[The Grand Mafler of a Lodge, in Nova-Scotia, being called to[pend the remainder of his days in Eurcpe, composed and fang the following excellent Song to the Brethren assembled, pre viously to kis departure.] e ; DIEU, a heart fond warm, adieu, A. Ye Brothers of a myftick tie, Ye favor’d and enlighten’d few, Companions of my social joy. Though I to foreign lands, must hie, Pursuing fortune’s flipp’ry hall, With melting heart, and brineful eye, I’ll mind you flill, when far awa— Oft have 1 met your social band, To ipend a chearful, feftive night ; Oft, honor’d with supreme command, Presided o’er the {ons of light. And by that hieroglyphick bright Which none but craftfmen ever know, Strong mem’ry on my heart {hall write Those happy scenes, when far sawa— .Meg freedom, harmony and love ement you in the grand design, Beneath th’ Omniscient Eye, above, The glorious Architett divine, That you may keep th’ unerring rule; Sull guided by tfie Plummet’s law, Till order bright completely shine, Shall be my prayer, when far awa— And you, farewel, whose merits claim Justly that highest badge to wear ; May Heaven bless your noble name, - T'o malonry and Scotia dear. A lait request permit me then, Wheén yearly you’re aflembled all, One reund, I ask it with a tear, To him, the friend, that’s far cwa— And you, kind-hearted fifiers, fair, I sing farewel to all your charm ; Th’ impreflion of your pleasing air, With rapture oft my heart did warm ; Alas ! the social winter’s night No more returns, while breath we draw, T'ill Siflers, Brothers, all unite In that Grand Lodge, that’s far awa.— THE Pleasing Inftruttor. RS A R sty The ParTY-COLOURED SHIELD, With hafly judgment ne’er decide ; lirft hear what’s said on either fide. IN the days of knight-errantry and peganifm, one of our old Britz/k princes set up a flatue to the goddels of Vittory, in a point where four roads met together. In her right-hand she held a [pear, and rested her left upon a shield : ‘The outside of this {hield was of gold, and the inside of silver. On the former was linfcribed, in the old Briti/h language, 1o the goddess ever Javourable ; and on the other, For four wvitto rics obtained successively over the Pilts and other whabitants of the Northern Islands. It happened one day that two knights com pletely armed, the one in b/ack armour, and the other in white, arrived from opposite parts of the country at this statue, jult about the fame time ? and as neither of them had seen it before, they flopped to read the inscriptions, and observe the excellence of its workmanthip. After contem plating on it for some time, This go/den shield, fays the black knight—=Golden shield, cried the white knight, (who was as ftriétly observing the opposite fide) why, if I have my eyes, itis silver. I know nothing of your eyes, replied the black Knight, but if ever I saw a gol/den thield in my life, thisisone : Yes, returned the white knight, {miling, 1t is very probable, indeed, that they would expole a shield of gold in {o public a place as this 1 Yor my part, I wonder even a silver one 1s not too {ftrong a temptation for the devotion of some people that pals this way : and it ap pears by the date that this has bezen here above three years. The black knight could not bear the smile with which this was delivered, and grew {o warm in the dispute, that it {foon ended in a challenge : they both therefore turned their horses, and rode back so far as to have fufficient space for their career, then fixed their spears in their rests, and flew at each other with the great efl fury and impetuofitw Their shock was so rude, and the blow on each fide so effeftual, that they both fell to the ground, much wound ed and bruised, and lay there for