OCR Interpretation

The New-Hampshire gazette and general advertiser. [volume] (Portsmouth [N.H.]) 1781-1784, July 05, 1783, Image 1

Image and text provided by Dartmouth College

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By the United States in Comgrefs assembled,
March 18, 1783
"I‘\HA'[‘ it be recommended te ihe several fates
2 indifpenfibly naceilary to the restoration of
public credit, and to the punétual 2ad heororable dil
charge of the public dabts, to inveß in the Übited
States in Congress aflembled, a power to levy for the
ufs of the United States, thas following duties upon
goods imparied B 0 the said Rates, from any foreiga
port, iflind, of plan¢aiion.
Upon ali rum of Jsmasica proof, per gallen 490
Upon o} ipiritmous liquars, 3 9o
Upos Madzi a wing, 12 9o
Upon wines of L'fbor,Oparto. thale called } 6
Sherry, and upoa all French wises, 90
Upon wines cslled Malaga or Teneiiffs, §go
Upan all othsr winsy, 4 9o
WUpoa common bohea tes per pound, 6 go
Upen all oher tess, 24 9o
Upon pepper par pauad, iisen
Upon browa sugar per pousd, hli.-go
Upon loaf fuger, 2 9o
Upon all cihai lugsrs, 1-go
U;}Ofl molaiie P# g,ailan, 1 g 9
Upon cocoa and cofise pes pound, 1-90
Uvon fals, afici the present war per buthel, 1-Bth
of a dollar. _
And spon sll odier geads, except erms, ammuai
and clooibing, €r ather articles imported for the Utrit
ed Staies, 8 duty of five per ceat. &d valorsm ; pro
vided thst there be allowed 2 boanty of 1-8:h of adol
lar for every quintal of dried fthexporied out of these
UnitedSistes, and 8 like sum for evsry barrel of pick
led fifh, beef, or poik, te be p2id or allowed to the
exporters thereof, at the poert from which they thall
be {o exported. |
Provided that none es the said duties (hall be ap
plied @ asy ether purpose than the discharge of the
interest or principal of the debis which thall have been
contralted on the faith of the Usited Staces, for fup
poriing the prefeat war,agresable (o the resolution of
the 16thday of D-cember 158, nor bs coniiaaad for
a longer terni thaa tweaty five years 5 and provided
that ihe colleCtors of tha fsid daiies,(hall ba appointed
by the slates wiihin which their eflicas are to be ref
peftively exeici(ad, but when {o appointed, shall be
amenzble ta aud removable by the Uxzited Siates, in
Congrels aflomoled, glonz; aad in c:{s any slate thall
sot make such appoiniment within one maonth after
woidce given for thet purpele, the appointmsnt may
shen be made by the United States ia Congress af
{zmbled. _
Thai it be further racommendad (o the several slates
to eftablith for & term limitied to twenty five years,
22d to appropriate to the discharge of the interest and
peincipal &f the dsbis whicifhsll have been contra&ted
on the faith of the Uaiced States, or fupporiiag the
prefen: war, (übftentiel 2nd eff-Ctazl revesuss of such
natars as they meay judge molt coavenien: for sup
plying their refp:&ive prepotiions of oue million five
hundred thoufaad doilars asoually, which proportion
shall b fixsd aad equslized from time to time, ac
cotd sg o the rule which is or may bs prescribed by
the articles of confederation ; and in case the reve
nnes aftablifhed by any fiaiz, (hall at any time yisld 2
fom exceeding its aflaal propoctios, the excess thall be
rofanded 1o it : and in cafz the rivenver of aay slate
fhal b fousd to be defizient, the immediate defici
encies (hall be made ap by such (ate with pe little’de
lay 23 poflible asd a tuiace doficigacy gaarded against,
by 2n enla-gement of the revssoes ¢flablifhed ; pro
vided tha: unil ‘he rule of the confedsraiion can be
gcarried into praftice, the proporiicss of the said
1,500.0¢0 Gs dollars thall ba as fol ows, viz.
New-bamjfhice 52,708
Maflackaleits 224.427
Rhode iflind | 32 318
& oanrflicug - 13291
New-Yoik 128 243
New jericy - 83 358
Penaniylvacia 205,189
P.laware 3 22,443
Marylaand 141,517
Vil’giflil . 256,487
North Carclinz 109,006
South-Carolina §6,183
Gserpia 15,030
The {2id revenues to be colle&ed by persons ap
pointed as aforefaid, but to be carried to the feperate
credit of the states withie which they thallbe coilz&ed:
That 8a snnuel sccouat of the proessds and ap.
plication of the aforementioned revenmas, th:ll be
made cut and transmitted to the faveral fatss, dis.
tinguithing the proceeds of each of the fpecified ar
ticles, and the smouat of the whols revenue recei,ed
from each state, together with the 2llowsaces made
to the several ¢fficers employed in the colieétion of
the {aid revenues.
That wone of the preceding relolutions thall take
effe@ until all of them ihall be acceded 1o by every
flatg, aflter which unanimons acceflion, however,they
shall be corfidered as forming 3 mutual compadt
among all tha states, and shall be irrevocable by any
oze or mors of them witheut the concurrerce of the
whcle or of a majority of the United States in Con
gress aficmbled :
That 2s 2 further mean as well of haftaning the ex
tinguifhment of the dabts as of eftablithing the ha:-
mony of ¢he United States, it be recommended to
to the states which have pafl:d no a&s towa:ds com
plying wiih the resolutions of Congrefls -of the 6ih of
September and 10th Oftobsr, 1780, ralative io terri
torial cessions, to msake the liberz! ceflions thsreis re
