Imported from Philadelphic.
In Ihe Schooie: Kitty, JAMES DUNC-A,
master, and 10 be ioid on bozrd {aid
Schooner, at the Lo g-Wharf-——
Superfine FLOUR, in harrels
and ha!t barrels ; common ditto, in cairels
hali barrels, and kegs. Alifo,
Best yellow C O R N.
ames Sheate
Fine Flour, Mess Pork, and
. gsis Bar Iron.
Samuel Place,
amue wace,
Haze for sale at his shop in Queen-street,
SILVER, piated and metal Buckles,
\.J Fine Brea/t Pins,withHairFiecests Motloes,
Linamell'd, gilt, plaied 3 Japan Siceve Butions.
Knives and Forks, Penknives and Sciffars.
Enameli’d Boxes, with Smelling Botiles.,
Quill back Kazors. Main Springs, sorted.
Watch Files. sorted. Bobins, ditio.
Pendelum Wire,ditto. Inside Chaiuns, ditto,
Ground Chr.j}als,diiioe. Varges & Broaches dit.
Fine palifbid ficel Men’s Chains.
- Keys, Seals and Trinkets.
Watch Maker's Tools, &8¢ B¢, &s¢, |
S fRAYED or folen from wne pasture of the fuo
fciner 1o Kt tezy. on the mighs of Saaday :he
15 ninitant, 2 «s'k brosn HORSE 7 years old, a
natural trotter, nboat 14 hands vigh, hes 4 scar on his
lefy thigh.~— Whoever wilßiccare the hoife, so. that
the gwaer may 4ave him again, theil kave four dol
lars rewad, and all necefliry charges paid, by
Kiiter ¢, June 21,1781 ~AMUZEL FERNALD,
Sttt 01 INEW ux){tninf.
%. 1 OTICE ishereby givea to the nov resident
1,. "J o zrs of land im Louden, who have not paid
their taxcs for the year 1782, that {o much- of their
land wil. be foid at public vendue, 0a Thursday the
17th day of July pext, B¢lo o’clock in the forenacn,
at the house of Li. Paal Morrill, innholder in (aid
town, as will pay the taxes and chaipes aniels pre
venied by previcu payment, Stae tax. War tax,
Firit hundreds, Ne. Q'iy. e £id,
Joseph Hufiey 75 160 O 4 il g
George ]sfirey 76 100 PG A
Fravcis Dargin 78 100 1z © 8 4
John Rollings 95 160 9173 O 3
Ichabod Follet 9t 100 9 3 6: '3
Samuel Smith 99 100 iz O 8 4
lohn Woodman 130 100 ilz 6 8.4
Thomss Willey 134 100. 9.§ 63
Abraber: Mathews 136 1100 e € 3
Rohert Bumfe:d 162 50 4 8 93
Thomas Drew 133 100 9 4 libus
Second lLundreds,
Timothy Tibbeis 72 86 028 i 6 g
Edwa d Tivbetts 96 100 93§ e 3
S:mrel Hill 106 -34 g L gnisi e
Pasl Gerith © 102 2§ 341 2%
E.: Clatk: 115 10D io I & ¢
John Hele 19 100 I+ Q" ‘a2, O
Riias Criichet 129 103 1829 .12 6
Jecan Chelley 130 100 Qi 6 3
Joleph Tib=ets 133 100 9 5 0 g
Reojmic Mufon 135 100 9 4% 6 3
faiepn Bick ord 139 oo 94 = 6 3
N, Lumuck’s 3qrs.cfigt 2506 TigPariil 4 8
Joseph E ftess 167 10 1z 6 8 4
Abish«m W:hews 169 100 18 9. 12 6
Dasiel Davis 183 100 Qg bing
William Feilows 188 100 12..6 8 4
RichardWaliron, j. 186 80 9 4 6 3
Pari of the Goverr..r’siarm ¢o 9 4 6 3
Nazthaniel Bacheldor, Constable.
~ Louder Jose 4th, 1783 - ;
~ State of New-Hamgthire. |
®» 7T OTICE is hereby given to the non-refis
h dest owaers of land in Dablin, who have nst
paid their taxes for the yesrl7Bl, that so much of
¢heir land will be fold public verdue on Wednelday
the thirtieth day of July mext, at ose o’clock i the
afiernoon, at tha house of Jamas Rellire, innholder
in {aid town, as will pay the taxes with incideatal
‘charges, unlels prevemied by previcus payment,
Jpecie slate bssf fler woar. fats. p’e.
