TUESDAY, April 16, 1793. J P O R T S M O U T H: Printed by JOHN MELCHER, Printer to the Hon. Gene ral-Cou rt of the State of Nevs- Hampshire, at his Olfice in Market-Street, at nine /hillings per Annum. OZIAS SILS BY INFORMS his Cuftorners that their at counts are now ready for settlement, and that he withes they would take the eailieft opportunity in-their power toad juft and fettle rhe fame — For when the Printer fays —the Post (however disagreeable) fs obliged to re-echo the fame. New-Hamb/hire Bank, THE Stockholders of the New- Hampjbire Bank are hereby notified. That the annua! meeting of said Stock holders will be held at the Bank in Portsmouth, on Wednesday the 24th day of this inst. April, at three o’clock, af ternoon, when and where the officers for the year ensuing will be elected. By order of the Diredlors, JOHN PIERCE, Cashier. Porrfmouih, April 8, 1793. Morning School, Granville smith’s Mining School opened this day.—He returns his Gncere thanks for the encouragement given to his Day School ; the terms of which he has,this day, lowered to the fol lowing prices. Spelling and Reading nine Jhil hngi per quarter. Whiting and Arithmetic twelve jhillings per quarter. Mr. Smith likewise teaches the Italian method of Book-keeping, to such as are fufficiently versed in Arithmetic, for Eight Dollars, and is enabled by his oivn practice, as an Accountant, fully to inftrufl his pupils in all its branches. Portsmouth, April i, 1793. Morning School. o J 0 HTFTTys 0 N OPENED his MORNING SCHOOL on Monday last, at the North School Houfe* for the inftrudion of young masters and misses in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Englijh Grammar, &c. He solicits the patronage of the Gentle men and Ladies of the town, and hopes by his attention to merit their friendfhip. Hours of attendance from 6 to 8 o’clock. Portjmouth, April 9, 1793. ALL persons having any demands on the estate of Mr. THOMAS MOSES, late of Portsmouth, Cord wainer, deceased, are desired to exhibit the fame without delay—and all per sons indebted to said estate are requeu ed to make immediate payment —to RICHARD JACKSON, Adminlfirator. GRAND-LODGE. ON Wednesday the 24th day of April, being quarterly com munication—A Grand Lodge will be held at the Lodge room in Portsmouth, at 6 o’clock, P. M.— when the Members of the Grand Lodge are desired to attend— and the several Lodges under this jurisdic tion are required to be represented agree ably to the regulations ; —also the Quar terages in arrear will be expeded. ^y order of the Most PPor- ) Jhipful Grand Majler, f EDWARD St. LOE LIVERMORE, [ Grand Secretary AL L persons having demands a gainlt the estate of JEREMIAH YOUNG, late of Newmarket, gentle man, deceased, are requeued to exhibit them well vouched ; and all indebted to said estate, are desired to make im mediate payment to JAMES CRAM, Administrator. N. B. Attendance will be given by the Administrator, at the house of said deceased, on Mondays and Fridays, from one to fix o’clock afternoon. Newmarket, March 19, 1793* ROCHESTER. State of New-Hampshire. NOTICE is hereby given to the non resident owners of land in the town of Rocheßet, who have not paid their Hate and county taxes for the year 1788, that unless they pay said taxes to me the subscriber, on or before the 9th day of May next, so much of their land as . will pay the fame, together with inciden tal charges, will be fold at public vendue, at the dwelling-house of Stephen Went worth, innholder in said town at ten o’clock in the forenoon, on said day. Specie, | | Certificates. 