Newspaper Page Text
‘Settlement of the Oregon Question—Action of | - ; the Senate. ‘ The Baliimore Patriot states that the Oregon treaty to the SBenate for ratification ia short, and in sub *stance as follows : ‘twf:t?:ltfelijp"xpf the territorial boundary be- BPRte i thi i‘l':)?:‘k States and Great Brltam, | . Rocky mountains, on the line of 49 degrees, till it reaches Queen Charlotte’s ?,SO““‘L and then through the Straits of Fuea to the ocean, which gives to Great Britain, Van ‘Couvers Island. | _Jrt2, Declares the navigation of the Columbia ‘river, up to where it strikes the line 0f 492, to be free to the Hudson’s Bay Company, during ‘the continuance of its ¢harter. JArt 3. The rivers, posts and harbors north of 493t0 be free to the commerce of both na to:s. Art 4. Indemnity for the forts and trading stations of the Hudson’s Bay Company, south of 49 > and of the Americans north of the same, if any there be. Art 5. Indemnity for private property of citizens or subjects who may ve south or north 0f49 ©, if they wish to retire within their own territory It was ratified by the Senate, on Wednesday, as we understand from the correspondence of the Journal of Commerce, by the following vote :— Yeas—Messrs Archer, Ashley, Baghy, Bar. row, Benton, Berrien, Caihoun, Chalmers, J. M. Clayton, ‘T Clayton, Colquitt, Corwin, Crittenden,Davis, Dayton, Dix, Evans, Greene, Haywood, Houston, Huntington, Johnson, La, Johnson, Md., Lewis, Mc¢Duflie, Mangum, Miller, Morehead, Niles, Pearce, Pennybacker, Phelps, Rusk, Sevier, Simmons, Speight, Tar oey, Upham, Webster, Woodbridge, and Yulee—4l. Nays—Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Atherton, Breese, Bright, Cameron, Cass, Dickinson, ¥airfield; Hannegan, - Jenness, Semple, Stur geon, and Weateott—l4. " ABSENT—Mr. Jarnagin. “GEN. SCOTT. The newspapets, for the last week er ten days, have been much occupied in the discussion ofa recent cor respondence between Gen. Scott and the Secretary of War. It will be remembered that the whig papers, not long since, were expreszing no little dissatisfac tion that Gen. Scott was not appointed to the commnand of the army on the Rio Grande. The General, it is well known, was one the most prominent whig candi dates for the Presidency,and there seemed to be strong suspicions on the part of the whigs that the adminis tration was not disposed te permit him to signalize himself as commander-in-chief, lest he should by reap ing laurels in Mexico, make a point towards the Pres idency. The General too, himself, appears to have entertain ®d a similar sort of jealousy ot suspicion, though based en an opposite state of facts ; for it turns out from the late correspondence,that the command of ihe army was seasonably assigned to him by the President, and that subsequently the Secretary of War, in reply to some remarks of the General in a personal interview, thata sufficient number of volunteers could not be cdllected on the KlO Grande until about the first of September, remarked that many of the troops now flocking to the seat of‘war, who were only three months men, would ‘ remain inactive during nearly their whole term of ser vice, and hinted that there might be some expressions ‘ of impatience to suzpend operations till September, or so.nething to that effect. Finally ‘the Gereral makes up his mind that this ap pointment to the Mexican army is intended to choke him off as a candidate for the presidency, and get him out es the way among the chapparals; and accordingly addresses a letter to the Secretarv of War, under date ‘ of Vlay 21, in which, after detailing his ardu-us duties in making preliminary arrangements for the campaign, E he hints at the ““impatience, felt perhaps iu high quar- : ters,” that'he had not a'ready pnt himselt in route for the Rio Grande; spenks of the importance of securing himseif agiinst dunger in ks rear, before advancing | apon the public enemy; tatks of ¢*pre candemnation”’ : —sava, thatif ha cannot have the steady support of his | govarnment it bhe infini'v“.y hetter for the eountry (not to sneie £ e personal secarity) thatsnme oth er como oA aftha new army aeaingt Mecico shonld ha galac ~.0 to the main point he adds:— My exp'icr o aonaing g, that T do not desire 1o place nyself in the- ost neri'ons of all pesitions— a fire np on my rear fion V:Nhingmn, and the fire 1n front from the Mexicans.”’ We have not room to give thie carreepondence, nor would it perhaps prove in its extensive details romart. ably interesting to our readers. Saffice it 10 say thit the President has very promptly and pioperly taken the General at his word, and released him from the command of the army in Mexico, and appointed Gen. Taylor, who, under a new act of Congress, has heen advanced to, the rank of Major General for the parpose. There seems to be but one opinion of the cutirse of Gen. Scott, which is universai censufe and condemnation. The correspondence was drawn otit by a ca'l from the Senate. His political friends are manifestly mortified at the superciliousness and anwarranted jealousy evin ced throughout in the general tone of his letters§ but we st de them the justice to say that none are more promipt in censuring his course. In one of his letters 10 Secretary Marcy he ecemmences thus : “ Sir : Your letter of this date, received at about 6 P. M. as I sat down to take a hasty plate of soup, demands a prompt reply,” &e. This affords some little 2musement to. the editors, who are makmg various applications of the phrase. T'he Brooklyn Eagle says a lamentable sui cide has occurred at Washington, and assigns the im mediate cause to a simple **plate of soup.”” Certainly one candidate for the Presidency has been put hors du combat and that too, by hts own act. This *‘ sonp letter is a very poor attempt to explam away some of his expressions in his previous letter. : 'l'lie 'l}dsttyll Atlas says.: ; : ““We can hardly express, though we do not -deswe‘to conceal, the extreme mortification we teel at the very unfortunate position in which we think this correspondence places General g Rk < Scott. ‘Fhere run through all his letters an in excusable superciliousness—and unsoldierly contempt for his official superiors—an uncalled for querulousness—and a superficial flippancy, “:h“fhg we cannat refrain from declaring, have given wus great pain, and which do not place him faverably in this controversy.