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he can only 2zain-offer, in their behalf, bis recommendaiions to their grateful country and his prayers to the God of armies.— May ample justice be done them' here, and may the choicest of heaven’s fa vours, both bere and hereafcer attend those who under the Divioe auspices have secured innumerable blessings for others: With these withes, and this benediftion, the Commander in Chief is about toretire from service— The curtain of {eperation will soon be drawn-=and the military scene to bimy will be closed foraver. e EDWARD HAND, Adj. General. S A L E M, November 20, The Dutch Ministers in France, in a lets ter to the States General, atier reciting their proceedings in the late negeciations, Con cludeas follows: | ¢ The Miniflers Plenipotentiary of the Courts of France, England, and Spais,have signed the Definitive Treaties at Versailles, and that of America yesterday at Paris. By the latter the formar Preliminaries are only converted into a Definitive treaty 5 there yet remain some contentious matters 00 which the parties have not altogetaer agreed.”’ § 8 o General Thomas Mifilin is chosen Prefis deni of Congress. ———General Dickenfon i ele@ed Governor of New Jersey. v PORTSMOU T H, Noveber 22: ’E“HE Greneral Court, at their jate Session in Concord, after pafling ( among other Thiogs) the following Ass and Resolves; adjourned without Day. ‘ Refclved, Tolengthen out the Tims for fettling the Boundary Lines of fundryTow ns in the County of Gratton, r Resolved, That the Continental Loan Of ficer in this State ( for the Time being ) be dire&ad to issue Certificates tor the Payment of Interefl due on Monies loaned at bicOtice and owned by theCitizens of this State,com pwing the fame for as maty fuill Years as thay be dus on cach té:fl'fieé&évav Ceritigaie prior to the 28:h Day ot vebruary 1783, An A& fur the hzzgouragemcnt of Liter ature & Genius,and for securing to Authars the cxclufive Right & Beaefit of pubiifliing their literary Produlticus for twenty Yeais, “An A& for allowing a further Time to record Grants and Charters of Land within this State. .' 2 ESN An A& to nullify an Ouder of the Court of Sessions for the County of Hillfbsough, relative to an Highway, . Thursday merciog iafl; an lifh fallor was found drowned near the lopg-wharf in this town ; it being very dark the s7:ning be'ore, it was supposed he fell vl nemping (8 g 0 os Voard Awgfel. . [OTICE it hereby givea 10 the noa-cefident owners of land in the town of Ackworib that so moch of their laud will be [ld a: public ven due en Tuelday the niach day of December, 2t ning o'clock A. M. zt:he houls of Henry Silby, Efg; in said Town, 2 will pay the tax for the year 1782 with incidertsl charges, anie(a prevenied by previous ‘paymant; No. R. PR T I James McGregore 3 7 Timothy Dustin i 1 10 David McGregoie 5 7 Jem.s McGregore 12 10 Oliver Pierce 6 7 Ditig ;- 2319 Ssmpfloa Stedderd 17 7 Jorachan Hardy 12 11 '{:mfl Nevens 311 Wifeman Clagget 13 11 obert Fleicher -~ 3 12z Wiliiam Simons 15 12 - Preprietors 21z SolcmonGre i 1 48 ~ Dinto 7 32 Jemes Blaachard ¢ ¢ Jame» McQuillla 15 1035 Fowers =~ g 9 foha Gilmore i 8 7 Elguire Luchwich 1 ¢ Samuel Cuminicgs 3 8 Mauhew Thornion 2 10 David Barpe 14 8 3amuel Weniworthi6 10 Jonsthan Biam 15 8 Ro“ert Adems = g 11t . Fermer 7 ‘g Col.Grecly . " 10 11 Besjamin Biam ~ 6 g Ditio 11 1 -James Blanchard - 310 Wifeman Clagget 12 1 David Brown 4do cibnng . [ag ol J. Fermer 7 10 ) Craige,half - 2 5 The Tsx vpoa e:ch of the aforefaid Lots s ning Gillings avd fix pence new emiflion money, and fwe pence infilver, JAMES CAM/LELL, Co:lt. “ Acwaqreb, Novirg.capßg. tooc L TR ¢ A KNAPSACK, contisicg sundry Articles, Fo the learned and ingemions Silioor of e AR NPT OO SRR R : , P ERMIT one of your wery bumlls atmirers to express the mfinite fatisfac tiom he has received by your late remarkalls pertormances,—l am induced to sue for this indulgence, from my concerd for you, on obterving vour teatifes handled with dif refpe@.