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AN GOO O G e 700 fi At a Peace Price. 2 }TO B-E 8§ O LB 1 i i % | John Sparhawk, | 3 At his Store near the Market— : B((HOICE BOHEA TEA,Z by the hundred, dozen, or smaller) gquzntity; Loaf Sugar, by the bundred, ) gor Loaf; a tew casks of .freth Raifins,g @by the catk, or pound ; Window Glass, ) @white and clear, by the box or square,() @viz. 8 by 10, 7 by g, and G by 8 ; blacki § Pepper, by the dczen or single pound. } § Also, a freth afforrment of Chintzes, § gCalicocs, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Sat- i itinet, and Lionens ; 4d. Bd. ard 10d. g i Nails, &c. &c.. i ¢ The above articles bave been pur- i 'chated since the Proclamation of Peace, &and will be {old at a very low ad\'ancca;‘g i GEG GGG AY To be fold at public Vendue, on WEDNESDAY the 2t inflant, at 11 o'clock, A M. by virtue of a licence from theHon. Judge of Probate for that purpose; "l"‘fl E Rea! Estate of Capt. Monsieur Bunbury, deceased, confitting of a 2 Lot of Land, with 2 House and Barn thereon, in good repair. The premises to be viewed any time before and at the sale. -/ IKANNAH BUNBURY, Administratrix. State of New-Hampshire. - NGTICE i 3 hereby given to the non-re sident owners of land in Middletown who have not paid theli taxes for the year 1581, that so much of their land will be fold at public vendue on Tuesday the 20th day of May next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the house of Richard Hanion in fzid town, as will pay the taxes and charges, unless pre vented by previous payment. Joteph Cook’s Lift. N. D. Silver. New Emif. A o Bedfield Plummer gs } 2% ¥92 3 Richaid Goodwin 83 1 2 1 112 3 John Heard gk 31 a 3 3 Thomas Varmey 89 1 2 1 112 3 Nathaniel Austin 101 1 1 6 4 JofephVarney balf 8 1 1 1 16 2 Joha Gaée 26 .1 2 2::0 Samuel Varney 49 1 6 8 1 Benj. Evans 7§ X 8 10 6 Thomas Bickford 73 1 2 1 112 3 Peter Cook ot L. &% 16 3 Alex. Hodgfdon 41 1 1 2 2 ‘Andrew Horn 64 :1 1% 16 2 Richard Hanson’s Lift. Benj. Stanton 0. 2 .t .13 -3 JasmesPhilpot -~ 42 2 2 1 113 3 Job Clements 82 2 ¢ 3. 110 2 T homass Bickiord 23. 2 :::27 1. 1.12 3 Peter Cock 8k o 3 g 2 712 3 Jofthua Stagpole 60 2 2 1. 112 3 Tho's Wentworth2g 2 2 1 112 3 Job Huffey §. 8. X W 213 3 Andrew Hoom 64 2 1 1 16 3 Bepj. Roberts ~38 2 2 v 112 3 John Heard. po<3 " 1 .3 L 8 Timoth& Robetls 35 ‘2" 2. ¢ 12 3 James Guppy 12 2 2 1 112 3 Samuel Heard 3.3 -2 Vil2 3 “Tho'sWallingsfordg3 2 1 1 16 2 JobpCslle 302 '3 ¥ 112 3 John Gage 20 .2 8-4 313 3 John Tath S 3919 vl3 3 Wm, Whitehoufe 71 2 1 16 2 Joseph Cook, Richard Hanson, Conflables, - Middletewn, February 24th, 1983. LL perions having any demands against A the efiate of Mr, JOHN LANGI%ON . deceafed,are desired to exhibit their accounts. to the subscriber ; and those who are in debted to said estate, are called upon for _payment, JOHN LANGDON, (one of the execygors, TO FE SOl. D - B Y [ homas Manning, At his House near Liberty Bridge,— CORDAGE; Canvis 3 Painter’s Oil, and Paints of different colors ; Wo men’s Shoes 3 Mustard ; Rum, and Sugar; China, cream _color’d, and enamel’d Ware; Green Tea 3 Nails of different kinds ; Saliad Oil ; Threads, of ail forts 3 Chintzes ; Furniture Checke 3 Bed Bunts; IMuz lings 3 Linnen ; Table Cloths 3 Men and Women®s Hose ; silk Stockings 3 L.adies