some time as in atrance, A good Druzd, who was travelling that way, found them in this condition. The Druzds were the physicians of those times, as well as the priests. He had a sovereign balsam about him, which he had composed himfelf, for he was very fkilful in all the plants that grew in the ficlds, or in the forefls ; he staunched their blood, applied his balsam to their wounds, and brought them asit were from death to life again. As {oon as they were {ufficiently recovered, he began to enquire into the occasion of their quarrel. ¢ Why, this man,” cried the black knight; ¢¢ will have it, that the shield yonder is silver.” ¢¢ And he will have it,” replied the whate knight, ¢ that it is gold,”” and then told him all the particulars of the affair. ¢« Ah |» said the Druid, with a sigh, youare both of you, my brethren, in the right, and both of gou in the wrong ; had either of you given himfelf time to look upon the opposite fide of the shield, as well as that which firft presented itfelf to view, all this passion and bloodshed might have been avoided ; however, there 1s a very good leflon to be learned from the evils that have befallen you on this occasion. Permit me therefore to intreat you, by all odr gods, and by this goddefls of viftory 1n /lparticular, Never to enter into any dispute for the future, tillyou hqye | fil)’ considered both sides of the quoftion,” 4 Good Farms. T 0 BE SOLD At Public Auction, At Durham, At the houle of Captain Benjamin Tripp, On Wednesday 22d Fanuary next ensuing, At ten o’clock in the forenoon, FARM in Durham, on which Jofthua Neal now lives, beautifully fitnated within one mile from the landing and meeting-house, and cn the main road, is a Good situation for Trade: consisting of about two hundred and forty or fifty acres of good land, well propor tioned for mowing tillage and pasturing, a large quantity of wood and timber, with A good Houle and Barn, the land is partly on the river to the falls, — LIKEWISE — : The FARM on which Ephraim Smith now lives, containing about one hundred acres and lays about two miles and a halt from the landing, ALSO, The FARM on which James Wille now lives, adjoining to Valentine Mathes, Esquire’s landon Durham river, containing about one hundred and fifty acres, with The House and Barn; all which farms will be more valuable, as the new bridge will be near them. Conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale ; any person inclining to view the fame may, by applying to Jonathan Steel, Esq. at Durham-Falls; or Valentine Mathes, Esq. at Dur ham-Point. . MILLSFIELD. State of New-Hampthire, OTICE is hereby given, that so N much of each original right of land in the townthip of Millsfiel%,] fitvate in the county of Grafton, in the State of New-Hampfhire,viz. the rights of George Boyd, Esq. Timothy White, Robert Peal ly, Amos Peafly, Israel Morey, Esquire, Ebenezer Swan, John Morey, Frederic M’Bell, Abijah Willard, Esquire, John Sprague, Esq. Luther Richardson, Eben ezer Green, Daniel Tilerfon,AaronStiles, Amos Palmer, Moses Palmer, Daniel Til erfon, jun. John Wood, Rev. Obadiah Noble, Shubael Cross, John Woodward, Solomon Morey, Benjamin Baldwin, jun. Ebenezer Baldwin, Nathan Dewey, Abra ham Palmer, Samuel Phelps, John Mo rey, Joel Phelps, John White, James Reed, jun, James Reed, Esq. Benjamin Grant, Benjamin Grant, jr. Peter Grant, Samuel Smith, Jonathan Child, Amos Woodworth, Joel Woodworth, William Marfton, Matthew Miller, Timothy Bar tholomew, Benjamin Chamberlin, Noah Grant, Sylvanus Owen, John Roberts, Andrew Bell, Noah Dewey, Azariah Webb, Elijah Daley, Robert Kg:nnedy_.jr.