Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, JaNvaßrY 4, 1794.] & 4 4 : g P 4 ' : o~ - £ e, ; £ e A . = ¥ . - " A.y g : o ' : 1 , : ) 4 fßd EW 4 - g : . 7 & 3 s S % g g 1253 x-~ o P -2 b . # g €5 .&3 > 2 3 " g R & . 0 4% B 4 S S g B ED g L 4557 =5 : o 5 P R ¥ Lae - '3 e . 4 4 N E 2 b % o ) e o Fd D :2i4HBENEE 2 W B = B 2 = : S S ) o B e 4 . 3 s’ z : e 373 5 e - 2 e 5 ¥ B : - 4 - 2 2 ] 3 54 - > 3 % i ) S % 2 P 5 - b 3 e % 5 o N P y_F # ;: I B B g £1 / B B & 4 ; I B £ - % e 4 <HS, & ) . 2y 58 . l 4 5 T p 1 o ’? . b ) g &« ou . e % sAT3.;33PeLyo y g s = 2 3 o = : 3 : L 5 0T ] b 3 .!,,f.‘ 4 % i / m»,‘»,-'n_; 3 = p-! > s el 3 '.‘_‘3‘ ‘&‘_ L *, EL 4 iy T R ~ RL o T RR S B B . o L e et e et eet ——— PORTS MO UT H: Printed by JOHN MELCHER, Printer to the Hon. GENERAL-COURT of the State of New - Hampshire, at his Office in Market-Street, at nine shillings per Annum. 7, OTICE is hereby gi B A I = H-———Stale o LAy N'l"‘hat the out'figngil;;nstt:tt:::dorgrefidentproprie_tors and owners of land in the‘?:;w:i/l;Né;c!{-Hai'l.'lp/,zJlre, , _ year’s tax by itfelf, and the several kind ounty-texes againt feid sown, from the yeal 1§ B o Bath, in said State 5 and to all ot] committed to me, the Constable of faid}sgohpfayments in which they may be received a7gree-'1;1(? year-17g1 inclusively, are affeffzd i ner Pfi'rfons.whom it may concern ii;l(rlldmg, ;Th%tages on the several lots hereailxtm fe?rd;he year 1792, to colle&, with a war’raut so; t;Iattop;l:;é?w Ofdfiid State, pafled i nfig?g 23‘x-b;ll,j\dzfiingnif‘ning ced; e e.xpre ed, the G wn, yet remains un aid‘ }.” ". e, dn said taXl ‘::‘3 'fl)" O /fomber'l—(\O, . dwelling-house inyfaid Ba:g?tsgst,)r l{){;?j:eatgram g conener-of £4d towg,datgd“;lil;};gsfseja?’rggi{fdlupon said lots, as kflox}vi:hbybxiilzrgi‘rtfie% as the law direQs ; /gétwitl: charges, will be fold at public vendue, to th:: fitig]?a‘{ gfdP(;ebruary next, the whole or - S aor;:‘,mlh7i’)9. And unless said taxes fl];}lub:’;:>e; and ng;figx;s, as laid out 1772.]1776. . est bidder, at my dwelling- = . zach lot as will be fuffici 5 me the subscriber, at m ‘ 775()'1770 1'7Z)7'11778!1779]1780] 1781, 1178;,] lWc—:‘glhng house, in said Bath, on the said 4th dl;fiicgfe%t It:O pay the taxes upon it, with inrciczilz l"}{ S 2 OOQ. .. f -1 1783.[1784]1785] 1786, | y ¢bruary, at 10 of the clock i B § g %8 2-8 & &=D<DekS 1) G o don 1787. | . 1788 K lin the forengon. PR DS 5 Hogecl G 0 8 AWERSTR BTR S e gBl Izge. Lizar: SUR 4. ets o s Soer- ez o 8 hECH oP & " JE- - B. 8.8 ¢t 8% e~ . SR PBBB R & B gB2 .0 > W s No.d.q. d.q, sd. td e . ooe%S- @&8 4 5 afisz &BBD as Q £Lt a he 18 zsl sgk sadi. .d. d sd. sd d‘m dg .. 5 .2 & £ . ?; ‘f.: 8 o First 332 4s (¥ .28 25 49°0 ¢ 2008893 290 4y ¥4 _ll‘ . s.d. d. sdq. d. dq. sd. ¢, d d.a. s.d ! = 5 Raflge, -2%T313%8 25 49 6 . 