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ftatipned on board these vessels, to super intend their cargoes, which are not to be paid for, but to be considered as a fair seizure. , Rotondo, the murderer of the beauti ful Princess de Lambella, and the murder er of many other persons in Paris, is lur king about London. The officers of the police are in pursuit of him, and we shall hope to hear he is in custody. February 12. House of Commons, Monday > Feb^ 11. WAR WITH FRANCE. Mr. Secretary Dundas preferred the fol lowing Message from his Majesty, which was immediately read by the Speaker : MeHage from the King. “ GEORGE R. “ His Majesty thinks proper to ac quaint the House of Commons, that the Alfembly now exercising the powers of Government, in France, have, without any previous notice, directed ads of hosti lity to be committed a gain ft- the persons and property of his Majesty’s fubje&s, in breach of the law. of nations, and of. the most positive stipulations of treaty ; and have since, on the most groundless pre teniions, aduafly declared war against his Majesty and the United Provinces. Under the circumstances of this wanton and un provoked aggreffion,hisMajefty has taken the necefiary steps to maintain the honor of his Ciown, and to vindicate the rights ot his people, and his Majesty relies with confidence on the firm and effedual sup port of the House of Commons, and on the zealousness of a brave and loyal peo ple, in prosecuting a just and necefiary war, and endeavoring, under the blefling of Providence, to oppose an effedual barrier to the further progress of a sys tem, which strikes at the security and peace of all independent nations, and is pursued in open defiance of every prin ciple of moderation, good faith, human ity and justice. “ In a cause of such general concern, his Majesty has every reason to hope for the cordial co-operation of those powers, who are united with his Majesty by the ties of alliance, or who feel an interest in preventing the extension of anarchy and confufion, and in contributing to the se curity and tranquility of Europe. G. R.” Mr. Secretary Dundas moved, “ that this House do to-morrow take into con fiderauon his Majesty’s most gracious Message. ’ ’ —Ordered ♦ The following is a copy of a letter sent to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, on Sa turday last, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Gren ville. “ Whitehall, Feb. 9. t( My Lord, I have the honor to ac quaint your Lordship, that it appears by the accounts received this morning from France, .that War against Great-Britain and Holland was decreed in the National Convention on theist inst. “ I request that your Lordship will take the proper measures to make public this intelligence. (Signed) “Grenville.” Right Hon. Lord Mayor. A very strong fleet for the Mediterane an is ordered to be equipped with all poflible expedition ; another goes to the Weft-Indies with as much haste as pofli ble. ■ A very large number of cruizers are ordered into channel service direftly, to protest trade and our sea-coast, and fubor ciinate ports from the insults of privateers. The particular (hips which are to com pole Lord Hood’s squadron for the Medi terranean station are all nearly ready for sea ; his Lordship will go out under a special commiflion, by virtue of which he will be enabled to take the command of any foreign ships of war, to ad in con junftion with the Britilh fleet. Letters of marque and reprisal against the French, will be forthwith granted from the Board of Admiralty to such merchants, and others who choose to ap ply for them. The following is a copy of a letter from the Earl of Chatham to the Lord Mayor ki answer to a requisition made by his Lordship on behalf of the Merchants of London : Admiralty, Feb. 9, 1793. “ My Lord, 1 have received your Lord frnp’s letter, and beg toaflureyour Lord ship, that no time will be loft in taking the most effeftual measures (which our force at present will permit) to give no tice of the existence of hostilities to our homeward bound trade; and todireft them as proposed by your Lordship, to make for the ports of Falmouth or Plymouth, and there wait for convoy. I have the honor to b 6 yotir Lord (hip’s very obedL ent humble servant. (Signed) “ Chatham.” The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor. PHILADELPHIA, April 6. Yesterday arrived in this port from St. Vincents and St. Euftatius, the brig Kit ty, Capt. M’Allifter—The Kitty left St. Vincents the 18th ultimo.—The Captain gives the following interesting account — That the February packet had arrived at St, Vincents express from England, with government dispatches, having neither private letters nor newspapers on board— that she brought an account of the decla ration of War on the part of France, and orders to put the islands under the mar tial law, which was immediately proclai med—That Lord Hood was to fail in 3 days after the packet, for the islands, with fifteen fail of the line, and a large body of troops. The day after Capt. M’Allifter left St. Vincents he flopped at St. Euftatius—A ship from Liverpool in 39 days, and ano ther from Bourdeaux in 30 days had just arrived there—from the Captains of which Capt. M’Allifter received the fol lowing account —That an embargo had taken place in England the fifteenth of February—that War had been declared by France against the King and nobility of Great-Britain, in diftindion from the people—that the Queen of France was tried the 10th Feb. and BEHEADED the i2th. Extract of a letter, dated April 2, J 793, from a merchant in Baltimore, to his car re/pond ent in this city. “ By the brig Ann, Capt. Beard, which arrived here this morning from Lilbon, which place she left the 24th of February, we are informed that a British packet had arrived at that port the day before he failed, and brought the very interesting news of the French having absolutely declared war against Great- Britain. “The Capt. is a man of veracity, and the intelligence brought by him cannot be doubted.