OCR Interpretation

The New-Hampshire gazette and general advertiser. [volume] (Portsmouth [N.H.]) 1781-1784, May 17, 1783, Image 2

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s UTRETCGCHT, Febroary 27.
~_ Jeven of the towns of the province of Hollaad, rot only oop
pofe the cession of Negapatnam to the Englith, buv¢ even refufs
g grant Gicar-Britain the liberty of tlading in thote parts of the
£ ?‘.Ch‘xnd'" as they tequire, which would in fa& be more burt
4. 10 the eod (o this Repubdlic,ghan the cession of Negapatpams
LO N- 9'7‘7‘# N. February 21, ‘
g We h“"f'f’m good authority, that the King of France hae
hm:td the Uanited Siates to aew {entiments of gratitude, having
3¢ the generosity to remit all the interef® due, of to become due,
:: ‘f}e.u‘nmcnk sums of money which he hasfrom time to time
Yaiced to the United States, as well asthofe which will be
come due, conformable to contiall ; and has also declared his
intention, tha: no demand theiefor should be made until (he end
t?t the war, and eveo then that ewelve years should be granted to
the United Statesto pay these dests, The beneficence of this
Monu.ch. towards an oppressed people, has fill extended farther
==-for it is {aid, that be has not only advanced, but has even ac
tually remitted all the expences attending the negociations of a
loan from Houlland by the United States,
Fiz 28, Emigration, the {courge which now threatens our
davorcd countiy, efpecizlly on the sea-coast, has already begun
s fflghttul. devastation in diff<rent patts of England, :
If the legislature do not contiive fume immediate and efficaci
ous remcdy azainft this dangcious evilya great part of Scotlard and
Ireiand,' and eveo of the north. wellern and western pacts of Eng
dand, will be presently deserted, The measures to be made use
ot by government should be mild, peaceable, perfuzfive, and en
cour:ging ; they thouid offer rewasds, but avoid penal reftriipns.
Thzre are now at Paris no less than 3000 American gentles
m:n, foliciticg their property from the Ambaflidors of tha
Violied S:ates,
HOUSE or CGOXIMONS, Monpay, March 3.
READ a firit time the Bill for opening an intercourse with
The Secretary at War, moved, That the FHoufe should go
into a Committee, and vote one year’s supply for the army.
M¢. Davia Hartley, in a (peech of confiderable’ length, f{aid,
that inflead of onr year’s supply, he thought that fix or nine
months {upply would be fufficient to answer all the purposes re
quisite. H: did not, he {aid, fpesk to Adminifhation, for were
he to do so, it would be doicg nothing, as there were at present
no Adminiftiation in this country, therefore Joe hoped theHoufe
would take the matter into consideration, and tafift that the
troops thenld be im nediately withdrawn from America.
The Speaker then put the question, when the House divided,
and the numbers weie, Ayes 187 - Noes 10.---M.jurity agsioft
M:. Harley, 173.
The House tien went into a Committee of Supply, Mr. Ord
in the cbair, when the sum of one million, a2s mentioned on
Friday kft, was granted,
Marcw 4. The French Court are determined to keep up a
greater peace eftablifbment of (heir navy, than eves yet-was
known in that kingdum ¢ The plan i 2 toincieafle failoss by every
icans. emerfeorenAace® ‘
_ March 5.
The fa.’lowiné isan abftrali of a bill for the pro
visional Edtablifbment and Regulation of
Trade and Intercourfz, between the Subjells
of Great Britain and thsfe of the United
- States of North America.
it recites, that the Provinces of New-
Hampthire, MafTachufeits Bay, Rhode Is
land and Providence Plantations, Connecti
cut, New York, New- Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Ca
rolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, in
Norih America, have laiely been solemnly
acknowledged by his Majesty to be Indepen
dent and Sovereign States, by the deicripti
on of the United States of America.