2d Div. 3d. 4th. 2d. 3d. 4th s. d, s. d. d. s. d. s. d. d, Joseph Kent o 02110 o o 2 1 1 o James Durgin 9200 09200 ThomasDrew^ 0000 50000 Joseph Jenkins 1100 o ou o 00 Col. Thomas WeHbrookz 00002 R. Waldronjr3 112110 31 1 211 o J. Woodmans 0000 50000 Lt. John Smith 7150 07150 Eli Demeritt 37000 37000 John Buzzel 2110 o o 2 n o Israel Hodgdon 10 00010 Jno.Waldron 2 20112 2 20110 P.Wentworths 9 250 39250 A. M’Phedris4 2000 42000 Thomas Tibbetts 2112 o o 211 2 Peter Varneys 0010 50010 Ephraim Tibbetts 82 00082 Benj.Bickford 110 211 1 110 211 1 George Walton 081 000 So Wm. Furburz 11 o o o 2 11 o o o John Willey 3 12110 3 12110 Lt. Triftram Heard 1 00001 Jofe.Roberts 14000 1 4000 Tim.Gerriffis 01 50 50150 Samuel Tibbetts4 001 04001 James Davis 10 040 010040 B.Wentworthz 62110 2 62110 R. Waldron 502 11 1 5 02111 S. Penhallowi ioooo 1 10 000 Tho’s Packer; 0211 o $ 0211 o Geo. Jaffrey,Efq. 060 060 Lt. Gov. ) n o Wentworth p 8o o o z 8o o o 2 Share Rights. sos. Beard ? । m ? i 2 is J. Plummer J J. Burnham*} R. Burnham f - X Nich.Hartford ) ~ T , > 010 O 0100 John Canney J 3 Share Rights. Thomas Hanson 7 John Hanson > 1 j Nathaniel Hanson j T. Hanson 7 J of. Hanson > 1 8 18 B. Hanson j Sam. Hayes 7 Wm. Hayes > 02 020 Benj. Hayes j Job Clements 7 John Clements >OS 050 James Clements J Phillip Cheiley 7 Ichabod Chefley Sin I it o Jonathan Chefley J Sylvanus Nock 7 Thomas Nock >Oll on o Zacheus Nock J Gerfliam Downs 7 Thomas Downs > j 1 Ebenezer Downs j Johnßicker 7 Mat.Ricker >290110 2 00110 Eph.Ricker j Jof. Ricker 7 Geo. Ricker >OBI 30 001 30 [ere.Rollins j Valen. Hill 7 JohnNutter So 5 o 5 Ja. Nutter j Jno Tricky 7 Th’s Tricky C- 04* 04] Hat. Nutter j ’ Hatevil Nutter 7 Henry Nutter >l4 140 Eleazer Colman J Benj Mason 7 W’m Dame s 1 5 15000 J. Leighton j John Sias 1 James Burhham > 1 1 John Sias, jr. J THE Specie. Certificates, 2d Div. 3d. 4th. 2d. 3d. 4th s. d. s.d. d. /. d. s. d. d Jchn Drew 7 J din Cook >24140 241 40 Ben. Pinner J Jof. Danie's 1 J. Daniels,jr. >lO ioooo jet. Bickford j Mo.DavisJr Til’s Willey >1 2 18 W. Jackson j Ebe. Tuttle “) W. Twom. I bl y ^lOl5O loijo Ja. Guppy J Sam. Alley 1 Benj’. Forft > o 5 05 WiiFmForftj Sam. Heard 1 James Heard >1 3 130 David Wattfen j Tim. Robertson 5 Samuel Corfon > 1 6 160 John Rollins J J.Stevenfon 3 John York £-13060 x 3060 J. Ambler 5 John Runnalds Job Runnalds >Oll on o James Clark J N. Lammas J. Wheeler > 3 o 3 o Dan’lHovey j John Williams *) William Hill r 1 4 140 Abner Clark j Joseph Chefley p Samuel Chefley > o 5 ©SO John Williams J 4 Share Plights J. Twom bly 1 S.Twombly ( x J. I wornbly f 3 B.Twombly J Benj. Pearce 1 Eleazer Weare I John Conner { $ Jno. Hodgdon J James Conner "> Hugh Conner t 1 homas Stevens I ’ r Richard Brooks J Morice Fowler John Hight । , « Thomas Alden * 4 4 Benjamin Green JAMES HOW, Colledor. Rochester, February 12, 1793* WHEREAS the General-Court of this State, at their last feflion, passed an act directing a new valuation to be taken through the State, of the fol lowing taxable articles, viz. No. of Polls from 18 to 70 years of age. No. of acres of orchard land. No. of acres of arable land. No. of acres of mowing land. No. of acres of pasture land. No. of horses and mares, -> Of 4 years No. of oxen, > old and up- No. of cows, > wards. No. of horses and cattle 3 years old. No. of horses and cattle 2 years old. No. of horses and cattle 1 year old. The yearly rent of mills, wharves and ferrys, repairs deduced. Sum total of the value of all buildings and real estate unimproved, owned by the inhabitants. Sum total of the value of all real estate not owned by the inhabitants. Sum total of the value of stock in trade. Sum total of all money in hand or at interest, including bank stock, securities for any property at interest more than the person pays interest for. The