—He further adds, that a packet had failed two weeks previous to the one that had arrived, and it was in consequence of her delay, conjeftured that she had been captured, as the French cruisers had been out, and as Captain Beard had himfelf been chafed by a French frigate.” BOSTON, April io. Captain Barry, from St. Euftatia, arrived here, spoke a veflel from Europe, which had aftually pafled through both French and English cruisers. Capt. Robb, arrived here yesterday, from St. Martins, nine days ago, was was spoke with by an Englilh privateer, out of one of the Weft-India islands, the Captain of which informed, that War had been declared against France, in the Englifli islands, on the 17th March. Capt. Borney, arrived at Baltimore, from the Havannah, which he left March 10, informs, that the day before he failed, the Spanilh frigate Juno arrived there from Ferro), in 28 days, with govern mental dispatches ; which imported, that WAR had commenced between England and France ; and that there was an hourly expeftation of a declaration of hostilities between France and Spain—That the Empress of Ruflia had become the Ally of France ; that the Juno flopped but four hours at the Havannah,and then pro ceeded to la Vera-Cruz, to prevent the failing of a 74 gun ship, and a frigate, which had gone down to take on board eight millions of dollars, until a further convoy should arrive. The Supreme Executive, of the United States, fays a writer in a late Philadelphia paper, is, at the present time, making a considerable remittance to the Ruling Powers in France, on account of the debt due that country ; which measure is a virtual acknowledgment of the Re public. Several British and Dutch vessels have afr rived at the Cape, since the declaration of war, and were made prices of. April ii. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Paffa maquoddy, on the line which divides the United States from the Britijh fit elements, to his brother in this town, dated March iz. 1793. “ We have very furprizing accounts of the political state of Europe—We hear that War has absolutely commenced be tween France and Great-Britain. Courts, Aflemblies, Governor and Counfellors at Frederick-Town are in the utmost distress and confufion. The greatest diflentions prevail between the Democratic and Court parties—Governor, Counfellors and Mobs, from one general croud. A few days ago, the most boisterous debates a- rose and increased with such impetuous fury,, that nothing could quell its rage, but swords and pistols, which were ad mitted into the Court-Houfein St. John’s. What the result will be is not known, but I believe may easily be conjectured.” April 15. the arrival of the Schooner Ranger, Wm. Miller, maser, on Wednesday lajl, in 16 days from Trinidad, we are informed, that a French Jhip of 7 4 guns, a frigate of 36, one foop of war o/ 18 guns and a jchooner of 14 do. lately arrived there. They came from Martinico, where they hoijled the French King s colours and were fired upon ; after which, the National colours ; but fill they were forced to quit that place. It was Jup pofed in Trinidad they were of the aristocratic fide, and meant to join the Englijh Jquadron, (which were daily expected tn the Wft-Indies) to fight against the French navy. A lieutenant on board one of the French veffils, wished to come paffengtr in thisJchooner, but the Govern or oj d rtnidad would not grant him a permit. 2.d April inst. spoke a French frigate, well manned, of $2 guns, in lat. 16, 58. 68, which jhap'd her courje for Charleston, s. c. The schooner Polly, Capt. Weeks, arrived here on Saturday la ft, from Nant z —6o days passage.——The Captain mentions, that great exertions were making at Nant 00, in fitting out Privateers. It is said, that the French had captured upwards of thirty fail of Kfels before the Pdiket left Falmouth. SHIP NE WS. The ship Beaver, Capt. Paul Worth, arrived at Nantucket, 25th ult. from the coift of Peru. After a cruise of 17 months, he obtained 1100 bbls, sperm, an! 200 whale oil. Capt. Worth informs, he was boarded off Lima, by the Capt. of one of his Catholic Majesty’s (hips of war, (the Hare) who ordered him to leave the coast immediately, or he would be liable to seizure. Capt. afterwards put inat Callio (the landing port of Lima) but was driven out, without being per mitted to get any supplies : The officers of the port of Lima also warned him of danger, if he fell in with any fliips of war. PORTSMOUTH, i 6. SHIP NEWS. Lift of American vessels in port Lewis, March zz, 1793. Ship Friendship, Nathan Lord—Brig Dif paich, Samuel Briard—Brig Betfiy, Paul G erven—Brig Neptune, Hiram Bolings--Brig Betjey, -Titus Salter, all of this port ; — Brig —- — Newe I—- B rig—Noyce, both of New - port—Schooner William, Lincoln—Sloop - Davis, and