OCR Interpretation

The New Hampshire gazette. [volume] (Portsmouth [N.H.]) 1793-1847, December 28, 1793, Image 4

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THE subscribers app‘oinommif
fioners to receive, examinednd ad
juit tise claims of the several creditors to
the estate of REUBEN CLOUGH, late of
Sandown, Efg. decealed, hereby give no
tice, that they shall attend that service at
the hovfe of Mr. PETer SaAxNßor N, Inn
holder in said Sandown, on the fourth
Tuesday of December next, and the five
following months, from 3 to 6 o’clock,
P. M. : |
- WILLIAM ROWEL, }Comm{flz”:.
Sandown, Nov. 23, 1793.
3X 7 N
State of New-Hampshire.
HE Proprieters of BATH, in the
i county of Grafton and State of New-
Hampfthire, are hereby informed, that at
a legal meeting of said Proprietors, holden
by adjournment in O&ober 2, 1792, a
tax of twenty shillings was voted on each
original right, or Proprietor’s share of
land, in said township, for the purpose of
defraying the expences and charges that
have or may arise from bringing forward
the settlement of said township, with the
expences of former surveys, catting roads,
and supporting the title of the Proprie
tors to said township. Likewise the sum
of one pound ten shillings on each right
as aforefaid, voted the Bth day of Janua
ry, 1771, and committed to Timothy
Bedel, late of Haverhill, in said county,
Esquire, deceased, to coliet—and like
wise, twenty shillings on each hundred
acre lot—and twelve shillings on each {ix
ty acre lot in said township; which were
voted on the 28th day of May, 1773, +nd
committed to Timothy Bedel, aforefaid,
to collet : The fame being committed
to me the subscriber to colle€t ; this is
thercfore to notify the Proprietors, and
Yand ewners aforefaid, that unless they
pay said taxes to me, at my dwelling-house
in Haverhili aforefaid, within fourteen
days after the third and last week of this
advertisement ; that {fo much of the de
linquent Proprietors’ lands will be adver
tised for sale as the law direéts. »
MOODY BEDEL, Colle&or for said
Dated at Haverhill, August 22, 1793.
At Public Vendue, -
BY virtue of a licence from the Hon.
Judge of Probate of Wills, &c. for
the county of Rockingham, at the house
of Mr. Daniel Smiih, on Monday, joth
day of December, inst. atll o’clock,A.M.
All the personal estate of Jeremiah Young,
deceased, consisting of Houfhold furni
ture viz, ————
Beds, Tables, Chairs,
Clothes, &c. &c.
JAMES CRAM, Adminiltrator.
LL persons indebted to said estate,
either on ac¢ount or note, are re
quested to make immeditae payment——
Otherwise they will be sued without fur
ther notice.
December 20, 1793.
PURSUANT to a vote
of the Dire&ors of PiscaTaqua
Bripce, the Proprietors are hereby no
tified, that the sum of Fifteen Dollars is
aflefled upon edch share, agreeable to the
articles of subscription—and that the fame
be paid to the [ubfcriber at Portsmouth,
on or before the Bth day of January
next, of which all concerned will please to
take notice.
Portsmouth, Dec. 7, 1793.
. Chadwick
IL. Chadwic
EREBY refpectfully
informs his Cuftomiers in Farticular,
and the Public in general, that he
has taken the SHOP opposite Mr. HiLL’s fore,
on Spring-Hill, where he carries on
The Boot & Shoe-making
BUSINESS, as usual.——Country made
Women’s and Children’s SH o£s boughtat said
At the fame place may be had
W. 1. Goods & Groceries.
N. B.—Cash, or any of the above Ar
ticles wili be given for LEATHER,
CALVES-SKINS uncurried in particu
lal‘- 2
o. Portfimouth, Dec, 13, 1793, -
Will™ Smith”
HAS removed to the
Store lately occupied byDo&. FOHN
GODDARD, near Spring-Hill ; Where
he has for sale, by wholesale and retail, a
general assortment of
Weft-India Goods and
Groceries. ~
Port{mouth, December 1793.