Gloves 3 Men’s Gloves 3 Twine ; Knives and Forks ; Stationary of all kinds ; young Ladies and Children’s Morocco Shoes Porter per cask ; and a variety cf other ar ticles, chéap for cath. Augustus Manning, Has for S A L E, Cn the most reasonable terms, at the Stores on Sherburne and Langdon’s wharf, and at Capt. Thomas Manning’s ftore,— | < UM in puncheons ; Molasses, inditto s belt Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogs heads and quarier casks; loaf and brown Suvgar, in hogsheads and tierces 5 Porter, in hogsheads, barrels and bottles 3 Holland Gin,in cases ; Cordage andCanvis ; Queen’s and glass Ware 3 Hard Ware, and Cutlery; Nails, of varicus kinds ; Painte, of various kKinds 3 Otll ; Sallad Qil,in cases 3 Raisins, in {mall casks 3 Twine ;3 Lines, and Mar lige ; Ladies Shoes ;5 Paper Hangings, of all kinds 3 Stationary ; Rock Salt; Sea Coals 3 Green Teay China 3 Slops 3 and a variety of other goods, by the package or {maller quantity. Likewise, RO R T T A compliat Set of fails, Rigping and Stores, for a Viif:i of 160 Tons. . or upwards, Stete of New Hamplhirs. Strafford Courty. To be fold by public Vendue, at the houle of Cbarles Hodpdon, inmhelder in Barnflead, on TUESDAY the z7th day of May instant, a: ter ¢’clock, before noon—- Sundry Lotts of Land in Barn{- tead,—in the firk dirifion, No. 8, 260 acre lo: ; fs« cond division, No. 69 77.84, 112 30,& 47, ate 100 acre lots ; mili priviiege, 40 acie: ; and several picces of commouns, Condliions of {alec may be known at the time and place of lale, N OTICE is hereby given, to the non resident owners of laad in Dablin, who have not paid their taxes for the year 1582, that so much of their land will be fld at public vendue on Wednelday the 4th day of June next, at the Louse of James Rolins, ionholder ia said town, 8t ten o’cleck in the forencon, as will pay said taxes and incidental charges, unless prevented by previeus paymeot. State. War. ' No.R. Ac. £ 4 9 L d ¢ Joleph Tarner, Fir g gDy 3 91 Joha Morrison, 1.8 693 83001 Berjamin Bulard, 2 1+ g 0 2z 20 1 3 3 Mat Thoraton, Efg;3 1100 6 33 392 Disgo, 4 K3BO 8 7.2 8§ 3o Ssmuel Hogg, 1 3100 12 111 7 10 2 Eleazer Blanchard, 2z 3 100 11 60 7 oo William Spaldieg, 7 3100 6 23 3 92 Jotham Odiorne, 10 3 100 14101 g zoo Eleazer Blanchard, 3 4100 6 23 3 ¢ 2 Mathew Livermore, z 7 100 4 33 2 7 2 Ezra Carpenter, 1 g 100 14101 9§ 2 2 Clement March, 3 101c0 6112 4 2 3 Capt. Jof. Twitchell,io 10100 3 41 2 02 _ . Joseph Greeawood, Conftabls. Dublin, April 23, 1783. e W RCNT BLR o : e e YN E oy An Apprentice to the Painter's Business.—None need apply unless they are willing to be bound. Inquire of G, Doiac, The following Isinferted by particular defize, in CONGRESS, Oélober 12,1778, IBIEREAS true veligion and goed morals are the only fa!id fotindations of publ{c libeity and happimefs 1 ——Keloived, That it be, and it is herchy earncfily recommended, to the jeviral States, to take to ¢ most «ffcitual measures for the encouragimen! thercof ; andjor ihe [uppr.