*’ T'hie Boston Courier after a few sunnnary re maiks coneludes : s «That, although Gen. Scott; may have been an excellent military officer, and is very ambi tions of being President ot the United States, he has, in this affair, written himself down a very stupid and long eared animal—we hope that fastidious readers will excnuse the circum locution to get rid of an offensive monosyllable —acid will, in the end, upset * his own vehicle.” The Newbnurvport Herald says it ¢ should not be surprised if Gen. Taylor should ‘conquer a peace,’ (to use what seems to be a favorite phrase of Gen. Scott,) before the time which the latter “fixed upon for the coinmencement of the campaign,”’ = The New York Herald thinks : «'The President and War Secretary have ceme out of this affair with great credit ta them selves. Their conduet has been dispassionate, calm and patriotic ; and the publications of this correspondence successfully “vindicates' them from the charge of partiality and prejudice.” (=7 We have received No 2, ofthe T'ypographic : Advertiser” published by 8. N. Dickinson of Boston, and exhipiting a variety of newspaper type manufacs tursd By fiin. “We think it s the fiaes: spacimen of \ ngwspaper priuiing we live ever seeis. : Awfal Calamity at Quebec. On the night of 12th inst., at Quebec, the Theatre Royal, St. Louis st., at the close of an exhibition of Cliemical Dioramas, became enveloped in flames by the oversetting of a camphine lamp. The house had been densely crowded, but some had fortunately left before the accident. A rash was made for the stair case, a very steep one, communicating with the box es; but it fell from the weight of those who made the first rash. The other passages of egress were for go'ten in the excitement § and with such fearful rapid ity did the flames spread, that in the space of about five minutes a mass of human beings who had but a short Interval previous been in the enjoyment of a tull and active life, were expesed to the view a mass of calcined bones! up tothe period of the Jatest accounts forty-siz bodies had been recovered from the ruins. Most of them were recognised. Sad wailing pervaded the city. Scarcely a street could be traversed, in which the closed shutter, or the hanging crape did not beto ken a sudden bereavement. Be carREFUL, Boxs!—Wo recently saw an ac count of an aged lady being killed by the upsetting of & wagon, eccasioned by the horse taking fright at the firing of crackers by a parcel of boys in a town not far off. We just wish the boys of out own town to reflect upon this dreadful accident, and *he means by which it occurred, and take care to prevent anything of the kind here. As is usually the case, the firing of crack ers, squibs, &ec., &e., has commenced weeks prior to the 4th of July and )"yil[ continue perhaps weeks after wards. We have known boys (particularly on the “4th") to reserve their fire of crackers, squibs, pistols or blunderbusses, until a horse approached, for the very purpose of frightening the animal! We hope to see nothing of the kind in future. Our police should by all means take special care of such rogues. We like to see the eld and young take ati interest in the cele bration of *‘the glorious FourTH,’” and enjoy them selves as highly as possible,—and we trustand believe the day will ever be remembered and properly obser ved ; but such rastality as we have above alluded to should be looked alter ind punished with severitv. So, boys, we give yott a frieudly caution :—TAKE CARE ' 3™ It is stated that the steamer Caledonia, which has arrived since the Great Westetn, brought instrue tions to Mr Pakenham, authorizng him to profi'er' the mediation of England for the adjustment of our diffi culties with Mexico. The Liverpool Mercury in rela tion to this matter says : ‘“ltis almost unnecessary to say that the universal hope is, that the mediation should prove successful; for, independent of the desire for a speedy settlement on the cornmon ground of humanity, there is great apprehension felt that if hostilities were protracted, the maritime states of Kurope would run great risk of being involved in the quarrel” White Monkies,—~Two monkies, entirely white ex. cept the head, standing three feet high, have recently been imported into Salem, Maas., from the Rio Negro, a stream ranning into the Amazon. They are said to be the first ever imported. They would not, perhaps, be objects of any great curiosity if their heads were not entirely black. ~ §G=The triumphs of the Hungarian Balsam, in cases of seated Consumption, are the subject of general remark. This celebrated medicine has been tested for upwards of six vears in Great Britain and on the Continent of Eu rope, where it has astonished the Medical Faculty by its unparallelied success in the cure of Consumption, and it is now universally received as the great and only remedy for that dread disease | Pamphlets respecting this Great English Remedy may be had gratisof W. R. PRESTON, only Agt. in Portsmo. Trenton, N. J. Oct. 2, 1845 M Seth W. Fowle, Boston .