N.Rd /. d./ 4/ 4 [ d.[4dd
John Swain 4221 320010 69514
an.Emerfor3 311 320010 69518
o Livériiores 7.1 9 10 1.8'9.:7, 4 234{‘3-
w7raCarpentetl 110461111561187
Sl con O, @alsbie,
Dublin, June 4, 1783.
IMPORTED ia the la Ships from
LONDON, into Boston, and
cheap for calh, or short credit,
: at Wholesale, v
1 homas T hompfon,
h:NGLISH Canvis, No. 1 (0 §—
dage of all sizes—Pitt and Croffiut Saws
~—Fryicg Pans——Nails of all sorts—several
packages Hard Ware, sorted—one cask of
Joyner’s Plains—Lcondon Pewter— Broad-
Cloths=—Silk, Twist, Thread, and Buttons
of all colors——Buckram— Ja-es, {fpotced and
plain—Janetts—Corduroys—Velver, and
Chintz—Copperplates— Sattin—Modes —
silk, thread, cotton, and worsted Stockiogs,
&ec. &c. &c. ‘
TOU Be SOLD, a few Casks oi
Lilbon and Cacavilla Wines,
By NOAH PARKELR, of Portsmouth,
. State of New-Hampfthire,
NOTICE is hereby given, that the non
refidcnt owners of land 10 Brintwond,
Wuo have not psid their taxes for the year
1781, that so much of their lands will be fold
at public vendue, on Thuriday the 17th day
of July next, at three o’clock in the after-
Noon, at the house of Capt. Jamesßoberfon,
Innholder in (2id town,2s will pay said taxes
and charges, uniefs prevented by previous
pPaymeit. New Emission. | Silver,
Dr, Josiah Gilman, Lo oo [.OIB o
Thomas Page, L ke 082
Dr. Nathanicl Gilman,B 16 6 2 14 11
Robert Rowe, Conflable,
Brintwood, May 2451782
Siate of New-Hamplhire.
O T 1 CE is beraby gte‘n to the noa-refi-
N dent Gwners of band in New-Chefler, who ave
dciiuquen in paying their tsxes for the yeer 1782,
that unless they pay them to us the {ibfc:ibers, with
incidental chacges, om or before ihe fificesth day of
July zexzibat {3 much of their land will then befold
as will pay taid :axes und ikcidental charges thereon,
st the houle of Capt. Cunieg Favoure, in {aid iown,
at eleven o’clock in \ae forenoon on said day, st pob
lic aultion. N. D. Siste Wartax
Abuer Feliow’s Lift. ¥, ol
Col Mathew Thornton, 67 1 2.8 2
Diie 77 4 410 3
Ditto 872x:8% 0.0 1 4 5
Diito 3.2 410 4
- Diue | £3..3.970 .45 0 4
Ditta - : el & .3 4 2
Di:to 82 2 410 4
Diiio 4! 3 6 4 5
Diito . 87 4 410 3
Ditto 39 3 3 4 3
Ditto % 8 410 4
Dite 45 4 410 3
Divo ¢o 12 ;3 8 3
Diitg 51 3 410 4
Do =G 4 410 4
William Tolfard, | 2.4 I 4 a 3
Stephen Feirenion, 28 4 3 4 2
Jehn Gorden, 32 2 710 5
- Dino 2 3 3 4 3
Joseph Claik, 10 3 480 4
Joseph Blanchard, 42 12 4 4 3
Ditto 5 2 3 4 3
Ditio 8 3 410 4
Ditio 35 4 3 4 &
i Thomas Well’s Lit. -
Joleph Tolford, 66 1 410 3
Bitto 74 4 4 10 4
Heary Herron, "8 3 410 3
Johm M'Murphy, Efg; &1 2z 419 4
Ditte | §* 3. 410 8
Ditte 37 4 5 4 z
Jacob Sargent, 59 3 " 4 18 4
Ditto | 58 5 % o 3
Jjames Moers, | 6 2 .7 10 5
" Dittoe 9 3 6 4 5
Ditto §2 % 419 4
Ebenezer Daarbors, 63.3.. 6 4 4
John Man, 8 z. O 4 5
Ditio 44 3 g ‘7°, :
Diuto 5 4 . :
ABNER FELLOWS, } Cealtsbles.
