Newspaper Page Text
LONDON, BMay». ':l‘h? following is said te be the arramge ment for {atisfying the Loyalists who have faffered so much by the Amearicaa war: T'welve Pensions of 500 l a yeur, ‘Three of toool, Eighteen of 4ocl. < | Twenty five of iool. atd fix reversions: < Thirty of 'zool. and ten reversions. Foriy-fix of 100. Sixty-two of gol. e : A M, Fox was of opinion that they ought to have been provided for in Canada; but ths Loyalists ap plyieg to Loids North ard Carlifle, to yet thai inten tion changed, have succeeded. There will flill, it is fad, be ro less than 170 who will go without any piovifion. . , ; ; 2o Iday 14. The sccounts from India are very far from.being unfaveurable. The following particulars mey be depended upon: Very confiderabie supplies of prov'fion hed beenthrown into Madras from Ben oz, in the moath of November, nor were the fmsilcft appreheniioss entertained ar Rembay for its fafe ty.—All was well at Bevgsl in December. It was generally believed ua the Majabar ceal,thae, Hydes Ally was desd. Gen. Mradows had taken Qsore by form, and was procesdiog agsinit Mange lore, with 3 very corfiderable foice. He had been‘ uriformly {uccelsfel in his opetations on the Muelabar ‘coait, against Hyder’s domibion:. ~ : | RICHMO N D {Virginizg) Joue 7. The honoreble Genersl Aflimbly of this Stafs kave voted an immediate payment of silty thoulaad - ‘pourds to Congiefs ; and the fueds oot of which this morey is dircfted 141’3 prid being fully equalto that demaad, it affords {oriiole plealure that Virgiais, by the wildom Sf the legifl.iu:e, wiil reirieve her ‘charz&er of gocd faith a:ad exeriion amorg tthniitd‘ States ; and pursue the »ay to the refloraiion of Ame ricen cradit, sed eflabiifhinent of 2 permarneni [yfem of fizance, to which we are weil aflured the present endeavours of b lggiflature are zzalci {ly pointed. PHILAPDPELPHIA ‘June 38 .. . Waednei{day lat artived the Th'p Queen of France, Capt. Deal; in seven days from Havanns, who inturms that a Spanith Cap tain hid arrived there, who said he was taken by 2 pirate, who was cruising ina ship of 20 gens and 150 men, in the cld Siraights of Bzhama, whaie he had tekeo 11 Spenifh vefiels, The Pirate havirg flood nezrthe coast of Cuba, this Ceprain fiinped cverboard and swam afhoie, The pizate said the King of England and Congreis had made pesce, buthad sot confulied him; therefore he thould not mind their treaties,. . . By a vessel frem New-Providence we lgarn, that 2ccounis have been received there from Jamaica, of the caprure of a large fLip, mounting 22 guns and 200 men, Which had been ‘piracically cruising for some time past in those fea3, apd had taken se veral Spapifh vessels in the oid Straighis of Bahama, but at tempting to board 3 French fiigate in the night, she was foriua nately captured and cafried into Cape Franceis, It was said she was last from Liverpool, o Gl Ap account was lately received in New-York, that 2 party of Indians had lately ptid a vifi: to the lcyal refugees fautled in Nova-Scotia, and had commiited g -eat outrages oun the persons and property. of these wreiched pecple. , g N E W-Y ORK, Juna 3. : ExtraZ? of a ketter from Part Rofeway, May 13, ¢ Nazture has vndoubiedly been ve'y litersl 1o ¢his harbour for ivis oniverfslly ackeowicdged to be oze of the fincft inthe world. The eatrante of it is formed by two eppcfi e poists of high land, which gppears very much [ike the Narrows in States Hlzod: from these ta the hesd of the harbour is sabout two leagues, 3gd the shore in