\ Ichabod Palmer, John Burnham Hanson, Samuel Hunt, Reuben Grant, John Man, Walter Fairfield, Sir Tho’s Mills,Knight, George Sprowle, Thomas M’Donough, John P. Williams, Moses Ross, Charles Waldren, Wentworth Bimfley, znd Ben ‘ning Wentworth, will be fold to the high est bidder, on the sixteenth day of Jan uary next, at eleven o’clock, in the fore noon, atthe dwelling house of Mr. Caleb Sanborn, innholder in Hampton, in the county of Rockingham, in said State of New-Hampshire, as will pay three pounds on each of said rights, with incidental charges, if payment be not previously made to me at my dwelling-house in Sa lem, in the county of Essex and Com. monwealth of Massachusetts ; which sum was voted by the proprietors of said town thip of Millsfield, on the eleventh day of December last, A. D. 1792, at a legal meeting for the purposes mentioned in said vote, and duly assessed and committed to me to colle&. JOHN SAUNDERS, jr. Prop’rs Colls&or. Salem (Mes.) Dec, 4, 1793. Take Notice. ‘ 7\7 ANTED for Pifcata- L 5 qua Bridge, the following articles, White-Ozk Timber " E o = B 8 0o o ° a 9. 313 14by14 45 22 ditto, 0 . 9 ditto. 19 48 ditto. 15 go ditto. % .o 8 ditto. 40 34 ditto. 0. 8 16by 16 10 49 ditto. 15 38 ditto. 8 39 ditto. 20 41 ditto. 30 40 ditto. Pine Timber. " o = & . = B g 9 & § o 8 o o . @ 500 42 14byi1o 40 40 14 byig ] 9¢ 5 48 by 14 \ cact to sweep 20 Inc’s ego 13\ 64 by 54 ego 18 5% by s 440 21 5 byg 72,000 Feet of Plank, 4 inches thick, and 2o feet long. 16,000 Feet Plank, 4 inches thick and 40 feet long. 100 Spruce Spars, from 6 to 8 inches. 2,000 Ton Wharf Timber. A quantity of good Rocks and Stone Ballast, 300 Two-inch Plank. e ALS Qe 6 Tons of Pork. 6 Tons of Country Flour: §5 Any persons willing to enter into contrat to supply any part, or the whole of the above articles, or to Board the Workmen, who may be em ployed in building the Bridge, are re quested to apply to the Directorsin Ports mouth, as soon as may be. NATH’I ADAMS, Prop’rs Clerk. Portsmouth, Dec. 11, 1793. VV HEREAS the {ub {criber has considerable demands against sundry persons in different parts of this State, both by Nores and Acceunts, many of which has been standing for a long time, and it would be a task to wvifit them all : He therefore takes this method to call on all who are indebted to him, and requests them to make payment im mediately—from those who cannot pay the whole, he will receive a part.——"The {ubfcriber has fettled with, and paid off all those that he was indebted to, and thinks there is not any person who can justly de mand one shilling of him on any Account, Note, or Obligation whatever. After having done this, he is persuaded they will think his requeit bighly reasonable, and comply therewith, without giving him she troubleof pursuing weafnres disagree able. BRADBURY JEWELL. Durham, Dec. 7, 1793. ot State of New-Hampfbire. OTICE is hereby given to the non- N resident proprietors, and owners cf Lands in the following towns, viz. Campton 1786 ; Duxbury School Farm and mile Slip, Epsom and Windham 1789 ; Meredith 1790 ; Warren 1791 ; Wolfborough 1792 and Sullivan 1793 : That the lifts of taxes of said towns for said years are left with the subscriber, that unless they pay their taxes either to him or the Collettors thereof, within eight weeks from the firft publithing this adver tisement, their lands will be advertised for sale for the payment of the fame. NATH’L PARKER, Receiver non resident Taxes, Exeter, December z, 1793. RO BE SOLD On reasonable terms (if applied for soon, ) 270 Acres Land in Exeter, Commonly called the Cusa Land, for parti culars apply to the Printer hereof, White-Oak Timber . o g - €3 O £ 2 20 43 16by 10 5. 4B ditto. i 43 ditto. 15 .29 ditto. g 3 5% ditto. 10 54 ditto. 30 -55 ditto. 41 40 ohy 13 100 g 0 xbvie 25 .54 10by e 25 58 10byie gSO 18 I = g 0 .