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e B W D DN, _fiP‘” 20. Friday a large body ot failots, with 2 flag beiore them, marched to St. James's with a petition to his Majesty for ioe payment of their wages and prize mo ney, when they were reterred to the Lords of the Admiraity for redrets. Yefierday the Park gates were all thut z2nd faftengd by order; but some of the tars tound means to {cale the walls, or climt over the gates, and got into St., James’s Park; hut m:f'the appearance of the guards armed, they withdrew peaceably, without any biecdfhed, or any mifchief done. In confeqience of the tumultuous assem bly ot sailors, the horse guards were ordered on duty yellerdayat-two o’clock, The complaint ‘urged by the sailors is, ““ That they bave not received theéir prize ‘money.” This complaint is veryimproperly dire&ted 2gaiaft the.government; for the prize-money is aétualiy 'in the hands of the agenis, to whom z2lone thedelay of payment is to be attiibuzed, Undeterred by the late nlarming fate of the Caton, Le Vilte de Paris, and other crouded ships, from whose wrecks not 2 sin gle foul bhas been saved, the rage sot emis gration is (iill as wide spread 2s ever amorg the deluded peopte of Scotland and Ireland.d _ May 2. Extralt of 4 letter from Paris, April 18. “By adlhop of war lately arrived at L'O tient, Government has received dispatches ;fm‘m the East Indies, dated the 15th ot No ember : the contents of these difparches are ol ayvery unpleasing nature. The jamine which rages at Madras is dreadful indeed, as t'carries off we:kly 1400 in that city, and the z2djacent difiricts ; but this calamity i 3 not confined tothe Englith fertlementse—-it ‘has reached the French army,and domintons of Hyder Ali Khans its ravages were 1o great among our forces, that Moni. [D’Offalis, who succeeded to the command, o the death or Mons. Duchemin, tound it impct fible to maintain his pott near Madras, and fell backgdays march from his former {i2iion near the own. The supplies which u.ed to b sent to our aimy from Hydet’s domi nione, have grezdy fallen thort, and that Prince is scarcely able to subsist his army : ths Carnatic is so ravaged, that it cawdiaw very {paringly from home,for there the tfa mine rages with infinitely more fury than at Madrazs, for, by comguzation, 12000 of his fubjeéls are carried (ff by it. This has saved Madras, which, wezkened by iamine, must neceflarily have failen into our hands, if the famine had nct made its appearance in cur army. Hyder Ali cannot recruit his army with the numbers he expected,as men begin te be as scarce as provifiens in his once most populous provinces,———While the Carnaiic is thus diftrefled, the utmost plenty reigns in Bengal, where the lafi ¢rops were as plenti ful as could have been wished for j~—{o that there is 2 redundancy of rice in that King dom fufficient te supply the wants of the Carnatic ; but what with the superiority of cur flest, and the florms that have raged of late, the unfortunaie Carnatic derivs little or no benefit from the plenty of Bengal, About a 2 month before the sloop of war lert the Eafl-Indies, a flect of transports, laden with provificns, appeared off Madras, but was dispersed by a dreadiul florm, in which most of the thips were icfl, and with them an immense quantity of rice. which the Go vernor General of Bengal was fending to Madras, 1 was computed, when the dis patches came away, upwards of 300,000 per sons had perished by famine in the Englith territories, : nd those of Hyder Ali Khan, so that it this scourge thould rage for any great length of time, as dread ful consequences may be apprehended from it, as were produced irom the famine in Bengal some years ago, “which carried off two millions of people.” ~ May 5. Letters received on Friday from Sicily, date | the 7th of April,give an account of another severe shock of an earthquake there on the 281 h of March, which in many placesdefiroyed the remaining houses, and sbout-2agoinbabitante-~The unfortunate fur -vivors have joft fhcir 'all, ind expe&t their lives will follow, The eartii had Leen mere or teis agitated {o? fix weeks before,and (hete Ww3as an ‘appearance, as it the whole island would 'in the end be deliroyed. Many people who had fine eftates,are now reduced to poverty, their houfcs and*vineyards being destroyed, 21. d in several inflances the Terra Firma turned into a izke of water.