geheral foko'd all the way up, that 3 feven<y-four gun (hip may lsy her broad {i_a toir, The harbour it formied by a sumber of 10 (h water vivedd, or rather creeks, the entrance es it yery ezfy, and a ship is no sooner out of thele Nar rowe, than she is immedistely at fes, i ¢ The land adjacent te the harbour has & rugped . appezrancs, bicing rockey on cee fide in particular, bat there is very good iand o» the ether 5 and Jan in‘ormed, the fusghsr back the beuerit is. We have the greateflt variety of fith, sod very cheap; Ihave seen twaeaty-four fine large Ced feld for one dollar, and s Halibut (3 most delicate fith indeed) weighing 150!b. for the fame fom. At the Falls, five miles frem the head of the harbour, kerrings of an excel- Jent quality gre c3aght in grelt abundante ; I am told that a fiagle parson, with a [coop net may tdke 20 barrels iz one day. - Trout 2od Sslmoa are here ina great plenty. In short, [am conviated that with ezcoursgemsnt from Goverrment, good regulations ard indullry, this will in 2 short time, bs 3 place of corfi lerable importance. The lots 2re sow drawn, g:0 every one bufi'y employed on his own fpor.” NEWLONDON, janz 21. - We hesr the new ercéted town of Refugees, at Port Rofeway, in Nova Scotig, was some time last month aimo®t wholly defiroyed by fire. - 2 O 5 7T O N lulyi - it 3 now car silently reported that the Biitith army -wili jgave New-Yo k inthe course of the moath of Avged, It is{aid that diredtions to this purpose were seceived by the lalt veflels arrivad st New-York fiom Esg'and. : | : w 8 KL B oM, Jelgs . ©Onh the 20tk ult. the ship Cafile Douglas, Capiain Stewart, arrived a 1 New-Vork from England. He fsiled from the Downs the 18ih of M2y st which time it is faid.the Definitive Treaty o/Peace wasrot Gzzed, _. M. Van Berke', the Putch Bleaipsientiary to ti'e Uhnited States of America, was to lezve Holisad, on his way to Phi'adelphis, the r& of Isft monk _The Hon. Robery R. Livingltor, Efg; having fig pified his desire of refiyning the cffice of Secretay 10 ‘the United Statet for the ceparrmentof Foreign Af fairs, Congrels unamocfly resolved thar their thanks be prefznted t 0 that Geetleman, for his [irvices dur jeg his contincance in cfice ; and that he bz idured Coangrels entertzia s high fenie of the ability, zzal gud fiZelity with which he hath difchzrged the imponart it reposed in him. _ o PORTSEMOUT H, july y, . Yesterday being the gloricus Ara that compleared the FIGHTH YEAR OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, . large company of genuine lons of freecem, assembled at Whidden's long-room, to felicitate each other on the joyous oc -.cafion, Afier partaking of an elgeant colladion, ot which the , Chevalier Macarty, and others of His Moll Chriltian Mejefty's _ Officers, were present ; the following toafls (expressive of the * sentiments which warthed the heat of every fmeaiber prefeint) were drank, ) 18, The United States of Americs. ' ~2d. Qur Royal Ally Lewis the XVI h----May kis glorions Yervices be.rememberzd with gratitude by the latcft gecerations, 3d. Qur Frizndsand Allies througheut the worid, ‘4th. General Wathington, and the liluft:icus Band of Heroes F that have fought and fuffered in -their Country’s Caple, | gth, The Navy abd Ay of Yrance --May the Furtune cf her Flag be tqtial 1o the Bravery of Ler Troops, : 6th., The American Minifiers at forgign Coutid, ~.7:h. The State cf New-H:mpfhirg, f Bth. The Volunteers cf Ireland. i ‘gth. May the Commerce of Amerits, travel with the Sun, and diffubwve with the Skies 10th. May the degenerate sons of America, who shrunk at ‘the clouds of her distress, neves baik in the raye of ber glory, Lo Mav no party malice, of tory fleategem, ever :ri’.