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i SRSSRRSR n SN 4 -‘¥'§:Rrfi:f,‘i’Ti‘:\ B /. R 7 RN ‘“3,(\5::3.“ IRS s 7 4) RS D = N eWy (WAMESg CAZETTE. s PU’BLISHED_EV_ERY TUESDAY MORNING By SAMUEL wW. MOSES & GEORGE GREENLEAF, Psblishers of the Laws & Resolves of New-k Hampshire A. & G. leEENLE.‘I’, Editors. OFI'ICE, No. 8 Pleasant Street, ncarly opposite Jiheen HAIE Markot. o defi'l'fifi)ls, 82 per annum ; Twenty-five Cents willbe ted if paid in advance or within one month of the ecmmencement of each year. g COMPANIES,where one individualis responsible or the whole, may have ten copies or more for $1,50 each n adwance. §3-The GAZETTE will be sent to country subseribers lhmug{h Post Oftice, for §1,60 per ann. if paid in advance. ! og;l‘ger discontinued until all arrearages are paid. §3-JOB WORK done with despatch ac this office. g"P‘ HE .‘\7 : WV St o> W\CO/'%?\:“ MEDY R 0 P pses CONSUMPTION, And the best medicine known to man fer Asthma of ever atage, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, In flaenza, Coug{m. Colds, Bleeding of the Lungs, Short ness of Breath, pains and weakness in the side, breast, &c., and all other diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANS, A very important disease over which this Balsam’’ ex orts & very powerful influence, is that of LISEJ!SED EIVER. Ia this complaint it has undoubtedly proved more effica sious than any remedy hitherto employed, and in numer eusinstances when patients had endured long and severe suffering from the disease, without receiving the least hen ofit from various remedies, and when MERCURY has beon resorted to in vain, the uge of this Balsam has restor #d the Liver to a healthy action, and in many instances EFFECTED PERMANENT CURES, after every known remedy had failed to produce this de sired offcet, Opinion of a regular Physician. ExETER, Me., Sept. 30, 1845. This oertifies that T have recommended the use of Wis- TAR's BaLsax or WiLp CHERRY for diecases of the Lungs, for two years past. and many bottles to my knowl odge have been used by my patients, all with beneficial results. Intwo cases where it was thought confirmed consumption had taken place, the Wild Cherry eftected a eurs. E. BOYDEN, Physician at Exeter corner. NO QUACKERY! NO DECEPIION! All published statements of cures performed by this me dicine, are, n every respect, TRUE. BEWARE OF CO&;\'TERFEITS AND IMITA TIONS. The unparalleled and astonishing eflicacy of Dr Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry in all the diseases for which it is recommended, curing many cases after the skill of the best physicians was unavailing, has efected a large and increasing demand for it. This fact has caused several unprincipled counterfeiters and imitators to palm off apurious mixtures, of similar name and appearance, for the genuine Balsam. - Be careful and get the genuine Dr WISTAR’S BA-. BAM OF WILD CHERRY. None genuine unless sign od Ia"l. BUTTS. Address all orders to SETH W FOWLE, Boston, Mass,. Forsale by WM. R. PRESTON, Partswouth Dec. 2 1y Asa Tufts, &J. H. Wheeler, Dover. NEW LINE OF STAGES, DAILY. gy FROM PORTSMOUTH I A T et I EAVES EVERY DAY at === B 4 1-2 o’clock, A. M. Passes through Greenland, Stratham to Exeter, there ' it intersects with the cars for tlaverhill, Andover, Lowel and Boston and Wilmington and Concord, also with the | Cars for Newmarket, Darham and Dover. Returning, leaves every day after the arrival of the Cars from Boston & Lowell. Ladies and Gentlemen'by taking this route to any of the above named towne, will find it as cheap as '.u{y other route. s Fare (rom Portsmouth to Boston $1,50; to Lowell 2, 00; to Andover $1,20; N Andover $1,10; Bradford 95; | Haverhill 95; to Plaistow 80; to Newtowa 73; to FEast Kensington 624 ; Newmarket 63} ; S. Newmarket 70; Durham 80; Nushua $2,12%. Returning from the above mamed towns the Fareiz the same. On Monday, Wednesday, & Frid;Y' k_imnrncr‘i with the Manchestor Stage—passes through Kingston, tamr etead, Derry to Manchester. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, intersects at Exeter with the Concord Stage—passes through Epping Deerfield, Pembroke—also to Manchester. Intersects every day with a stage from Exeter to Ken ington and Amesbury. N. B.—Fare by this rout as cheap as any other. S. B. MARDEN, Drivers. N. B.—All orders of -business, such as Collecting oarrying papers,Packages, Deeds, Bundles,&c. &ec. left a No. 9 ‘Efirldle street, or at the Franklin House, will be at tended to with punctuality and dispatch. The above named holds himself accountable to all bunsiness entrusted to their care as far as Exeter. July 29, 1845, S. B. MARDEN’S EXPRESS EASTERN RAIL-ROAD. P RS L e 3 S A U. S. MAIL ROUTE. BOSTON TO PORTLAND, Via Lynn,Salem, Beverly, Ipswich, Weaham, Row ley, Newburyport, Salisbury, Seahrook, ton-Falls, Hampton, Greenland, Portsmouth, Eisot, South Berwick, North Berwick, Wells, Kennebun k and Saco. ON and after WEDNESDAY, April Ist, 1846 Trnine will leave Eastern Rail Road Depot, East ern Aveaune, Commrcial sticet, Bostox FOR Salem 7} 9 11] A.M. 12} 2} 3} 3} 6} 8} P.M Newburyp’ 7§ 113 25 53 & Portemouth 7} “ 23 5% Sy Great Falls 7} «“ 2} “ Portland 7} ‘e 24 = FROM ANXD FOR BOSTOR, Portland 75 - A M. S PM Great Falle 83 s¢ g fiees Portsmouth 6% JO% - s 5« Newhuryp't T4t 103 ¢« 2 8 8¢ Balem 5} 7§ 83* 10] 113* AM. 2§ 3~5 63+ « *Or on their arrival from the East. MARBLEHEAD BRANCH. Marblehead for Salem,7#, 83, 10, 11} A. M. and 2, 4,43. and 7 P. M. Bulem for Marblehead, 8, 93, 10}. A. M. 1, 3}, 44, 6} and 7} P.N. EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE Portland for Bosten Mondays at 5 P. M., aad Thurs days on arrival of the Huatress from Bangor. aouon for Portland Tuesdays and Fridaysat 4 1-2 P. M. 09~ Exprees Trains take no passengers to or from Way Stationa. | FREIGIIT TRAINS. Leaves Boston and Purtland daily. —~Office 17 Merchant Row, Beston, . ‘Regular Train leaving Boston on Mondai: at 7 1-4 A, M. and Express T'raio leaving Boston on Friday at 43 P ..M. connect with Steamer Huntress for Bath. Gardiner and Hallowell ;—whence she returns on Tueslay and Batardays, in time for the train leaving Portland for Boston a 1 3 P. M. | Express Trains leaving Beston on Tuesday at 43 P.M eonnects with the Huntress (or Bangor and intermediate places. Returning she leaves Bangor on Thursdays at 5 A. M. and passengers arrive in Boston sime evening. 