— You were compared in your [quab ble with Leonora, to a bad painter, who having painted a cock, drowe away all the cocks and hens, and even the chickeans, left thole who puffed his shop; fhouid make a comparison wich his woik + But 1t is equally obvious o the eye of common penetration that your writings are really extro ordinary, as, that since wit and- iéarning began to be mace u'e of, they were never o fearce as within your own 273, as 8 writes, or ‘that dunefs and ignorance were never [0 openly eacouraged and promured. You observe, that ** nothing can operate where ’us nor,” and *“ that an effet follsws (and 1s not prior to) its caule’’—thele arcama in philosophy grace the inveltsgation of the medern NeEw - TON 3 but a guesting arifes~=fhould they be publithed to those who &ither are insensible to their merit, or have not gratitude to re ward them ?° Your mets physics might fuf. fufe a dye of confcionfocson the cheeky even of the immoreal Locke, 5 -and yeur perfe& knowledge of the * affeclions of the heart,”” mocks the documents of Chefter fi_ld himfelf, which before your appearance 15 the literary worid, were teceived withno small share of applaufle. Permit me (g congratulate you on your laie trivmph.—= Leonora "has fhrook behind the foene, wounded with the keennels ¢f vour fadre, > Twas almot unpardonable that you kaow 10g the consequence ot a similar exerion of the sarcastic vein, did not restrain the impe tuolity of yedr pen.—-iJ-—tt—nleil a facri fice 1o the asperity of the English Rabdais, and [ frar the fhates of the American may to Leoriora prove altogether as formidable. - Your Major was secure “till attacked by the unparalleled prefomption of Leonora, Ycur Minor gave you a falr opporrunicy ot biuthing away her piki ful atpeifions ; and your coNcLUsion has not only brought you off viCtorious over il your eénetnies— proved afl your wruiogsa most perfe@ fi'ly gifm—thar there ils noz a sentence io either of them which can be said to be ¢ in digefled ideas” —butr by a Houre before your day urkoown in logick, hasin afurprifing man ner evinced your premfes congenial with itlelf. You have been plesfed to inform the pubhic, you * desire only to be known and judged by your addrefs—fuffer not, 1 beseech you, long to agonize with expella tion of indu’gence —remove tantalifm, and be persuaded chat (hould your address prove as amcemmon as your writicgs, the world will bestow on it the fame degree of admiration. e herc‘igafnam‘ra!‘gfifk}?;’jin the mind which cannot be supplied by learning or philofophy® —in deference to you, this fen ‘timent {tands undisputed ; yet as we are loth to forego our long established opinions, Yam pained at the neceflity you im’pele of considering a vacuum in that head of yours, where, but for your writings, 1 had ever Yuppoltd 8 PLENUM. o\ sy oo £ T expeét not to do jufice to your pieces— particular comments cannot but #njure them; your Latin and French phrases—your apt - nefs at fimilies—your quotation of antient politics, and your extraéts from the modern ‘was taken op on Tuesday the 18:h laliant, 1a Portimouth - Printiag Office, provipg his property, and payiaZ chazear poets, conspire to prove how far vour a'ma macor ter-ds toimprove an untuior'a mind— mackind caa oniy lament tha by cor them w 4 Guzegte, you should profinuge {hole abilities. which, well ueatured, may grace the arghieves of furure ages, and make a ¢oz pirsens figore on the venerable Lt of literary heroes. ‘ But | 1 jure mankind in"thas trefp:fliig on your paticnce.