—Dear Sir—Permit me to address myself, through you, to any who are suffering with any pulmonary complaint, and advise and recommend all such to use at once Dr Wistar’s great remedy. A medicime which I sincerely believe will cure, if a care be possible 3 and not waste their time and money on the many washy and worthless Nostrums of the day. One vear ago last fall, I'took 2 sudden cold, which settled at once upon my lungsl 1 was eoon obliged to take my room. A severe colgh followed, and I soon lost my ap petite, and conse ntly my ~strength: I became very much rednced, SI:EQI‘P(I .severe pain in the side, breast; shontiers, &e. T coughed much nights and raised large qrastities ol matter, sometimes accowpanied with blood. I contimued to grow ‘'worse, and was obliged to consult a piwvsician, who visited and prescribed for me several times b «dorded me hite relief. 1 became discouraged and alirmed at my =ituation , my family and nesghbors sup posed 1 conid not live long, Fortuately 1 found one of Dr Wistar’s pamphlets, and, like a drowning man, cuteling at straw>,"” T took courage, and sent immedi (el tor a boutle of . WISTAR’S DALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, ' nisease was so deeply rooted, however, that I was bige to get a second and a third bottle before I began +oaprove perceptibly. T kept on untsl | had taken two woie hottles 5 eontinuing to meprove, [ soon regained my pootite and strength. I eontinued to grow better uatil wie summery; when 1 was able 10 do a days work on my ava every day, and have contipued so to do. My health tas not been better for fuur years than at this fime To youe wvaluable medicioe, now so wniver<atiy popular, I feel indebted, through Providence, for the preservation of my hte. Try it for yourselves ~igned; i WILLIAM BEATTY. I am personally acquainted with with Mr Beatty, and know his statement to be true and that he is entitled to the full confidence of the public. Signed, : JOSEPH STEWARD, Only agent for the sale of the genuine article in Ports mouth, is WILLIAM R. PRESTON, Apothecary. G ‘Experience has taught the people,”? after more than four years, constant use of ““Dr, Sherman’s Medicated Lozenges,”’that they are the best, safest and most pleasant preparations in use. His Cough Lozenges avtlikea charm in the most violent cases of cough, allaying all irritation, and produce fiee expectoration when other means have beewitri¢d in vain.. The Doctor’s «¢Worm Lozenges’’ are unequalled ; -hey are speedy in their effects, and give no quarter; the worms can stand no chance. And who hus not heard of his celebrated ¢ Camphor Lozenges; They reiieve the headache in five minutes, and are a specific for eea sickness, palpitation, lowness of spirits, and the various nervous affections ariging from sedentary habits. The Dogtoi’s preparations are no humbug—they are simply sugar phims—they are all that they are rec omiended. One trial will satis(y the most sceptical of their virwves, His warehouse is 105 Nassau street, N. Y. B. HUTCHINGS, Agent in Portsmouth, SRIGHTON MARKET, Monday, June 15, 1846. - * Reported for the Daily Advertiser and Patrior. ; At Market 460 Beaf cattlé; 28 pairs working Oxen, 42 Cows & Calves, 760 Sheep & Lambs and 1400 Swine. Prices. Beef Cafile.— FExtra s6§ ; first quality $6; second 5,50 ; third ' $4,75 a $5,00. Working Ogen.—Sales at $76, 79, 83, 91 and $lO6. "Cows & Calves.—ales at S2O, 22, 28, 31, 35 and 45. Sheep —Sales in lots ut $1,75, $2,12, & $2,50, Swine.—At wholesale, Old Hogs, sc; Shoats 6 ; for sows and 7 for barrows. At retail from 7 to B¢, & small pizs at 7 1o 8 and 9¢. * ' MARRIAGES. e At South Boston, on S’unrlny evening, 14th inst. Thomas A Branagan, to Miss Ann Mg Fef'ghus:)‘:ls' fgl\‘-‘ merly of this town.” 7 In Ca.nbridge. Mass; Mr. Wm. H. Piar (oo brilge, to Mis,es.~ Haonah Y . Ewery, of P::t‘;s:l:l‘lt(l)irvcam In Dover, Mr,Joseph D, Spinney, to Miss. Lup;u.l ia H Seavey My, John M. Kimball, of Plaistow,” to M} ; Judith A. Horn, of Dover. h e ~lnEpsoin, Mr Joseph A. Clougl Straffor : - Hannab M. Wells, of E. o Strafford, to Miss fn Salisbury, Capt Eben’r C. Cil'ey. . I Ann Cilléy, both of Andaver. €Js to Mies Phebe ! ‘-“*—s\_‘ - ‘DEATHS. In Exeter, Dea Josiah Folsom, aged 81, ; etel:l. Greenland, Mr Joseph Thompson, formerly of Ex-. b E.r; 11-:‘,(;‘:fe-l:" M_;s’a. MrtPiarker Norris, aged 70, former- In Stratham, June 13, Mrs Caroline A . Cheey ~ wil of M Oren B. Cheuey, and eldest daugliter of ('3.':):’ Y;: Rundlett, aged 27. In South Newmarket, Mr John Spaed, aged 42 yrs. In South Berwiek; suddenly, Miss Martha Jones, of Eliot; flg(’,(i I‘9.' ; At Gi-Falls, Mr Abel T. Brown, aged 21. Mr Sime. on Bucknell. - Miss Mavia A. Whitehouse, aged 22, daoghter of Mr Samuel D, Whitehouse. In Barnstead, Mr Caverno Hanson, aged 56. . §GVOLNEY B. PALMER is our Agent tor ob tatniig advertisements ‘and subscribers for the Gazette in the cities of Baltiniore, Philadelphia; New-York, and Boston, and is fixll{_‘umorized to receive payment, and reseipt for ity for all new advertisements and spbscribers he:mgy obgain . g o detE : J—F DROWSINESS, Swimming of the Head, a Roaring Noise in Ears, Headaclie. Palpitation of-the- Heart, &c.—Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills are a cer- ‘ tain cure for the above unpleasant complaints, because ! they purge from the hody those stagnant and corrupt bu mors, whicli when floating in the general mass of circu lation, are the cause of a determination or rash of blood | to the head, giddiness, loss of memory; ditiness of sight, “ drowsiness, pain in the head, and many otlier symptoms | of a loaded and corrupt state of the blood. : “Wright’s lndian Vegetable Pills, are also one of the | very hest medicines in the world for the cure of Indiges- | tion, and therefore will not only remove all the above un pleasant symptoms, and entirely prevent any evil conse- l quences resulting from a rash of blood to the head, but will most assuredly restore the budy to u state of sound health. CauTios. It should be remembered that Mr Samuel Reed, of Baltimore; Mr John Dixon, of Enston, Pa ,and Messrs Browning & Brothers, of