03~ The Companies are not responsible for Merchan dise on passenger trains; and for personal apparel only to the amount of S3O, Inless paid for extra, at the rate of one passage for every $309 additional value. JOUN KINSMAN, Balem, Mar, 16, 1846. Snperintendent Mw GRASS SEED.—ISO bush Northern H. G. Seed, 1850 libs Northern CLOVER ; ' 50 bush RED TOP SEED; For sale by April 7. . WM, SIMES & CO, bAR be i TR e T eT Y GGS WANTED b EDWARD RAND, E May 5. l\%}. 41 corner Bow & Market Ste. London Porter. CONBTANTLY for sale !z » CHARLES E. LATGHTON. No. 5 Exceange Bmldings. e 2 B _ Parasols, Parasolettes & Sun-Shades, T TREDICHK, respectfully invites the Ladies to : ® eall and examine his splendid assortment of Par. asols, Parasolettes & San-Shades manufactared of the Richest Silks, nfevery variety of color and newest styleg —just raceived from Philadelphia and for suleat the fow est prices. April 28, WILLIAM R. PRESTON, Druggist, Is the only Agent in Portsmouth, for the sale of Dr. Phelps’ Patent Convex Spiral Truss. e HAVING sold these Truases S ’24@s' for the past six ye\:‘s. I can 7 & £ o confidently recommend them ‘a LN - as the best ever offeret\: ' ot B § 2poh A large aszortment d{cheap B, A 5 BRABER * TRUSSES, alwo, on hund at T‘;l?”f’g%;u {\ the low price of $1,50 - for i{’:j;}j' R f’»\‘}_}:\? laboring pecple. Aleo, RR 7 {1 PHELPS’ ABDOMINAL & gk UsP R SUPPORTERS & SHOUL. "! o e ER BRACES, ‘ a beautiful article. - THE high reputation of this TRUSS, for the radical cure of HERNIIA in its serveral forms and stages, has not only been spread throughout the United Statns, b.u( has gone abroad, and the superiority of this instrument is now known aud appreciated, in the cities of London, Paris, Edinburg, Dublin »ad other parts of Europe. Orders have already been received frum the alove named citiee for supp lies of thiz T'russ, which the Physicians and Sur geons of the old world, have found to be in all respects superior to any other Trues ever offered to the public. The rubscriler refers all those desirous of procuring a Truss 10 the certificare herew:th appended, and to the names of the fullowing eminent Surgeons ana Physicians to whom be is permiited 10 lefer, and whose certificates of recommendation he bas in his possession. | e J. W. PHELPS, No. 63, Court Swreet, Boston. Dr.J H. Boardman,M.D, | Dr.J. D. Towneend, M.D “« CA. Cheever, M. D. “ Wi, J. Walker, M. D “ Wm. Goddara, M. D. Sam. H P. Lee, M. D. ** Valentine Mott, M. D. | Edward Raynolds, M. D. “ John C. Warren,M, D. 'A, H. Steveas, M. D. “ Geo. Haywood, M. D. I William Parker, M. D. “ W. Lewis, jr., M. D. | Samuel H. Lee, M. D. Certificate.—This is to certify that 1 have been afflicted for many years with a zevere rupture, which has deprived me of almost all comfort in life ; besides being a continued cause of expense, as well ae anxiety of mind to obtain a cure or even reliet ; I have expended more than one hun dred dollare for T'russes, but never have been able to ob tain ode uatil now, that would keep up my rupture. By accilent Iheard of the great invention of Di, J, W, Phelps, and the woaderful enefite to be derived from his patent Convex Spiral Truss. I immediately procured one of these T'rugses, and have been entirely relieved by itg use, and. now enjoy more ease and comfort than I have . before for the last fitteen years. | I can now vecominedd this Trose, with the ntmost con- | fidence to my fellow citizens as being an invention of the | greatest value and importance, and gne that the public should be made perfectly acquainted with. 1 feel it a duty that I owe the inventor as well as a matter ofhuman ity to the afflicted, to make these facts known. | Mareh 17. 6 HENRY RAY. LEON ARD COTTON, Offers for sale, At No. 17 Pleasant Street, 2000 Bushels Turks Island SALT . 1000 do. Cadiz SALT,; 100 Bags of Liverpool do, 10 bags to a toa ; 200 do Syrancuse do.; 80 Hhds of Trinadud MOLASSES; Jan. 6, 1846. ts N ATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSUR ANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON, [FMPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT.] Feunded on the Mutual und Joint Stock Principle. 5 CAPITAL—B2.SOO 000. United States Board of Local Directors at New York : Jacos Harvey, Esq. Chairman, . John J. Palmer. E«q. Samuel S. Howland, Esq. Jonathan Goodhue, E:q. Gorham A. Worth, Esq. Jamze« Boorman, Exq. Samuel M. Fox, Enq. George Barclay, Esq. Office in Boston 12 Merchants® Exchange. Consulting Physician. Dr WiNsrLow LEwis. Jr, who attends at the Society’s Office, 12 Merchants® Exchange, every day at 11 o’clock, for the accommodation of those who cannot conveniently wait upon him at his own resi dence. DIVISION OF PROFITS. The steady ruccessand inereaaing prosperity of the So ciety esabled the Directors at the lzst annual investiga. tion to divide amongst the Policy-holders a reversionary bonus averaging aver 59 per cent. on the preminmns paid on eack policy effected on the Profit Scale. EXAMPLES. Age. Sum Assured. Annval Premi ums. ' ‘l’,olic;(aktm out in l Bonus in addi tion to Sum i Assured. ' } Bonus in Cash. Permanent Re duction of Anoual Premi. Sum the Agsur l ed may borrow on Policy. f \ ‘ {1537]5058 35 8448 351569 25!1977 79 60,55000' 370 75,1838 823 25 l 87345| 5712}/1730 55 l l lr‘sss; 693 37§l 56 308| 45 70‘148333 I The division of the profits iz annual, This Institution offers many important advantages, both with respect ta Life ln.-u,rPn_ce. and in tteimyercnr ot A LLt samtverre UTU deles red. Insurence may be effected by persons on their own lives ar the lives of cthers, for the whole term of life or for limited periods; and the Society being tormed oa the Mu- TUAL AND JOINT STOCK principle, parties are snabled, as above shewn, to participate ia the profits of the socie ty, while their policies are guaranteed not only by the constant accumulation of preminms, but by a eapital of two and a half millions of dollars. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly, or quar terly, and parties insuring for the whole term of life are al lowed to borrow two thirds of all premiums paid after the first year. (See Table.) {G=lnsurance is effected and losses settled under the direction of the Local Board of Directora at New York, to whom also authority is delegated for investing the So ciety’s Funds in this country, Pamphlets containing Tables of Rates, &c.and all ne cessary information, may be obtained on application at the Oflice, 12 Merchants’ Exchange, EDMUND A. GRATTAN, Agent for New-England. WM. ELLIOTT, and : GEORGE GRFGG, }Actmg Agents. Agents for Portsmouth, April 28 1y EDWARD F, SISE & CO. Bible Completed. NO. 54, HARPER’S ILLUMINATED & NEW PICTORIAL BIBLE, is received and completes the work. This number con tains the remainder of the Concordance, and the PRESENTATION PLATE ; FRONTISPIECE to the Old Testament ; TITLE PAGES to the Old and New Testament and to the Apocrypha ; FRONTISPIECE tothe New Testament ; FAMILY RECORD of Marriages, Births & Deaths. Copies may be obtained at the subscription price, by immediate application,—but the publishers announce that after the issue is complated, no orders will be supplied at the subseription price. May 26 J. W, FOSTER, No. 5 Market-st. §L3° Arrangements will be made for having subserib ers’ copies buund in various styles as soon as gpecimens can be prepared. Patent 'T'in Roofing. = fl‘ HE subscriber. having obtained from the Patentee the right for putting on the patent Tin Roofing in this Btate, and also the States of Maine and Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and Connecticat, would say to his friends and the public generally, that he is now pre- | g’xred to receive orders o 1 make contracts,for TINNING RIDGES, FACTORKIES, STORES, HOUSES, or other Luildings, that may be wanted, on the Patent phlan, =—or any other that may be desired. He will also manu. facture to order, COFPER or TIN GUTTERS ; Tin, gopper or Zinc CUN DUCTORS, GOOSE NECKS, c Orders for the ahove, Test at the Store of IRA HazZEL TON, Market-square, or addressed to the subacriber, will be punctually attended to WM. P. MOULTON. Portsmouth, Feb. 3. 1846 For sale at 96 Market st. by W. B. GREEN. e g e i eT P N LN ¢ FRESH DATES, LEMONS & ORANGES, for sale May 12 by WM. SIMES & CO. l{ OOMPAPERS FORSALE —iooo Room of ROOM PAPERS for sale at reduced prices. April 15, L. COTTON. _——-ww————a-—-—-—-.-_——-——:—.———--—“——-«—-—- —— Sperm Oil 39 ‘){B GALLS. CRUDE SPERM OIL, %7 from the Bark Ann-Parry’s cargo, for sale by the Cask, Barrel or single gallon by Sept 2, L. (‘!)’%"F()N, 17 Pleasant-st. —————‘MM REH ASH BROKEN COAL.—IOO tons first (leli _‘F Just received per Lydia Foster. For sale (; April 28 - (E.F. S/Y/;E & CO. Room Papers. JONN W, FOSTE R, No. 5 Market-street, [S now opening a large addition to hia stock of PAPER H‘ANGINGS. eomprising an excellent assorunent of middling and low priced papers, of new and good patterns. A variety of more expensive and elegant patterns daily expected. April 21. ts ——————‘———'—-__—-\ HOUSE TO LET.—A small Tenement at the south part of tha town. Enqs'bira of o JEREMIAH JOHNSON, May 26 South street, CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS, T 1 AND MAGNETIC FLUID. Ihis remarkable discovery comprises an entirely safe and novel application of the mysterious power of Galvan iem, as a remedial agent. The Galvanie Rings in con nection with the Magnetic Fluid, have been used with entire success in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chron ic, applying to the head, face or limbs; Gout, Tic-Dolo reux, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Netvous or Sick -Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fita, Cramp, Palpitation of the Heart, Apoplexy, Rtiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head, Pains in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Deficiency of Nervous and Phy sical Energy, and allnervous dizorders. Incases of Dyfq. pepaia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the di geetive organs, they have been found equally successful. The Rings are of different prices, being made of all sizes, and of various ernamental paterns, and can be worn by the moat delicate female without the slightest inconves ience. THE GALVANIC BELTS. BRACELETS BANDS, &C. . Are modifieations of the invention, and are recommended in more chronic cases of disease, where the Rings do not possess sufficient iutensity or power. They are adapted to the waist, arms, wrists, ancles, chest, or any part of the body with perfect ease. Any Galvanic power that is required may thue be obtained and no complaints whicl: the myasterious agent of Galvanism can effect, will fail to be permanently relieved. CHRISTIE’S MAGNETIC FLUID. Is used in connection with the Rings and their modifica tions. This composition has been pronounced by the French Chemists, to be one of the most valuable discoy eries of modern science. It is believed to poscess the re markable power of rendering the nerves sensitive to Gal vanic action, by this means causing a concentration of the influence at the seat of disense, and thus giving rapid and permanent relief. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC STRENGTHENING PLASTERS. These articles form an important addition to the Gal vanic Rings, acting upon the same principle, but having the advantages of more local application. As an effect nal means for strengthening the system wher debilitated by disease or other causes : as a certain aid in constitn tional weakneas; as a prevention for colds, and in all af fections of the chest generally, the Galvanic Strengthen ing Plaster will be found of great and permanent advan tage. | ; HOME CERTIFICATES. ‘ These testimonials, all of which are from the most re spectable sources, have heen relec'ed from several hun dred of a similar character, which have heen procured during the short time the discevery has been before the American public. Tic Doloreunx. The following testimonial is from Timothy C. Dwight, Esq., who is 8o favorably known from his exertions in the cause ot education throughout the Northern States. Dr A. H. Christie—Dear Sir—For several years I have been terribly afflicted with that agonizing complaint cal led Tic Doloreux, principally affecting the sciatic nerves. At times no human being could have suffered more—my screams have often disturbed the neighborhood By sim ply wearing one of yeur Rings on each of my hands, and faithfully using the Maguetic Fluid, the complaint has en tirely left me, and 1 now helieve myself completely cured I am verv respectfully yours TIMOTHY C. DWIGHT. Albany, December 11, 1845. Convulsions and Fits. Dr A. Christie : Dear SBir—l feel it a duty to state for the benefit of the public that your Galvanic Remedies, as applied by the Ringa and Magnetic Fluid, have entirely cured my son, now eleven yeara old, of the most severe and alarming Fits, to which be has been subject for the last six years He had often had from 12 1o 16 fits in one day, sometimes accompanied with the most dieadful screaching, at the same time a choking in