‘m{:h cver public virtue, . : ~ 12:h. May etrraal honors crown the memory of b fe irflex ible Patricts who laid the Foundation of American Libeity, . 13:h. May this Glorious Anniversary b celibiated 9y the Sons of Fiecdem, while Time shall last, - Mefhiéurs PRINTERS, . -, , Yol AST week one Stinfon, 8 REFUCELD, wae spprehendsd L by order of jult ce, and commited to Exerer an-} £or trang por ation., Yt is hoped this example will animate eve:y « Jicer inthe State, o eadeavor effeQually to prevent thole milcreants, fram enjoying that freedom, which they have endeavorad to over. throw ; and the fuciety «f thole, whovs they heve fought with such favege crueliy to defticy, I the Stater of New-Yok and New-Taley, ‘tis {aid the inhebitan(s have formed sffociati ‘ons, and bound themiclves by the most fo'emn ties, never to ad mit those, whefe chbara€tere are [0 deep'y maiked with infsmy. to reside amMong them. Several wiho baee had the beardin.fs to attempt it, have fell facrificce ta the full scfenrments of (he ia. juted mul'itude, Ta the State of Matiuchuletts, "ty weli Known they are puaiding againfl (heic return, wiih a¢ much circus (pe&ion, as they ever did againé theineaads «f the British armiy, Ta answer this [alutary purpole, Committees of infoe@ion are furming in every town, te fee the laws exetuted again® ('h.-mc with the utmaft sigour, The juflice iod neceflity of thole mea fores will eppear, if we refic@ that our Liberties can never befe cure, nor oar Government efablifhed, if these people 21e prira misted to retu,ne They will be ever underminirg the founda tions of the State, *tillits firmeft pillars fall aid this fair fobrck, raised at the expence of so much blood and treasure, tumbles into rutn, W ia. o 3 , _ Theciuelties that have been exercised by the Tor ‘sz-_igerys, upen Ameiicans of every denomination, who i)av?y unhappily falleniato their hande, easily accovuts for the indignation that o generally arifss at the very mention of their names. Thry have not only wreaked their {pitefu) fury. on men who may be able to retaliate 3 but the weakness of the Fair has not been t'he}r;ra. te@ion, and the helpiefs iofant has in cumeroun inflznces been facrificed to glat their vengeance, becaule he was the offipricg Ufa Whig- e ; 2 b N 6 ke : " The barbirous execution of Harw, the howid trepedy of B ArNE, snd the'bloody murder of Hupp v, have made too drep impressions on the minds of Americans, 1o be easily obliterated ; their blood cries fos.veogeance, and with pleasure we fee it fai ling on the guilty heads of the savage perpetrators of such une- Qoslled VillaißßEN, -~ . e & Obnoxiou? as they have become, and dangerous as will be their return, they have, notwithstanding, some friends, who are con tirually endeavoring to effec it. How bighly then does it be hove every lover of his covatry ; every one who has the {mailefd Fecling for the irjuries and barbarities'that kave been heaped without mercy on his captive countrymen § evety one who has the least regard for his future fafety and repose ; in short, every one whe dreads the calamities of a second civil war, to endeavor by aH possible means, to prevent thisimpending evil. To zccom. plifh this desirable end, we soon hope to fee ASSOCIATIONS formed in this, as in other States; and that roused by the threatening danger, the