another Sloop from Carolina, all belonging to Boflon —Sloop Larely, of Portland —Brig — Buckley, of New London—and Schooner Favourite, Bailey, of New-York, this last vejfelwas filled for making jhort en try and having contraband goods on board. — I be above was received by the Schooner Nancy, Cept. fojhua Lord, I 2 days passage from St. Eflatia to Kennybeck, and arrived on the I sh infant. THE Vendue of the land at the corn er of the Little-Harbour and Mill- Dam roads, is to be at the Bell-Tavern, on Wednesday the 17th of April current, at four of the clock afternoon ; when it will be fold (if not disposed of before at private sale) either in three lots as alrea-' dy divided, or the whole together, as (hall appear most convenient at the time. April 13, 1793. ED BE SOLD By Samuel Storer, At his Store in Cross-Street, opposite 7 q Mr. Alexander Ewin’s, A Quantity of Philadelphia Superfine jrjL a fld common Flour, Ship Bread, Philadelphia Bar Iron and Nail Rods. Portsmouth, April 15, 1793. SAMUEL TAPPAN T TAS opened his SCHOOL in the XX house occupied by Mr. Di man, in Daniel-Street. He would inform his friends, that for the inftruftion of the Misses in Needle-work, he has engaged a lady, who is this day ready to receive them. Separate apartments are provided for the Masters and Mifles. Portsmouth, April 16, 1793. FO R SALE BY John Noble & Co. At their Store near the upper town Wharf, Portsmouth, BEST Tobago Rum, Molafles, Coffee, Salt, Sugar and Geneva, by whole sale and retail, at the lowest cafli prices ; —also a quantity of old Lead. Portfmouth/April 16, 1793, WILLIAM SCOTT, At the sign of the SPINNING-WHEEL, INTENDING to quit business in Portf* mouth, on the firft day of August next^ will SELL his stock of goods on hand (consisting of a great variety) at low, re duced prices.—Merchants who buy to fell again will meet with such encourage ment, as will tend to their advantage, in calling at said Store. Portsmouth, April 10, 1793. be fold at public auftion, at the 1 office of the fubferiber, on Tuesday the 28th May next, if not fold before at private sale, the whole or half of LEACH ISLAND, so called, situate opposite CoL Michael Wentworth’s ; two rights of land in the townfliip of Piermont—ori ginal grantees, Peter Gilman, Esq. and Thomas Westbrook Waldron ; also, one right of land in the towrifliip of Errol original grantee, Edward Sherburne. GEO. WENTWORTH, Audioneer. Portsmouth, April 8, 1793. qpO be fold a LOT of LAND in At- X kinfon-Street, containing 90 feet on said street, and 40 feet back, with a dwelling house and barn 1 hereon.-— For further particulars, enquire of SAMUEL HUTCHINGS. Portsmouth, April 12, 1793. A 1 be lold at Public Vendue, at the JI house of Mr. Nathan Barker, on Thursday the 25th day of April inst. at 4 o’clock, P. M. by licence from the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Rockingham, a certain piece of land^ li tuate in Stratham, containing four acres, it being the Widow’s dower or thirds of the estate of W i ll i a m French, late of Stratham, deceased. Conditions of sale to be made known at time and place, WILLIAM BURLEY, I Admini- OLIVE BURLEY, \ftrat^s. Stratham, April 2, 1793. To JOSIAH MOULTON, of Hampton, in the county of Rockingham and Stale • of New-Hampjbire, Ejquire, Proprietor* s Clerk of the township of Moultonborough, in said State, HUMBLY pray we, your petitioners, proprietors and owners of more ihan one sixteenth part of the common and undivided land in said township, that a meeting of said proprietors may be called on the fourth Tuesday of April next, for the following purposes, viz. ift, To choose a moderator. 2d, To rectify fame mistakes in feme former meetings of said proprietors. 3d, To receive a report of a committee appointed to fettle wiih the grantors of said town, refpediing the common land. 4th, To aft on any other matter the proprietors may think proper when met, BRADBURY RICHARDSON. JOSEPH RICHARDSON, NATHAN HOIT, NATHANIEL SHANNON; BENNING MOULTON, THOMAS LEAVITT. Moultonborough, Jan. 26, 1793. PURSUANT to the above request, I do hereby notify and warn the proprietors of said Moultonborough to meet at the house of widow Leavitt in Hampton, in the county of Rockingham aforefaid, on the said fourth Tuesday of April nextj for the purposes therein mentioned. JOSIAH MOULTON, PropGColledor. Hampton, February 19, 1793. NOTICE is hereby given to the proprietors and owners of land in the township of Stewartftown, situate in the county of Grafton, in the State of New-Hampshire ; that a tax of thir ty fix pounds on each original right,of land in said township, is duly' aflefled and committed to me to colled for the purpose of paying the proprietprs debts, and the expences that has or may arise for bringing forward the settlement of said township, and surveys, agreeable to their vote of February 26th, 1793 • if said tax is not paid to me, at my dwelling-house in Packersfield, in the county of Cheshire, in the State of New - Hampshire aforefaid, on or be fore the eighth day of May next en suing, the fame will be levied by sale of so much of the interest or property of the proprietor or owner, who shall be delinquent in payment fourteen days after the third and last week of this advertisement, and the delinquents* land will be advertised for sale accord ingly. JOSIAH MELVIN, Colle flor for the ' proprietors of the township of strw~ artfown aforefaid* . March 4, 1793.