310 k 210 31 1&11§$ 43 7 18% 10 73 32 ;1 . s.d. d.9q. dq S{f 100 ¢i% 'r; 12 18 §490 -5 3aoißz3l T 14 J:l $45 7F5%10 73 2N5fz'326 41 62 gk Lots, b 331113 18 ;5 49, 6 5 3101833 zlO 11 14 11 $£ 793 730078 P 2 M 58 1N AO4B O) .19 weft ideAm- %121512 18 E $9..0 ¢ 3201883 20 ,4 S77ASW 7% 16 g BLgE A3204l 62 .19 monoofacri- 13 32 13 12 g $5 406 % aub a 3 230 0 o 0% & F 3 9 I°% 33 73 13 PR k 2 23 2005 63 o VEr. 14_ 55 1I;:825 49 6 5 3101833 210 1314 jj 5.37k8Z0. T 3 13 j’i §&%5326 41 62 _l9 ¥ s 2818 25 49 0 5 3101833 40 1% 1+ _]:: 5 *3 .7 %58 10 72 k 3 J.J 5 i,z, 13260 41 60 .lg t 6 24 19 a 8 25 49 .6 5 3301833 210 "1 11 11 § 25 7 3ASF 49 172 82 u 5 U 13 20 41 62 ag —————— . 12z 15 12 18 25 49 6 s 5381893 280 W Lg A 2 £ 4% 97 P 23 -1% 33 x 5 o 1 R 0 gt 65 gl S 2. 32 3 I 549, .6 5 3101833 210 '} 53 7 ts@ 98 g82§8%1380 41 63 3 econd range. 122%%5 49 O <ti3 .24%3 5 3.8 , M.t 38 17 30 :R 9 £g¥2lyX3 39 2 £ 21084 210 §1 14 AR TESOw 73 132 1 & 462 19 il AR Ly 28 38 25 49.0 5§ 23103838 2do 11 1:} 11 § ':3 2.t M 7% 13 3f: 13 206 41.62 ag Third range. 10 ¥2 33 312 3 540 Bit 3103833 280 2% 55%9 FLS 09213 .y §.22 k 326 41 632 1g Oe A :8 25 49 6 5 3101833 210 41 14 J': 3=8.2 15 092 13 szf 1-3 2641 .08 Vg s 32 3 Lz 1B ;5 49 6 5 3101833 210 II 11 11 § 08 7. 28 W 73 23 = 5 i: 13 26 41 .62 3p First range, 17 32 1 ghisiie @ 5 490 6 x 5 310183 210 T 1 3 §- 73 7 A 5 10 72 12 aj 3 245 26 41 68 B weft division. 18 32 11 I ey b .+ a 0 1833 210 14 14 ey R 0 Ay 073 12 M §32%. 13 #bi 48 Ga dg 19 32 Ii 1; :g 28 485 0 ¢ 3318 3% 210 1t 14 j': § 4.5 31G 0o 72 12 5 788 1T.20 4% a 2 34 5 %2 35 .23 190 25 49 6 5 3101833 210 11 li J.J g ..:3 2R 9 Z 2 3% N 2 ;2 Ik 224300 #:9 24 32 33 22 38 35 49 6 & 9101833 210 11 14 82 5 J 3 21085 o ‘73 %2 -n 5 22 13 256 41 .63 a 9 g %a--2y 33 33 28 .49 0 &t slpiß3y 230 11 L 4 4 3 .13 i 10 22 12 W > 22 i B 4l O 19 g 032131248 25 49 0 5 3101833 280 31 .14 43 ST e R ie.ik 13 .80 44 O 2 27 12 £1 12 8 25 49 6 5 3101833 210 Lt 11‘11 5 .13 T s 10 Y 2 méiom 5 2: 13 fé 4_l 62 19 88 32 1z 132 98 25 49 6 5 45104833 240 31 .14 44 5 13 2 k 4 1073 12 m 5 —,; 1% ,; AT 62 §0 Second ditto. 29 32 15 12 5 890 5. siodß33. a 0 414 43 A% 94 c3o FaKi 'wSt T A6z 1g 30 32 1:: 12 :g #1349 55§ 3201833 289 14 14 11 §1%7 ¥y 23 a 3 5;2 lz' 2? 43 02 ,19 B RL Wy T2Y 8 25 49 6 -5 3101833 210 11 14 §a § %3 ¢ 1% 0 7234 i 5 Z 23280 41 Baias 83 %2, kg Dip. 1B 25 Y 0 5 3Taye s 219 1 11 oro P .’:5 7.8 I 22 2% 4 g 22 13 26 41 62 ag 532 T 3 a2z 148 25 $9 O¢t ‘ao 210 Ay oy MS 5¥.7 3 9% o 13 20 g 3 .62 .39 g ‘%2 %3712 .18 E 6 5 3101833 210 11 14 4. sz ls M ga. 4 e o 26 41 62 ag $6--13 12182 28 25 40 6 ¢ 240 IRa3 210 11 v4A2J3 7%8 iOBI2 m 5 g 132641 6aiag o 32 2y uz 18 22 49 6 5 3101833 210 11 14“ 5 P 7 48 a 0 e 3 W o :3 fé 41 62 ag Thirdvapge, 4z 3z gl2 18 549 O % 38014833 240 11 14' 34 5 3 ‘%B 2072 ad a 8 5 1 e 02 g 100 lots. 43°%% %3 52 18 25 49 6 5 3'1018?,§ 210 ‘lt 14J1 5. ¥39 Wy Y 2 ou >0819€941 62 19 4 %331 42" 18 25 49 6 5 3101833 210 II 14 i 13 7889p93 g 8 o 7 R3,A Ak OAi b o 1239 12 L® 25 ig g § 30848 210 ‘l% 11 i ,;3 2 Ae= iR 7% 1% 88 g i :g ;“6) 4 22 19 40 32 13- 32 18 z; § /3901823 240 11 .