people will unasimoufly support, with their lives and fortunes, their patriotic fervaots, who in this in fance, may exert themselves for the general fafery. Posterity will do justice to the memory of such worthies, and their names shall be handed dowp with gratitude and reverence to distant generations. LEGION, i e : k ; g e ¥ ’ s B- RO LB axe - 5 ; . Facob Sheafe, 1+ Cheap for Cath,— . ; i ; ~ o ' 2 A few hhds. of choice French BRANDY ; a few boxes of best bottled CLARET ; SUGAR, by the hogshead or barrel ; and a quantity of ROCK SAL T, &c, IMPORTED in the las Ships ¥from LONDCOCN, iato Boston, and TO BE SOLD, cheap for cath, or short credit, at Wholesale, v T homas T hon: 1 homas T hompfon, E\NG LISH Canvis, No 1 t 0 B§~ 2. Twine—Cod Jines—Spunyarn—Cor dage of all sizes—Pitt and Crcfltut Saws —Erying Pans—Nails of all sorts—several packages Hard Ware, furted<=one cask of Joyner’s Plains—London Pewter— Broad.- Cloths=—Silk, Twist, Thread, and Butions of all colors—Buckram-—Ja:es. spotted and plain—Janetts—Corduroys—Veiver, “and "Ve!ver'etts-é-Sha!!‘o()ns?-wGauze-—-—Calii‘to-—. Chintz—Copperplates— Sattin—Modes — fi'k, thread, cotton; and worlled Stockings, ‘Ko %t WO, e e IR, SRR T 40 BE SO LD Ry Y James Sneafej o~ & ~ ‘3 DY A 4 Fine Flour, Mels Pork, and Bar Iron. ; ¥ Samuel Place, . Has for {2le at kis thop in Q- e=n-fireet, Q WLVER, plated ani . tal Buckles, E;jf‘ine Breast Pinsgwitl i aivPiecests Mottecs, linamell'd, gilt, plased 5 fapan Steeve Butlons, Kuives and Ferks, Penkniv's and Sciffars. lEnamelid Bowes, with Smeiling - Battles, Quill !,a‘-;;’: Ka”‘f Main Springs, ferted. Watch Files. fortcd, Bibins . ditte, Pendelum Wireditte. Inside Chains, ditto. Ground Chr flas,ditte. Farges 8 Broaches,dit, Eine polifbed fieel Men's Chains., Keyi, Seais and Trinkets, Watch Maker's Tools, t9¢. (3¢, B¢, i ) TS i R 7§ HE FIRST VOILUME ot Mr BEL -1 ENap HISTOKY or NEW HAMPSHIRE is re2dy ror the Preis, and on suitable encoviagement, ‘will be printed by M-, Robert Aiikin, of Philadelphia,~— Specimens of the paper page and type, are lett with Thema Maitic Fig; Jothua B:ack et, Esq; and Jeremiah Libbey, Eiq; of Portfe mouth 5 Samuel Doocki, Efgq; of Exeter ; and the -Rev. Mr, Thayer, of Hampton who will reccive fublcriptions, set 720 T W ] S B € T eoMR 2 Ie Y .TO BE SOLD, a few Catks of Litbon and Cacavilla Wines, _ By NOAH PARKER, of Portsmouth, %Y H E creditors (o ihe ehiate of Raiph E Biafdel, late of Kirgfiown ih the coun ty of Rockingham; yeoman,deceafed, tepre fented infclvent, are hereby notified that the commissioners appointed tc examine theiz clzims againfl {aid eflate will attend that bu siness at the dwelling houle of Benjamin Ctough, innhelder in Scuth- Hampten, on the second Monday of the fix folicwibg months from three to fix of the clock afternoon. Nathaniel Bachelder, 7 ; Jonachan Coliins, }Ccmmiifiopess: ~ Jacob Ordway, er g June 26:h, 1783. £ - State ot New Hampthire. Gratten ff; -4 %7 E the subscribers beihg appointed com ‘JX/ miflioners by the hon. the judge of probate of wills &c. for said county;, ¢o receive and exarhine she cidims of the cre ditors to the estate of Ezra Perkins, late of Lebanon in said county, deceased; reprefent= ed infoléent ; do hereby give notice that we will attend said business ons the firft Monday of July, August arnd September next, at the. dwelling house of Elihu Hyde in said Leba non, from one o’clock in the afternocen, to seven on said dav. L3T S ey | ELIHU HYDE, 3} Commif= JEDEDIAH HIBBORD, }fioncrsa Lebanon, June 7th; 1783, -