Philadelphia, arve not agents of ours, and as they purchase no Wright’s Indian | Vegetable Pills at our »ffice, we cannot guarantee as gen: uine any medicine they may have for sale: 1 The only security against imposition, is to purchase from no person unless he can show a certificate of Agency orat the Office and General Depot No. 198 Trewont St, Boston. WILLIAM WRIGH'T. June 2 For sale by N. MARCH. The only Agent for the above Medicine in Portsmouth. SHIP NEWS. MonDayY June 15. Ar schr Richmond, Keller, N. York; Schir Otralloo, Martiii, Portland. WEDNFEsDAY, June 17. Arr schr Hadassah, Elwell, Philadelphia. Sclir Minerva, Parker, Gardner. Br achr Lucy, Morehouse, N. Edinburgh, N. S. THURSDAY, June 18 Ar scir Merchant, Stewart, Bangor. Schr Minerva, Pi¢rce; Bostod. Schr Fame, Robinson, New York Cld Br schr Lucy, Mocehouse. Weymouth, N. S. Fetpay, June 19. Cld schr Orralloo, Martin, St. Peters, Miqulon. - Ar schr Minerva, Peirce, Boston. Fame, Robinson, N. York. SATURDAY, June 20. Ar schr Baltic, Hooper, Calais. Br schr Geo-Henry, Sabins, New Edinburgh, N. 3. MonDAY, June 22, Ar schr Michael, Frishee, Bangor. FISHERMEN, Bk fi June 12, ar schr Ocean, Chauncey, W. Bank, 10,500 sh. Schr. Olive-Branch, Seawards. W. Baik, 81,000 fish. June 13, arr schr Morning-Star, Chambers, W Bank, 13,000 fish. 4 Schr Mechanic Waldron. W. Bank, 20,000 fish. Schr Effort, Toby, W. Bank, 27,000 fish, Bhip New-Huaunpshire, Chase, was adv. at N. Orleans 10th inst for Liverpool. : Ship Sarah:Louisa, Watson; ar. at Philadelphia 14th inst hence. Ship Brutws, Lake, sld from New York 16ih inst. for Glasgow . Ship Henry, Salter, ar at Charleston 11th inst from N. York for a southern port. Brig Sarah-Louisa, Watson, arr at Philadelphia 13ih inst hence. Schr Gen.-Warren; Davis, arat Philadeiphia 14th inst hence. . Bark Azof, Vennard; cld, at N. Orleans 11 inst. for Gibralter. Bark Mary Broughton, Melclier; cld at N. York 19th inst for Havana. : Brig Talleyrand, Knowlton, cld at Boston 20 inst for N. Orleans, 2 Schr Mary, Bryant, cld at Phila. 19th inst. for this ort. Schr Montano, Chase, arr at N. York 16th inst hence PTR R L e e O e R T= P ISR T MASONIC CELEBRATION. \\\ \/% THE FESTIVAL OF eY. — ST. JOHN the BAPTIST, // 4{3}& { § will be celebrated in this town, 7,///’, <‘sA” ' be the Masonic FRATERNITY. on £2 G ‘N I the 24th of June next, By « Procession, Address, Dinner, §c. The Address will be delivered by the Rev. Brother JOHN MOORE, of Troy, N. Y. Masonic bedies and brethren of a!l degrees. are respect fully invited to attend with clothing, jewels, &c , and par ticipate in the services of the occasion. : ALBERT R. HATCH, } JOHN CHRISTIE, COMMITTEE ROBERT NEAL, OF | JOHN W. ABBOTT, ARRANGE JOSIKPH CHEEVER, MENTS. JOHN KNOWLTON, Portsmouth, N. H. May 19, A.L 5846 el sAR L Y Masonic Notice. (i _ !I\HE FRATERNITY are > : respectfully icquosted toasscar- AN w blz on Wep~ESDAY next, the 24th & A i UNT L instant, at 9 o’clock A. M. 3&%\‘ AYE 9 N 7 Members of Grand Lodges,Knights /. AN e © Templars. and the Grand Lodge of g S TSN :’]erlfl'eclion will meet in Masonic s &\ gzt Hall. ,_J@?fi‘%;; Royal Arch Masons, and Blue TNy Masons will assemble in Franklin f BHall, ; . The Procession will move at half past 10 o’clock, A M. from the FRANKLIN-HOUSE up Vaughan. through Deer. Market, Pleasant, State, Washington, and Ileasant streets te the UNIVERSALIST CHURCH : where the address will he de livered, accompanied by other appropriate services. At the close of the services the procession will be again formed, and proceed throngh Pleasant, Conrt, Middie. Aunstin, Summer, islington and Congress streets to the FRANKLIN HOUSE, | Dinner will be served up, in JEFFER®ON HALL,at 212 o’clock : tickets for which, can be had at the Franklin, Man sion and Piscataqua Houses, and at the store of Brother Join W. Abbott. . ~ubscribers to the dinner. will assemble at Franklin Hall and | proceed thence to Jefferson Hall in procession. * The wall pews in the church will be appropriated for ladies, for whom the doors will be opened at 10 1-2 o’clock ;—but no others can be adnitted into the cliurch, until the procession 1‘ shall have entered. | By Order. Portsmouth, N. H. June 20, A. L. 5846, 1 4th of July Celebration. \ anNs \H), 11 11007 < : :p N \ §/4/ ”l’/// ~. . S .D' \‘ NI 7 /.;J 5 RS % R T R :Q%‘,:&;\» =\ % ‘\;:_‘l fi/ ,;:_r. A s = ==T A e Z/‘/(‘/‘:” A [k l‘ ‘.'».\ \'\\.7}?"‘.“"’& - : "/1/"_,!; A S /” - ‘i':;:. 4d\\ O e 3 "l‘ HE anniversary of our American Independence will be celebirated in this town (without distinction es party) by a publit procession, address and dinner. The address will be délivered by the Hon. LEVI WOODBURY. ; ai : The SALEM BRASS BAND, are engaged for the day and evening. s : : The procession will be escorted Ly the Company of Portsmouth Greys. Special Invitations have been extended to all the Char itable Aszociations in the town to -join ‘the procession, in their dppropriate regalia, likewise to all the public and private Schools and the Fire Départmeat There will also be & FLORAL processioi, composed of the several schoals in town. ; Te And we hereby give public invitation to all (he citizens of this and the neighboring towns to join the precession: in this celebration, : : ‘The Town bave already expended their appropriation for Fire Works. Salutes, Ringing of Bells; &c. - Answers have been received trom Piscataqua and N. Hampshire Lodges, Strawberry Bank Encampment and several of the Schools, accepting the invitationt and will appear in proceesion. g §GThe Band will give a Concert at the Teutple on the evening of the 3d July. Tickets 12k cents, to be bad of either of the Committee and at the door. ‘ Tickets for the Dinner to be had of either of the Com mittee. JOSEPH CHEEVER, 1 GEO. W. TOWLE, Commit- SAMUEL N. PLUMER, SAMUEL W. MOSES, l teeof WM. R. PRESTON, . | NATH’L D. MILLER, Arrange- ALONZO