} 11 )37k8 &30 .72 480 3 41z 1g 49 6 10 4 ¢33 7 3182 5 g2%8l 4 6 z 3 1 543 ¥88:23° .2 10 5 0.-22.1 2-8 i 2 52 32 1312 18 35 49 G 5 3iou3y 2io ug 2 1 ASupAsk B e .05 4 BRI w 8 o] 2 I 54 82t e9k s 6 5.3 Woll q 3 210 34 14 44 J 3 7 p§f .98 12 M 8 ¢22 li 6 & 4. %9 S ———— 6 ] . 4'9 S 31018 210 ;3 7 152 10 72 o 4 2 2 4‘l 62 Jd 4th range, §7 ;; ;'; ;; lg 25 %90 = 31018g2 e :: :4jj codai g g S 0 E 1A ,1: 5 2‘:* I'3. 20 44 62 .lg goodots. 68 Yz 13 12 18 25 49 6 & 91031833 20 41 14' = ¢ 434 wuE Mo 9% 12 B 5 ‘2"; 13 200 43 6224 b 2 32 13 12 .23 ig ;tg 2 5 i BAOWS 3% 2190 It Ii 5 g jg ; 152 10 72 12 .44 g .4 :g fg i; g?- 19 ermparapttn By X 2 .3 §. 3101833 210 152 10 72 a 2 N ’ 2dg First range, 49' i lj :; lg 25 A 0 b ¢ 310183§ W :; 14;‘ 2 A 3 7 3RS M 0 2% 18 M goad vy 2634 0 1 100 lots, east A ik e 18 ‘25. 49 0 £ S tOabys. 210 .13 34 98 5 Ko .7 383 W 7% 12 W S a 8 18 2 6 41 B 3 1g fide Ammo- T 12 18 25 49 6.5 3101838 230 1 Pgdd g Ay 7. 852 30 w 3 23 M £s% 48 26 28 B 8 3y noofac river. y; 3z 1 lz :g 25 49 g ¢ 3101833 210 11 11 ‘;i 5 :‘l3 2 152 10 72 12 M g zi 13 22 41 .62 439 &5 49 10 18 3 2 §A3 w-oge3 30 3RO 448.63:) 49 6 10 18 4 34 F4L 10 5 sig:. & 43 0x 3 7 $42 11 )% 18 25 65 2 In 3 3 @¥o- 21 14 d.l 1 7205 A 4 £2B .33 2 6 3 8 9 $& 33- 33 12,18 .2 64h E 3703823 240 13 ‘l4 42 §43 2 1539 .10 BAN o 4 4gz g s, §4B 5 % g . I¢2 ¥ i 13 .20 40 63 2 Second range, ; :';2 34 2218 28 4‘3 6 § g:g:g;; zlg iIF 14 93 ¢ .Ig ; Igz :2 ;; :;" ’;; § 22 13 26 £3" 83 Jg ditto. gil cle a4k 25 4 6 B 111vyA0 ¢ 4 * s2%l}i6 4 6 :632a3 32 18 v § 4201833 210 a 1 ]id B 7 ASB 00 08 KR 8 272 ’ KD $S ‘49 O 10 18 4 £AS ¥ 3ES IO 5 1s 28 4t -Gy 4 7By ¥y FPIB 28 63 3 83 230 11 14 WS £ 3 F 9 344 v'3132 6i 8 9 BB2ise ie 49 2 gapilgz 210 11 14 I 8 13 siakh 0 Boc 320 ¥23 y3iab .49 i-B ]2 4'9 6 5 31018 210 58788TU8 32 23 41 6 2 .19 Third range, 15 32 Ii :2 A 5 4008 k 31018??:; 210I:L= 5Ry ) 15E UOSR RS .2;-22 AP g divttog, Tl2:gzg 49 2 5 3101833 210 11 :1 .’:j g;3 o'y ag gal oM gi:giéil gz 1g . , , : 41 g 549 6 3 §l3 7 33% 30 326 41.62 2 z[ 12 5 310183 210 II .l 5 72 Iz - F zz 9 | 332:j:::g25 49 6 3 310183§ She 1o ;4 Jj §33 7 152 1072 a 2 gi:g224l 62 39 3 i 11434 5 d 33.7 152 10 73 B 2 Al gz; 13_29 41 62 1g i 12736 43 04 3 Carried over to the last page. 9 | ERROL. State of New-Hampthire. NOTICE is hereby given, that so much of each original right of land in the township of Errol, situate in the county of Grafton, in