commended, and to the slates which may have passed
2t complying with the said refo'utions in pari osly,
te revise and compleat such compliance.
That ss &8 more converient and certain rils of as
certaining the proportions to te supplied by the slates
respectively to the common tresfury,the followiag al
teratios in the articles of confederation and perpetaal
union between thefs states, be and the several slates
are advised to authoiize their refpeflive delegates to
{ubfcribe sud ratify the {sms as part of the said in
firument of unicn in the words following, via.
Se much of the eighth of the srticles of cenfederation
end perpetusl upion betweea the thirteen states of
America, as is contained in the words following, vis,
* All charges of war 2ad al} other expences tha: fhal
be incurred for the common defence or gcasml wel
fare, and sllowed by the Usited Siates in Congress
¢flambled, shall be defrayed out of 8 common traa
fury which shall be supplied by the several Rates, ia
proportion to the valus of all land within sach Rate
granted io or furveysd for any perfom, as such land
and the buildings ard improvements thercon thall be
eflimated, accordirg to such mode ss the United
States in Congress aflembled, shall from time to time
diret ard appoint,”is hereby revoked ard made void;
and in place thereof iy is declared and corcluded, the
fame having been agreed (o in & Congress of the
United States, that “all charger of war and all other
expences that have beea or thall be incurred for the
ccmmon defence or general welfare, snd allowed by
the United Statés in Congrels sflembled, except {o
far as {hall be otherwise provided for, fhsll be de
frayed out of a common treasury which shall be sup
plied by the several Rates, ir propertion to the whole
number of white and other free cilizemns and iohabi
tants of every age, sex and condition, including those
bound to servitude for a term of years, and three-fifths
of all other persons not comprehended in the fore
going defcripiion, except Indians, not paying taxes in
each state, which numbers shall be trisanally tsken
and transmitted tothe United States in Congress as.
{fembled,in foch mode as they {hall dire& snd appoiat,
From the Philadelphia Freeman’s Fournal,
‘ of Fune 4. '
IN Sussex, of the Delaware state, this win
ter and {pring,more than twenty persons,
generally heads of families, are already dead,
by the Poison of Lead which they drank in
brandy ; by being diftilied through a flill
worm made of old gutter lead, by beating
and foddering it. It had been partly dii
folved before, by the nitre of the 3ir, and
then fully into white lead by the boiling aci®
spirit of the cyder, and peach liquor. The
brandy on examination had 2 very large se
diment of white lead in the bottom ; -but as
lead is only an austere sweet; it could not be
tasted on the brandy, DMany more are yet
in danger from it,
The Symptoms were violent pains or
spasms of the stomach, then of the bowels,
obstinate conflipation, and no paffage—be
fore death, black stools; circulations retard
ed, and the arterial system injured, but the
nervous much more—breathing difficulte
cramps in the limbs—tremblings and para-
Iytic fymptoms—{pafms, c ‘“\vuifions,epilep
tic fits, fuffocation and death,
Cure of the smelters ot lead.—They have
their stomachs full of hot greasy broth ; and
when poilfoned drink bottles of sweet oil,and
glifier with the fame. Anry mild oil may do
as well. Tobacco smoke glisters and bal
sam Peru are recommended. Mons, Xavi
er’s cure will not do.
Q. Would it be unworthy our legislators,
to take notice of our still worm=2? M, W,
L O NB O N; Apnloi
The foliowing is the dctail concerning the
dreadful havock made in Sicily and Cala
bria by the late earthquakes, as communi
cated by an eminent Italian merchant, who
received the account by yesterday’s French
mailin a letter from his correfpondent,dated
March 11, Number of dead,
In Montleone, that part of the town
called Terra Venhia, the Castle, and
the feat Donna Marianna Fabia g
Calibro ey s 29
Parovati R s
8. Calugero s — 35
St. Pietro di Miletodo P i
Canerpami destroyed 26
Rofarno, totally defiroyed — —wwmemee 3E
Do:fi, do., e — 47
Riziconi, do. s e 76
St. Christina, do. B QoQ
Cafoletto,befides thePrince& his familyzoo
Sitizano, deflroyed — ceememe 256
Lubrico, do. e o 100
« Aquerodi Sinopili, do. == - 300
L.a Madonadido, do. e 600
Oppido, do. nmans 2500
bemirana, do, e 3600
Palmi, do. e e 4000
Pagnara, do, e 4000
Scilla, balf do, s 240 G
St. Procopio, destroyed e 900
Pedavoli, do. - —— 300
Pallagoria, do. — 600
Sciro, do. B 150
St. Pio Giorgio, do. —— 200
Venapoli, do, — — 300
Trifilico, do., e . .900
Calimero, partly defiroyed — wee——e
Catelluci, do. —— 130
Calanna, do. m—— . e 10
Terra Nuova, do. o 2000
- Reggio, do. g - 17
Radacina, do. ot 2600
Caval Nuova, do. — - 8300
(Including the Princess of Gerace) e
In all | e 35,52 K
Besides the above account, which is as ex=
a¢t as could be made up, being by order from
the Court of Naples, there is a lift of 21 more
towns and villages which have been defiroy
ed ; but the number of the dead.canaot be
alcertained. Ce
[NVo. 1392,

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