New-Gholter, March 31, 1793 ;
0 B 56 1L 12,
b Sheafe, 1+
acob Sheafe, i+
Cheap for Cath,— '
A few hhds. of choice French
BRANDY ; a 2 few brxes ot heft boitied
CLARET ; SUGAR, by the hopfhead o¢
barrel; and a quaniity of ROCK SALT & ¢,
Cheice I ifbon Feathers,
o G R S R 0
By Timothy Mountford,
On Spring Hiil. Porifmouth, Jure16.1483,
HAMPSHIRE, is ready for the Prefe, zad
On fuitzble encouragement, wilk be printed
by Mr. Robert Aitkin, of Philadelpnia ~——o
Specimens of the paper, page and type, arg
test with ThomasMactin, Eig; J thua Bizck
et, I sq; and Jeremiah Likley, Eiq; of Forii
mouth ; Szmuei Biooks, E{q; ot Exeter ;
and the Rev, Mr. Thayer, of Hampton ;
who will receive subscriptions,
One hundred Acres of Land in
the Town of Canzaan, to be fold. luquise
2t the Printing Office in Poriimouth,
OST, 2 few days since, a BOOK entitled
L the TRIAL of General BURGOYNE,
be:ore the Parliament.~—Whoever can in:
form, or return it to Dr, Bracksir, will
greatly oblige him.
¥~ HL ifoilowing non-rcfident delinquznt
T proprietors of the Townthip of Saviile,
formerly so called, but now incorporated by
the name of Wendell, are hereby notified
that so much of their land will be fold at
vendue in said Wendell, at the house of
Mr. Joseph Lear,on the firft day ot Aoguit
next, at 10 ¢’clock in the forenoon, as wiil
pay their Continental,State, Town and Beef
taxes, for tiv year 1780 ; and the inciden:al
charges that bas arisen, or may bhereafics
arise thereon ; unless prevented by previous
payment, 2t my house in said town.
Old Emiffica. £. [ 4
Eliphalet Sprford, jßeax. . 29 .76
- s ad diite 1290
Oliver Corsy. jau, ifdlie . 25 71
. 24 ditig 2 %o
Stephen Woodward, ‘ § 1§ @
Samunel Gilbert, 12 ¢ @
Jefish Hart, ' 4 16 o
Abijah Reniff, 8 36
Jeremiah Hawkiag, | 4 160
The sbove to be paid iz silver, at the exchange of
feveniy-five far one. Danisl Greadsl, Colliftar,
Wendell, Feb. 15. 1783. .
State of New-Hampthire.
N O TICE is hereby gives to the non refidext
ewneis of Land is Francitown, who have not
paid their taxes for the year 1732, that unlels they
pay their taxes with ircidental charges, o me the
{ubfcriber, on or befors Tuesday the Bih day of July
next, so moch of their land will be fsld dt poblic
verdue, at 2 o'clock in the afiermoon of {sid dsy, &t
the houfs es Capt. Oliver Holmes, innholder in said
town, as will pay said taxes and charges, uclsli pre
vented by pravicus paymeat.
% . Jabex Holmes, Colle&tor.
~ No.OY. £, ¢+ 4
Barnets’s heirs ' gMB o 16 4
Thomas Boyd’s heirs 200 3 4
Andrew Armer \ 30 4
e & 5o %
Caldwell, of Bedford i 3 1%0 iz
Solly srd March 17 100 1 I,
e Coffin | 200 & 4
Undivided land to Pearce’aright 200 4
James Willow 150 7 18
Joseph Cothran 50 g
Capt. Gilmore 100 Iz
Lieat. Dinfmor 100" - iz
Mr. Wilson | 40 3 7 §
Thomes Wilfoa £ 30y
___ Franciflown, Juse 4, 1783. 1
LL Perions indebted to, or that have say Da
| A mards upon the Estate of James Hait, Block
maker, late of Porifmouth, deceased, are defived ia
bring in their Accoonts to Mary Hart of {aid Ponil
mouth, Administratrix, for a speedy settlement.