Seledmen of Portsmouth hereby notify the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town, liable to pay' taxes, and they are requested to exhibit their invoices for the present year, by the 25th day of April inst. as the taxes will then be made, and no invoices will be received afterwards. G GAINS, S. CLAP, £ N. ADAMS. I N. A. HAVEN, § T. SHEAFE, J ? Portsmouth, April 2, 1793. [Volume xxxv. —Numb. 1892. To John Stark, Ef^uire^ one of the ynfßces of the Peace throughout the State of Ne^^ Hampshire. WE the fubferibers, owners of more than one sixteenth part of the townfliip of Goffeftown, in the county of Hillfborough, in said State, humbly pray. That you would notify and warn the proprietors of said Goffeftown to meet at the Hgelling-houfe of Robert"M’Crpgnre, Esq. in ^i^\Joffeffown, on Monday the 24th day of April inff. at ten of the clock in the forenoon, to ad on the following articles, viz. ift. To choose a moderator to regulate and govern said meeting. 2d, To choose a proprietors’ clerk, in the room and Head of Matthew Patten, who wiffies to resign. 3d, To fee what they will do with the common and undivided lands in said town. To clear the fame of all incum brances of any who hold any part there of by poffiffion or improvement, to pro secute them if need be, or any who have trespassed on said common land, and to order the said common land to be fold in what manner they shall think best for raising money toward difeharging their debts. 4th, To fee what method they will take to afeertain what debt they are in. sth, To fee whether they will allow the persons to whom they are indebted any thing for their being kept out of their money. 6th, To fee how much money they will vote to be raised to difeharge the debt they are in, and to choose all offi cers they may think needful for carrying their votes into full effe&. 7th, To agree on a method for calling proprietors’ meetings in future. ALEXANDER GILCREST, ROBERT M’GREGORE, WILLIAM BLODGET, for SAMUEL BLODGET, JAMES SARGENT, JONATHAN WOOD, JAMES SHIR ALE. Goffeftown, April 1, 1793. THE proprietors of Goffeftown afore laid, are hereby notified and warned to meet at time and place aforefaid, and foe the purposes abovementioned in the fore going articles. JOHN S PARK, Justice of the Peace (throughout said State. Derryfield, April 1, 1793. State of New-Hampihire. NOTICE is hereby given to the non resident proprietors and owners of land in the town of Wakefield, who have not paid their taxes for the year 1790, that unless they pay said taxes to me the fubferiber, on or before the 30th day of April next, so much of their land as will pay the fame, together with incidental charges, will be fold at public vendue, at the dwelling-house of Capt. Joseph Lea vit, in said town, at two o’clock, in the afternoon of said day. ftate.fohbouy Qhy. No. D. s. d. s. d John Gage, Esq. 96 17 1 04 04 ditto, no 17 2 13 13 William Gerrifh, 70 87 1 06 06 Thomas Downs, 100 72 2 06 06 Solomon Emerson ico 95 1 06 06 John James, 100 33 1 03 03 Thomas Miller, no 22 . 2 03 03 John Ham, 100 82 1 03 03 Samuel Downs, no 93 1 03 03 William Willard, no 97 2 10 10 Ebenezer Hanson no 39 2 p 6 06 Stephen Evans, no 42 2 010 oio James Kelley, 50 9 1 16 16 John Coock, • 3314 1 16; 1:6 William Stilles, no 23 20606 William Twombly, 50 47 2 o 9 o 9 John Moffatt, Esq. 2278 1 04'04 ditto, no 78 2 1717 SAMUEL CHAPMAN, Colledor. Wakefield, February 27, 1793. ,FOR SALE AVERY pleasant HOUSE zorfitii ated between Mr. Doig's dwelling houfe and the late dwelling 1» use of Capt, 'John Pamtt, deceased ; being 50 feet fronting on two streets, and ijofeet in length.—for further particulars apply to JONATHAN AYERS of Poftlmduth.