It therefore enaéls, that all fiatuces hereto
fore made to regulate the trade between
Great Britain and Agmerica, or to probibit
any intercourse beiween the fame, ihall, so
far as they prohibit the intercourse between
Great-Britain and the Territories now com=
posing the said United States, wholly and
ablolutely be repealed. ¢
It recites, that whilst the 3for_efax.d Pro
vinces were annexed to great-Britain, the
inhabitants of the said Provinces enjoyed all
rights, franchifes, privileges, and benefits of
Britith fubje&s as well in respect o the trade
and commerce with Great Brirain as 1n
other inflances ; and in consequence thercof
their thips and vefl=ls, being navigated, as
Britith thips and veflels are by law navigated,
were admitted into the ports of Great-Bri
tain with a}l the privileges and advantages
of Britith builc ships. -
That by the several laws now existing for
regulation ot trade with foreign States,
the fubjec}: of tE®latter are, as aliens, liable
to varicas commercial refiri¢tions, as alfe to
various duties and customs at the ports of
Great-Britain, which hitherto have not been
applicable io, or demandable from the inha
bitants of the said ' several Provinces of
Amc'icao o 3 5 3 : 5
‘That it is highly expedient the intet
courfe between Great-Britain and the said
States should be established on the most en
targed principles of reciprocal benefit to both
CQ‘Jfitrics s bl’][ from the diflam}e bet“’een
(3ceat Britain and America, it must be 2
considerable time bstore any convention fox
eftablithingthe trade and interéourfe between
Great- Britaian and the said States of Ame
rica, upon a permanent foundation czn be
concluded :
Therefore, for the purpose of making 2
temporary regulation of commerce and in
tercourse betwean Great Britain and Ame
rica, and in order to evince the diipofidion
of Great- Britain to be on terms of ithe moti
perfe& amity with America, and in confi
dence of a like firiendly difpoiition cn the
“part of the said Statestowards Great Britain,
it further enacts, that after (atime to be
named in the Bi!l) the ships and veffcls of
the fubjeéts of America, with the merchan
dizes on board t(he fame, shall be admitied
into all the poris of Great Briiain inthe {zme
manner as vefiels ot the fubjeéts of other In
dependent Siates ; but the meichandizes and
goods on beard such veflels, beivg ot the pro
duce of the {aid States, thall be iabie o the
fame duties only. as the me:chandizes would
be iubject to, if they were the property of
Britith {ubjcéts, and imported in Britih built
It further enalts, That during the time
zforefaid, the ships and veflzis ot the said
United Siates, shall be admitied into the
ports of his Majesty’s Islands, Colonics, or
Plantationsin America, with any me-chan
dizes, produce of the territories ot the afore
{aid States, with liberty to export ficin the
{2id Plantations in America, to the lerrito
ries of the said States, any merchandize
whatsoever ; and such merchandizes, which
fha!l be imporied or exported trom the said
Briiith Islands in America, fhali be liable to
the fame duties only, as the fz2id merchan
dizes would be fubjeét to, if they were the
prioperty ot Britith (übjefs, |
It thenenaélts, Thaidwining the time here
in before limited, there shall be the fame
drawbacks and bounties, «n merchandizes
exported from Great B itain into the terri
tories of the said Staies of Americ¢a, as are
ailowed in the cate of expoitation 10 the
Plantations or Colonies, now belonging to
the Crown ot Great Britdin, in America,
And further enafts, That all thips ard
veflels belonging io any fubjeéts ot the Unit
ed S:ates, which shall have c-me into any
port of Great-Britain since (a time to be Ipe
cified) together with the merchar diz-s on
board the fame, shall have the iu | benc fit of
Rl e
NEW. YORK, May 3.
A Gentleman who airived yefierday in
New-York, from the Island of Antigua,tays,
that theTreaty ofCommerce betweerGreat-
Britain and America had srrived at that port
and was to be proclaimed there the day he
left it. :
ST. JOHN’s, ANTIGUA, April g.
We are informed that the 4ih day ot next
month is the time appointed for the deliver
ing up the different captured islands.
A lIST of the New Minifiry.
Duke of Portland, Frft Lord of the Trea
sury, vice Lord Shelburne.
Lord North,Privy-Seal,and created aPeer,
vice Lord Camden.
Mr. Burke, Paymafier-General, vice the
Lord Advocate, .
The Hon. Mr. Fox,Chanecellor of theEx
chequer, vice Mr. Pitt,
Lord Stormont, Becretary of State, vice T.
‘Townthend, now a Peer.
We have good authority to assure our rea
ders, that this port is now open for the re
ception of veflels from any foreign port.—
Several veflels from different paris of the
United States -have lately arrived at New-
York, that port being at this time open tc
to the American flag. : .
Since our last several veflels have arrived
from New York, and yefigrday arrived a ship
from Dablin, ,
- Ina London paper is published 2 letter
from Lord George Gordon to the Lord Mayor
of London and BankDireétoss,datedDecem
ber 30, 1782, on the fubjeét of the Scots
militia bill : —this letter ends with the fol
sowing sentence : ““One more filly speech,
** lead or said in Parliament, may involve
““ and overwhelm your Lordship and the
* Bauk Direétors in 2 war with Scotland,
TRENT ON, April jO.