LL persons indebted to the estate of
late of Portsmouth, trader, deceased, are
quelted to make immediate payment to
me the subscriber, and all who have any
demands upon said estate are desired to
exhibit their claims, properly vouched, in
order for an immediate settlement.
Portsmouth, December 17, 1793.
ALL persons having demands againit
the estate of WILL’M HOWARD,
late of Ambherft, deceased ;—And those
that-are indebted to said estate are desired
to call for a settlement immediately, with
SAMUEL WHITING, Attorney for
LUCY HOW ARD, Administrator.
Take Notice.
W ANTED for Pifcata
qua Bridge, the following
Oak Timber.
g s
$ = 5
o 8 o
"” Yo -
8. B i
45 29 ditto.
10" | 87 ditto.
i 8 ditto,
is o ditto.
§ -3% ditto.
40. . %s ditto.
20 g6l6by 16
10 ‘9 ditto.
1. gR ditto.
8 O ditto.
g 0 41 citto.
10 42 ditto.
Pine Timber.
- o
oi e *
: 5 5
e o
g 2
500. 42 14 Byw
40 40 14 byig
94 50 18by1y
each to sweep 20 tnc’s
230 13 63} by 54
230 18 5} by 58
440 21 5 byg
72,000 Feet of Plank, 4
inches thick, and 2o feet long.
16,000 Feet Plank, 4 inches thick
and 4o feet long.
too Spruce JSpars, from 6 to 8
inches. |
2,000 Ton Whart Timber.
A quantity of good Rocks and
Stone Ballast, :
300 Two-inch Plank.
———ALSOr—r -
6 Tons of Pork.
6 Tons of Country Flour.
- ¢ Any persons willing
to enter into contraét to supply any part,
or the whole of the above articles, or to
Board the Workmen, who may be em
pleyed in building the Bridge, are re
quested to apply to the DireCtorsin Ports
mouth, as soon as may be.
NATH’I ADAMS, Prop’rs Clerk.
Portimouth, Dec. 11, 1793
A few Hundred wt. of
2 ; : < ,
Hatter’s & Spinmng Wool,
At his Suor, bottom of Daniel-Street, near
the Town-Wharf, PORTSMOUTH.
¢ Cash given at said
Shop for TALLOW, '
Oak Timber.
. I
7 @
g 0 43 50 b¥ 16
15 4b ditto.
10 47 =G,
10 A% ditto,
g 0 35 ailD,
. 54 ditto,
5o 5 ditto.
4% 49 18813
160 ‘go sßy s
o 5 b 4 1o by 1s
25 . 58 10by 12
950 3% By x
200 10 6 byile
Pine Timber.
vy o
8 5
= B E
8 7 g
5 &
10 g 0 18 byils
10 40 18byiy
10 45 18byiy
go 15 16 by 16
go 200-. 16 by 16
40 25 16 byl6
By Williams & Cofhin,
A QUANTITY of Beef in complete
order for thipping.
A few toms of Butter.
A large quaantity of Tallow.
A few tons of Pot- Ashes,
Brimstone by the Cask or Cwt.
A few tons lron ware, good affortsent.
Raisins by the Cask.
Malaga Wine by ditto.
Hyfon and Souchong Tea by the chest
or dozen.
Coffee by the barrel or hundred.
Cott n by the bag or hundred.
Flour by the barrel, &c. &c.
English and W. India
2cd. 10d. 6d. 4d. Nails,—loby B—9 by
7 and 8 by 6 Window Glass ;—Looking
Glasses ;—Glafs and Crockery Ware,
&c. &c. by retail as usual,
Portsmouth, Dec. 1793.
State of New-Hampshire.
NOTICE is hereby given, that so
| much of each origina! right of land
in the township of Erro!l, situate in the
county of Grafton, in the State of New-
Hampthire, viz. The rights of the Hon.
