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' G The above are Engiifb. Attorney’sVade Mecum, 3jvols.Bve !Reeve’s Englith Law, 4 vols. Bvo, Impey’s Prallice, 2 vols. Bvo. Millar’s View, Bvo. Yelverton’s Reports, Bvo. Saunders on Ules and Trusts Svo. Liley’s Entries, z vol. Blackf{tone’s Reports, Bvo. Powell on Mortgages, Bvo. Burlamaque on Law, Bvo. Strange’s Reports, z vols. Bvo, Vefey’s Reports, 2 vols, Bvo. Burn’s Law Ditionary, Bvo. Pleader’s Assistant, Bvo. Peere Williams’s Reports, 3 vols, Sheppard’s Touch Stone, Bvo. Leach’s Crown Law, Bvo.. Millar on Insurance, Bvo. Buller on Trials, Bvo. Morgan’s Essays, 3 vols. Svo. Stubb’s Crown Circuit Companis on, Svo. Wilson’s Reports, 3 vols. Bvo. Cases of Equity, Bvo. Abridgment of Coke upon Little ton, Bvo. Powell on Powers, Bvo. Dalrymple’s Tenures, Bvo. Boot’s Suit at Law, Izmo. Mitford’s Pleadings, Izmo. Law Grammar, by Jacob, Izmo. Young ClerksVade Mecum,l2me Al the above are Irish. Efpinafes Nifi Prius, 2 vols. Izme. Buller on I'rials, Bvo. 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