—<Wretch ed barracks, builtNn the-most open places, are the residence of thofe'who 3 monthsago had magnificent heules ; acd many who fed a score of ufeful followers,are now 2‘upport:‘d by the pubiic dcitribution of provifioas,fent there from Naples and other places. The loss of the Caton, now unexceptiona ‘bly despaired of,is fuppoled to thin thehuman species of near 15co individuals; the'crew ‘would amount to 6.0 men,—the ‘military, ~and other perfcns on their passage Eome, would'make up the renizining pdrt of the ‘number. PHILADELPHBTA, Tung 4. ‘The continental ‘trocps who were at Sa wvannah are on thzir march to Chailefiown, where véfle's are prévidirg totranfport then ‘to their refpeétive Srates, General Wayne is gone 0 fetfle 2 frea'y of peace with some trtbes of lidiai’s on the fronticrs of Georgia. They are to negrici ate the business at Augufia, » It is with pleasure we :form-the public, that aline of post cffices are again eflablith ‘ed through theconiinent, trom Falmouch 2t the Eastward, to Savannah i Georgia. - Commiflioners have lately idzi'ed from Southr Carolina (two from New-¥ork and one for Bt. Avguftine)to claim allpublic and ptivate propeny carrisd f:om th2t Brate dor ing the ivar, Seme of the principal leyaiifls in New 'Yc,x‘b:, drezding the imperdirg lefentment of their injured feliow citizens, are mzking. interet for obtaining a fetilement in Con nelticut, and bave already formed a party, there in theit favor, under the influer'cz of one or iwa inttigning lawyets, who, itisre ported, if they succeed in their defizns, are to have 16c¢’. each. One of these fentle men, for alarge fee became 4o advecate for a M. Robert Smith, an adherent to the roy -2! cause, whose 1e adawilion to the rights of citizenship, haslately cccafioned great unea. finefs among the inhatiants of Conneclicut, Fxtralt ¢f a ketter from Lewis. ““ On Wednesday the ra:hintt. a dreadful whirlwind aud hail p=2{Ted theugh some part of Suffsx ; the widih lam r:t yet ableto ascertain ; fcme fay four rrziies; but in the centre it was furious beyond imzgination, It totally destroyed and carricd away five houses, besides corh eribs, for cne Mr, Wa ples, on the south fide of Indian river, with their boufehold furniture, beds, pewter, &c. Tops of houses were mounted in air. A pet tyaugre, turned over 2 man to save bind front the bail, is said to have been lifted up and dathed to pieces. No trees ¢cculd fland iis fury, but were either broke off, twisted liks §rcen wiihs, or torn up by the roots. Many ailflones were 8s big asa man’s two fifis, One hailstone knocked down a horse - Tet (frarge the providerce of Gedl) 1 have heard but ot one man killed, through many were bruised in their limbs—Many children remarkably preserved.” CHATHAM, Jone 4. - European accounts {ay, that nothing but anatchy pervades the iflind of Britain.