the throat, and paia in the region of the heart His mother and mysclf have long despaired of his life, but through the means of Providence and your remedies he ie now quite well, and [ sincerely believe his cure will be permanent. { 1 am very respectfully yours, | GEORGE WHITE, 101 Charles-st. New-York, November 9, 1845. Sick lieadache. | - The following certificate is from the lady of Capt John F. Strain, one of the most respectable citizens of Albany, N. Y. Reference canbe given to many others, mostly la dies, who seem peculiarly affected with this malady. This is to certify, that 1 have been afilicted for several years past with the Sick-lleadache, which distressing complaint has confined me to the bed from one to two days in the week during that time. For one month past | bave worn Dr Christie’s Galvanic Rings, aud occasion ally using the Magnetic Fluid. lam happy to say that I have not been troubled with the sick-headache stnce. ANN F. STRAIN, 67 Dewtt-st. Albany, Dec. 3, 1845. R pilepsy and Palpitations of the Heart, The followine case relates to o Olergyman, the son-in law of M Jotraacob Astor, of New-York. Rev. John Bristed, Minister of the Episcopal Church at Bristol, R. 1., residing in Main-st. has long been sub ject to distressing attacks of Epilepsy, often falling down insensible. The disease has been accompanied with vi olent Palpitation of the Heart, and a rush of blood to the head. For three years he has been unable to preach or attend to his other duties. Mr Bristed has found the most valuable benefit from the Rings, Bands and Fluid, is better in every respect than he has been since his ill ness, and is now rapidly recovering his health, All symp tome of Epilepsy have left him. ; Rheumatic Gout, To Dr Christie. Sir—Afier a fair trial of alinost eve rything without any good effect, I think T mnst attribute a temarkable cure to the power of your Galvanic and Mag netic articles, 1f I am not mistaken in the cause, they have very seriously relieved me of Rheumatic Gout, of long standing, together with general nervous debility of the system. Mrs MARY JACKSON, 109 Bank st, New-York. Mrs Jackson is a relative of Major M. M. Noah. who hag kindly ad-ed the following :— Dear Doctor—The ahove case is personally known to me, and ir not lesa strange than true. It is a happy re sult, to which 1 bear witness with pleasure I may state that some other cases have come to my notice, of a nawre equally fortunaie and suceessful. Very sincerely yours, New-York, Oct. 30, 1845. M. M. NOAH. Apoplexy and Paralysis. The following cage is of a deeply interesting character, and has attracted the attention and examination of some of the first physiciass of New York and Brooklyn. Capt Andrew J. F Towes, residing at No 70 Bridge street,Brooklyn, L. 1., is in his 76th vear. He has gen. erally enjoyed robust health. but about three years since it began to fail; a general weakness and lassitude affect ed him, accompanied with depression of spirits, loss ol appetite, inability to sleep, &c. Dr John W. Francis, of New-York, was consulted. The usual remedies such as copious bleeding, &c. were recommended , but shortly af ter Capt ‘I omes, fell down insensible in the street, with a zevere Apopletic fit, On recovery, he noticed that » portion of his side was apparently dead, and on fuither examination his physicians pronounced his case 10 he that of combined Apoplexy and Paralysis. He was now una ble to walk without assistance; he could neither feed no dress himself alone, he was unable to articulate distinctly. and his sight was impaiwred. ‘Vhe tamily of Capt Tomes, were induced to try ithe Galvanic Rings and Magretic Fluid and for the purpose procured a pair of Bande fi the limbs and one bottle of the Fluid. In twenty-foum hours after using these a ticles, feeling was percepiibh in the paralyzed parts and perspiration broke out. Illn five days he was enabled to raise his arm and use his hand and in three weeks he was enabled to walk alove. A perioa of nearly six months has now elapsed, during which time no symptom ot Apoplexy has been apparent, he is enabled to take regular exercise and all his impair ed faculties have bheen restored. Severe Rheumatism, §G~Mre Eliza Miller, No. 90, Polar-street, between Rachel and Budd-sta, Philade!phia, has been compietel cured of the most severe attacks of Rheumatisin, so which she had tried everything in vain. ‘T'he exuem pain would often compel her to rise ten times in a nighi. and her hands were diawa up 80 as to be completely use less. After using the Rings and Fiuid for only 24 hows the pain entirely lefi, and has not had the slightest al tack fur a period of several months. Dr Christie, is in possession of nearly one thousand testimonials, received from persons who have been eatire ly cured of the most severe Rhewnatism, both Chronie and Joflamatory, for which every other *‘remedy’ was useless. The Rings and Fluid when properly applied, have never been known to fail in any of these casess. §t7Bewaie of spurious imitations of these articles. To guard against fraud, he will appoint but one agent in each of the cities of the United States; the only agency for the town of Portsmouth and its vicinity, is WILLIAM R. PRESTON Apothecar y April2l. “Buy nowhere else ?? 3m ———————— A ———————— —— Fxeter Warp Yarns, lN assorted Bales, from N 0.7 to 12 constantly on hand and for sale at Munufacturers prices. Mav 25 istt WILLIAM JONES & SON. ' Sgerm Oil and Candles. CONB ANTLY on hand and for sale by - B C.P.& A H.LADD, ;::.lalc:urers. Counting-room Nos. 69 &71 Market-st, WRIGH'T’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS THE TRUE CHARACTER OF COUNTER.