— i'o conclude, I Iympa-: thite with you in bewailing the degeneracyof the times—agree that ** virtge has but few sincere friends’”— that * her post 1s a pest of danget,”’ and if you pleafe,a post of honor, Am persuaded you can refer us to miny a period in the days of the old Romans,when her hrine was attended by .a much larger number of votarics, == 1 hefe my sentiments, ate not singular ; but a mulu.ude of ac knowledgments must weund the nice aed delicate feelings ~your fccouc treatise ae guaints us, are so high a degree yoorown. Xou bave now given occulir dementira . . . 9 ; tion there are no ““ observations” to yo# unanfweizble ; and that he 18 a fool cr fnadman,who (hali hencelorth ever “impute your {iience to an acknowledged lenie of conviétion.”’ CANDIDUS. NaAvaL-Ors ick, Port Oi ' riscATAQUA - CLrARED, Nov. 22. Schonner Dolphin, Spencer, for St. Jubns, diip Lydia, .» . Roberts, . Gaudaloupy Brigantine Fxney; Pauker, Tobagad Yehaoaner Ny b 1) natdfon, Bi-bodos, 8 Ll, s¢i O¢s | Ay ",{“lkm{l‘?‘;éhif fl (h- i‘fl;:ffl L% of Binth:cp Pickering: lareol Newingieo. gen veman, deceased, ste heecby reqaefied to exhubic he ixme 10 the fabferiber, efscutor of the L.t will of it ¢ decenfed ; aad ali indebied 10 the decealed; &i@ defiied to mtke immediate paymane, Newirg.on. Nmfezqzcr tZ2 Epbraim Picke ino, FEN B L Comm fosers Gpon he estate ¢t he 1€ 3 Eiko Gueouifor, ¢ecenled, reprefened irfol vewi; hareby give noiics tha fix menths Linger ‘s al lnwed for recsiving cleime ; and ull crediors are o¢- fi ed 19 exhibit the {smne 33 soon as may be. to the said vomm fiosers, who w il atead arthe boule of Mg, [iary Frizall, in Kuatery, —on Meaday the 24 hinf, aud on she fitfl Ronday of she five [utceeivg months, frem two to £k o'clock afiernoen, 1o reciive said eims, _ Buees, Sov. 18 583, %‘%'L::wm Bie y my wiic, has beboed in niy f¥V abicies in a very unbetoming mancer, by russing me ia debi, defiirg my bed, ard waflicg my prope.iy : I thersicry forbid any perfoe or pe:f:ns truflirg her om my &ccount, as f am dstermined not ¢ pav any debi (e may conrro &t from the d2ie heresh Por{mouh, 21 Nuov 1783 Cormlisis Diffwrel. % TOHLE s L eraby gues (5 the yor-rehiceat proA L g prieicrs of (o 2 towe of Bricawen wro hive pos psid the'r taxes fo7 'he yerr 1782, thet orlelethey pay the famz .o me ihe {ablci o on ot befnre Tuaeldzy che g h of December rext. {o much of their Jands 23 will pay thersx=s,with sccrairg charges will be {cld at public vendue, on {3id dsy, at my cdweliing houle i Botcawsn, a: ten o'clock fersnom - No. acre:. s d. N . xcree; s.d, R.Grescgugh baliico g 2 ‘ haif 450 4 . haif 80 4 4 Jomes Mertill © 4508 ‘ G _ 450 O+Stephen Moody 45 1.0 Samecel Gerrifh 100 2 © Wilijsm Ripp 1002 10 Daniel Hale 100 2 6 Besjumin Smith 100 210 3rd, RSB g : 4508 _ £ 8o 8 8 Arch, Woodmsen 100 58 Jonathan Illey 100 110 801 l 165.8 jofeph Knight,haifßo g 8 - 4508 ’ half 4;19 4 Edward Emgry 1002 8 Moses Knight 1003 8 Ebenezerßurrilliso 110 -801 l g 4 Samuelßradford 1508 4 | iz § 45 o 8 Berja. Bird, half 150 5 8 George Litde Ico 3 8 Joan Choat, 15036 e ;4o LS G Joseph Morse, jr. 100 6 2 JohaWsisnrighthf 50 5 6 ‘A. Tiicom?b, helf Ico g 4 . FRS - Bofcawep O& 6 1783 Curing Nover, Couß. At PUBLIC VENI UF, . Next WEDNESDAY. at TEN c’clock, At the Vendue Room ‘Next door to the Printing- Office—/whers - Goods afe taken in & fold out ai pubiicSa'e) “Sundry forts of Goods, &c. &ec. —— A e e e . e e et e ettt : The ewaer may have it 2gain, by applyisg at the