We are intormed that Mr. Van Berkel,
the brother of the celebrated Penfionary of
Amsterdam, is appointed Ambaflador to the
United Siates of America, and not the gen
tieman mentioned in our last,
ALBANY, April2B.
The following notification was received in
this city last Thurtday,from his Exceilency
the Governor, by express, :
‘“ Allfloups and other veflels will be per
““ mitied to pass and repafs the different mi
‘¢ litary pofis, on the banks of the river,
‘“ without any other interruptionthan that of
“* making a report at said posts refpeClively.
‘“ Head Quarters, Newburgh, April 21 .
S A K. E M, Méyil6. "
Sir Guy Carleton, accompanied by Chicf
_?ufiice Smith an;i two Aids de Camp, on
Sunday fe’nnight,{ailed up the North River,
in the Perfeverence fiigate, in oider to have
an interview with his Excellency General -
Waihington, They were to meet at Tap
pzn, about 30 miles up the river.’
On THURSDAY, 20th inflant,
' At TEN A. M,
At the house of Mr. ISAAC WILLIAMS,
in Exeter,
Will be fold by AUCTION,
AVARIETY of Calicoes—silk Handker
chiefs— Gauzes— Durants— Modegsm=
Broadeloths—Pins—Damafcus— Fans—Dia
pers—Calir®anco Shoes—-a few pieces of
elegant Silks, for Gowns— Penknives—Case -
knives and Forks—a few pair of worfied
Stockings—Buckram—6oo wt. of good Bo
hea Tea—with many other articles not par
ticularifed. May 17, 17783,
A large convenient Store, with
a 2 Room adjeining, and Chambers over ihe
{fame, TO BE LETT.-~—lnquire at the
Printing Office, Portsmouth,
Large, cosveniest, snd very genteel Dwelling-
A Houle, with four rooms upen the ffpor, very
plezfasily fßueted in Exeter, for tiading or tavern
keeping, wih a very good well, garden, barn, &c, —~
Allo, a very convenient Store, and 3 Wharf opposite,
~=Al{o. about 14 acras of excellent Land, fiipate up
on the Neck road (so called) within hzlf a mile of
{aid hcufe, g or 6 scres being very good meaow
ground ; the remainder godd palturing, with a fine
growth of osk wond and timber en the same.—Also,
sbour ¢hree aud half acres of very good Land, pear
the Rev. Mr, Rogers’s meziieg house, in said Exeter,
very pleasantly situated for a house-lot.— Also, 100
acres of very good Land, in 2 place called Wefling
ton, in the county of York, (Maflachufetis) being the
lot No 132, in the range H, sccording to the plan of
{sid placa ; wiilr ebout 10 acres of trees fell on the
{ame, and 3 meadow on one end of said land thai will
produce eight 102: of hay.—Also, ons whole right ot
proprieter’s fhere of lend ie the townthip of Burtom,
being the original right of Robert Rarber ; two 100
acre lots of which, being pick'd lots, with ten acres of
tregs fell upos one of {aid lots, — Also, an hundred
acres of Land in the townthip of Dorchester. .
Lorg eredit, upon goed security, will be given for
part of the above-{aid premises, by
Exeter, May 8, £7835. DANIEL GILMAN.
AN-AWAY from her Mistress the tenth
R instant, 2 Negro Girl about 16 years of age,
ramed VIL O T, speaks good Engiith, and is of
short ftaturee—————ees ~ee— Whoever will take up
{sid Negro, shall be hand{omely rewarded, and all
charges paid, by me ELIZABETH SERVICE.
Portimouth, May 17, 1783. ‘
A shop on Spring-Hill,and ane
ther in Pitt Street,near Mr. Drowne’s meeting houfs,
suitable for traders. to be latt. Inquire of thePrintera,
NOTICE is hereby given, That I (he fublcriber,
gave Ebenczer Peray, of Maflabefec, s cortain
Note of Hsnd, bearing date the 28th day of April,
1783, for the sum of go dollars, to him or his order ;
te be paid on or before che Ift day of December next,
‘with interest till paid ; which noteis not justly due,be
ing illegally abtained :--This is therefore to forbid all
petfons from purchasing the fame, 2s Tam determined
ROt to pay it. ISAAC JOHNSON.
Maflabelec, May 13, 1783,

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