F BROWN, JOSEPH HARVEY, ments. Portsmouth; June 23, 1846. ] Steam Boat Notice. OPPOSITION TO MONOPO. Y!! ‘The eplendid Boat YACHT, SRR N Capt A. M. SANFORD, wi“lrm"- B i L mence her her Fiuest Teip Thars diy; April 28, from Pier Wharf, RS Sl at 95 A. M., louching at,Glotices ter each way, and will leave Portsmouth, TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, at 9 A M_; Leaves Boston for Gloucester & Porvtamouth, MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY, at 9 AL M. “Fare, ifty Cents: ' The Steamer AGAWAM, will convey passengers to and from DOVER, on the Arvival and Leaving of the Yacur, Fare to Dover 25 cents, until further notice. {3~ Passengers will please have their Baggage marked. . For turther particulars apply to _ LEONARD ,cu'r'rowv‘, 17 Pleasant-st. Oi to Capt. EDWARD HUNTINGYON, Pier Wharf. April 21, ,_{fi‘ The Yacht will leave Portsmonth for Boston at @ Wclock, A: M. on the 4th.of July, to accommodate thuse wh wish to spend the (hy mßoston. : Mechanic’s & Trader's Bank. ; THE Stockholders of the Mechanic’s & Traders Bank, are liereby notified, that their Annual Meet ing for the choice of [Jivec tors will be holden at the office of #aid Bank on MONDAY the Bih day ot July next at 6 o’clock, P, M. JAMES F. SHURES, June 23. Cashier. Commerciali Banlk. % YHE Stockholders of the Commercial Bank, até ¥ herery notified, that their Annual Meeting for the chnice of Diraciore will be holden at the office of =aid Bank on MONDAY the 13th day of July next, at 6o' clock, P. M. JAMES F. SHORES, Cashier. June 23. June 23, 1848. (\1 RADUATED MUSLIN ROBES ; New Styles X BALZORINES : JACONETS & LAWNS ; Twilled and Plain FRENCH GINGHAMS ; Setving Silk and Barage SHAWLS ; 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 OTTOMAN SILK SHAWLS - GLOVES, HOSIERY, HDKFS, with a good variety of new and desirable GOODS, just received and for sale al the lowest prices by WM. JONES & SON. OUB FIRST MF N—A Caleuder of Wea fth, Fash -lon and Gentility. THE PSALMIST, for the use of Buptist Churches, GOLD PENS ; GREEN PAPER for Curtains ; and netv patterns of RCOM PAPER. Just received and for sale by S: A BADGER, No. 7 Exchange Buildings, (01d Stand of Nath'l March.) June 23. ll AY FORKS, RAKES, SCYTHE STONES ;— ; E. Austin’s Improved Scythe RIFLES ; Samson & Cu’s Patent SNATHS i : Newton Darling’s SCY THES, (3uperior article.) For Sale by EDWARD RAND, June 23, No. 41, corner Bow aid Market streets. Rankin’s Straw Matting. 25 ROLLS 4.4, 58-4 and 6-4 PLAIN STRAW MATTING »f a very superior quality just im ported—also—2B Rolls 4-4, 5-4 and 6-1 of common qual ity. For sale low by : Juae 23. WILLIAM JONES & SON. A New Work on Book Keeping. ,",:' . W. FOSTER, No, § Market Streer. ® & : Has just received ; A Simple Method of Keeping Books by Dou= ble Entry, without the formula or trouble of the Jour nal. Adapted 1o the most extensive wholesale, or the } smalilest retail business. I'o which is added a number of the most rapid and acciirate methods of making Commer cial calculations. By George N. Comet. Price 62} cents., . Business Men and Teachers are invited to call and ex amine the work. June 23. HINTS FOR THE WARM SEA-| SON, | "g"-HIS wonderful compound combines MEDICAL ! 2 POWERS over all other preparations ever form- | ed for the relief of those diseases for which it is recom mended, such us Headache, Dizziness, *leepiness, Noises in thg He+d, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Nansea or sick- | ness in the Stomacli, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Fever and Ague, Pain after Eating, Sour Stom ach, Heartbuin, Jaundice, Costiveness, Determination of Blood to the Head, Piles, Coughs, Colds, Pain in the side, back, limbs and joints, Rheumatism, all Chronic Diseases, Scrofulous Humors, Salt Rhemn, and all Cutaneous Eruptions of the Skin, General Debility, &ec. The DANDEL'ON AND TOMATO PANACEA is patticularly recommended in cases of INDIGESTION and DysPEPsia The following ave some of its distressing ‘symptonis ; Palpitation of the heart, heartburn, loss of appetite, pain after eating. languor, me lancholy, reatless ness, &c. It will cure the worst diseases of ‘ Rheumatismi. and will eradicate mercury from the systetn infinitely fas ter and better than the common Sarsaparilla preparation, | The DANDELION AND TOMATO PANACEA is,as ‘all must be aware, from the ingredients of which it is compounded, the best as well as the safest ‘ Spring and Summer Medicine now before the public. Spring and Summer are the sea sons when | Jaundice Complaints ~are most prevalent. The symptoms of these complaiits are i Drowsiness, Dimness of Sight, &c. - Ithas proved itselfa most astonishing and effectual remedy far that worst of all maladies, The Piies, because it cleanses and enables the stomich to discharge into the bowels, and cause a free circulation, and regula tes the whole system, and thereby prevents : Costiveness. In cases of Costiveness, either of recent or long stand ing, it has proved usell effectual after all other remedies have failed. § Scrofuia, or King’s Evil, and all other eruptions of the skin are caused by ihe im pure state of the biood, and to have s)m'c hlood a medi cine should be occasionally taken. The Punacea is won derful in its effects for purifying and Cleansing the Blood, and is therefore a preventive for all eruptions of the skin and will eradicate Hafhors _ ‘ of long standing, and in fact it is requisile for ikie promo- 1 tion of . Lai ‘ Sound Heéalh | from the most exhausted constitutiohs. JAMES KIDDER, Jr., Proprietor. ~ Druggist and Chemist, Maverick square, East Boston, DAVID KIiMBALL, A WM. R. PRESTLN, § Portsmouth. Newmarket, G. A. Bennett; Durham, A. Perkins. June 23. 