- AN D
#ol. XXVIL )
Meffeurs Printgns, = -
T 1s eurneftly withed, by many well
I disposed citizens of thic infant Siate,
" that some obf#rvaiions in a ldce paper;
relative to the appointment of praper per
fous @t ERERIVE depariments of Go
vernment, @t this ciitical period, Mmay
‘draw the serious atrention of our legillature,
at their approaching fcflion, 1o this most
important concerns Though we search
the archieves of the 2ntlents, and draw wif
dom fiom the experience of past ag2s ; tho’
we assemble the sages of the land, aad con,
fume the midnight lamp, to invent laws
that will fecuré cur dear earned liberties,
and band theth uefuliied te pofleiity 5 yet it
we iotruft the execution of fach falutary
laws, to men, who, thre® indolence, inabili
ty or age, affz€tion to our eremiss, or dif
affection o the revolution, shall-be negli
gent in the performance of their duty, our
Jabor will be ifi vain, and we shall spend our
firesech for noughe, Gl
Though Soloa should arise to lend o 3
his aid, or a Lycurgus dictate our Jaws, one
difaffected chara@er in the executive {phere
of govern-ient, would prevent the operaii
on of their wifef® inftitures, and defeat their
best defiens, Haom L oeal i jeshen sos
3 fizé‘l;féagréamré @oft mrnately to infpe& the
‘chara&ers, the corficetions, the priaciples
ard condut of their present servants in of
fice | That they take a recralpective view
of the days of otr afiftion, apd advert o
shofe tiches that © fried waen' s jduls,”” when
freedom {aeihed utiering ber lait groan, and
the ltghtof fibzriy glimmered m the socket 3
when our ® Cangrefs, our Courts. anu our
Cause were a By word dnd a reprogch, How
necefire is ity (L fay) tor the legillature to
extend their view to that doubuul petiod;
and to examine the conduét and connedlions
of men gt that .cnfis. For principies that
aaly fpriog upin the furkiineof fuccels, at
the Siouds of advedfity; will dreop and de
gx ¢ lany therefore, who then avowedly
reprohated otur mesfures, hate by aily
preans crept intt office, they ought to be
dismissed, with such marks of public displea
sure, as their dupiicity deserves. * Lis high
time for olr rulers 19 arise, to take their fan
in hand,and thoroughly puirge the floor; for
the wotld mult confefs, thar ihe itan, who
wis over Jukewart, at the e our fares
hung dontiul, cannot with fafety be trusted
now. Sush charalters are political” wea
ther cocks, whose concdudt is governed by
events ar concealed friends to che tyrant of
Fngland, and would gladly seize an sppor
tunity of reducing us again under his yoke,
Fach individual ought to corjure his repre
sentatives, by all they held dear, ro loose no
&5 phat think yeof the Congrefi Now,” was
acant phraife am. ng thate peopie, when
thy Ainerican arms repaived any chechs
SATURDAY, NovemMser 23, 1783,
time in causing such a cempleat invefligati
on of the charaters of tkyi¢ men to whom
the executive authority of cur government
is committed, that no per“a; whole prisci
ples have heretofore hogn faikened by the
lealt thadow of fofpicion, may any longer
vefain, nor ever be anle to dqfiain any poit
of honor 6r profir, under the confittion
they have ever {bught todeflroy.
The emclumens of «Jie and the ho
hors of the commonwealth are the right of
thofz brave men, who have bled in her de
fence, and cught rgt te be lavithed o
those Stace Lceeches, who are ever fruitful
of means to avcid danger, and never defi
eient io arts to wriggle themielves into place;
Those whio have toiled and borne the heat
and burthen of the ddy, have a jult claini to
the fruits of their labor.