the State of New- Hampshire, viz. The rights of the Hon. Timothy Ruggles, Esquire, George Boyd, Esquire, James Richardson, Esq. Phineas Hutchins, Theodrick Reed, Andrew Col burn, Joseph Heminway, Joseph Potter, Benedi&t Webber, Thomas Tolman,Eben ezer Tolman, William Tolman, Samuel Bishop, Elijah Clays, John Whitney, John Anger, John Faffett, Samuel Graves, Moses Whitney, Jonah Herrington, Ed ward Kendal, James Tiffney, Nathan Hall, Edward Platts, William Barker, James Brewer, Henry Morie, Jonathan {{ammond, Greenwood Carpenter, Jona- than Woodcock, jr. Samuel Hunt, Eben ezer Green, Benjamin Grant, Benjamin Grant, jun, Peter Grant, Samuel Smith, Israel Morey, Esq. Jonathan Childs, A mafa Weoodworth, Joel Woodworth, Wil liam Thompson, David Thompson, Wil liam Marfton, Jacob Marfton, Matthew Miller, James Miller, Timothy Bartholo mew, Noah Grant, Sylvanus Owen, John Roberts, Andrew Bell, Noah Dewey, William Bell, John Chamberlin, Amos Peafley, John White, Manaflah Divell, John Solendine, Phineas Butler, Robert Kennedy, junior, Elijah Daley, Azariah Webb, Hon. George Jeffry, Efq.‘%{dward Setate, Andrew M'Gaffry, Samuel Went worth Fisher, Daniel Sherburne, Samuel Sherburne, Edward Sherburne, John Ly ford, jun. William Torrey, and Thomas ‘M’Donough, will be fold to the highest e H E bidder, on the fixtcenth day of January next ensuing, at three o’clock, in the af ternoon, at the dwelling-house of Caleb Sanborn, innholder in Hampton, in the county of Rockingham, in -said State of New-Hampshire, as will pay three pounds fix shillings, on each of said rights, with incidental charges, if payment be not pre viously made to me at my dwelling-house in Salem, in the county of Eflex, and Commonwealth of Maflachufetts ; which sum was voted by the proprietors of said townthip of Errol, on the 11th day of December last, A, D. 1792, ata legal meeting for the purposes mentioned in said vote, and duly aflefied and committed to me to colleét. JOHN SAUNDERS, jr. Prop’rs Collefor, Salem (Maj.) Dec. 4, 1793, [VorumE xxxvit.—Nuams. 1937 AN away from the subscriber on R Monday last, JAMES REED (an apprentice boy) aged about 15 years ; he carried away a number of articles of Cloathing which did not belong to him, I hereby cantion 21l persons from harbor ing, concealing or employing said ap prentice at their peril, as the utmost se verity of the law will be pursued by MOSES WOODWARD. Jan. g, 1794. LL persons indebted to the estate of A Mr. CHARLES TREADWELL, late of Portfinouth, trader, deceased, are requelted to make immediate payment to me the subscriber, and all who have any demands upon said estate are desired to exhibit their claims, properly vouched, in “order for an immediate settlement, NATHITREADWELL, Execuator, Portsmouth, December 17, 1793,