2m <4 ~ INotice, < "SYHE undersigned having disposed of his Stock of % BOOKS, STATIONAEY, &c. to Mr 8. A. BAD GER, would therefore recommend him to his former patrons and the public All persons having unsettled ac counts with me are requested to present tile same for set tlement at No. 7 Exchange Buildings. Seiiag Portsmiotith; June 16, 1846. NATH’L MARCH. “The sukscriber having purchased the extensive Stock of BOOKS; STATIOZERY, &c., and having taken | the Stand formerly occupied by Mr NATHANIEL MARCH No. 7, Exchange Buildings, would respectfully mloru_u his friends and the public that he will cominue_ Ehe busn.nem, in all its various branches, and would sohcu.t a continu ance of the patronage formerly extended to his pre';leces -BOT. SANIUEL Ac BADG[‘:!‘. Portsmouth, June 16, 1846. New Dress &oods. June 16th, 1846. , USLIN GINGHAMS, M ORKGON PLAIDS, BALSORINES, ‘ PRINTED LAWNS, : GRASS GINGHAMS,; : CHECK & STRIPE MUSLINS, ; CHECK & STRIPE JACONE'T'S, i _ GRADUATED DRESSES,AFGANS, with a great variety of other DRESS GOODS just re “ceived and for sale ai the lowest prices; at No. 21 Mar “Két Street, by 4wis T. TREDICK. SELECTMEN'S OFFICE, & Portsmouth, June Bth, 1846 g .‘SE_ALED PROPOSALS wilibe received at the Town ¥ Clerk’s Office, until Thursday the 25th instant, at 6 o’clock, P. M. to build and complete a SCHOOL Eouse at Chiristian Shore; in this town, finding all the materials, (except brick) 41 fu by 34 inside, two stories high, of 13 feet each, wih a basement story of 8 feet high., To he ‘completed on or before the 15th day of September next. Plans and specifications ot the same may be examined at the Town Clerk’s Office at any time previous. By direction of the Nelectmen.. JOIIN BENNETT, Sec’y ' MAY 26, 1846. WILLIAM JONES & SON, X a AVE just received a choice assortment of - RECH DRESS GOODS;, among which may be found, 3 SATIN STRIPE OMNE BARAGE, of new styles ; Silk & Cotton Warp BALZORINES ; Rich flmc’nfié.aml Ginghbam LAWNS ; Gradmied LAWR DRESSES ; GRASS GINGHAMS, of new styles ; : Plain & Twilld FRENCH GINGHAMS; : Super Black & Slate, and Black MOUSLIN D’LAINE, BALZORINES; BARAGES - ' & LAWDNN: . SHAWLS & MANTLES; Sewing Silk, Bardge, Silk. Wrought, & Plain T"hibet & Miastin-0’ Laine , in great variety, . Also, PLAINSBYATERED and STRIPED SIEKS for MANTILLAS, of ak the different widths, : - Allof which will be sold at_the lowest Boston prices. . - At No; 29 Harket-st. , French Language. : “ONS.’ P.N. LeGENDRE respectfully informs the l Ludies and gentlemen of Portsmouth wishing to twke lessons in the French Language, that he bas tuken up his rseidence at Mrs. Thompson, Islington St. where the W names may be left every day this week. ; 3wis Juie 9. RICE NEW SPRING GOODS: WILEL AV JORES 5 BOs %01‘!“-”‘ the atfention of purchasers to their exten » slve assortment of Faney and “taple Spring Goods, now opening Awmong which are : STHKS,. l\ewdanfi e'v’aagn Styles of Piaid, Syriped, Chamelion ana other destrable styles of ANV DRESSS (= 2-4,3 1 and full one yaird wice >; e egl Black Silke, 1-2 vard, 3.4 4.4 .0 5.4 wide + Plain, Watered and FIGURED ofithe l\c;‘ Slylej dnd Quality imporied. CASHMERE SH \%ffl i ASHMERE AWLS) on Deab ™hi Bluck, Green, Light Blue and Crim;onF::‘:;:l'nd:‘l‘l::lgee' and rich. > . DRESS GOODS. Rich New Styles Barage’s, Balzorines, French Jaconetts Lawns, Oregons;, French, and Scotch GINGHAMS. CASHMERE and COMMON De LAINES, &ec, &c. .. GLOVES & HOSIERY. The very bestquality of Kid; Nilk; Lizle Thread & Linen Gloves ; SILK, COTTON-& WOOL HOSIERY—of all colors and every description. HOUSEKEEPING & DOMESTIC GOODS. 6-4,6-4,7-4,8-4,10-4,12-4 LINEN SHEETINGS, of ;:ORR'S best make. Wartdnted pure Linen and very cary : 9-8 PILLOW-CASE LINENS ; DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS & NAPKINS | Russia, Scotch & Irish Diapers ; Superior Plaid Geods For Table Cloths,6-4,7-4; 8-4 and - 10-4 wide ; French Embossed Table § Piano Covers ; 10-4, 12-4 and 13-4 Imperal Quilts ; Whitney & Bath Blankets : 001'1‘3;1\4 SHIRTINGS & SHHEETINGS ofall the hest fabricka —which will be sold at WHOLESALE OR AT RETAIL AT FAIR PRICES. ~ April 14, 1846. New and Fashionable GOODS ! D. L. STOVER, DRAPER & TAILOR, At New Store, No. 9 Congress Street, HAS Jjust received a new and splendid assortment of Fashionable GOODS, such as BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, 547- TINETS; DOESKINS & VESTINGS, with a large variety of Goods suitable for Spring and Summer wear. : Being constantly receiving from Boston and New York the latest Fashions, he is prepared to cut’and make to order all kind= of Garments that may be=wanted. JCFWarranten To FiT Ll Or, to Cut for others to make « ~ . He has also ou hand a great variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, MANUFACTURED BY HIMSELF, viz. fiotk and Diess Cloch COATS, Thin Chata, & Vests, Price from 75 cta to S4,OO—PAN TS from #1,25 10 $:6,00 JACKETS, OVERALLS, &e. . Also. Suspenders, Gloves, HdJKfS, Storks, Scarfs, Shirts, Bosoms, Colars, Under Shiirts ; Draws; Utnbrellas, &e. &c., constantly on baud and for sale cheap. May b. Gwis £ Please give us a coll. Boards, Plank, Shingles, L:aths, &c. IOHN LOCK*® & SON, s ° Union Whurf, next South Marine Rail- Way, Has for sale a good assoitment of LUMBER, Green and Dry, just landed from schr Merchant from Bangor, viz. 150 M Pine BOARDS & PLANK, from 1 to 4 in. 50 M Spruce PLANK & JOIST, &c. 210 M Cedar SHINGLES, shaven and sawed ; 50 M LATHS and Cedar POSTS CLAPBOARDS and Blind SLATI'S, first quclity. Alarge lot of HEMLOCK STUFF; und a great vaii ety other steft usuaily found in a ‘Lusber Yard. all of which will be sold at Cush prices. Please call nnd see for yourselves, i QG"HW Wharf is next South AMarine R’.zil-“"ny, Wa ter-street, kept by JOHN LOCKE & SON. June 9. -a7 & ’ AMerlilcan i{tbouse. . MARKSPINNBY, would ‘,’E'fi} 2 form his friends and the public in gener -3 gts l wl; that he has taken the TAVER N SRR RRREY STAND, near the Portsmouth Pound formevly