 10 618 , T 1. . 4 732 | R Mg cynde g 12 John Wentworth 3¢ 5 11 3 § & yor i ok oo gL kA TR Lt gl eG 88 g Rl gl Proprietobstwothirds 45 5. 3 . two thirds, B 8 b e Jonas Minot’s Lots. State and County Tax. Ne. - No. 5. 4. Ne. snd. I 511 30 11 11 56 §ll 73 $At 2 1. 3% 748 124 81:30% -76 GLRL - '4P SCXE 93 et 12 511 44 § 1t 138 sll 107 §ll 80 §II g et 573 7erkcs 58 718 5 § 11 52 § I 62 3 11 41 '§sß 8 §ixtizigy: gk 123 2 ige g Lt a 9 914 104 § LI 138 . 5§ I 1 31 11 10 110 v 64 5 11 6o 11 10 §707 IV 180 OBT (A Rt bl g 8 T3B 0 1818 oy 110 <BO 8. & 111 7 11 23 § Ly N.London, April 5, 1783. 3am’l Meffer, C: ‘NOTICE is hereby given to the non-xefi dent owners of land in Perrevfiown who are delinquent in paying their fate and war taxes for the year 1782, that so much of their land will be fold az public vendue st the house of David Eaton, in fiaid town, om Tuesday the 13th day of May next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, as will pay the tixes and incidental charges, unless focner paid to me David Eaton. N. D, State tax War tax Ray oo g B So; do Io S. do John Webster "O¢ L 7 6 28 Thomas Noyes 58 1 52. 3.5 : | 0z -G % 2 .5 Samuel Little -9z 110 6 9 Damiel Roberts = 51t 7 2 ey SRR 2. I 8 0 43 John Poor. SerLT 2 9 ThomssHale . - 32 10 6 4 3 James Pecker 63 1 14 &y Mefervey and Ca- 12 12 9 1116 rey of the Lords lots. , e ~ David Eaton, Constable for said town, Perreyitown, March 7th, 1783,