+l6. Oby s Pine Timber. - v o @ 5 5 . o > o & o o . @ 10 90 18 By 14 10 40 18 byily 10 45 "18 by 14 go 15 16 byl6 3o 20 16 byl6 40 25 16 byl6 JUST IMPORTED In the thip HERO, from BRISTOL, by John & Jon* Goddard AND FOR SALE, At their Store in MarkET-STREET, Corner of Ladd-Street, A large and very general aflortment of HARD WARE G O O DS, Consisting of almolt eve # ry article usually mmported in that line, A S said Goods are recei ved dire& from the firft band, and on the most favorable terms ; Gentlemen ‘T'raders, and others, in town and country, who wish to purchase, may depend on being supplied, at wholesale or retail, as cheap as at any Store in Boston. Allo, at the {fame store may be had, Painter’s Oil, Colours and Brushes, Dye-Stuffs, Clothiers’ Card; and Press Papers, 10 by 8, g by 7 and 8 by 6 Window Glass, 44. 64. 84. 104. 20d. and Sheathing Nails, plain and cut flint and common Glass Ware, a few complete ta ble setts blue and green edg’d Crockery Ware.——Gun-Powder, Allum, Coppe ras, Whiting and Brimstone by the cask ; Wines, Spices, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Hyfon, Souchong and Bohea Teas ; Rum, Flour, German Steel, 10 plate and 6 plate Stoves, Cast-Iron Backs and Jambs for Chimneys ; Philadelphia Iron of a superior quality, per ton or less quantity. Portsmouth, Dec. 7, 1793. ERR O 1. State of New-Hamptfhire., OTICE is hereby given, that so N much of each original right of land in the townibip of Errol, situate in the county of Grafton, in the State of New- Hampshire, viz, The rights of the Hon. Timothy Ruggles, E{quire, George Boyd, Esquire, James Richardson, Esq. Phineas Hutchins, Theodrick Reed, Andrew Col burn, Joseph Heminway, Joseph Potter, Beneditt Webber, Thomas Tolman,Eben ezer Tolman, William Tolman, Samuel Bithop, Elijah Clays, John Whitney, John Anger, John Faffett, Samuel Graves, Moses Whitney, Jonah Herrington, Ed ward Kendal, james Tiffney, Nathan Hall, Edward Platts, William Barker, James Brewer, Henry Morie, Jonathan Hammond, Greenwood Carpenter, Jona than Woodcock, jr. Samuel Hunt, Eben ezer Green, Benjamin Grant, Benjamin Grant, jun, Peter Grant, Samuel Smith, Ifracl Morey, Esq. Jonathan Childs, A mafa Woodworth, Joel Woodworth, Wil liam Thompson, David Thompson, Wil liam Marfton, Jacob Marfton, Matthew Miller, James Miller, Timothy Bartholo mew, Noah Grant, Sylvanus Owen, John Roberts, Andrew Bell, Noah Dewey, William Bell, John Chamberlin, Amos Peafley, John White, Manaflah Divell, John Solendine, Phineas Butler, Robert Kennedy, junior, Elijah Daley, Azariah Webb, Hon. George Jefiry, Esq. Edward Setate, Andrew M’Gaffry, Samuel Went worth Fisher, Daniel Sherburne, Samuel Sherburne, Edward Sherburne, John Ly ford, jun. William Torrey, and Thomas M’Donough, will be fold to the highest bidder, on the sixteenth day of January next ensuing, at three o’clock, in the af ternoon, at the dwelling-house of Caleb Sanborn, innholder in Hampton, in the conaty of Rockiggham, in faid.Siatevoi - New-Hampshire, as will ‘pay three pounds fix shillings, on each of said rights, with incidental charges, if payment be not pre viously made to me at my dwelling-house in Salem, ia the county of Eflex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; which sum was voted by the proprietors of said townthip of Lrrol, on the 11th day of December last, A. D. 1792, ata legal meeting for the purposes menticned in said vote, and duly affefled and committed to me to colle&t. . JOHN SAUNDERS, jr. Prop’rs Colleftor. Salem (Maj].) Dec. 4, 1793. T o R (IF APPLIED FOR SOON,) : A few Hundred wt. of Hatter's & Sprimming Wool, sy JOHN FROTHINGHAM, Athis Snop, bottom of Daniel-Street, near the Town-Wharf, PORTSMOUTH., (< Caih given at said Shop for TALLOW,