Timothy Ruggles, Esquire, George Boyd,
Esquire, James Richardson, Esq. Phineas
Hutchins, Theodrick Reed, Andrew Col.
burn, Joseph Heminway, Joseph Potter,
Benedi&t Webber, Thomas Tolinan,Eben
ezer T'olman, William Tolman, Samuel
Bithop, Elijah Clays, John Whitney, John
Anger, John Faffett, Samuel Graves,
Moses Whitney, Jonah Herrington, Ed
ward Kendal, James Tiffney, Nathan
Hall, Edward Platts, William Barker,
James Brewer, Henry Morie, Jonathasn
Hammond, Greenwood Carpenter, jona
than Woodcock, jr. Samuel Hunt, Eben
ezer Green, Benjamin Grant, Benjamin
Grant, jun, Peter Grant, Samuel Smith,
Israel Morey, Esq. Jonathan Childs, A
mafa Woodworth, Joel Woodworth, Wil
liam Thompson, David Thompion, Wil
liam Marfton, Jacob Marfton; Matthew
Miller, James Miller, Timothy Bartholo
mew, Noah Grant, Sylvanus Owen, John
Roberts, Andrew Bell, Noah Dewey,
William Bell, John Chamberlin, Amos
Peafley, John White, Manafiah Divell,
John Solendine, Phineas Butler, Robert
Kennedy, junior, - Elijah Daley, Azariah
Webb, Hon. George Jeffry, Esq. Edward
Setate, Andrew M’Gafiry, Samuel Went
worth Fither, Daniel Sherburne, Samuel
Sherburne, Edward Sherburne, John Ly
ford, jun. William Torrey, and Thomas
M’Donough, will be fold to the highefl
bidder, on the sixteenth day of January
next ensuing, at three o’clock, in the af
ternoon, at the dwelling house of Caleb
Sanborn, innhglder in Hampton, in the
county of Rockingham, in said State of
New-Hampfthire, as will pay three pounds
fix shillings, on each of said rights, with
incidental charges, if payment be not pre
viously made to me at my dwelling-house
in Salem, in the county of Essex, and
Commonwealth of Maflachufetts ; which
{fum was voted by the proprietors of said
township of Errol, on the 11th day of
December last, A. D. 1792, ata legal
meeting for the purposes mentioned ip
said vote, and duly aflefled and committed
to me to collett.
JOHN SAUNDERS, jr. Prop’rs Collector.
Salem (Maj]. ) Dec. 4, 1793.
Rockingham fs.
~NAME before me the subscriber, one
(J of the Justices assigned to keep the
peace within said county, WALTER
WEEKS, of Greenland, in said county,
and after due caution, and careful exam
ination, made solemn oath, that he never
was innoculated for the small-pox, from
which he has latelv recovered, and that
he knows not by what means, nor when,
nor where, nor how, he got the infection
of that malignant distemper.
Before GEO. GAINS, Just. Peace.
' Portsmouth, Decemtber 26, 1793.
WHEREAS sundry falfe and scanda
lous reports have been industriously spread
abroad, that said WEEKS was innocula
ted at Newbury-Port, or elsewhere, for
the small-pox, and that he wilfully bro’t
the fame into his father’s family in Green
land, in November last—he now hopes
the impartial public will rest fatisfied with
refpeét to his conduét, and not give ear
to any such {candal in future,
December 26, 1793.. "
"HEREAS by an a& of the Gene-
W ral-Court of the State of New-
Hampthire, pafled the 14th day of De
cember, 1791, the Sele@men of Chichef
ter, in the county of Rockingham, and
said State, were impowered to uffefs a tax
‘of two pence per acre on the unimproved
lands, owned by non-residents, for the
purpose of making'and repairing a pub
lic highway through said town, from Cap
tain Reuben Kimball’s in Concord, to
the Portfinouth road, leading through
Epsom ; and whereas the Colle&or, duly
appointed (agrecably to said a&) to col
lect said tax has, in consequence of said
a&l, notified the {aid non-residents of their
several afiz{sments, and requested them to
pay their proportions in work or money,
agreeably to law, and they having n:gleéta
ed, the fubicriber, Colleler for the pur
pose aforefaid, do hereby norify all the
delinquent owners of non-refidents’ lands
in said Chichefter, that unlels they pay
their several proportions of said tax, for
the year 1793, to me the subscriber, on
or befere the sth day of Februay next,
that so much of their lands will be {old as
will pay their respective proportions, with
incidental charges, at a piiblic vendue to
be held at the dwelling-house of Thomas
Hook, innholder in said Chichefter, on
the said gth day of February next, at ten
of the clock in the forenoon.