- FEITERS & SELLERS OF COUNTER -3 FEIT MEDICINE, WO Medicine has ever been introduced to theAmer & can people, whose virtueg have been more :heer fully and universally acknowledged by its yast popnlar ty and extensive civeulation than « Wright’s Indran Veg etable Pills.” To discant upon their varions virtues at this late season would be a work of superorgation, since few who peruse this article will be found unacquainted with :he widely circulated proofs of the real excellence of the medicine,to which many willbe vready to add thets timonials of their own experience. But if proof were needed of the value of the remedy,it might be found in the fact that no medicine in the market has been so shamelesely and repeatedly counterfeited. Ignorant, en vions,avaricious and noprincipled men have ia different plazes, manufactured a spurious pill, hearing a superfi cinl resemblance to the true article, bnt composed either ¢f impotent or Deleterious Ingredients,which they have sauzht to foist upon the public as the veritable ‘<INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS.? Theee fraudnlent swindlers could never pass off their vile wares upon the public but for the connivance and as sistance of (self styled) respectable druggists, who, for the sake of a little “filthy lucre’ lend themselves to this wonstrons and unhullowed system of iwnposition. The counterfeiter of -a popular medicine is more criminal than the counter feiter of current money. The injuries by the latter, gink to nothing 1 comparison with those inflicted upon society by the former, We might pain im wringing the mite from the hardhand of Mvalid pe ~ury which is extended for the boon of health, and re. ceives instead, the vile drug that protracts and agravareg disease,or to view it inits best aspect, suffers it to sage unchecked. How melancholy it 1s to reflect that thoy,.- sands way havebeen hurrvied to the grave by having a counterfeit substitute for the true medicine who but for the venal fraud might now be living in high health, the delight and hope of the social circle. Ail clesses are interested in putting down these vile counterfeiters, Let the stores where thev ure sold be markied and shunned. Ard let the virtuous indignation of the community ad minister to all concerned in these unfair practices a gen eral and withering rebuke. ' 4 CAUTION. The public will please vbserve that the genuine medicine bas the following wording on the side of the Loxes, WRIGHT’SINDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, i (INpian PurGaTive,) Of the North American College of Health. ‘ And also round the border of the label, will be found in small type,*« Entered according to the act of Con gress in the year 1810, by Wm. WRIGHT, in the Clerk’s Office 0 “the District Court of the Southern District of Pennsylvania. | It will be fuw ther ofserved that the printed directions or using the medicine which accompauies each box, are ilso entered according to the act of Congress; tiie same orm will be found at the bottom of the first page. The slightest attention to the above few particulars ¥ill serve to protect the purchasers from fraud,and sav he lives of those whe may otherwise be endangered by | 18ing a counterfeit medicine. The public will also remember that all who sell the genuine Indian Vegetabie Pills, are provided with a cer ificate of Agencyr signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE FORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH, nd that Pedlers are never in any case alluwed to se | he genuine medicine. All travelling agents will be pro ided with =ertificates of agency as above described ;-and hose who cannot show one will be known as base im -ostera. Price 25 cents per Box, with full Directi)ns. The Regular Appointed Agents can receive their sup plies of the above popular pilis, as heretofore, from the July Office and General Depot for the New England States. B G TREMONT STREET . 98 soston. ' 198 Principle office and General Depot, 169, RACE { STREET, PHILADELPHIA. | jrF=Allletters relative to the pills mus' be addressed thus:— N E. OFFICE, N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 198 Tremont St. Boston, Mass. 3ewareof the Infected Ann Street,Boston N. B. Buyof vone except the followsng regularly ap pointed : AGENTS, Portsmouth—NATH'LL. MARCH,No. 7 Exchange Juildings, Cundia.—Herry M. Eaton, Chester, - lraac Tompking, Deerfield.—E. F. Stevens, jr, Durham—Nathaniel Churchill Deerfield, South.—B. W. Sanborn, jr, Derry.—A, F. Hall and Geo. W, finkerton, Derry East.—Parker & Taylor, Wpping.—N. & J. W, Morrill, Exeter.—Fiancis Grant, Greenland .—J. P. Packer, . Hampiov.—John C. Forsaith, Hampton Falls.—Geo. H. Dodge, Kensington.—John I'. Blake, Kingston.—E, G. Frothingham, Manchester,—A. G. Tucker, Nashua.—A.E. Thayer and §. B. & H. J. Chapman Nuwingm.—lsradbury Bartlett, Pelham.—Jeremiah Tyler, Kye. ThomasJ. Parsons, Seabrook.—Matthew Merrium. Somersworth {Great Falls)—Mark Noble, Windham —Robe t Bartley. N.B. Remember, NATH’L MARCH is the ounly regular authorized Agent for the sale of this invaluable medicine in Portsmouth and do not purchase elsewhere, of you would be sure of obtaining the GENUINE ME - DICINE. | Sent. 26. Isl2wolv y PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT’S AND The high and envied eelebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has reudered the usual practice of puffing uot enly unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits ; their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. RS, SEEW:. W s RN oF. W ___h of Qf ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFFECTIONS of the CLADDER and KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS,— | In the south and west, where these diseases prevail, they will | be found Invaluable. Planters, farmers, and others, who once use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without them. | BILIQUS CHOLIC, and SEROUS Loosencss, BILES, COSTIVENESS, COLDS & COUGHS, CHOLIC, | CONSUMPTION. Used with great success in this disease. ] CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DYSPHPSIA. Noperson with this distressing die ease, should delay using these medicines immediately. ERUPTIONS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY, FEVER and AGURE. For this scourge of the wes tern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the discase—a cure by these medicines is permanent.— TRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION, GENDRAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, HEADACHES, of every kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS of APPE- | TITE, | LIVER COMPLAINTS, . LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, ‘ MERCURIAL DISEASES.— | Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effccts of Meroury infi nitely sooner than the most powerftl preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLIC, PILES, The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Lifc Mecdicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, buck, limbs, joints and organs. " RHEUMATIS M. Those afllicted with this terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. | RUSII of BLOOD to the HEAD, SGURVY, — SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, | SCROFULA, or KING’S BEVIL, inis worst forms, ULC ER. S, of every description. | W ORIV 8, of all kinds, are eftectually expelied by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them when ever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. | THE LIFE PILLS AND PHENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, | And thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHE fiIX Bl TfE R S beyond the reach us cormpe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up tn white wrappers and labels, together with a fi:mplvlet.. called "« Moffat's Good Samaritan,” containing the directions, &c, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to var (ffice, by which strangers visiting the city can very e.m? find ws. The wrappers and Samaritans are c-pyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wra‘fl»crs cas be assured that (hey are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with gcllo;c wrappers; but if you do, be satisied that they come direct from us, or dout touch them. {l7= Prepared and sold by PR. WILLIAM B. MOFTFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For Sale by March 17 WM. R. PRESTON, Druggist. —_—_—__—————————.m PLEASURE BOAT. TO LET.—The fast sailing Pleasure BOAT ‘m FANNY-ELLSLER, of ten tons. Will take fmrvies of Ladies and Gentlemen, on EXCURSIONS, SAILING, FISHING, &c.—will also take Frieght and Passengers to Isle-of-Shoals, &c. on reasenable terms.— For farther information call on Capt. WM, TUCK ERMAN, who may be found at the Boat at Lord’s wharf or at his residence, No, 22 Daniel St. May 12 IF YOU HAVE NOT TIME 'TO PERUSE This at present, preserve it for a leisure moment—it is of importance. In again presenting to the public The Dandelion§ Tomato Panacea, | YH\HE Proprietor would not claim tor il, that is aspe | cific for ALL the diseases to which the human frame subject ; but dues claimn thatin all complaints where a purifier of the Blood isrequired that this Panacea is in fallible, 2nd its powers are admitted by all who have u sed it, and it has the sanction of our first Physicians. He would ask for it only, that meed of attention to - which the public may deem it entitled—and would prefer ? that ita bheneficial results be its sole recommendation, and the relief and health which must accrue to the diseased and sufferin: from its use should praclaim its virtues. ' For any of the following complaints, the Dandelion & Tomato Panacea, iz the best remedy that has yet been offered. and no article has given such universal satisfac tion for Headache, Dizziness, Slecpiness, Loss of Appe tite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Jaundice, Scrofula, Scurvey, and all cutaneous eruptions of the skin, Chronic Diseases, Rheumatism, Generai Debility .or any complaint that Has its origin in ime purities of the Blood. This PANACEA is composed as all must be aware who know anything of the DANDELION, TOMATO, and SARSAPARILLA, its priecipal ingredients, from the most innocent ag well as the most effectual remedies to be found in the Vegetable kingdom; and who dues not know, that for all those Diseasex, in which a complete and radical change in the composition of the Blood, in the l secretions of the Liver, and in the formation of the solid parts of the body, are regarded there are no remedies, | that will for a moment compare with them. That it is purely a Vegetable compositioa, the pnblic may rest assured ; but should any prove skeptical, I can show them the VOUCHERS of EMINENT PHY=I CIANS to that effect, who bave examined the tormula, and, have tested its virtues. | g§GCaution.of T'he purchaser will be careful to see that my name 18 sl6 8- ED on the wrapper of each bottle, ae there are worthlese urticles put up in smaller bottles,pretended to produce the same result, but are not safe to use. Be suve therefore and enquire for Ransom & Stevens Dandelion and Tomato Panacea, which may be obtained of my duly appointed Agents, Halliburton & Co., 8 State steeet the Magasin de Sante, 130 Washington street, Brown, Chapin & Whiton, 15 and 16 Commercial street ; Seth W. Fowle, 138 Wash ington street ; William B Little, corner of Salem and Hanover streets; Thomas Restieanx, 132 Hanover street ; Jozeph Burnett, 33 Tremont Rew ; H. D. Fowle, 83 Prince street ; J. D Blanchard, corner of Beach street and Harrison Avenue ; C. H. Atwood, 25 Green street ; Menshaw & Randall, 50 Chatham street ; W. C. Stimp son & Reed, 26 Merchants® Row ; I. P. Hall & Co.. cor net of Union and Elm stieets, Mre. Kidder, 100 Court st. at the o'd stand, 325 Washington street, Boston, and by all respectable Druggists, and appointed agents in town and country, and also by JAMES KIDDER, Jr., Proprietor. Druggist and Chemist, Maverick square, Eazt Boston, DAVID KIMBALL, P A WM. R. PRESTON, } Fhpwen Newmarket, G. A, Bennett; Durham, A. Perkins. March 10. 2m The Great Remedy for Consumption, Asthma,Dyspeplic Consump!tion Spitting of Blood, Bronchilis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Influenza, Croup, Colds, Pains in the Breast and Side, Dyspepsia, and various affections of the stomach and Liver. Thirty Thousand Persons ANNUALLY FALL VICTIMS TO CONSUMP TION in the United States. The cauze of the evil & generally overlooked. A short dry cough, or neglected cold, is the precursor. These are deemed unimportant. Pain in the side, hectic fever, and night sweats follow, and death ends the scene. Would you find a REMED'Y FOR THE EVIL? Here it is. The experience of more than 20 years in pri vate practice has proved its eflicacy, and since its intro duction to public notice, although it has now been uffered but a few months, its sale has been unprecedented, and its success beyond question, great—so mwuch so, that itis de clared to be the greatest remedy in the world. ASTH N{A 5 too, that fearful and distressing malady, which renders life burthensome during its continnance, is subdued with- | ont difficulty by this great remedy, and the sufferer ix en abled by its use to obtain quiet repose ; the shortness of Lreath is overcome, the cough is allaved, and health and vigor take the place of despondency and suffering. Dr Folger’s OLCSAONIAN, OT ALL HEALING BALSAM, ‘s the remedy which has been so eminently successful in alleviating and curing the above complaints; and it has | - been used by the first physicians in the city, who declare (it to be unrivalled, inasmuch as it does not disturb the bowels in the least by producing costiveness, while all oth er remedies recommended for the above discases invaria