occupied by Asa Warson. The Heuse has receatly been purchased ihoroughly re paired and fitted vp, and is now ready to receive com pany. Dalls, Parties, Clubs, Engine Companies, &e. &e. accommaodated with suppers at the shortest notice, with the best the Market affords. ' There are two good dance Halls eonnected with the Heouse. \lso, atruched to the prewmises, a good Bowling Saloon . fitred up in good shape: N.B. Mr spinney ever gratefal for past favors, hopes by strict attention (o business so- merit a share of the patronage of iz ol casiomers and the public generally, The Honse will be known as the American House Dce 23 i=6m - Carpetngs & Rugs. Watdaam A HTes 4 WON. - No. '2? M arket Street. : s renoesnos thoiwe Nigrs ~assortine: s o~ H Fly, Superfine, Fine .al::l’_'-{}t}g(i./lltt'f-gb"r e CARPETINGS. Damask, Venetian & Common Stair CARPETINGS of different widths, Painted Floor-CLOTHS, Chints and Common BOCKINGS, Taliedand Wilon RUGS.— Allof which will be sold 2t as laW pricts &s in Boston or telsewhér"é. . 6w is - April 14, B S set e : sy Ui *PARAsoI,s & SUN-SHADES.—A lirge ns: sortimient of Parasols and. Sun-Shades. For sale very low by WM. J. LAIGHTEON, - April 14, Bwis = T 13 Market-st. ' “LIVE AND LET LIIVE.” ‘ ] OSEPH CHEEVER - - Drepir & Tailor. ¥ Informs the public (hat sic is yet alive witd doing bus- ' iness oo the Home Protection systeni. He lias renewed his Stock with an assortinent of seasqnable GOODS, viz ‘ BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMFRER, BUCKSKINS; | SATINETS, VESTINGS, &c. &c..which he will sell and manufacture into Garments at the lowest cash pri ces READY MADE CLOTHING, of every descrip tion (Home made) and every way caleulated to be worn by such as rzgard the interest & welfare of Portsmouth ‘ Also, GARMENTS of evety descripiion made to l order, in the most fashionable and approved sty le, having in view the ease and comfort, as well as the taste of his patrons, and in all cases are warranted to fit. Ne gar- l ment is permitted to be taken frout his Store without giv ing perfect satisfaction. il The wleaning of tlle above motto ia; : ' Ist, That 1 put the prices of Godds as suéh rates, that the parchser may live as well as myself. : 2d, In trying to live myself, I wish forothers 1o live by | baving my Garments manufactored in. town inftéad of a- ‘ broad, and paying the cash for the came insfcad of orders, | by which means local circulation is given to tile money, | and inasmuch as I am patronized myself by the Ci(iz‘ens, of Portsmouth, they not only allow mie a c}l_anée. to live | with thent, bt afford wie fucifities by which I readér them | the same chanée to live themseles. - : S l Bd, la trying to live myself, I doit by stiét aftention to | my own business, and giving other mechanics a chince to | ltve without faterfering with theirs- -~ - + = ) At the corner of Market and Daniet Streets. - May &. o © JOSEPH CHELVER, ; Green Window Shadesd, & FIRST rate article fur Summer usey just received £ and for sale by Wit, 3. LAIGHTON, May 5, : .18 Mark:t-st. NO‘VA - 3COTIA WOUD.—=6o:Corlls of Yellow Birch and Rock Maple WOOIL), cut-aad split last cinter, now landing from Schr Washington, will be sold heap; while anding, in lots to suit, by L, COTTO N May 13 No. 117, Pleasant. St More New Goods £ 7“ HIS 3 day received and now opéniug‘a complete as sortment of ~ummer Fancy rich DRESS GOODS, SILKS, sSHAWLS; MUSLING; GINGHANMS, &c. in great varieiy. L . For further specifications call a 1 No. 6, Daniel street, for | will seil at reduced prices for 30 days. May 26 JOHN WEBSTER. Wood constantly for Sale. g SHE subseriber keeps constuntly “on band. and for ;fi sule; W O € Dos edery deseriplions _ . S, ROGEKRS, Ne. 8 Juacksord St. §F Terms, CASH =3 P.S.—Pieacecall on 3. L. TwoMBLY, Deer-Street, wear the Dejot, Ginis Portsmo. Jau. 27, 1846. ;f‘rilE u&e;sigaa‘d havée formed @ COPARTXERSHIP _B' Grider the firm «')’fv S oy : §PALDING & PARROTT; . andinowoaffer Hor “sale at'No. @3 Maa kéf-SfiCet,‘d G eneral Assortment “0f ~Agerican, Hz{_nßS’,.b(fégr\l'u'«_m aud Refined Tinglish, Swendish and i{llrSlE\.n_“Aß IRON aud STEoL eand u:‘(;u‘,- art .f:'.'e'a' nsia by _fnuinbd in n ; IRON STORE:; LY “AN D. SPALDING: : JAMES . PARRUTT. Portsmouth, Mey, 5, 1546, . i Geamen & Drdisary S:amen, V JHLL be 81U PPED AU his NAVY YARD, for ,‘ sea'service in the Uy S 8 Navy. . - .-~ v ÜB, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, NJHLY™ . May 27, 1846. STI e &3 CYTHES, Suaths, fakes, R?fi’;ii “s“&f{‘g': %'gm’l : for sale by 60 TR e | wme 28 : : - YT 3 AUCTION SALES. . ~ Furniture &e¢. aßt Auction. - . On THURSDAY hext, at 10 o'clock, will be sold 2 at the Auction Store: i A variety of handsome and useful Furniture, consieting Huir Mattrasses, Palm Leaf do: 3 SOFAS, 2 Ottomiihe, Hair Cloth Chairg; Windlass & other Bedsteads, F‘gmher Beds, Looking Glasses;'-jkpcké ing and Parlor ‘)hnl.ri. Ladies Dress Table, Card and other T'ables, Bureaus, Wash Stands, 2 elegnnt hanging LAMPS, Candlesticks, Cr-)ckery Ware, Kitchen Utens ils, &c. ; = :ilsa,‘ 1 Second hand CHAISE & HARNFSS. June 23. 8. LARKIN, Aucts Xfousé for Sale. Will be sold at Public Auciion on the Premises: on THURSDAY, 26th of June inst. at 11 o’clk, A, M; .fi The large and convenient £°32l two-story DWELLING HOUSE, sitvated on the corner of Russell and Market Strects. Said Houss iz calculated for two families. Terms, Cash, en delivs ery of the deed. JAMES P. BARI LETT, June 9. Auct’r: SAMUEL BAKER, SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 36 Congress=St, nearly opposite the Franklin House. May 6. J . i g New Spring and Summer Goods, IE:ZU\"ARD J. LAIGHTON, : No. 27 Market Stree:.; for tlas just received his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, among which may b€ found some of the best and most fasLionable styles of Dry Gootls, of every deseription, be: ing selected trom the most recent impottations : LADIES’ DRESS GOODS.