Division. No. R. Q’ty.s.d
Theodore Atkinson, I 96 31 %3 £op
Samuel King, 3 0 &6 88 0
chtto, 4 O 0 8 B
Nathan Green, £ 7618 20 8 &
Winthrop Hilion, $ 89 2" b % Y
Jeremiah Sanborn, 19 8 30 &y
John Downing, f /%7 8§ 80 8 &
Owner unknown, 4 93 1 43 za
ditto, } 97, 9 50 .8 &
ditto, 4 9. % o 38
Cyprian Jaffrey, 8. 093 .6.15 2.6
Joleph Towle, 1 15 Byt 800
stephen Sanborn, 4 25 1% 33 Kin
Shubel Sanborn, 4: O 11:.'94 2 o
I"‘lerzr.‘y Rult, 4 66 g 9 iBS 8 4
Nathanmiel Weare, 109%. QAo 8B 8
Owner unknown, 4 69 31 50 8
ditto, F 1y 4 da W
1 EDMUND LEAVITT, Colleétor:
'« Chichefler, December 10, 1793 .
State of New-Hampshire. -
NOTICE is hereby given, that so
much of each original right of land
in the township of Millsfield, situate in
the county of Grafton, in the State of
New-Hampfthire,viz. the rights of George
Boyd, Esq. Timothy White, Robert Peaf
ly, Amos Peafly, Israel Morey, Esquire,
Lbenezer Swan, John Morey, Frederic
M’Bell, Abijah Willard, Esquire, John
Sprague, Esq. Luther Richardson, Eben
ezer Green, Daniel Tilerfon, Aaron Stiles,
Amos Palmer, Moses Palmer, Daniel Til
erfon, jun. John Wood, Rev. Obzdiah
Noble, Shubael Cross, John Woodward,
Solomon Morey, Benjamin Baldwin, jun.
Ebcnezer Baldwin, Nathan Dewey, Abra
ham Palmer, Samuel Phelps, ‘John Mo
rey, Joel Phelps, John White, Jagmes
Reed, jun, James Reed, Efg. Benjamin
Grant, Benjamin Grant, jr. Peter Grant,
Samuel Smith, Jonathan Child, Amas
Woodworth, Jocl Woodworth, William
Marfton, Matthew Miller, Timothy Bar
tholomew, Benjamin Chamberlin, Noah
Grant, Sylvanus Owen, John Roberts,
Andrew Beil, Noah Dewey, Azariah
Webb, Elijah Daley, Robert Kennedys jr.
Ichabod Palmer, John Burnham Hanson,
Samuel Hunt, Reuben Grant, John Man,
Walter Fairield, Sir Tho’s'Mills,Knight,
George Sprowle, 'Thomas M’Donough,
john P. Williams, Moses Ross, Charles
Waldien, Wentworth Bimfley, and Ben
ning Wentworth, will be fold to the high
est bidder, on the sixteenth day of Jan
uary next, at eleven o’clock, in the fore
noon, at the dwelling house of Mr. Caleb
Sanborn, innholder in Hampton, in the
county of Rockingham, in said State of
New-Hampshire, as will pay three pounds
on each of said rights, with incidental
charges, if payment be not previously
made to me at my dwelling-house in Sa
lem, in the county of Essex and Com
monwealth of Massachusetts ; which sum
was voted by the proprietors of (aid town
thip of Millsfield, on the eleventh day of
December last, A. D. 1792} at a legal
meeting for the purposes mentioned in
said vote, and duly afleffed and committed
to me to colleét. ‘ 1
JOHN SAUNDERS, jr. Prop’rs Colleclor.
Salem (May.) Dec. 4, 1793. |
Hadly’s Quadrant,
” -V :
; And a complete set of
» ‘Enquire of the Printer.

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