bly ehut up the bowels, thus rendering it necessary to re dort to purgative medicine. Read the following cases, which have been relieved and cured within a few weeks :— DAVID HENDERSON, 60 Laight street, took a severe ¢old on the 4th day of July, and was brought very low by a distre=zing cough, which resulted in frequent attacks of bleeding from the lungs. Although he tried everything in the shape of remedies which could be found, yet he was “not benefitted, and by the month of October was so mueh reduced by night sweats thar he despaired of life. One bottle of Folger’s Olosaonian restored him to health. GEORGE W.BURNETT, of Newark, N. J. has suf fered under the effects of a severe cold for more than a vear. He was reduced to the brink of the grave almos 1 by his cough and night sweats: He commenced raising bfood in the month of October last. He commenced using the Olosaonian, and by the middle of November he was so far restored that he left for Pittsburgh with every pros pect of recovering his health. pect ol recovering his nealth. Mrs BELL, the wife of Robert P. Bell, of Morristown N. J., was dreadfully afficted with asthma for many years. Her physician had despaired of relicving her. One botile of the Olosaonian sc far restored her that she was able to get outof her bed and dress herself, which she had not dore befcre in months, and she is now in a fair way to lwi relicved. Mr F.LABAN, 52 Pike street, was so bad with asthma that he had not slept iu his bed for ten weeks, when he commenced the use of this great remedy. ©Oune bottle cured him, and he has not had a return of his complaint’ now more than five months. | Mrs MeGANN, 20 Walker street, was also curel of severe asthma by the Olosaonian, and states that she neve er knew medicine give such immediate and permanent rehet. > GLORGE W. HAYS, of this city, wasgiven up by hix physician ag incurable. His disease was consumption and when he commenced using the Olosaonian was so weak that he could not walk without being assisted by a Inend. By strict attention he was so far restored in a lew weeks as to be able to pursue his business, JAMES A CROMBIE, 120 Nussau strect ; J.J. Par gells, 11 Tenth street; C S Benson, 219 Bleecker street; James Davis, 58 Greene at; and Mrs Mallen; 9 Morton street ; have all experienced the good effects of the Olosa onian in coughs of long standing and affections of the lungs, and pronounce it, with one accord, to be tlie greatest rem dy, and the most speedy and effectual, that they have ever known. Reader, are you suffering from the above disense? Try this romevl{. You will not, perhaps, regiet it. It may arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which strike such terror to the mind and prolong your days. For sale at 106 Nassau street, one door above Ann, New York. For sale in Portsmonth by BRACKETT HUTCH INGS. Also, John L. Avery, Greenland; Nathan Batch elder, North-Hampton; John Mason, Hampton; Moses Hale, Newburyport; 8. Webster, Salisbvry; G Towle & Co. Lee ; J. L. Rundlett, Epping; James A Butler, Not tingham ; Peter Sanborn, Deerficld, J. & 3. Blake, Ray mond ; Chase & Robinson, Poplin ; . B Wood, Breni waood; S. P. Clark, Kingston; C. C. P. Moses, F. Gran, Exeter; John T. Locke, South Newmarket; S. A. Hulet Newmarket; A. Ferkins, Durham; D. Hanson, Rochester Wm. B. Simith, John Wheeler & A. A. T ufts, Dover, July 15, 1845 Iy Ground Plaster, ""ap‘ TONS now landing in fine order from schr. Ho- B ratio Wilson, fron Wilmot, N, 3. and for sale June 2. by L. COTT'ON, 17 Pleasant-st. Valuable Work on Milch Cows. J TREATISE on MILCII COWS, whereby the A quality and guantity of Milk which any Cow will give may be accurately determived by observing natural marks, or externul indications. By M. Francis Guenon, of Libourne, France. Translatedby N. P, TRIS I, Esq. With introductory Remarks and Observations on the | COW AND DAIRY, ' By Jon~ 8. SKINNER. Editor of the Farmer’s Library. UHlustrated by numerous engravings. Price 837§ cents. Just published, For sale by May 26 J. W. FOSTER, No. 5 Market-st. e ee P e e T A et e i ICHABOE GUANO. AFEW bushelsof this cheap and nourising Manure. Just received. For sale by tho Barrel or any less parcel, by LEONARD COTTON. May 19, 17 Pleasant street . r . I'able for measuring Logs, -wHEiu';uY the quantity may be ascertained befor they are sawed. Very convenieat for persons dealing 1 lumber. = For sale chiap, at this office. gnkb s e S .S s 3 Shawls! Shawls!! JUST received a lot of new SIIAWLS, among which are- some rich Cashaere, Imitation and Printed Cashmere, P'lin DesLaines & Woolen Net Shawls &¢ for sale low by W. J. LAIGHTON. No, 18 Market st. 8w is April 14. Great Discovery ! THL',S Do e maitein Boston, thit there is nrhing o ’ n on 3 RAINE’S VEGETABLE ILLS, on gaing re bt | The recent storin and eold weather has caused ."“'!_ mand for them.~—~Boston Mauil, T oseet Lo Vaveiiintoss B Y reneny ol . ghe, and diseases gener- Cally, 1T am fully satisfied, from long and personal exp: ri - ence and practical observation, that there 18 no nmli‘::i"o: equal to Lorraine’s Vegetable Pills, Being purely v = etable, they ean be taken with the Wmost sate Xb 88"‘» persons in every condiiion. R L |P Y K LORERAINVE'S PILLS, oR VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE CURATIVE, Of the FRENCH CoLLEGE oF HEALTH 1N Panis The best method to cure Disease, is to Cleanse und‘ : Purify the Blood. LORRAINE’S PILLS work upon the principles ol ' nature, and are a most admirable medicine for ihe gkin | 'l'hey‘prumule warmth and perspiration, prove gentl; laxative and cathartic in one-pill doses, and powerfully purgative in large doses, which are sure 1o remove ot~ structiong, and cleanse and purity the blood, establish a healthy action, and cunsequently prove a speedy and certan cure for Fever and all diseases caused by wmorbid puisons, or impurities of the Blood. VERY REMARKABLE CASES. John Bruce of Providence, had entirely lost the sight of one eye, and nearly so the other, from inflammation, was entaely cured and nis eye sight perfecily restored by a steady vse of Lorraine’s Piils for one month. The certificate 18 in the hinds of the General Agent signed by three respeciable witiiesses, Mr J. Greenwood hae been entirely cured of a fange sore on his leg, by the use of only two boxes of Low raine’s Pills. A gentleman of Boston, was so much aflicted with hoaraeness that he could not speak loud, lok LOR RAINE’S PILLS. They hau an excellen: effect, and rendered his voice