—A mutinous army and navy, prepared for eve ry excess to which their um efirained lcen cioufnefs maycarry them-=—no morney in the . treasury to discharge tliec one or pay off the other, which besides the inconveniences to which the public service is exposed, by the troops and ships refufing to prcceed as they - are orderéd, continues to 10ad themn with the whole expenses of the war—Thbe Eatt India Company reduced to that extremity, thatif the loan, for which they have petitioned Parliament, be not granted them {oon, tiiey must flop payment, and thake the credit of the country to its very foundation—And where do they Jock for Ihis 'oan i—To 2 treasury exbzufied arnd unable to deiiay the ordinary expenses of governmeat, IPRI'NGYIELD, Jnne 17, About 7 ur Bco troops have pafled through ‘this town since our laf}, on the way to their re{peClive homcs.~—~The uncoemmoen good order, decency and civility of behavior, which they have as yet observed during their march, does them great henor. . B ARI M ane The last packet, arrived at New Y.k from'England, breughr orders, it is faig, for the evacuaticn of that city ¢a or beiore the firft of Augult pext. | The State ot Pennsylvania paid, in ths ‘month of -DMay, 28 214 dellars, 'Céntizen - ‘fal taxes, ol OBt P @ Nyedugse 19, 8 ‘gentleman fidm New-Yeik Aaforms, (et lat ‘week, 8 large black biig (e trae index cf Fer CaEr g¢) bound 10 Pert-Refoway, Irom thau port, havirg tn board 30 families '{rc:fs;g.«ic:‘;} wiih their ates fie, ‘was seen a tew hours alier failing, to'founce-, - d all oa board petithed. 'L ‘was foppoféd a bun flacted, ‘which occafiored this event. A frigate 'wes jn cam psny, but the roughrels of the sea prevented her pi ving them: relief. [T Lerd gawe ‘and ihe Lo d TAKETH AWAY~titlid be the nexs of the Lord.] : gl ban i ihng wg : A speedy evicuation of New York msy be exped:- ed, as the H (hans have ilready begen 10 embaik’; and the Brivfh, which are reduced o the'peace eftab lilbment of Go regiments, are io follow. : Friday Isft arrived here Capt Lose, inthe s') Refsmo~d, is 32 days peflags from Loncan. \ By Capt. Love, we le2rn that the definitive treaty of praecz, betuzen ‘the UJnied States of America, Fra:ce, Spain and Grest- Brirzin, was signed ai Paris, or the zoth ¢f Agrillaft, . | Rl _ 'The 120041 Leloaging to the American army, who in'iftzd during tte war, are difchargzd, and are daily retw nag home, R : 2 PORTEEMOUTH, Jigd I.+ . We hear from Concord, that the General Assembly of this State, now fitting it that place, have appointed the Hon. Jouw Laxgpon, Esq; a Member of Congress. _Ttey have also made: choice of Jon~- TAvYLoR GILMAN, Esq; as Treasurer of this State, _ | ~Yeflerday arrived lhere Capt. Simpson, in a brig in 20 days from Grenada, with a va luable cargo of rom, &c. : - On Sunday last we had a severe gust of wind, which lasted but a thort time ; it how ever did considerable damage, by blowirg down trees, fences, &c. and dimaging buij dings ; particularly two in Mr. Treadwell’s tan-yard, in this town, which were leveli’d with the ground, o e SIS S i i Goddard & Storer Hise for 3. AL B ) at their Shop near the Marker,— Claret W I N E by the cask or {maller quantity ; Sherry, Lisbon Cacavillz, Malagd, and Teneiffe ditto.—Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs and Mace. Also, an Assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, at Boften price. Caied, To be fold at public Vendue, On MONDAY the 7th day of July next, at THREE o'cleck P. M. on the premiies, (:f noi feld before at privats sale) Tlie Mansion-House of Capt. Berjzmia Odiorme; late of Portsmouth, deceafled, (it~ ate in Paved firest ({0 called) with (lie lands thereie Féonging, now ia the cccopation of Dati:l Fewlr, Efg; fabj-& to the Widow’s Dower.——— AL S O, zt the {ame time, ths dwelling houls and lot of lang fituzate 2t the corner of {aid fireet, now io the occopa-’ tion of Capt Thomas Airmett, beloaging to the hei s of Patience O'iorne. Cecealed, —Said premises being the mofl comvenient fituaticns in Portfmeuth, fer trada’ snd business —Céaditions of fzle, will be keown a 2 time and place ; snd good and {ufficicat deeds will be exscuted to the purchasers thereof. ‘ e THFOPRILUS DAME, Portsmouth, Tune 19, 1783, v