-;”f’:z:g theatrical entertainments, horse-racing, ga ming, and juch other diversions as are produc tive of idlene/s, diffipaticn, and a general dspra vily of princ:-ples and manners. ‘ WAR-OFFICE, dpril 22, 1783, N VOTICE &5 hereby given, That {uch Pritoness I\Q of War as have been liberated asd permited to work with the Ishabitsnts of the United Siates, are immediai®y to join their refpedtive corps, coa farmable to ihe ltipulatpns eniered into whes iy weie colarged, g LANCOL N [The Priaters in the {everal S:a i are requefied 10 in{er: this Nutification in their Papers.] LL. persons baving any demands on A" UPPLY CLAE ani NATHAN NICHOLS, fcr bulinefs in which they wereg Isintly concerned, are hereby desired to bring in their refp:étive accounts immediately, the said conneltion being now mutually diflolved. Port{fmouth, April 29,1783, Sta e of New Hempflire: | NOTICE £ brfft&j gi’(-‘m, that the (fiall es JO}ZO Hazen, Ejg; /are of Havarhill, in the county of Grajtsn, deceajed, is vepreleated insolvent 5 the jubfers bers arg legally appointed commiffioncrs to reccive and examine the claims of Ihs several creditors on which bue Sinefs they awill attend, at the boule of Capr. Timothy Baron, inuboider in foid Hawe bill, on the lafi Monaay of the fiwe followwing montbi, froms one t 0 fiz o'click P, M. Asa Porter, A. S. Crocker, Bawerkill, April 14 1983, Eackiel Ladd. State of New-Hampshire. NOTICE is hereby given to the non-resident owne's f land in New-Boflon, who heve rot peid their Isxes for the year 1582, that (o much of their sand will be {old at public vendus ob Thur{day the fifth day oi June next, at two o'clock in the after roon, atthe houls of joha M'Lasghlin, irabcldsr in said town 28 will pay said taxes and charges, anlsfs prevented Dy picvisus payment. N. Q L 4 d Joha Hciman, 23 Ditto 47 } 3co o Eli Boyd's beirg 48 Ito 1 7 Joha Spooner, 3 150 2. 5 lofeph Wrigh, ;g } 276 bl Robert Boyes heit’'s 46 150 i 7 Benry Turner, iOl 159 18 Thomas Bulfirch, 98 150 18 William Woodbury, 160 X 3 oy John Stewart, 50 6 Rufus Green, 63... 10D 13 6 - DANIEL KELSO, Conftabls. New-Boflon, March 12, 1583, eet et ettt st i PUBLIC NOTICE s beredy givem, tbat the of] [Jors for the propristor: of Sandwick, baws come mitied to the Jubferiber a tax em the yroprictors;, amount ing to feur pound tea shillings, on cach o iginal right ; and that unleli thry pay the Jame to me, or to Col Samuel Folyom, at Exeter, avithin one mamth frem the date, so much of their landswill be advertised for fals as will pay the tax and charges. Daniel Beede, Collestor. Sandwvich, May i, 1783, - State of New-Hampfbire, Straford, [. OTICE is bureby given to the propristors savn- N ers of land in Wakefield, in (aid cotinty, that Ihere is a tax of eleven fhillizgs snd fix perce, /aid o 2 rach original right in said towwn, by order of laid propristors, and committed to the fubleriber to éolled : Idp bhareby motify [aid prepristers and eivmers, that unless they pap Jaid tax to ths fubferiber, at Wakefield,or to Mril bamas Odisrne, at Exeter, wwithin thrve aveeks from tbe firff publication beresf, so wuch of their lands avill be adver tised for sale as will pay said texes avith incidental charges. ; Samuel Hall, Colle&or. Wakefald. April 20, 1783. Thursday the 22d of May, inflant, will be a continaation of the sale of part of the estate of the late Hon. Daniel Warner, Esq; decealed. At the fame time will be fold several houses and va ~luable loits of land. Tha sale to be at 2he house which Mr. Jumes Whitaker mow lives in, at tem o'clock beforenoon. S 5 April 10, JowmaTuany Warxer, Administrator,