—A great variety of Rep Cashmeres and DeLaines. Also, Ginghams; Prints, SBwiped Cambrics, Alpaccas, Scarlet Crape Scarfs, Shawle, Fancy Cravats, Colored and White Kid Gloves, Fringes and Gimps, §c. &c. , GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER WEAR.—Wad Tweeds, Gambroons, Erminets, Kentucky Jeans, Me: iino Cassimeres, Croton Coatings and Summer Cloths; . White, Brown and Fancy Lisen Drillings, Heavy Couz tonades. ; : s BROADCLOTHS. Black; Blhe; Giceén, Cadet; Oxford and Gold Mixed of various pricea. - ! CASSIMERES.—WooI dyed Black, Blae, Drab;, Steel Mixed, Lavender, Gold Mixed of various grades; New styles of priated and plaid stripes. Also, Sattiz nets of different fancy colors. FER VESTING S:i—Rich Figured Satin. Velvet and Md rino Vestings of new and choice styles: GLOVES.—A full assortment of Ladies’ and Ge#s tlemen's Kid Gloves ol Exwura quality. Also, Silk; Cotton and Thread Gloves. ' ’ HANDEKERCHIEFS.— Gentlemen®’ Bandaands; Flagg, Twilled, and mdny other styles and qualitied Ladies’ Linen Cambric and Heiiistithed do; LINEN GOODS.—Almost every article, comptis= ing Shirtings, Diapers, Napkins, Damasks, Browd Hollands, Drills, &e. §-c. COTTON GlOoDS.—Amoskeag Flannels, Striped Shirtings; Apron Cliecks; Drilliugd, Denims; Tickingd of ill prices. : BROWWN SHEETING S.— Amoskeag, Salmonz Fa Is, Exeter, Oregon, Fitchburg, Merrimac and Bart: lett, A SUNDRIES.—VLawns; Miislins; Suspenders, tio= giery, Buttong, Cotton Cords, Coat and Vest Bindings; Cotton Tapes; Silk Fwist, &c. &c. Also,a great vas riety of Fancy Articles. e §G~E. J. L. will be coistanily adding to his Stock the latest and most seasonable Goods, and will continud to offer thiéni at the lowest prices, as an inducement sos the continnance of the tery liberal patronage heretofor& received from his town and country friends: i Portsmouth, March 31: ‘Bonnets, Ribbons, i I'rench Flowers, &c. | JOHN WEBSTER, ; No. @ Daniel-street. | g%{ AS just' received fromi Anction a very large assorts f # 3L ment of BONNETS, RIBBONS, Flowers; | Wreaths, Tabs, Laces, HdKkfs, &c. which he offers | at less than oue haif of the original cost !}! . {3 Please calland examine the Goods. - Arso—Fashionalle BONNETS, just received from the manufzctories. . No. 6 Danicl street, 3d door from the corner. ' NEW 800DS-: | J UST received a good assortment of BROAD: | CLOTIHS, Pliin and Fancy CASSIMEREE; DOE SKINS § VESTINGS—aI} of which will e sold by the yard or manufactared into GAEIENTR as sow us at any gtlier Clothing Store. _ : Please call at Vo. 6 Water st. WM P, GOOKIN. Marceh 31, 21 s Carpetings &nd Rugs. : E OUN WEDBSTER, No. 6 Daniel-st; s Has this day received a large assoruneat of Double Super, Supesfine, Fine and Common Carpetings,. VENITIAN and Common STAIR CARPETINGS of different widihs, Painted OIL, CARPETINGS: TUFTED & WILTON RUGS. . All of whieh will be sold at 43 low ptites ag can be purchased ifi Portsmouth or elsed hiere: June 2. Parasoléttes and Suit Shades: WILLIA M JONES & BON have recer= ved a full assortment of Frilled and Fringed PARASOLETTES & SUN SHADES, of the new Spring sty les. Bis March 31. New Spring & Summer Goods. V OW being opened at No. 22 Markct-strést; e L 9 latest styles of Silk and Straw HAT S : Ribbons, Flowers, Wreaths, Gauze. Demi; Dentille and Barge Veils, Shetland, Sew ing Silk and Barage SHA WLS, Mantles, and Scarfs. Mantilla Sills; Morsen, Corded Robes, Grass-cloth, ’ Handsome WHITE DRESS GOODS: —ALSO - Oregon PLAIDS; Mouseliness Poplins; Marqusas; Balzoring;, | de v Ginghame, Jaconets, Polka Musling; Barege Graduated Dresses, - Muslin ¢ ¢ Gloves, Hosiery; MoURNING ARTICLES of every de seription. ~ . .O.M. TRICKEY. May 19th, 1846. Swis Wool Carding & Manufactiritg. “zom, for CARDING or MANUFACTURING, lett avthe Store of J. N. HANDY , Portsmouth, will he taken and made into Rolls, or Manufactured into Full Cleth, Cagsimeres, Flannels or Blankets, and wat ranted to givé satisfaction, THe subscriber Has hid song experience in the busivess, awd flatters himself he can re tarn CLO I'H (Hat will suit in all cases, and all Woo) left as abové; will be retdined with dispatch. : g ; . WM. L. FOOTE,No. Berwick; Me: “June 2. 2mljslos : Mourniug Goods: Jory WEBSTER, " No. 8 Dériel-street: " Has just received a general agsérimeént of Summer Mourning' DRESS GO’()US, SHAWLN ard VEILS. Those in want of such Goods ave respeetfully invited to call and examine before buying. Goods shown willingly and will be sold very cheap for eash. ¢ SAMUEL PARSONS & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS jl" : BRITISH, FRENCH & AM. DRY GOODS; CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ANB : "TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS: =~ : Nos. 87 & 69 Kilby Street; BOSTOS. SAMUEL PARSONS, : s FREDERICK SWEETSER, ¢ L e SamveLl H. Gooxin, ] Ivié Feb. 3, °46 SILK SHAWLS, &c. ANTHONY . NOWE LT, Market Strert, Haa just opened T carton of extra size & hieavy BLACK SILK SHAWLS; 1 carton of 9-4 Heavy Mohair; o o 1 do of 9-4 Cashmeve, rich for #lO, old price $15,00; 1 do of Barage SHAWLS ; s 3-4 Heavy Black Silk for Cardinald 5 . ... - o 59 f,i‘eces)of Rich GENGIIAMS & Muslid GINGHAMS; 100 ps of Rich superb PRINTS, fur only 123c5 - : Mounrning Frinls-—i\luslhl‘l(i l(“ih(‘;?;iind Lawns; y ack and colored spun rilk G =5 Canb o R gtl‘l‘:?z::‘d:: OC(I,: il.lre’n’s Lizl¢ Ihread Gloves, blk., whigg sloréd ; = S Blac:“;'ln'fi \’\"b'ile'?_ Raw Silk HOSE ; e Black, white snd cnlored Cotton HOSE ; . ks e B CLOTH—with a large siotk of other Geods, which will be sold very élieap. May 26. —_"‘—’_’i . S 2 New Spring Goods. WILL'IAM J. LI:\IGHTON,‘ P v e s now gpening o Large Stétk of SPRING DRY GOODs; Selected ftom-the Laiest imj oftations all of whiel will be sold at the lowest prices at ©33 Maslostipet,