soft, clear and distinct in one mght's time, : Mrg ———, of Salem, wasafllicted with a cancerous humor that settled in her breast; took Lorraine’s Pills, and was entirely cured. Mrs ——, of Bosion, was dreadfully afflicted with sore Nipples un account of a hunor of the blood, took oneof LORRAINE’S PILLS every might, with a view to cleange her blood, which entirely cured her, Dyspepsia. Mrs Susan Bond, Pearl sireet, N. Y., was effectually cured of Dyepepsia, by taking only vne of Lornaing’y PILLs on going to bed, for erght days. Nervous or Nickelleadache. Lady Swith, 189 Friend street, N. Y., wag entirely cured of a severe Nervous or sick Headache, by taking 3 of Lorraine’s Pills only. Palpitation of the lleart.: Miss E. West, Greenwich Place, New York, was en tirely cured of a violent Palpitation ot the Heart, by a steady use of LORRAINE’S PILLS every night for one week. Worms. Mr Loring Gray, of New York, cured three of hia children of Worms, by giving them one pill each for three days. Lynn, Dec. 17th, 1843 Sir: I have gold all the pilis I last had ot you, piease gend another lot immediateiy. The sale of Lorraine’s Vegetable Pills is rapidly on tie increase—they are be coming very popular, | seil more and more every day.— As a curative wedicme and purifier of the blood, 1 think they stand vurivalled. One fact | have noticed, that no one that bas vsed them fivas any fault with them, they have wrought son e very great cires. One lady, who hasg been confined to the hvuse and bed, a great part ot the time, for twenty years, now is enved wud able 10 work most of her time, afier haviug taken three boxes oniy of Lorraine’s Pills! 1 might name mwany other cases where the cures have bean as gieat, but have not time. Yours respectiully, . J E.F. MARSH. CueLsEA, Jan. 3d, 1844, Siß:—l transmit to you an account nf my ca-e tor puh lication, believing it to be my duty. I have beew confins ed with the Khenmatizm nearly the whole winter, have had come ofthe best physicians of Boston, and could get nothing that would relieve me more than temporily. ¥ heard ol the woaderful virtue of Lorraine’s Pills, I had no faith whatever, but I took them, and it is a solemn fact that when § had taken EIGHT PILLS! my Rheu matisin had entirely left me, and I bave remained well ever since. N. B.—l never took more than one pill at a time and that on guing 1o bed. Yours respectfully, : W. M. HALSTAL. A Hacking Cough constantly annoyed me ¢ BosToN, Mass., ) June lsi, 1844, $ Sir,—Tn February last, 1 ok a sudden coa alier which, a hacking cough constantly annoyed me, and this, combined with my other maledies, rendered me huly miserabie, ars everybody told me that I was in a coun sumption. Since, 1 have taken Lokraine’s Pivws, and now everybody tells me that I am weli;—l feel as well as ever | did. J. E. S. McRiY, ‘ Amputation of an Arm Prevented. Unionville, Maine, , January 30th, 1844 } Sir,—An eryzipelas inflammation atacked my arm, tumors formed in different places, my suffering increased, and in a few months Lhad ten cunning uicers, or sores,— some above, and some below the elbow, and the ois charge was so offenstve that no one coutd bear to come near me. My phyzicians told me ampotition was the on ly thing that could save my hife, as it was npossible to cure so dreadfol a diseese; —but a 3 | was wowilling 10 consent to #o dreadiul a remedy, my physician very kinde ly advized me to try v LORRAINK’S PILLS; soon ali my eores begaa to heal, and T am now pertectly cur sd!! JUSEPH MUNKROE. Unabie to raise the i{ands to the Head!? Suw—For three years, Scrofula bad preduced such ei fect upon my constitution, that I was vnable to raise iy hands the bones were 1o diffeient places dest:oyed by ulceration, aud fearved it uight reach the hrain o yioai organs. My pains were violent—all wedicine lecon e wended did no good. At last, 1 ook LORRAINE'S VEGETABLE PILLS, which gave nmmediate veliet, and have entirely cured me. Respectluliy, vour ob’t ser vant, JAMES COULaUN;, | LoweLe, VMuss ) ’ April 20th, 1844, § ’ Sir—For the last few months } hate been afilicted - with a gevere pain in both sides, at thines so havd thar 1 could scarcely get my breath. * % * ]y isa pleasure o feel welly—= but a wuch greater one o say that I was curedimmediately upen taking ovae dose of Dr LORs SRALES PILLS. J. BROOKS=. BosTton, Mass. March 16:h, 1844, ; : Sir,—The value of such a medicine as LORRAINE'S PILLS, is countless beyound price— money cannot pay sot i,—money carnot do for me what the Pills have. ! &x --pended over SIOOO 10 cure a cough that had afflicted we for years, which was apparently cured by one dezen Pills. JAMES HALDER. Boston, Mass. March 16:h, 1844. } Sir,—~By the vse of Dr LORBAINE’S PILLS, 1 have been =+ Rased fvo.. Dexth,”” | may say, for my physician, triends, and mysell, thought i 1 impossibie that 1 eonld vecover. | had not been taken fimn my bed, excep by a sheet, for ten weeks, I was so debiiitated, bemg recoced bva fever. L commenced the use of one Pl 1w tweny four howrs: my appetie and sirength wereased, and 1 recovered rapidly. Jatuß B. TURNEK, ALL PERSONS REQUIRE FACT . LORRAINES PILLS® These Pills are now acknowledged by thoneands tha uye them daily, to be the only medicine thai fan ly tahes the BANNER fiom all othevs. Phey cause no prin or uneasiness of any kind in thewr operation, and require netther change of diet nor care of any kind. T'hie medi cine has acinaily done wondere. It hias established a ceputation unrivalled, on 1g own me. s, without Leing ruffed up contimmally in the papers. p The attentinn of the reader is respectfully ecalled to the above highly reapectable natices of thie wvaluable and incomparable medicine—and it will be seen itz achieve ments are most extraordmary, as daily experience speaks more aad more remarkable cores, where other medicines had entirely failed of giving even relics, AMERICAN DEPOT OF LORRAINE’S PILLS, No. 10 Brattle Bquare, Boston, Mass. AGENTS WILLIAM R, PRESTON, (Druggist) Portsmoh Somersworth, (Great Falls)—Mark Noble, Exeter—Fravcis Grant, Greenland—James P, Packer, d Hampton—John C Foreyth, Hampton-Falls—George H, Dudge, : Kensington—John T Blaks, - ; Kingston—E G Frothingham, Dover—Asa A, Talt, : Manchester—A G ‘Tucker, Newmarket—A M Osguwod, 1 Spring street, : Concord—Allison & é;wh, B . Rochester- -1 Hanson, Berwick~W . , G, Thompson, : - 'y 2R, 1848, - - eondy ek Vv ERMICELLL & MACCARONI ; Hggf‘{‘i Jid * nive article==justreceivedat - KSR PGS S June 20 Al idns > “”mfi