By prometing men, wliofe principles
have stood the test ofadverfity, we ere&t a
barrier for cur lihertice, which the united ef
forts of ourenemics ¢in never break down
while by entrufling men of dubious princt.
ples, we lay an ax to the roorof our confli
tucion,which in faliing, will icvolve us all-in
it's ruins, Since we have obraiced inde
pendence and peace, let s by our vigilente
12 guarding them ficty Gislels o wiprthy of
such inestimable blessings. Let us not be
circumvented: by the infididus arts ct any,
who under a lately assumed thalk of patri
otifrh, conceal a, deep rooted attachmest
to our antient task masters. Buatlet theca
talogiie of executive officers in 'each county
be speedily and carefuily revised, and if the
name of any man is there found, who has
not béen uniformly zealots in tHe canfe of
fiis countty, let it be instantly expunged,
and some of known and tried fidelity ap
puinied to his place.
By ibus guarding again{t ouir eneriies,
and rewarding our friends; individuals will
be stimulated to exertions for the public ser
vice, and we shalt never fail of a contintied
fuccelfion cf honest and able men, while the
people dre aflured, that che gratitude of go
vernment; will shower down her richest
bleflings on her friends. The old adage,
“ pay well asd bang well,’® is franght wich
rhatter worthy of a ftatefman®s notice, and
the sation that pursues this salutary takim,
will be a terror to evil doers, and a praise
to them that do well. JOYCH.
Exeter, November 21, 1783.
.S —— A . et i s——————
~ From a late Lonpon Pabra.
A Gentleman of the faculty, siting by
-the fire at breckfalt, by some accident
the tea kettle was thrown down, and the
top falling off the boiling water was dis
charged on one of his legs from the koee
to the ankle. It happened that there stood
in the window a bafon of cold waterand a
towel, with which he way going to wash,
In the agony of his pain, not knowing what
might be the eff-&, he thew the rowel in
to the cold water,and then wrapped it round
his leg, and wa« altonifhed to find that in
a few moments the pain was endrely af
fwaged. Fowever, whén the towel began
to grow warm, the pai etuined; he then
dipped the towe! dgazin in the water; adbd
applied it as before, with such fucccf, hat
“in ¢wo hours time, the pain *vas totally re
moved, aad his leg was so well, that he couid
wear his boot. He did not take off his socks
ing curing the aphlication of the wét ewkl:
This recital was communicited by a fiend
of the fuTerer; rng who lately had oc-afion
to repeat the ciperiment upon the armi of
of a waid servant, who was terribly scalded
by the boiling over ot a gor 3 and in which
instance, the ¢Fet of the wee towel was nb
less fuccefsful. - The publication of this
Bmple remedy, Wwhich accident has discos
vered, may perltaps prove uletal,
Jult Publithed,
find réady for sale, at the Printing Offices
in Portfmiouth and Exerer, by the quan:
tity or fingle,——= «
; ‘ e
For the Year of Chriltian &, !784 &
Btif’;g B.f{:xtile or LCJp Y:-ar,
[Embellithed with two elegant types of thé
mos remarkible Eclipses io the year.]
ConyTAINinG —(Bcfides the ARronomis
cal Calculations)—A Scaie ot Depreciation
for the Maflichufetts <= A Table of Intereit
dt G per cent. ==~ Weight and Yalueof Cuing
in Lavwful Money and Sterling.—~Refem
blince of the Tulip and Coquette.~Qbfer
vations on the Impropriety of using ufele(s
Words.— A curious Anecdote.— Seleét
Maxirhs.— Yearly Meeting of the Friends
in New-England.==TheAnatority of Man’s
Body as goverfied by the 12 Signs or Con
{teHations.—Natmes ahd Characters of the
Planets.=~Diftance of the principal Towns
from Portsmouth, with the most noted
Houles of Entertaintiient on theßoads,Bcs
~ Porrry—oOn the Seafons.~=The Fair
Idiot.=~A Parady from Hamlet, by an
Attorney’s Clerk.—Epitaph on a Country
Sexton,—Solilequy on a Spring Morning,
==The Fall of the Ledf.—~Hope.~From 3
Lady to her Daughter, on the Present of a
Watch, &c,
& As this Almanac contains every
thing necessary and ufetul for such a wok,
the public will find their account in making
use of it ; as they may be assured the cal
culations are as complete as any in the Uni
ted States, ———Greag allowance will be
made to those who putchafe a quantity,
[l'Vé‘ 1413